TSDuck v3.40-4058
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
►Nts | TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions |
►Nduck | Definitions of the TSDuck internal messaging protocol |
CClearECM | Fake / demo clear ECM |
CError | Error message |
CErrors | All error status values |
CLogSection | Message to log a section |
CLogTable | Message to log a table |
CProtocol | Generic description of the TSDuck internal messaging protocol |
CTags | All TSDuck messaging tags (commands and parameters) |
CTraits | Generic "traits" for the TSDuck internal messaging protocol |
►Necmgscs | Definitions of the DVB SimulCrypt ECMG <=> SCS protocol |
CChannelClose | ECMG <=> SCS channel_close command |
CChannelError | ECMG <=> SCS channel_error command |
CChannelSetup | ECMG <=> SCS channel_setup command |
CChannelStatus | ECMG <=> SCS channel_status command |
CChannelTest | ECMG <=> SCS channel_test command |
CCPCWCombination | A combination of CP number and CW for ECMG <=> SCS CW_provision command |
CCWProvision | ECMG <=> SCS CW_provision command |
CECMResponse | ECMG <=> SCS ECM_response command |
CErrors | All error status values |
CProtocol | Generic description of the ECMG <=> SCS protocol |
CStreamCloseRequest | ECMG <=> SCS stream_close_request command |
CStreamCloseResponse | ECMG <=> SCS stream_close_response command |
CStreamError | ECMG <=> SCS stream_error command |
CStreamSetup | ECMG <=> SCS stream_setup command |
CStreamStatus | ECMG <=> SCS stream_status command |
CStreamTest | ECMG <=> SCS stream_test command |
CTags | All DVB-defined tags (commands and parameters) |
CTraits | Generic "traits" for the ECMG <=> SCS protocol |
►Nemmgmux | Definitions of the DVB SimulCrypt EMMG <=> MUX protocol |
CChannelClose | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX channel_close command |
CChannelError | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX channel_error command |
CChannelSetup | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX channel_setup command |
CChannelStatus | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX channel_status command |
CChannelTest | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX channel_test command |
CDataProvision | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX data_provision command |
CDataTypes | EMMG <=> MUX data types |
CErrors | All error status values |
CProtocol | Generic description of the EMMG/PDG <=> MUX protocol |
CStreamBWAllocation | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_BW_allocation command |
CStreamBWRequest | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_BW_request command |
CStreamCloseRequest | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_close_request command |
CStreamCloseResponse | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_close_response command |
CStreamError | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_error command |
CStreamSetup | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_setup command |
CStreamStatus | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_status command |
CStreamTest | EMMG/PDG <=> MUX stream_test command |
CTags | All DVB-defined tags (commands and parameters) |
CTraits | Generic "traits" for the EMMG/PDG <=> MUX protocol |
►Nhls | Namespace for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) classes |
CAltPlayList | Description of an alternative rendition media playlist inside an HLS master playlist |
CInputPlugin | HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input plugin for tsp |
CMediaElement | Description of a media "element" (sub-playlist or segment) inside an HLS playlist |
CMediaPlayList | Description of a media playlist inside an HLS master playlist |
CMediaSegment | Description of a media segment in an HLS playlist |
COutputPlugin | HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) output plugin for tsp |
CPlayList | Playlist for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) |
CTagAttributes | Attributes of a tag in an HLS playlist |
►Njson | Namespace for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) classes |
CArray | Implementation of a JSON array |
CFalse | Implementation of a JSON false literal |
CNull | Implementation of a JSON null literal |
CNumber | Implementation of a JSON number |
CObject | Implementation of a JSON object |
COutputArgs | Command line arguments for JSON reports (--json , --json-line , --json-udp , --json-tcp ) |
CRunningDocument | Representation of a "running" JSON document which is displayed on the fly |
CString | Implementation of a JSON string |
CTrue | Implementation of a JSON true literal |
CValue | Abstract base class of a JSON value |
Nnames | Namespace for functions returning Digital TV names |
►Npcsc | PC/SC smartcard API utilities |
CReaderState | State of a smartcard reader |
►Ntlv | Namespace for TLV protocols (Tag / Length / Value) |
CAnalyzer | Analysis (deserialization) of TLV messages |
CChannelMessage | Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on channels |
CConnection | TCP connection using TLV messages |
CDeserializationInternalError | Exception raised by deserialization of messages |
CLogger | A logger class for TLV messages |
CMessage | Abstract base class for TLV messages |
►CMessageFactory | Factory class for TLV messages |
CParameter | Location of one parameter value inside the message block |
CProtocol | The class ts::tlv::Protocol defines the syntax of a TLV protocol |
CSerializer | Serialization of TLV messages |
CStreamMessage | Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on streams |
►Nxml | Namespace for XML classes |
CAttribute | Attribute of an XML element |
CComment | Comment in an XML document |
CDeclaration | Declaration in an XML document |
CDocument | Representation of an XML document |
CElement | Structured element in an XML document |
CJSONConverter | XML-to-JSON converter |
CModelDocument | Representation of the model of an XML document |
CNode | Base class for all XML objects in a document |
CPatchDocument | Representation of an XML document which is used to patch another XML document |
CRunningDocument | Representation of a "running" XML document which is displayed on the fly |
CText | Text element in an XML document |
CTweaks | Global tweaks to manipulate, parse and format XML documents |
CUnknown | Unknown element in an XML document |
CAACDescriptor | Representation of an AAC_descriptor |
CAbortInterface | An interface to check for abort |
CAbstractAudioVideoAttributes | Abstract base class for MPEG audio and video attributes |
CAbstractAVCAccessUnit | Base class for AVC access units, aka NALunits |
CAbstractDatagramInputPlugin | Abstract base class for input plugins receiving real-time datagrams |
CAbstractDefinedByStandards | Abstract base class for objects which are defined by standards |
CAbstractDeliverySystemDescriptor | Abstract base class for DVB delivery system descriptors |
CAbstractDemux | Abstract base class for all sorts of demux from TS packets |
►CAbstractDescrambler | Abstract base class for DVB descrambler plugins |
CCWData | Description of a control word |
CAbstractDescriptor | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
CAbstractDescriptorsTable | Base class for MPEG tables containing only a list of descriptors (eg |
►CAbstractDownloadContentDescriptor | Base class for ISDB download content descriptors |
CCompatibilityDescriptor | ISDB download content compatibility descriptor |
CContentDescriptor | ISDB download content descriptor |
CContentSubdescriptor | ISDB download content subdescriptor |
CModule | ISDB download content module |
CTextInfo | ISDB download text info |
CAbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin | Abstract base class for the plugins duplicate and remap |
CAbstractHEVCAccessUnit | Base class for HEVC access units, aka NALunits |
CAbstractHTTPInputPlugin | Abstract base class for HTTP-based input plugins |
►CAbstractLogicalChannelDescriptor | Abstract representation of a logical_channel_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
CEntry | Service entry |
CAbstractLongTable | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables with long sections |
►CAbstractMultilingualDescriptor | Abstract base class for DVB descriptors with a multilingual name |
CEntry | Language entry |
CAbstractNetworkAddress | Abstract base class for all network address and socket address classes |
CAbstractNumber | Abstract base class for different representations of "numbers" |
CAbstractOutputStream | Intermediate abstract class to help implementing std::ostream |
CAbstractPacketizer | Abstract superclass for packetizer classes (sections or PES packets) |
CAbstractPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor | Abstract representation of a preferred_name_identifier_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
CAbstractPreferredNameListDescriptor | Abstract representation of a preferred_name_list_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
CAbstractReadStreamInterface | Abstract interface to read raw data from a stream |
CAbstractSignalization | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables and descriptors |
►CAbstractTable | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables |
CEntryBase | Base inner class for table entries with one or more descriptor lists |
CEntryWithDescriptors | Base inner class for table entries with one descriptor list |
CEntryWithDescriptorsList | Template map of subclasses of EntryBase, indexed by size_t |
CEntryWithDescriptorsMap | Template map of subclasses of EntryBase |
CAbstractTablePlugin | Abstract base class for plugins which process one type of table (PAT, CAT, etc.) |
►CAbstractTransportListTable | Abstract base class for tables containing a list of transport stream descriptions |
CTransport | Description of a transport stream |
CAbstractVideoAccessUnit | Base class for video access units, aka NALunits |
CAbstractVideoData | Abstract base class for AVC data, either access units or structures |
CAbstractVideoStructure | Base class for sub-structures inside video access units |
CAbstractVVCAccessUnit | Base class for VVC (H.266) access units, aka NALunits |
CAbstractWriteStreamInterface | Abstract interface to write raw data on a stream |
CAC3Attributes | AC-3 (DD) and Enhanced-AC-3 (DD+) audio attributes |
CAccessUnitIterator | Iterator for common AVC/HEVC/VVC video access units |
CAdaptationFieldDataDescriptor | Representation of a adaptation_field_data_descriptor |
CAES128 | AES-128 block cipher |
CAES256 | AES-256 block cipher |
CAFExtensionsDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined af_extensions_descriptor |
►CAIT | Representation of an Application Information Table (AIT) |
CApplication | Description of an application inside an AIT |
CAncillaryDataDescriptor | Representation of a ancillary_data_descriptor |
►CAnnouncementSupportDescriptor | Representation of a announcement_support_descriptor |
CAnnouncement | Announcement entry |
►CApplicationDescriptor | Representation of an application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CProfile | Layout of an application profile |
CApplicationIconsDescriptor | Representation of an application_icons_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CApplicationIdentifier | Representation of an Application Identifier |
CApplicationNameDescriptor | Representation of an application_name_descriptor (AIT specific) |
►CApplicationRecordingDescriptor | Representation of an application_recording_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CRecodingLabel | Description of a recording label |
CApplicationSharedLibrary | Representation of an application shared library |
►CApplicationSignallingDescriptor | Representation of an application_signalling_descriptor |
CEntry | Application entry |
CApplicationStorageDescriptor | Representation of an application_storage_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CApplicationUsageDescriptor | Representation of an application_usage_descriptor (AIT specific) |
►CAreaBroadcastingInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB area_broadcasting_information_descriptor |
CStation | Station entry |
CArgMix | Base class for elements of an argument list with mixed types |
CArgMixIn | Define an element of an argument list with mixed integer and string input types |
CArgMixOut | Define an element of an argument list with integer output types of mixed sizes |
CArgs | An encapsulation of command line syntax and analysis |
CArgsWithPlugins | Command line arguments for commands with plugins |
CARIBCharset | Definition of the ARIB STD-B24 character set (ISDB Japan) |
CAssign | Assign ("=") functor |
CAssignAnd | Assign with binary and ("&=") functor |
CAssignOr | Assign with binary or ("|=") functor |
CAssignXor | Assign with binary exclusive or ("^=") functor |
CAssociationTagDescriptor | Representation of an association_tag_descriptor |
CAsyncReport | Asynchronous message report |
CAsyncReportArgs | Parameters and command line arguments for asynchronous log |
CATSCAC3AudioStreamDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC AC-3_audio_stream_descriptor |
CATSCEAC3AudioDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC E-AC-3_audio_descriptor |
►CATSCEIT | Representation of an ATSC Event Information Table (ATSC EIT) |
CEvent | Description of an event |
CATSCMultipleString | Representation of an ATSC multiple_string_structure |
CATSCStuffingDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC stuffing_descriptor |
►CATSCTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC time_shifted_service_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
CAudioComponentDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB audio_component_descriptor |
CAudioLanguageOptions | Options to update the language of an audio stream in a PMT |
CAudioLanguageOptionsVector | Vector of audio language options |
►CAudioPreselectionDescriptor | Representation of an audio_preselection_descriptor |
CPreSelection | Pre-selection entry |
CAudioStreamDescriptor | Representation of an audio_stream_descriptor |
CAustraliaLogicalChannelDescriptor | Representation of a Free TV Australia logical_channel_descriptor |
►CAuxiliaryVideoStreamDescriptor | Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor |
►Csi_message_type | SI message type |
Cdepth_params_type | Depth parameters type |
Cgeneric_params_type | Generic parameters type |
Ciso23002_2_value_coding | ISO-23002-2 value coding |
Cparallax_params_type | Parallax parameters type |
CAV1VideoDescriptor | Representation of an AV1_video_descriptor |
CAVCAccessUnitDelimiter | Representation of an AVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
CAVCAttributes | Video attributes for Advanced Video Coding |
CAVCHRDParameters | AVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
CAVCParser | Parser for Advanced Video Coding data |
CAVCSequenceParameterSet | Representation of an AVC sequence parameter set access unit |
CAVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor | Representation of an AVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
CAVCVideoDescriptor | Representation of an AVC_video_descriptor |
CAVCVUIParameters | AVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters |
►CAVS2AudioDescriptor | Representation of an AVS2_audio_descriptor |
Cavs_version_info | Information specific to version 1 of AVS2 audio used when avs_info_flag == 1 |
►CAVS3AudioDescriptor | Representation of an AVS3_audio_descriptor |
Cfullrate_coding_type | Parameters related to general full rate audio coding - audio_codec_id = 2; |
Cgeneral_coding_type | Parametrs related to general audio coding - audio_codec_id = 0; |
Clossless_coding_type | Parametrs related to lossless audio coding - audio_codec_id = 1; |
CAVS3VideoDescriptor | Representation of an AVS3_video_descriptor |
CBasicLocalEventDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB basic_local_event_descriptor |
CBAT | Representation of a Bouquet Association Table (BAT) |
CBetterSystemRandomGenerator | Improved system-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
►CBinaryTable | Representation of MPEG PSI/SI tables in binary form (ie |
CXMLOptions | Options to convert a binary table into XML |
►CBIT | Representation of an ISDB Broadcaster Information Table (BIT) |
CBroadcaster | Description of a broadcaster |
CBitrateDifferenceDVBT | A variant of DVB-T tuners parameters with an offset between a target bitrate and their theoretical bitrate |
CBitRateRegulator | Regulate execution speed based on a bitrate |
CBlockCipher | Base class for all block ciphers |
CBlockCipherAlertInterface | Interface for classes which need to be notified when an alert is raised on a block cipher |
CBlockCipherProperties | Properties of a block cipher |
CBoardInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB board_information_descriptor |
CBouquetNameDescriptor | Representation of a bouquet_name_descriptor |
CBroadcasterNameDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB broadcaster_name_descriptor |
CBuffer | General-purpose memory buffer with bit access |
CByteBlock | Definition of a generic block of bytes |
►CC2BundleDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a C2_bundle_delivery_system_descriptor |
CEntry | PLP entry |
CC2DeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a C2_delivery_system_descriptor |
CCableDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a cable_delivery_system_descriptor |
►CCableEmergencyAlertTable | Representation of an SCTE 18 Cable Emergency Alert Table |
CException | Description of a service exception for the alert |
CLocation | Description of a geographical location for the alert |
CCAContractInfoDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB CA_contract_info_descriptor |
CCADescriptor | Representation of a generic CA_descriptor |
CCAEMMTSDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB CA_EMM_TS_descriptor |
CCAIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a CA_identifier_descriptor |
►CCaptionServiceDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC caption_service_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
►CCarouselCompatibleCompositeDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB carousel_compatible_composite_descriptor |
CSubdescriptor | ISDB carousel subdescriptor |
CCarouselIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a carousel_identifier_descriptor |
CCASDate | Template representation of a CAS date |
CCAServiceDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB CA_service_descriptor |
CCASMapper | This class maps PID's with CA system ids |
CCASSelectionArgs | Command line arguments to select Conditional Access Systems |
CCAT | Representation of a Conditional Access Table (CAT) |
CCBC | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode |
CCDT | Representation of an ISDB Common Data Table (CDT) |
►CCellFrequencyLinkDescriptor | Representation of a cell_frequency_link_descriptor |
CCell | Cell entry |
CSubcell | Subcell entry |
►CCellListDescriptor | Representation of a cell_list_descriptor |
CCell | Cell entry |
CSubcell | Subcell entry |
CCerrReport | A singleton implementing Report on std::cerr without synchronization |
►CChannelFile | An XML file containing the description of TV channels and their networks |
CNetwork | Description of one network |
CService | Description of one service |
CTransportStream | Description of one transport stream |
►CCharset | Definition of a character set for PSI/SI encoding |
CDuplicateCharset | Exception thrown when registering duplicate charsets |
CInvalidCharset | Exception thrown when registering invalid charsets |
CCIAncillaryDataDescriptor | Representation of a CI_ancillary_data_descriptor |
►CCIT | Representation of DVB Content Identifier Table (CIT) |
CCRID | Description of a CRID entry (Content Reference Identifier) |
CCOM | A class to encapsulate the initialization of Windows COM |
CCommandLine | A basic command line interpreter |
CCommandLineHandler | An interface which handles a command from a CommandLine instance |
CCompactBitSet | A compact version of std::bitset |
CComponentDescriptor | Representation of a component_descriptor |
CComponentNameDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC component_name_descriptor |
CComPtr | Managed pointers for COM objects, auto-released (Windows-specific) |
CConditionalPlaybackDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB conditional_playback_descriptor |
CConfigFile | Representation of a configuration file |
CConfigSection | Representation of a "configuration section" |
CConsoleState | A class to save and restore the state of the Windows console |
►CContentAdvisoryDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC content_advisory_descriptor |
CEntry | Region entry |
CContentAvailabilityDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB content_availability_descriptor |
►CContentDescriptor | Representation of a content_descriptor |
CEntry | A content entry |
►CContentIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a DVB-defined content_identifier_descriptor |
CCRID | CRID entry |
CContentLabellingDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined content_labelling_descriptor |
CContinuityAnalyzer | Continuity counters analysis and repair |
CCopyrightDescriptor | Representation of an copyright_descriptor |
CCountryAvailabilityDescriptor | Representation of a country_availability_descriptor |
►CCPCMDeliverySignallingDescriptor | Representation of a DVB cpcm_delivery_signalling_descriptor |
CCPCMv1Signalling | CPCM version 1 |
CCPSvector | Vector of CPS |
CCPDescriptor | Representation of a CP_descriptor |
CCPIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a CP_identifier_descriptor |
CCRC32 | Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections |
CCTR | Counter (CTR) chaining mode |
CCTS1 | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 1 |
CCTS2 | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 2 |
CCTS3 | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 3 |
CCTS4 | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 4 |
CCueIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a cue_identifier_descriptor (SCTE 35) |
CCVCT | Representation of an ATSC Cable Virtual Channel Table (CVCT) |
CCyclingPacketizer | Cyclic packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets |
CDataBroadcastDescriptor | Representation of a data_broadcast_descriptor |
CDataBroadcastIdDescriptor | Representation of a generic data_broadcast_id_descriptor |
CDataComponentDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB data_component_descriptor |
CDataContentDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB data_content_descriptor |
CDataStreamAlignmentDescriptor | Representation of a data_stream_alignment_descriptor |
CDCCArrivingRequestDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC dcc_arriving_request_descriptor |
CDCCDepartingRequestDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC dcc_departing_request_descriptor |
►CDCCSCT | Representation of an ATSC Directed Channel Change Selection Code Table (DCCSCT) |
CUpdate | Description of an update |
►CDCCT | Representation of an ATSC Directed Channel Change Table (DCCT) |
CTerm | Description of a DCC selection term |
CTest | Description of a channel change test |
►CDCT | Representation of an ISDB Download Control Table (DCT) |
CModelInfo | Identification of a receiver model and software |
CStreamInfo | Identification of all DLT in a transport stream |
CDebugPlugin | Debug packet processor plugin for tsp |
CDefaultAuthorityDescriptor | Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor |
CDeferredAssociationTagsDescriptor | Representation of a deferred_association_tags_descriptor |
CDektecControl | A class implementing the tsdektec control utility |
►CDektecDeviceInfo | A simple encapsulation of Dektec device information |
CPortInfo | Information on an input or output port in a Dektec device |
CDektecInputPlugin | Dektec input plugin for tsp |
CDektecOutputPlugin | Dektec output plugin for tsp |
CDeliverySystemSet | A set of delivery system values (ts::DeliverySystem) |
CDemuxedData | Base class for all kinds of demuxed data |
CDES | DES block cipher |
CDescriptor | Representation of a MPEG PSI/SI descriptors in binary format |
CDescriptorContext | A class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
CDescriptorList | List of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
►CDigitalCopyControlDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB digital_copy_control_descriptor |
CComponent | Component control entry |
►CDIILocationDescriptor | Representation of a DII_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CEntry | Module entry |
CDirectShowFilterCategory | A class which instanciates all DirectShow devices in a given category (Windows-specific) |
CDirectShowGraph | An encapsulation of a DirectShow graph (Windows-specific) |
CDirectShowNetworkType | A class which encapsulates a DirectShow network type and its properties (Windows-specific) |
CDirectShowTest | A class to perform various tests on DirectShow and BDA (Windows-specific) |
CDiscontinuityInformationTable | Representation of a Discontinuity Information Table (DIT) |
CDisplayInterface | An interface to be implemented by classes supporting display to a standard text stream |
CDLT | Representation of an ISDB DownLoad Table (DLT) |
CDownloadContentDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB download_content_descriptor |
CDropOutputPlugin | Drop output plugin for tsp |
CDSMCCStreamDescriptorsTable | Representation of a DSM-CC Stream Descriptors table |
CDSNGDescriptor | Representation of a DSNG_descriptor |
CDTGGuidanceDescriptor | Representation of a DTG guidance_descriptor |
CDTGHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor | Representation of a DTG HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor |
CDTGLogicalChannelDescriptor | Representation of a DTG logical_channel_descriptor |
CDTGPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a DTG preferred_name_identifier_descriptor |
CDTGPreferredNameListDescriptor | Representation of a DTG preferred_name_list_descriptor |
►CDTGServiceAttributeDescriptor | Representation of a DTG service_attribute_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
CDTGShortServiceNameDescriptor | Representation of a DTG short_service_name_descriptor |
CDTSDescriptor | Representation of a DTS_descriptor |
►CDTSHDDescriptor | Representation of a DTS_HD_descriptor |
CAssetInfo | Asset information |
CSubstreamInfo | Substream information |
CDTSNeuralDescriptor | Representation of a DTS_neural_descriptor |
CDTVProperties | Encapsulation of Linux DVB property lists |
CDuckConfigFile | A singleton which contains the TSDuck configuration file |
►CDuckContext | TSDuck execution context containing current preferences |
CSavedArgs | An opaque class to save all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs() |
►CDuckExtensionRepository | A repository of TSDuck extensions |
CRegister | A class to register extension |
CDumpCharset | Definition of the fake character set to dump string binary data |
CDVBAC3Descriptor | Representation of a DVB AC-3_descriptor |
CDVBAC4Descriptor | Representation of a DVB AC-4_descriptor |
CDVBCharset | Definition of the generic DVB character sets |
CDVBCharTable | Definition of a character set for DVB encoding |
CDVBCharTableSingleByte | Definition of a DVB character set using a single byte per character |
CDVBCharTableUTF16 | Definition of the UTF-8 DVB character set |
CDVBCharTableUTF8 | Definition of the UTF-8 DVB character set |
CDVBCISSA | DVB-CISSA AES-based TS packet encryption |
CDVBCSA2 | DVB CSA-2 (Digital Video Broadcasting Common Scrambling Algorithm) |
CDVBDTSUHDDescriptor | Representation of a DVB DTS-UHD descriptor |
CDVBEnhancedAC3Descriptor | Representation of a DVB enhanced_AC-3_descriptor |
CDVBHTMLApplicationBoundaryDescriptor | Representation of a dvb_html_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CDVBHTMLApplicationDescriptor | Representation of a dvb_html_application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CDVBHTMLApplicationLocationDescriptor | Representation of a dvb_html_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CDVBJApplicationDescriptor | Representation of a dvb_j_application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CDVBJApplicationLocationDescriptor | Representation of a dvb_j_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
►CDVBServiceProminenceDescriptor | Representation of a DVB service_prominence_descriptor |
CSOGI_region_type | Definition of a service prominence region |
CSOGI_type | Definition of a service of general interest indication prominence values (flag & priority) and applicable regions |
CDVBStuffingDescriptor | Representation of a DVB stuffing_descriptor |
CDVBTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor | Representation of a DVB time_shifted_service_descriptor |
CDVS042 | DVS 042 cipher block chaining mode |
CEacemHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor | Representation of an EACEM-defined HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor |
CEacemLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor | Representation of an EACEM-defined logical_channel_number_descriptor |
CEacemPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_identifier_descriptor |
CEacemPreferredNameListDescriptor | Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_list_descriptor |
CEacemStreamIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of an eacem_stream_identifier_descriptor |
►CEASAudioFileDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_audio_file_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
CEntry | Audio source entry |
CEASInbandDetailsChannelDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_details_channel_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
►CEASInbandExceptionChannelsDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_exception_channels_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
CEntry | Exception entry |
CEASMetadataDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 164 EAS_metadata_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
CECB | Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode |
CECMGClient | A DVB-ECMG client which acts as a DVB-SCS |
CECMGClientArgs | Command line arguments for the class ECMGClient |
CECMGClientHandlerInterface | Interface for classes which need to be notified of asynchronous ECM generation using ECMGClient |
CECMRepetitionRateDescriptor | Representation of an ECM_repetition_rate_descriptor |
CEDID | Extended MPEG descriptor id |
CEditLine | Read input lines with bash-like line editing when possible |
►CEIT | Representation of a DVB Event Information Table (EIT) |
CEvent | Description of an event |
CEITGenerator | Generate and insert EIT sections based on an EPG content |
CEITProcessor | Perform various transformations on an EIT PID |
CEITRepetitionProfile | EIT sections repetition profile |
►CEmergencyInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB emergency_information_descriptor |
CEvent | Event entry |
CEMMGClient | A DVB-EMMG client which connects to any MUX to inject data |
CEnableBitMaskOperators | This traits is used to enable bitmask operators on an enumeration type |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::EITOptions > | Template specialization on type ts::EITOptions |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::hls::TagFlags > | Template specialization on type ts::hls::TagFlags |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::NamesFlags > | Template specialization on type ts::NamesFlags |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::PSIMerger::Options > | Template specialization on type ts::PSIMerger::Options |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::Replacement > | Template specialization on type ts::Replacement |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::SRTStatMode > | Template specialization on type ts::SRTStatMode |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::Standards > | Template specialization on type ts::Standards |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::TSDatagramInputOptions > | Template specialization on type ts::TSDatagramInputOptions |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::TSDatagramOutputOptions > | Template specialization on type ts::TSDatagramOutputOptions |
CEnableBitMaskOperators< ts::TSFile::OpenFlags > | Template specialization on type ts::TSFile::OpenFlags |
►CEnumeration | Enumeration of int/string pairs |
CNameValue | A structure used in the constructor of an Enumeration |
CErrCodeReport | A proxy class to automatically report std::error_code errors |
►CERT | Representation of an ISDB Event Relation Table (ERT) |
CRelation | Relation entry |
CETT | Representation of an ATSC Extended Text Table (ETT) |
►CEutelsatChannelNumberDescriptor | Representation of an Eutelsat_channel_number_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
CEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor | Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
CEVCVideoDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor |
►CEventGroupDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB event_group_descriptor |
CActualEvent | Actual event entry |
COtherEvent | Actual network event entry |
CException | Base class for all exceptions in TSDuck |
CExpressions | Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols |
►CExtendedBroadcasterDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB extended_broadcaster_descriptor |
CBroadcaster | Broadcaster entry |
CExtendedChannelNameDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC extended_channel_name_descriptor |
►CExtendedEventDescriptor | Representation of a extended_event_descriptor |
CEntry | An item entry |
►CExternalApplicationAuthorizationDescriptor | Representation of an external_application_authorization_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CEntry | Application entry |
CExternalESIdDescriptor | Representation of an external_ES_ID_descriptor |
CFileInputPlugin | File input plugin for tsp |
CFileNameGenerator | Generate file names based on counter or dates and time |
CFileNameRate | Representation of a file name and an associated repetition rate |
CFileNameRateList | Specialized list of file names and an associated repetition rates |
CFileOutputPlugin | File output plugin for tsp |
CFilePacketPlugin | File packet processor plugin for tsp |
CFixedPoint | Template representation of fixed-precision numbers |
CFloatingPoint | Encapsulation of a double floating-point as an AbstractNumber |
►CFMCDescriptor | Representation of a FMC_descriptor |
CEntry | SL_packetized stream entry |
CForkInputPlugin | File input plugin for tsp |
CForkOutputPlugin | File output plugin for tsp |
CForkPacketPlugin | File packet processor plugin for tsp |
CForkPipe | Fork a process and create an optional pipe to its standard input |
CFraction | Template representation of fractional numbers |
CFrequencyListDescriptor | Representation of a frequency_list_descriptor |
CFTAContentManagementDescriptor | Representation of a FTA_content_management_descriptor |
CGenreDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC genre_descriptor |
►CGitHubRelease | This class holds information from GitHub about a release of a project |
CAsset | Description of an "asset" of the release (typically a binary installer) |
CGraphicsConstraintsDescriptor | Representation of a graphics_constraints_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CGreenExtensionDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined green_extension_descriptor |
►CGrid | This class produces a report in a grid format with tables and sections |
CColumnLayout | Define the layout of one column |
CColumnText | The type is used to pass text to putLayout() |
CHash | Base class for all hash functions |
CHEVCAccessUnitDelimiter | Representation of an HEVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
CHEVCAttributes | Video attributes for HEVC / H.265 |
CHEVCHierarchyExtensionDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor |
►CHEVCHRDParameters | HEVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
CCPBParams | CPB parameter set in sub-layer HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
CSubLayerParams | Sub-layer HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
►CHEVCOperationPointDescriptor | Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor |
CES_in_OP_type | ES in operation point |
CES_type | Elementary stream |
Coperation_point_type | Operation point |
►CHEVCProfileTierLevel | HEVC profile, tier and level structure |
CSubLayerParams | Sub-layer parameters |
►CHEVCScalingListData | HEVC scaling list data structure |
CScaling | Scaling data entry |
►CHEVCSequenceParameterSet | Representation of an HEVC sequence parameter set access unit |
CLongTermRef | < An entry for lt_ref values |
CSPSMax | < An entry for sps_max values |
►CHEVCShortTermReferencePictureSetList | List of HEVC short-term reference picture sets |
CShortTermReferencePictureSet | HEVC short-term reference picture set |
►CHEVCSubregionDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_subregion_descriptor |
Cpattern_type | A pattern within a subregion that is a array of offet values to be applied |
Csubregion_layout_type | The dfferent subregions defined by the descriptor |
►CHEVCTileSubstreamDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_tile_substream_descriptor |
Csubstream_type | Indicates the the additional substream that belongs to the subregiion and identifies its delivery mechanism |
CHEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
CHEVCVideoDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor |
CHEVCVUIParameters | HEVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters |
CHFBand | Definition of an HF frequency band (UHF, VHF) |
CHiDesDevice | Encapsulation of a HiDes modulator device |
CHiDesDeviceInfo | Information about a HiDes modulator device |
CHierarchicalTransmissionDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB hierarchical_transmission_descriptor |
CHierarchyDescriptor | Representation of a hierarchy_descriptor |
CHTTPInputPlugin | HTTP input plugin for tsp |
CHTTPOutputPlugin | HTTP output plugin for tsp |
CHybridInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB hybrid_information_descriptor |
CIBPDescriptor | Representation of a IBP_descriptor |
CIDSA | ATIS-0800006 AES-based TS packet encryption (ATIS-IDSA) |
Cieee_float | Definition of an IEEE floating point type with a given represenation |
CImageIconDescriptor | Representation of a image_icon_descriptor |
CImplementationError | Implementation error |
CInputPlugin | Input tsp plugin interface |
CInputRedirector | A class to redirect an input stream |
CInputSwitcher | Implementation of the input plugin switcher |
CInputSwitcherArgs | Transport stream input switcher command-line options |
►CINT | Representation of an IP/MAC Notification Table (INT) |
CDevice | Description of a device |
Cint_max | The meta-type ts::int_max selects the integer type with largest width and same signedness as another integer type |
CInteger | Encapsulation of an integer type as an AbstractNumber |
CIntegerMap | Generic map of integers, indexed by integer |
CInterruptHandler | An interface to be implemented by a class to handle user Ctrl-C interrupt |
CInvalidSectionHandlerInterface | Abstract interface to receive an invalid MPEG section from a SectionDemux |
CIODDescriptor | Representation of an IOD_descriptor |
CIOManipulatorProxy | I/O manipulator with argument for subclasses of std::basic_ostream |
CIPAddress | A generic representation of an IP address, IPv4 or IPv6 |
CIPAddressMask | A combination of IP address and network mask or prefix |
CIPInputPlugin | IP input plugin for tsp |
CIPMACGenericStreamLocationDescriptor | Representation of an IP/MAC_generic_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific) |
CIPMACPlatformNameDescriptor | Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_name_descriptor (INT specific) |
CIPMACPlatformProviderNameDescriptor | Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_provider_name_descriptor (INT specific) |
CIPMACStreamLocationDescriptor | Representation of an IP/MAC_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific) |
CIPOutputPlugin | IP output plugin for tsp |
CIPPacket | Representation of a raw IPv4 or IPv6 packet |
CIPPacketPlugin | IP output plugin for tsp |
CIPSignallingDescriptor | Representation of an ip_signalling_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CIPSocketAddress | Generic socket address class (IPv4 or IPv6 address & port) |
CISDBAccessControlDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB access_control_descriptor |
►CISDBComponentGroupDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB Lcomponent_group_descriptor |
►CComponentGroup | Component group |
CCAUnit | CA unit |
CISDBConnectedTransmissionDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB connected_transmission_descriptor |
►CISDBHyperlinkDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB hyperlink_descriptor |
CContentModuleTriplet | Content module triplet |
CContentTriplet | Content triplet |
CERTNode | Event relation node |
CEventTriplet | Event triplet (quadruplet in fact) |
CModuleTriplet | Module triplet |
CServiceTriplet | Service triplet |
CStoredContent | Stored content |
►CISDBLDTLinkageDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB LDT_linkage_descriptor |
CDescriptionType | Linkage description type |
CISDBNetworkIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB network_identifier_descriptor |
►CISDBTargetRegionDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB target_region_descriptor |
CPrefectureMap | Prefecture map |
CISDBTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor |
CISDBTInformation | ISDB-T Information block in a TS packet trailer (204-byte packet) |
►CISDBTInformationPacket | ISDB-T Information Packet (IIP) |
CConfiguration | ISDB configuration_information in IIP |
CEquipmentControl | ISDB equipment_control in IIP |
CModeGI | ISDB mode_GI_information in IIP |
CModulationControlConfiguration | ISDB modulation_control_configuration_information in IIP |
CNetworkSynchronization | ISDB network_synchronization in IIP |
CTMCC | ISDB TMCC_information in IIP |
CTransmissionParameters | ISDB transmission_parameters in IIP |
►CISO639LanguageDescriptor | Representation of an ISO_639_language_descriptor |
CEntry | Language entry |
CISPAccessModeDescriptor | Representation of an ISP_access_mode_descriptor (INT specific) |
CITT | Representation of an ISDB Index Transmission information Table (ITT) |
►CJ2KVideoDescriptor | Representation of a J2K_video_descriptor |
CJPEGXS_Block_type | J2K block description |
CJPEGXS_Stripe_type | J2K stripe description |
CJPEGXSVideoDescriptor | Representation of an JPEG_XS_video_descriptor |
CKeyTable | Definition of a basic and non-secure implementation of a symmetric key table |
CLatencyMonitor | Implementation of the latency monitor This class is used by the tslatencymonitor utility |
CLatencyMonitorArgs | Transport stream latency monitor command-line options |
CLCEVCLinkageDescriptor | Representation of an LCEVC_video_descriptor |
CLCEVCVideoDescriptor | Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor |
►CLDT | Representation of an ISDB Linked Description Table (LDT) |
CDescription | Description entry |
►CLinkageDescriptor | Representation of a generic linkage_descriptor |
CEventLinkageInfo | Definition of event_linkage_info when linkage_type == LINKAGE_EVENT |
CExtendedEventLinkageInfo | Definition of extended_event_linkage_info when linkage_type in LINKAGE_EXT_EVENT_MIN |
CMobileHandoverInfo | Definition of mobile_hand-over_info when linkage_type == LINKAGE_HAND_OVER |
►CLIT | Representation of an ISDB Local event Information Table (LIT) |
CEvent | Local event entry |
►CLNB | Description of a Low-Noise Block (LNB) converter in a satellite dish |
CTransposition | Description of the required transposition for a given satellite frequency and polarization |
►CLocalTimeOffsetDescriptor | Representation of a local_time_offset_descriptor |
CRegion | Description of one region |
CLogicalChannelNumbers | A multi-standard storage of Logical Channel Numbers (LCN) |
CLogoTransmissionDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB logo_transmission_descriptor |
►CM4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor | Representation of an M4 Mux Buffer Size descriptor |
CM4MuxBufferDescriptor_type | M4Mux description |
CM4MuxTimingDescriptor | Representation of a m4mux_timing_descriptor |
CMACAddress | A basic representation of a MAC address |
CMacPList | This class implements a macOS XML PList file |
Cmake_signed | The meta-type ts::make_signed is a generalization of std::make_signed which works on floating point-types as well |
CMastering_Display_Metadata_type | Representation of Mastering Display Metadata, used by several descriptors |
CMaximumBitrateDescriptor | Representation of a maximum_bitrate_descriptor |
►CMediaServiceKindDescriptor | Representation of an Media_service_kind_descriptor |
Clanguage_media_pair_type | An association between a language and a service type |
Cmedia_service_kind_type | Description of a media service |
CMemoryInputPlugin | Memory input plugin for tsp |
CMemoryOutputPlugin | Memory output plugin for tsp |
CMessageDescriptor | Representation of a message_descriptor |
CMessagePriorityQueue | Template message queue for inter-thread communication with priority |
CMessageQueue | Template message queue for inter-thread communication |
CMetadataDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_descriptor |
CMetadataPointerDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_pointer_descriptor |
CMetadataSTDDescriptor | Representation of a metadata_STD_descriptor |
►CMGT | Representation of an ATSC Master Guide Table (MGT) |
CTableType | Description of a table type |
CModulationArgs | Modulation parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions |
►CMosaicDescriptor | Representation of a mosaic_descriptor |
CCell | Cell entry |
CMPEDemux | This class extracts MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) datagrams from TS packets |
CMPEG2AACAudioDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG2_AAC_audio_descriptor |
CMPEG2AudioAttributes | Audio attributes for MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 audio |
CMPEG2StereoscopicVideoFormatDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG2_stereoscopic_video_format_descriptor |
CMPEG2VideoAttributes | Video attributes for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 |
CMPEG4AudioDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG4_audio_descriptor |
CMPEG4AudioExtensionDescriptor | Representation of a MPEG4_audio_extension_descriptor |
►CMPEG4TextDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-4 Text Descriptor |
CSample_index_and_description_type | Sample_index_and_description entry |
CTextConfig_type | TextConfig entry |
CMPEG4VideoDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG4_video_descriptor |
CMPEGH3DAudioCommandDescriptor | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_command_descriptor |
CMPEGH3DAudioConfigDescriptor | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_config_descriptor |
CMPEGH3DAudioDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_descriptor |
►CMPEGH3DAudioDRCLoudnessDescriptor | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_drc_loudness_descriptor |
CDownmixId | Downmix id class |
CDRCInstructions | Dynamic Range Control instructions class |
CLoudnessInfo | Loudness info class |
►CMPEGH3DAudioMultiStreamDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_multi_stream_descriptor |
CGroup | Definition of an mae_group (as described in ISO/IEC 23008-3, section 15) |
►CMPEGH3DAudioSceneDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_scene_descriptor |
►CMH3D_InteractivityInfo_type | Interactivity group |
CGainInteractivityType | Gain interactivity |
CPositionInteractivityType | Position interactivity |
►CMH3D_PresetGroup_type | Preset group |
CGroupPresetConditions_type | Group preset conditions |
CMH3D_SwitchGroup_type | Switch group |
►CMPEGH3DAudioTextLabelDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-H_3dAudio_descriptor |
CdescriptionLanguage_type | Description language |
CgroupDescription_type | Group description |
CgroupPresetsDescription_type | Group presets description |
CswitchGroupDescription_type | Switch group description |
CMPEHandlerInterface | MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) demux handler interface |
CMPEPacket | Representation of a packet for MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) |
CMultilingualBouquetNameDescriptor | Representation of a multilingual_bouquet_name_descriptor |
CMultilingualComponentDescriptor | Representation of a multilingual_component_descriptor |
CMultilingualNetworkNameDescriptor | Representation of a multilingual_network_name_descriptor |
►CMultilingualServiceNameDescriptor | Representation of a multilingual_service_name_descriptor |
CEntry | Language entry |
CMultiplexBufferDescriptor | Representation of a multiplex_buffer_descriptor |
CMultiplexBufferUtilizationDescriptor | Representation of an multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor |
►CMuxCodeDescriptor | Representation of an MuxCode descriptor |
CMuxCodeTableEntry_type | One mux code table entry |
Csubstructure_type | Mux code substructure |
CMuxer | Implementation of the TS multiplexer |
CMuxerArgs | Transport stream multiplexer command-line options |
CMVCExtensionDescriptor | Representation of an MVC_extension_descriptor |
►CMVCOperationPointDescriptor | Representation of an MVC_operation_point_descriptor |
CLevel | Level entry |
CPoint | Operation point entry |
►CNamesFile | Representation of a ".names" file, containing names for identifiers |
CRegisterExtensionFile | A class to register additional names files to merge with the TSDuck names file |
CVisitor | A visitor interface class to be implemented by applications needing ranges of values |
►CNBIT | Representation of an ISDB Network Board Information Table (NBIT) |
CInformation | Information entry |
►CNetworkChangeNotifyDescriptor | Representation of a network_change_notify_descriptor |
CCell | Cell entry |
CChange | Network change entry |
CNetworkDownloadContentDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB network_download_content_descriptor |
CNetworkInterface | Description of a network interface |
CNetworkNameDescriptor | Representation of a network_name_descriptor |
CNIT | Representation of a Network Information Table (NIT) |
CNodeRelationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB node_relation_descriptor |
►CNorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV1 | Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V1) |
CEntry | Service entry |
►CNorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV2 | Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V2) |
CChannelList | Channel list entry |
CService | Service entry |
CNPTEndpointDescriptor | Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_endpoint_descriptor |
CNPTReferenceDescriptor | Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_reference_descriptor |
Cnull_mutex | A null_mutex class which can be used to replace std::mutex or std::recursive_mutex |
CNullInputPlugin | Null packet input plugin for tsp |
CNullReport | A singleton implementing Report which drops all messages |
►CNVODReferenceDescriptor | Representation of a NVOD_reference_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
CObject | General-purpose base class for polymophic objects |
CObjectRepository | A global repository of general-purpose base class for polymophic objects |
COneShotPacketizer | Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets in one shot |
COutputPager | Send application output to a "pager" application such as "more" or "less" |
COutputPlugin | Output tsp plugin interface |
COutputRedirector | A class to redirect an output stream |
CPacketDecapsulation | An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets decapsulation from a PID |
CPacketEncapsulation | An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets encapsulation in a PID |
CPacketInsertionController | Control the insertion points of TS packets in a stream based on various criteria |
CPacketizer | Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets |
CPagerArgs | Command line arguments for --pager or --no-pager |
►CParentalRatingDescriptor | Representation of an parental_rating_descriptor |
CEntry | Item entry |
CPartialReceptionDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB partial_reception_descriptor |
CPartialTransportStreamDescriptor | Representation of a partial_transport_stream_descriptor |
CPartialTSTimeDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB partialTS_time_descriptor |
CPAT | Representation of a Program Association Table (PAT) |
CPcapFile | Read a pcap or pcapng capture file format |
CPcapFilter | Read a pcap or pcapng file with packet filtering |
CPcapStream | Read a TCP/IP session from a pcap or pcapng file |
►CPCAT | Representation of an ISDB Partial Content Announcement Table (PCAT) |
CContentVersion | Content version entry |
CSchedule | Schedule entry |
►CPCRAnalyzer | PCR statistics analysis |
CStatus | Structure containing the global PCR analysis results |
CPCRMerger | Adjust PCR clocks when a TS is merged into a larger one |
CPCRRegulator | Regulate execution speed based on PCR's in one reference PID |
CPDCDescriptor | Representation of a PDC_descriptor |
CPESDemux | This class extracts PES packets from TS packets |
CPESHandlerInterface | Abstract interface to be notified of PES packets using a PESDemux |
CPESOneShotPacketizer | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in one shot |
CPESPacket | Representation of MPEG PES packets |
CPESPacketizer | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets |
CPESProviderInterface | Abstract interface for classes which provide PES packets into a Packetizer |
CPESStreamPacketizer | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in "push" mode |
CPIDOperator | Association of a PID and an operator id (CAS-specific) |
CPIDOperatorSet | Specialized set of PIDOperator |
CPlugin | Base class of all tsp plugins |
CPluginEventContext | Context of a plugin event |
CPluginEventData | General-purpose plugin event data referencing binary data to exchange with applications |
CPluginEventHandlerInterface | Abstract interface to receive events from a plugin |
►CPluginEventHandlerRegistry | Registry of plugin event handlers |
CCriteria | Registration criteria for an event handler |
CPluginOptions | Command-line options for one plugin |
►CPluginRepository | A repository of TSP plugins, either statically or dynamically linked |
CRegister | A class to register plugins |
CPluginThread | Base class for threads executing a tsp plugin |
►CPMT | Representation of a Program Map Table (PMT) |
CStream | Description of an elementary stream |
CPolledFile | Description of a polled file |
CPollFiles | A class to poll files for modifications |
CPollFilesListener | Interface for classes listening for file modification |
►CPrefetchDescriptor | Representation of a prefetch_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CEntry | Module entry |
CPrivateDataIndicatorDescriptor | Representation of a private_data_indicator_descriptor |
CPrivateDataSpecifierDescriptor | Representation of a private_data_specifier_descriptor |
CProcessorPlugin | Packet processing tsp plugin interface |
CProtectionMessageDescriptor | Representation of a protection_message_descriptor |
CPSIBuffer | A specialized subclass of ts::Buffer for PSI serialization |
CPSILogger | This class logs sections and tables |
CPSIMerger | This class merges PSI/SI tables from two TS, replacing TS packets |
CPSIPlugin | Display PSI/SI information plugin for tsp |
►CPSIRepository | A repository for known PSI/SI tables and descriptors |
CDescriptorClass | Description of a descriptor class |
CRegisterDescriptor | A class to register fully implemented descriptors |
CRegisterTable | A class to register fully implemented tables |
CRegisterXML | A class to register additional XML model files to merge with the main model for tables and descriptors |
CSignalizationClass | Base description of a signalization class, common to tables and descriptors |
CTableClass | Description of a table class |
CPushInputPlugin | Abstract superclass for input tsp plugins working in push mode |
CQualityExtensionDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor |
CRandomGenerator | Abstract base class for PRNG's (pseudo-random numbers generators) |
CRARoverDVBstreamDescriptor | Representation of an RAR_over_DVB_stream_descriptor |
CRARoverIPDescriptor | Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor |
►CRCT | Representation of a Related Content Table (RCT) |
CDVBBinaryLocator | Description of DVB binary locator |
CLink | Description of link information |
CPromotionalText | Promotional text |
CRedistributionControlDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC redistribution_control_descriptor |
►CReferenceDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB reference_descriptor |
CReference | Reference entry |
CRegistrationDescriptor | Representation of a registration_descriptor |
CRegistry | A class to encapsulate the access to the Windows registry |
CRelatedContentDescriptor | Representation of a DVB-defined related_content_descriptor |
CReport | Base class for message reporting and monitoring |
CReportBuffer | A subclass of ts::Report which logs all messages in an internal buffer |
CReportFile | A subclass of ts::Report which outputs messages in a text file |
CResidentBuffer | Implementation of memory buffer locked in physical memory |
CRingNode | Base class for objects being part of a ring, ie |
CRISTInputPlugin | Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) input plugin for tsp |
CRISTOutputPlugin | Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) output plugin for tsp |
►CRNT | Representation of a DVB Resolution provider Notification Table (RNT) |
CCRIDAuthority | Description of a CRID autority |
CResolutionProvider | Description of a resolution provider |
►CRNTScanDescriptor | Representation of an RNT_scan_descriptor |
CScanTriplet | Scan triplet |
►CRRT | Representation of an ATSC Rating Region Table (RRT) |
CDimension | Description of a dimension |
CRatingValue | Description of a rating value in a dimension |
►CRST | Representation of a Running Status Table (RST) |
CEvent | Description of an event |
CS2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of an S2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
►CS2XSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of an S2X_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
CChannel | Description of a channel |
CS2Xv2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of an S2Xv2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
►CSAT | Representation of a Satellite Access Table (SAT) |
►Cbeam_hopping_time_plan_info_type | Representation of a beam hopping time plan, identified by the beamhopping_time_plan_id with information relating to the period(s) in time that the beam will illuminate the cell each beamhopping cycle |
Cslot | Indicates if there is a transmission in the respective timeslot |
►Ccell_fragment_info_type | Representation of a cell fragment An area on earth identified by a center (center_lattitude and center_longitude) and max_distance from the center, that is associated with none, one or multiple delivery systems |
Cnew_delivery_system_id_type | Representation of a new delivery system A new delivery system that is soon serving this cell fragment |
Cobsolescent_delivery_system_id_type | Representation of am obsolescent delivery system A delivery system that will soon stop serving this cell fragment |
CNCR_type | Network Clock Reference |
CSAT_base | Base capabilities to be defined/extended by Satellite Access Table processing functions |
►Csatellite_position_v2_info_type | Representation of a satellite position (version 2) |
Cearth_orbiting_satallite_type | Representation of an earth orbiting satellite position |
Cgeostationary_position_type | Representation of a geostationary satellite position |
►Csatellite_position_v3_info_type | Representation of a non-geostationary satellite position |
Cv3_satellite_time | Satellite time (V3) |
►Cv3_satellite_type | Satellite type (V3) |
Cv3_satellite_covariance_data_type | Satellite covariance data (V3) |
Cv3_satellite_ephemeris_data_type | Satellite ephemeris data (V3) |
Cv3_satellite_metadata_type | Satellite metadata (V3) |
Ctime_association_info_type | Representation of a time assocition between NCR and UTC |
CSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
CSchedulingDescriptor | Representation of an scheduling_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CScramblingDescriptor | Representation of a scrambling_descriptor |
CSCTE52_2003 | ANSI/SCTE 52 2003 DES-based TS packet encryption |
CSCTE52_2008 | ANSI/SCTE 52 2008 DES-based TS packet encryption |
►CSDT | Representation of a Service Description Table (SDT) |
CServiceEntry | Description of a service |
►CSDTT | Representation of an ISDB Software Download Trigger Table (SDTT) |
CContent | Download content entry |
CSchedule | Schedule entry |
CSection | Representation of MPEG PSI/SI sections |
CSectionContext | A base class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI sections |
►CSectionDemux | This class rebuilds MPEG tables and sections from TS packets |
CStatus | Demux status information |
CSectionFile | A binary or XML file containing PSI/SI sections and tables |
CSectionFileArgs | Command line arguments for section file processing |
CSectionHandlerInterface | Abstract interface to receive MPEG Section from a SectionDemux |
CSectionProviderInterface | Abstract interface for classes which provide MPEG sections into a Packetizer |
►CSelectionInformationTable | Representation of a Selection Information Table |
CService | Description of a service |
CSeriesDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB series_descriptor |
CService | Describe a DVB or ATSC service |
CServiceAvailabilityDescriptor | Representation of a service_availability_descriptor |
CServiceDescriptor | Representation of a service_descriptor |
CServiceDiscovery | Discover and describe a DVB service |
►CServiceGroupDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB service_group_descriptor |
CSimultaneousService | Simultaneous service entry |
CServiceIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a service_identifier_descriptor |
CServiceIdTriplet | Full identification of a DVB service (aka "DVB triplet") |
►CServiceListDescriptor | Representation of a service_list_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
►CServiceLocationDescriptor | Representation of an ATSC service_location_descriptor |
CEntry | Service PID entry |
CServiceMoveDescriptor | Representation of a service_move_descriptor |
CServiceRelocatedDescriptor | Representation of a service_relocated_descriptor |
CSeverity | Message severity |
CSHA1 | SHA-1 hash |
CSHA256 | SHA-256 hash |
CSHA512 | SHA-512 hash |
CSharedLibrary | Shared library handling (.so on Linux, .dylib on macOS, .dll on Windows) |
►CSHDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a SH_delivery_system_descriptor |
CModulation | Description of a modulation |
COFDM | Description of an OFDM modulation |
CTDM | Description of a TDM modulation |
CShortEventDescriptor | Representation of an short_event_descriptor |
CShortNodeInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB short_node_information_descriptor |
CShortSmoothingBufferDescriptor | Representation of a short_smoothing_buffer_descriptor |
CSignalAllocator | Allocate POSIX real-time signal numbers (Linux-specific) |
CSignalizationDemux | General-purpose signalization demux |
CSignalizationHandlerInterface | General-purpose signalization handler interface |
►CSignalState | State of a modulated broadcast signal |
CValue | Implementation of a state value |
CSimpleApplicationBoundaryDescriptor | Representation of a simple_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CSimpleApplicationLocationDescriptor | Representation of a simple_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CSimulCryptDate | Representation of a date in DVB SimulCrypt protocols (ETSI TS 103 197) |
CSingleDataStatistics | Statistics over a single set of data (integer or floating point) |
CSinkEnumMediaTypes | SinkEnumMediaTypes, enumerator returned by ::IPin::EnumMediaTypes (Windows-specific) |
CSinkEnumPins | SinkEnumPins, enumerator returned by ::IBaseFilter::EnumPins (Windows-specific) |
CSinkFilter | The DirectShow sink filter (Windows-specific) |
CSinkPin | SinkPin, input pin for SinkFilter (Windows-specific) |
►CSIParameterDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB SI_parameter_descriptor |
CEntry | Table entry |
►CSIPrimeTSDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB SI_prime_TS_descriptor |
CEntry | Table entry |
CSkipPlugin | Skip packet processor plugin for tsp |
►CSkyLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor | Representation of a sky_logical_channel_number_descriptor |
CEntry | Service entry |
CSLDescriptor | Representation of an SL_descriptor |
Csmaller_unsigned | Define the smaller unsigned integer type with at least a given number of bits |
CSmoothingBufferDescriptor | Representation of a smoothing_buffer_descriptor |
CSocket | Base class for TCP and UDP sockets |
CSpliceAvailDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 35 avail_descriptor (SIT specific) |
CSpliceDTMFDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 35 DTMF_descriptor (SIT specific) |
CSpliceInformationTable | Representation of an SCTE 35 Splice Information Table |
CSpliceInsert | Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceInsert command |
CSplicePrivateCommand | Representation of an SCTE 35 private_command() structure |
►CSpliceSchedule | Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceSchedule command |
CEvent | A SpliceSchedule command is made of a list of events |
CSpliceSegmentationDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 35 segmentation_descriptor (SIT specific) |
CSpliceTime | Representation of an SCTE 35 splice_time() structure |
CSpliceTimeDescriptor | Representation of an SCTE 35 time_descriptor (SIT specific) |
CSRTInputPlugin | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) input plugin for tsp |
CSRTOutputPlugin | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) output plugin for tsp |
CSRTSocket | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Socket |
►CSSUDataBroadcastIdDescriptor | Representation of a data_broadcast_id_descriptor for system software update |
CEntry | OUI entry |
CSSUEnhancedMessageDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_enhanced_message_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CSSUEventNameDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_event_name_descriptor (UNT specific) |
►CSSULinkageDescriptor | Representation of a linkage_descriptor for system software update |
CEntry | OUI entry |
CSSULocationDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_location_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CSSUMessageDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_message_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CSSUSubgroupAssociationDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_subgroup_association_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CSSUURIDescriptor | Representation of an SSU_uri_descriptor (UNT specific) |
CStandaloneTableDemux | A SectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler |
Cstatic_power10 | Static values of power of 10 |
CSTCReferenceDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB STC_reference_descriptor |
CSTDDescriptor | Representation of an STD_descriptor |
CStereoscopicProgramInfoDescriptor | Representation of a stereoscopic_program_info_descriptor |
CStereoscopicVideoInfoDescriptor | Representation of a stereoscopic_video_info_descriptor |
CStreamEventDescriptor | Representation of a DSM-CC stream_event_descriptor |
CStreamIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a stream_identifier_descriptor |
CStreamModeDescriptor | Representation of a DSM-CC stream_mode_descriptor |
CStringifyInterface | An interface to be implemented by classes supporting a conversion to UString |
CSTT | Representation of an ATSC System Time Table (STT) |
CSubRipGenerator | Generate subtitles in SubRip format (aka SRT) |
►CSubtitlingDescriptor | Representation of a subtitling_descriptor |
CEntry | An item entry |
CSupplementaryAudioDescriptor | Representation of a supplementary_audio_descriptor |
CSVCExtensionDescriptor | Representation of an SVC_extension_descriptor |
CSysInfo | A singleton holding information on the current operating system |
CSystemClockDescriptor | Representation of an system_clock_descriptor |
CSystemManagementDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB system_management_descriptor |
CSystemMonitor | Monitoring thread for system resources used by the application |
CSystemRandomGenerator | System-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
►CT2DeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a T2_delivery_system_descriptor |
CCell | Description of a cell |
CSubcell | Description of a subcell |
CT2MIDemux | This class analyzes T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) from TS packets |
CT2MIDescriptor | Representation of a T2MI_descriptor |
CT2MIHandlerInterface | T2-MI demux handler interface |
CT2MIPacket | Representation of a DVB T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) packet |
CTableHandlerInterface | Table handler interface |
CTablePatchXML | Implementation of on-the-fly table patching using XML |
CTablesDisplay | A class to display PSI/SI tables |
CTablesLogger | This class logs sections and tables |
CTablesLoggerFilter | The default section filter for TablesLogger |
CTablesLoggerFilterInterface | An interface which is used to filter sections in TablesLogger |
►CTablesLoggerFilterRepository | The repository of section filters for TablesLogger |
CRegister | A class to register factories of section filters |
CTablesPlugin | Collect selected PSI/SI tables plugin for tsp |
CTargetBackgroundGridDescriptor | Representation of a target_background_grid_descriptor |
CTargetIPAddressDescriptor | Representation of a target_IP_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
►CTargetIPSlashDescriptor | Representation of a target_IP_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
CAddress | Structure of an address entry in the descriptor |
►CTargetIPSourceSlashDescriptor | Representation of a target_IP_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
CAddress | Structure of an address entry in the descriptor |
CTargetIPv6AddressDescriptor | Representation of a target_IPv6_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
►CTargetIPv6SlashDescriptor | Representation of a target_IPv6_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
CAddress | Structure of an address entry in the descriptor |
►CTargetIPv6SourceSlashDescriptor | Representation of a target_IPv6_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
CAddress | Structure of an address entry in the descriptor |
CTargetMACAddressDescriptor | Representation of a target_MAC_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
►CTargetMACAddressRangeDescriptor | Representation of a target_MAC_address_range_descriptor (INT specific) |
CRange | Structure of an address range entry in the descriptor |
►CTargetRegionDescriptor | Representation of a target_region_descriptor |
CRegion | Region entry |
►CTargetRegionNameDescriptor | Representation of a target_region_name_descriptor |
CRegion | Region entry |
CTargetSerialNumberDescriptor | Representation of a target_serial_number_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
CTargetSmartcardDescriptor | Representation of a target_smartcard_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
CTCPConnection | Base class for a TCP/IP session |
CTCPServer | Implementation of a TCP/IP server |
CTCPSocket | Base class for TCP/IP sockets |
CTDES | Triple-DES block cipher |
CTDT | Representation of a Time & Date Table (TDT) |
CTelephoneDescriptor | Representation of a telephone_descriptor |
CTeletextCharset | Implementation of a Teletext character set |
CTeletextDemux | This class extracts Teletext subtitles from TS packets |
►CTeletextDescriptor | Representation of a teletext_descriptor |
CEntry | An item entry |
CTeletextFrame | Description of one Teletext frame |
CTeletextHandlerInterface | Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of Teletext messages using a Teletext demux |
CTeletextPlugin | Extract Teletext subtitles plugin for tsp |
CTelnetConnection | Implementation of a half-duplex line oriented telnet connection |
CTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor | Representation of a terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor |
CTextFormatter | Format and print a text document using various output types and indentation |
►CTextParser | A support class for applications which parse various text formats |
CPosition | A class which describes a position in the document |
CTextTable | This class produces a formatted table of text lines and columns |
CThread | Base class for threads |
CThreadAttributes | Set of attributes for a thread object (ts::Thread) |
CThreadSafetyMutex | Define the appropriate mutex class for a given level of thread-safety |
►CTime | The Time class implements a basic representation of time |
CFields | Broken-down fields of a time value |
CTimeError | Fatal low-level time error |
CTimeShiftBuffer | A TS packet buffer for time shift |
CTimeShiftedEventDescriptor | Representation of a time_shifted_event_descriptor |
CTimeSliceFECIdentifierDescriptor | Representation of a time_slice_fec_identifier_descriptor |
CTimeTrackerDemux | A demux which tracks time stamps per PID |
CTLVSyntax | Representation of a Tag, Length, Value (TVL) syntax |
CTOT | Representation of a Time Offset Table (TOT) |
CTransportProfileDescriptor | Representation of a transport_profile_descriptor |
►CTransportProtocolDescriptor | Representation of a transport_protocol_descriptor (AIT specific) |
CCarousel | Selector byte layout when protocol_id == MHP_PROTO_CAROUSEL |
CHTTPEntry | One entry in selector bytes when protocol_id == MHP_PROTO_HTTP |
CMPE | Selector byte layout when protocol_id == MHP_PROTO_MPE |
CTransportStreamDescriptor | Representation of a transport_stream_descriptor |
CTransportStreamId | Full identification of a DVB transport stream |
►CTSAnalyzer | A class which analyzes a complete transport stream |
CPIDContext | This protected inner class contains the analysis context for one PID |
CServiceContext | This protected inner class contains the analysis context for one service |
CXTIDContext | This protected inner class contains the analysis context for one TID/TIDext into one PID |
CTSAnalyzerOptions | Report options for the class TSAnalyzer |
CTSAnalyzerReport | A subclass of TSAnalyzer with reporting capabilities |
CTSDatagramOutput | Send TS packets over datagrams (UDP, SRT, RIST, etc.) |
CTSDatagramOutputHandlerInterface | Generic datagram handler interface |
CTSDT | Representation of a Transport Stream Description Table (TSDT) |
CTSDumpArgs | Command line arguments for transport stream packets dump |
CTSFile | Transport stream file, input and/or output |
CTSFileInputArgs | Transport stream file input with command-line arguments |
CTSFileInputBuffered | Transport stream file input with a seekable buffer |
CTSFileOutputArgs | Transport stream file output with command-line arguments |
CTSFileOutputResync | A specialized form of transport stream output file with resynchronized PID and continuity counters |
CTSForkPipe | A subclass of ts::ForkPipe which exchanges TS packets on the pipe |
CTSFuzzing | Transport stream packets fuzzing |
CTSFuzzingArgs | Command line arguments for transport stream packets fuzzing |
►CTSInformationDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB TS_information_descriptor |
CEntry | Transmission type entry |
CTSP | TSP callback for plugins |
CTSPacket | Basic definition of an MPEG-2 transport packet |
CTSPacketMetadata | Metadata of an MPEG-2 transport packet for tsp plugins |
CTSPacketQueue | Transport stream packet queue for inter-thread communication |
CTSPacketStream | Read/write TS packets on a stream |
CTSPacketWindow | A view over a window of a buffer of TS packets |
CTSPControlCommand | Definition of TSP control commands syntax |
CTSProcessor | Core of the TSP Transport Stream Processor |
CTSProcessorArgs | Transport stream processor options and their command line options |
CTSScanner | A class which scans the services of a transport stream |
CTSScrambling | Transport stream scrambling using multiple algorithms |
CTSSpeedMetrics | TS processing speed metrics evaluation |
CTTMLSubtitlingDescriptor | Representation of a TTML_subtitling_descriptor |
CTuner | General-purpose implementation of a digital TV tuner |
CTunerArgs | Parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions |
CTunerBase | Base class for Digital TV tuners |
CTunerDevice | Digital TV tuner physical device |
CTunerDeviceInfo | Information on Linux DVB tuner device |
CTunerEmulator | Digital TV tuner emulator |
CTunerGraph | A specialization of a DirectShow graph for tuner reception (Windows-specific) |
►CTVAIdDescriptor | Representation of a DVB-defined TVA_id_descriptor |
CTVAId | TVA_id entry |
CTVCT | Representation of an ATSC Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table (TVCT) |
CUDPReceiver | UDP datagram receiver with common command line options |
CUDPReceiverArgs | Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver |
CUDPReceiverArgsList | Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver |
CUDPSocket | UDP Socket |
CUID | A singleton which generates 64-bit UID, unique integer |
Cunderlying_type | The meta-type ts::underlying_type is a generalization of std::underlying_type which works on integer types as well |
►CUNT | Representation of an Update Notification Table (INT) |
CCompatibilityDescriptor | Description of a compatibility descriptor |
CDevices | Description of a set of devices |
CPlatform | Description of a platform |
CUpdateDescriptor | Representation of an update_descriptor (UNT specific) |
►CURILinkageDescriptor | Representation of a URI_linkage_descriptor |
CDVB_I_Info | DVB-I_info() structure conveyed in private_data when uri_linkage_type = 0x03 |
CURL | Representation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) |
CUserInterrupt | An instance of this class handles the Ctrl+C user interrupt |
►CUString | An implementation of UTF-16 strings |
CRegisterChronoUnit | A class to register new std::chrono::duration units |
CUWAVideoStreamDescriptor | Representation of an CUVV_video_stream_descriptor |
CVatekControl | A class implementing the tsvatek control utility |
CVatekOutputPlugin | Vatek output plugin for tsp |
►CVBIDataDescriptor | Representation of a VBI_data_descriptor |
CField | A field entry |
CService | A service entry |
CVBITeletextDescriptor | Representation of a VBI_teletext_descriptor |
►CVCT | Base class for ATSC Virtual Channel Table (VCT) |
CChannel | Description of a virtual channel |
CVersionInfo | Information about version identification of TSDuck |
CVideoDecodeControlDescriptor | Representation of an ISDB video_decode_control_descriptor |
►CVideoDepthRangeDescriptor | Representation of a video_depth_range_descriptor |
CRange | Range entry |
CVideoStreamDescriptor | Representation of an video_stream_descriptor |
CVideoWindowDescriptor | Representation of a video_window_descriptor |
►CVirtualSegmentationDescriptor | Representation of an MPEG-defined virtual_segmentation_descriptor |
CPartition | Partition entry |
CVLANId | A structure which describes a VLAN identification |
CVLANIdStack | A stack of VLAN identifiers, from outer to inner VLAN |
CVVCAccessUnitDelimiter | Representation of a VVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
CVVCSubpicturesDescriptor | Representation of a DVB VVC_subpictures_descriptor |
CVVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor | Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
CVVCVideoDescriptor | Representation of a VVC_video_descriptor |
CWatchDog | General-purpose timeout watchdog |
CWatchDogHandlerInterface | Expiration handler interface for general-purpose timeout watchdog |
CWebRequest | Perform a simple Web request (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) |
CWebRequestArgs | Command line arguments for the class WebRequest |
CXAITLocationDescriptor | Representation of a xait_location_descriptor |
CXAITPIDDescriptor | Representation of a xait_pid_descriptor |
CXDID | EXtension Descriptor Id |
CXoshiro256ss | Xoshiro256** PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
CXTID | Extended MPEG table id |
Rint_enum | A C++20 concept which requires a type to be an integer or an enumeration type |