TSDuck v3.39-3896
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin Class Reference

Abstract base class for the plugins duplicate and remap. More...

#include <tsAbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin.h>

Inheritance diagram for ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin:
Collaboration diagram for ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin:

Public Types

enum  ArgType {
  NONE ,
  UINT8 ,
  UINT16 ,
  UINT32 ,
  UINT63 ,
  INT8 ,
  INT16 ,
  INT32 ,
  INT64 ,
 Type of an argument or parameter. More...
enum  Flags {
  NO_ERROR_DISPLAY = 0x0001 ,
  NO_EXIT_ON_ERROR = 0x0002 ,
  NO_EXIT_ON_HELP = 0x0004 ,
  NO_EXIT_ON_VERSION = 0x0008 ,
  HELP_ON_THIS = 0x0020 ,
  NO_DEBUG = 0x0040 ,
  NO_HELP = 0x0080 ,
  NO_VERBOSE = 0x0100 ,
  NO_VERSION = 0x0200 ,
  NO_CONFIG_FILE = 0x0400
 Args object flags, used in an or'ed mask. More...
enum  HelpFormat {
 Types of help formatting, for getHelpText() and predefined option --help. More...
enum  Status {
  TSP_OK = 0 ,
  TSP_END = 1 ,
  TSP_DROP = 2 ,
  TSP_NULL = 3
 Status of a packet processing. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual bool analyze (const UString &app_name, const UStringVector &arguments, bool processRedirections=true)
 Load command arguments and analyze them.
virtual bool analyze (const UString &command, bool processRedirections=true)
 Load command arguments and analyze them.
virtual bool analyze (int argc, char *argv[], bool processRedirections=true)
 Load command arguments and analyze them.
UString appName () const
 Get the application name from the last command line analysis.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
INT bitMaskValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT &def_value=static_cast< INT >(0)) const
 Get an OR'ed of all values of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.
UString commandLine () const
 Get the full command line from the last command line analysis.
ArgscopyOptions (const Args &other, const bool replace=false)
 Copy all option definitions from another Args object into this one.
size_t count (const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Check the number of occurences of an option in the last analyzed command line.
bool debug () const
 Check if debugging is active.
template<class... Args>
void debug (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a debug message with a printf-like interface.
void debug (const UChar *msg)
 Report a debug message.
template<class... Args>
void debug (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a debug message with a printf-like interface.
void debug (const UString &msg)
 Report a debug message.
ReportdelegateReport (Report *report)
 Delegate message logging to another report object.
template<class... Args>
void error (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report an error message with a printf-like interface.
void error (const UChar *msg)
 Report an error message.
template<class... Args>
void error (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report an error message with a printf-like interface.
void error (const UString &msg)
 Report an error message.
void exitOnError (bool force=false)
 Exit application when errors were reported in the last analyzed command line.
template<class... Args>
void fatal (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a fatal error message with a printf-like interface.
void fatal (const UChar *msg)
 Report a fatal error message.
template<class... Args>
void fatal (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a fatal error message with a printf-like interface.
void fatal (const UString &msg)
 Report a fatal error message.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getBitMaskValue (INT &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT &def_value=static_cast< INT >(0)) const
 Get an OR'ed of all values of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.
virtual BitRate getBitrate ()
 Get the plugin bitrate.
virtual BitRateConfidence getBitrateConfidence ()
 Get the plugin bitrate confidence.
template<class Rep , class Period >
void getChronoValue (cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an std::chrono::duration option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class Rep1 , class Period1 , class Rep2 , class Period2 >
void getChronoValue (cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const cn::duration< Rep2, Period2 > &def_value=cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 >::zero(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an std::chrono::duration option in the last analyzed command line.
void getCommandArgs (UStringVector &args) const
 Get the command line parameters from the last command line analysis.
const UStringgetDescription () const
 Get the description of the command.
int getFlags () const
 Get the option flags of the command.
virtual UString getHelpText (HelpFormat format, size_t line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH) const
 Get a formatted help text.
void getHexaValue (ByteBlock &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const ByteBlock &def_value=ByteBlock(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an hexadecimal option in the last analyzed command line.
template<typename INT , typename INT2 = INT, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getIntValue (INT &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT2 def_value=static_cast< INT2 >(0), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.
template<std::size_t N>
void getIntValues (CompactBitSet< N > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool defValue=false) const
 Get all occurences of an option as a compact bitset of values.
template<std::size_t N>
void getIntValues (std::bitset< N > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool defValue=false) const
 Get all occurences of an option as a bitset of values.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getIntValues (std::set< INT > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Get all occurences of an integer option in a set of integers.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getIntValues (std::vector< INT > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Get all occurences of an integer option in a vector of integers.
void getIPValue (IPv4Address &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPv4Address &def_value=IPv4Address(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option as an IPv4 address in the last analyzed command line.
TSPacketLabelSet getOnlyLabelOption () const
 Get the content of the –only-label options.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getOptionalIntValue (std::optional< INT > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool clear_if_absent=false) const
 Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line, only if present.
void getOptionalValue (std::optional< UString > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool clear_if_absent=false) const
 Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line, only if present.
virtual bool getOptions () override
 The main application invokes getOptions() only once, at application startup.
virtual size_t getPacketWindowSize ()
 Get the preferred packet window size.
void getPathValue (fs::path &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const fs::path &def_value=fs::path(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of a filesystem path option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class CONTAINER , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< fs::path, typename CONTAINER::value_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getPathValues (CONTAINER &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Get all occurences of a filesystem path option in a container of path.
const UStringgetShell () const
 Get the "shell" string.
void getSocketValue (IPv4SocketAddress &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPv4SocketAddress &def_value=IPv4SocketAddress(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option as an IPv4 socket address in the last analyzed command line.
const UStringgetSyntax () const
 Get the syntax of the command.
void getTristateValue (Tristate &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of tristate option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class NUMTYPE , typename INT1 , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value &&std::is_integral< INT1 >::value, int >::type = 0>
void getValue (NUMTYPE &value, const UChar *name, INT1 def_value, size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class NUMTYPE , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value, int >::type = 0>
void getValue (NUMTYPE &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const NUMTYPE &def_value=NUMTYPE(0), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.
void getValue (UString &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const UChar *def_value=u"", size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class CONTAINER , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< UString, typename CONTAINER::value_type >::value >::type * = nullptr>
void getValues (CONTAINER &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Get all occurences of an option in a container of strings.
bool gotErrors () const
 Check if errors (or worse) were reported through this object.
virtual bool handlePacketTimeout ()
 Invoked when no packet could be retrieved within the specified timeout.
Argshelp (const UChar *name, const UString &syntax, const UString &text)
 Add the help text of an existing option.
Argshelp (const UChar *name, const UString &text)
 Add the help text of an existing option.
ByteBlock hexaValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const ByteBlock &def_value=ByteBlock(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an hexadecimal option in the last analyzed command line.
template<class... Args>
void info (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report an informational message with a printf-like interface.
void info (const UChar *msg)
 Report an informational message.
template<class... Args>
void info (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report an informational message with a printf-like interface.
void info (const UString &msg)
 Report an informational message.
template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * = nullptr>
INT intValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT def_value=static_cast< INT >(0), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.
void invalidate ()
 Force en error state in this object, as if an error was reported.
IPv4Address ipValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPv4Address &def_value=IPv4Address(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option as an IPv4 address in the last analyzed command line.
virtual bool isRealTime ()
 Tell if the plugin is a real time one.
template<class... Args>
void log (int severity, const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a message with an explicit severity and a printf-like interface.
template<class... Args>
void log (int severity, const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a message with an explicit severity and a printf-like interface.
void log (int severity, const UString &msg)
 Report a message with an explicit severity.
int maxSeverity () const
 Get maximum severity level.
template<class NUMTYPE , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value, int >::type = 0>
NUMTYPE numValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const NUMTYPE &def_value=NUMTYPE(0), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.
Argsoption (const UChar *name, UChar short_name, const Enumeration &enumeration, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, bool optional=false)
 Add the definition of an option, the value being from an enumeration type.
template<class NUMTYPE , typename INT1 = int64_t, typename INT2 = int64_t, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value &&std::is_integral< INT1 >::value &&std::is_integral< INT2 >::value, int >::type = 0>
Argsoption (const UChar *name, UChar short_name=0, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, INT1 min_value=std::numeric_limits< INT2 >::min(), INT2 max_value=std::numeric_limits< INT1 >::max(), bool optional=false)
 Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of AbstractNumber.
template<class DURATION , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< typename DURATION::rep >::value, int >::type = 0>
Argsoption (const UChar *name, UChar short_name=0, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, int64_t min_value=0, int64_t max_value=std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max(), bool optional=false)
 Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of std::chrono::duration.
Argsoption (const UChar *name=nullptr, UChar short_name=0, ArgType type=NONE, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, int64_t min_value=0, int64_t max_value=0, bool optional=false, size_t decimals=0)
 Add the definition of an option.
UString optionNames (const UChar *name, const UString &separator=u", ") const
 When an option has an Enumeration type, get a list of all valid names.
bool present (const UChar *name=nullptr) const
 Check if an option is present in the last analyzed command line.
bool processArgsRedirection (UStringVector &args)
 Process argument redirection using '@' on a vector of strings.
virtual Status processPacket (TSPacket &pkt, TSPacketMetadata &pkt_data)
 Simple packet processing interface.
virtual size_t processPacketWindow (TSPacketWindow &win)
 Packet window processing interface.
void raiseMaxSeverity (int level)
 Raise maximum severity level.
UString reportPrefix () const
 Get the current prefix to display.
void resetContext (const DuckContext::SavedArgs &state)
 Reset the internal TSDuck execution context of this plugin.
void resetErrors ()
 Reset the error indicator.
void setAppName (const UString &name)
 Set the initial application name (will be overwritten at next command analysis).
virtual void setDescription (const UString &description)
 Set the description of the command.
virtual void setFlags (int flags)
 Set the option flags of the command.
virtual void setIntro (const UString &intro)
 Set the introduction or preamble text for help description.
void setMaxSeverity (int level)
 Set maximum severity level.
void setReportPrefix (const UString &prefix)
 Set the prefix to display before each message.
void setShell (const UString &shell)
 Set the "shell" string.
virtual void setSyntax (const UString &syntax)
 Set the syntax of the command.
virtual void setTail (const UString &tail)
 Set the conclusion or tailing text for help description.
template<class... Args>
void severe (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a severe error message with a printf-like interface.
void severe (const UChar *msg)
 Report a severe error message.
template<class... Args>
void severe (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a severe error message with a printf-like interface.
void severe (const UString &msg)
 Report a severe error message.
IPv4SocketAddress socketValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPv4SocketAddress &def_value=IPv4SocketAddress(), size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option as an IPv4 socket address in the last analyzed command line.
virtual size_t stackUsage () const
 Define the maximum stack usage for the thread executing the plugin.
virtual bool start ()
 The main application invokes start() to start the plugin.
virtual bool stop ()
 The main application invokes stop() to terminate the plugin.
Tristate tristateValue (const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of tristate option in the last analyzed command line.
virtual PluginType type () const override
 Get the plugin type.
bool valid () const
 Check if options were correct during the last command line analysis.
UString value (const UChar *name=nullptr, const UChar *def_value=u"", size_t index=0) const
 Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line.
bool verbose () const
 Check if verbose reporting is active.
template<class... Args>
void verbose (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a verbose message with a printf-like interface.
void verbose (const UChar *msg)
 Report a verbose message.
template<class... Args>
void verbose (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a verbose message with a printf-like interface.
void verbose (const UString &msg)
 Report a verbose message.
template<class... Args>
void warning (const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a warning message with a printf-like interface.
void warning (const UChar *msg)
 Report a warning error message.
template<class... Args>
void warning (const UString &fmt, Args &&... args)
 Report a warning message with a printf-like interface.
void warning (const UString &msg)
 Report a warning error message.

Static Public Member Functions

static UString GetAppName (int argc, char *argv[])
 Get the application name from a standard argc/argv pair.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH = 79
 Default line width for help texts.
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_STACK_USAGE = 128 * 1024
 Default stack usage in bytes for the thread executing a plugin.
static const Enumeration HelpFormatEnum
 Enumeration description of HelpFormat.
static const Enumeration StatusNames
 Names of packet status values.
static constexpr size_t UNLIMITED_COUNT = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
 Unlimited number of occurences.
static const int64_t UNLIMITED_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()
 Unlimited value.

Protected Types

using PIDMap = std::map< PID, PID >
 A map from PID to PID.

Protected Member Functions

 AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin (bool remap, TSP *tsp, const UString &description=UString(), const UString &syntax=UString())
 Constructor for subclasses.
virtual void writeLog (int severity, const UString &message) override
 Actual message reporting method.

Protected Attributes

PIDSet _newPIDs {}
 Set of output (duplicated or remapped) PID values.
PIDMap _pidMap {}
 Key = input pid, value = output PID.
TSPacketLabelSet _resetLabels {}
 Labels to reset on output packets.
TSPacketLabelSet _setLabels {}
 Labels to set on output packets.
bool _unchecked = false
 Ignore conflicting input/output PID's.
DuckContext duck
 The TSDuck context with various MPEG/DVB features.
TSP *const tsp
 The TSP callback structure can be directly accessed by subclasses.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for the plugins duplicate and remap.

This common base class defines the common options and their parsing.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Status

Status of a packet processing.

Returned by processPacket() after processing one packet.


OK, pass packet to next processor or output.


End of processing, tell everybody to terminate.


Drop this packet.


Replace this packet with a null packet.

◆ Flags

enum ts::Args::Flags

Args object flags, used in an or'ed mask.


Don't display errors.


Don't terminate application on error.


Don't terminate application on --help.


Don't terminate application on --version.


Specifies that all options must be placed before the parameters.

Once the first parameter is found, all subsequent elements on the command line are considered as parameters, even if they start with '-' or '--'.


Display help using info() on this object, not standard error.


No predefined option "--debug".


No predefined option "--help".


No predefined option "--verbose".


No predefined option "--version".


No default option from the configuration file.

◆ ArgType

enum ts::Args::ArgType

Type of an argument or parameter.


Option without argument.


Uninterpreted string argument.


String argument which will be interpreted as a file name.


String argument which will be interpreted as a directory name.


String argument which will be interpreted as a suite of hexadecimal digits.


Integer argument, must set min & max values.


Integer 0..unlimited.


Integer 1..unlimited.


Integer 0..0xFF.


Integer 0..0xFFFF.


Integer 0..0xFFFFFFFF.


63-bit unsigned (cannot represent 2^63 and higher).


Integer 0..0x1FFF (an MPEG PID value).


Integer -128..127.


Integer -32,768..32,767.


Integer -2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647.


64-bit signed.


A subclass of AbstractNumber.


Any instantiation of std::chrono::duration.


Tristate value, ts::Maybe if absent.


IPv4 address or host name translating to an address.


IPv4 socket address (or host name) and port, both are mandatory.


IPv4 socket address (or host name) and port, address is optional.


IPv4 socket address (or host name) and port, port is optional.


IPv4 socket address (or host name) and port, address and port are optional.

◆ HelpFormat

enum ts::Args::HelpFormat

Types of help formatting, for getHelpText() and predefined option --help.


Application name only.


One-line description.


Formatted command line syntax.


One-line command line syntax.


Full help text.


Options names, one by line.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin()

ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin ( bool  remap,
TSP tsp,
const UString description = UString(),
const UString syntax = UString() 

Constructor for subclasses.

[in]remapIf true, use "remap" in help text, otherwise use "duplicate".
[in]tspAssociated callback to tsp executable.
[in]descriptionA short one-line description, eg. "Wonderful File Copier".
[in]syntaxA short one-line syntax summary, eg. "[options] filename ...".

Member Function Documentation

◆ getOptions()

virtual bool ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin::getOptions ( )

The main application invokes getOptions() only once, at application startup.

Optionally implemented by subclasses to analyze the command line options. A plugin may ignore getOptions() and analyzes the command line options as part of the start() method. However, if a plugin is started later, command line errors may be reported too late.

True on success, false on error (ie. not started).

Reimplemented from ts::Plugin.

◆ getPacketWindowSize()

virtual size_t ts::ProcessorPlugin::getPacketWindowSize ( )

Get the preferred packet window size.

This method shall be overriden by plugins which prefer to use the "packet window" processing method.

The preferred number of TS packets to be processed at once in processPacketWindow(). If the returned value is zero, then TS packets are processed one by one using processPacket(). If this method is not overriden, the default implementation returns zero.

◆ processPacket()

virtual Status ts::ProcessorPlugin::processPacket ( TSPacket pkt,
TSPacketMetadata pkt_data 

Simple packet processing interface.

The main application invokes processPacket() to let the plugin process one TS packet.

Dropping or nullifying the packet is achieved by returning the appropriate status.

Dropping packets affects the output bitrate if the output device is a real-time one. With such devices, it is better to replace the undesired packet with a null packet.

Dropping a packet or changing its PID (including replacing a packet with a null one) affects the continuity counters of the other packets of the original PID.

[in,out]pktThe TS packet to process.
[in,out]pkt_dataTS packet metadata.
The processing status.

Reimplemented in ts::AbstractDescrambler, ts::AbstractTablePlugin, ts::DebugPlugin, ts::FilePacketPlugin, ts::ForkPacketPlugin, ts::IPPacketPlugin, ts::PSIPlugin, ts::SkipPlugin, ts::TablesPlugin, and ts::TeletextPlugin.

◆ processPacketWindow()

virtual size_t ts::ProcessorPlugin::processPacketWindow ( TSPacketWindow win)

Packet window processing interface.

The main application invokes processPacketWindow() to let the plugin process several TS packets at a time.

[in,out]winThe window of TS packets to process.
Number of processed packets inside win. When the returned value is less than win.size(), the packet processing is terminated after the specified number of packets. This is the equivalent of processPacket() returning TSP_END after the same number of packets. Dropping or nullifying individual packets is achieved by using the corresponding methods in the class TSPacketWindow.

◆ getOnlyLabelOption()

TSPacketLabelSet ts::ProcessorPlugin::getOnlyLabelOption ( ) const

Get the content of the –only-label options.

The value of the option is fetched each time this method is called.

A set of label from –only-label options.

◆ type()

virtual PluginType ts::ProcessorPlugin::type ( ) const

Get the plugin type.

The plugin type.

Implements ts::Plugin.

◆ stackUsage()

virtual size_t ts::Plugin::stackUsage ( ) const

Define the maximum stack usage for the thread executing the plugin.

If the method is not implemented by a subclass, the default value is DEFAULT_STACK_USAGE (128 kB).

The maximum stack usage in bytes for the thread executing the plugin.

Reimplemented in ts::DektecInputPlugin.

◆ start()

◆ stop()

◆ getBitrate()

virtual BitRate ts::Plugin::getBitrate ( )

Get the plugin bitrate.

The main application may invoke getBitrate() at any time. The semantics depends on the capability.

  • Input plugin: Returns the current input bitrate of the device. Useful for real-time devices only.
  • Output plugin: Returns the current output bitrate which is used by the device.
  • Packet processing plugin: Return the current bitrate at the output of the packet processor. This can be used by packet processors which influence the bitrate by removing packets or introducing delays.

Optionally implemented by subclasses. By default, return that the plugin is not aware of the bitrate.

Plugin bitrate in bits/second. Shall return 0 on error or unknown bitrate.

Reimplemented in ts::DektecInputPlugin, ts::DektecOutputPlugin, ts::AbstractDatagramInputPlugin, and ts::VatekOutputPlugin.

◆ getBitrateConfidence()

virtual BitRateConfidence ts::Plugin::getBitrateConfidence ( )

Get the plugin bitrate confidence.

When a subclass overrides getBitrate(), it should also override getBitrateConfidence().

The level of confidence of the bitrate value as returned by the previous call to getBitrate(). If the previous returned bitrate was zero, this confidence level shall be ignored.

Reimplemented in ts::DektecInputPlugin, ts::DektecOutputPlugin, ts::AbstractDatagramInputPlugin, and ts::VatekOutputPlugin.

◆ isRealTime()

virtual bool ts::Plugin::isRealTime ( )

Tell if the plugin is a real time one.

Some plugin behave more accurately when the responsiveness of the environment is more accurate. Typically, input and output on tuners, modulators or ASI devices are real-time plugins. On the opposite, working on offline disk files is not.

This method shall be implemented by real-time plugins and shall return true. The default implementation returns false.

A plugin should be defined as real-time by design, not based on the interpretation of command-line parameters. Typically, the method isRealTime() is invoked before starting the plugin and consequently before the plugin has the opportunity to analyze its command-line parameters.

True if the plugin usually requires real-time responsiveness.

Reimplemented in ts::DektecInputPlugin, ts::DektecOutputPlugin, ts::AbstractDatagramInputPlugin, ts::hls::InputPlugin, ts::hls::OutputPlugin, ts::IPOutputPlugin, ts::IPPacketPlugin, ts::RISTInputPlugin, ts::RISTOutputPlugin, ts::SRTOutputPlugin, and ts::VatekOutputPlugin.

◆ handlePacketTimeout()

virtual bool ts::Plugin::handlePacketTimeout ( )

Invoked when no packet could be retrieved within the specified timeout.

For input plugins, this method is called when no space in input buffer can be found within the specified timeout.

True if the application should continue to wait, false to abort. The default implementation aborts (but the default timeout is infinite).

◆ resetContext()

void ts::Plugin::resetContext ( const DuckContext::SavedArgs state)

Reset the internal TSDuck execution context of this plugin.

This can be done to set default option values before getOptions() and start(). This can also be done between stop() and start() to enforce a clean restart.

[in]stateInitial state to set or restore.

◆ option() [1/4]

Args & ts::Args::option ( const UChar name = nullptr,
UChar  short_name = 0,
ArgType  type = NONE,
size_t  min_occur = 0,
size_t  max_occur = 0,
int64_t  min_value = 0,
int64_t  max_value = 0,
bool  optional = false,
size_t  decimals = 0 

Add the definition of an option.

This method is typically invoked in the constructor of a subclass.

[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]short_nameOptional one letter short name.
[in]typeOption or parameter value type.
[in]min_occurMinimum number of occurences of this option on the command line, ignored if type is NONE.
[in]max_occurMaximum number of occurences, ignored if type is NONE, 0 means default (1 for an option, unlimited for a parameters).
[in]min_valueMinimum value for integer, minimum size for string and hexa data.
[in]max_valueMaximum value for integer, maximum size for string and hexa data.
[in]optionalWhen true, the option's value is optional.
[in]decimalsReference number of decimal digits. When decimals is greater than zero, the result is automatically adjusted by the corresponding power of ten. For instance, when decimals is 3, u"12" returns 12000, u"12.34" returns 12340 and "12.345678" returns 12345. All extra decimals are accepted but ignored.
A reference to this instance.

◆ option() [2/4]

Args & ts::Args::option ( const UChar name,
UChar  short_name,
const Enumeration enumeration,
size_t  min_occur = 0,
size_t  max_occur = 0,
bool  optional = false 

Add the definition of an option, the value being from an enumeration type.

This method is typically invoked in the constructor of a subclass.

[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]short_nameOptional one letter short name.
[in]enumerationList of enumeration values. The command line parameter value can be a string describing an enumeration value or directly an integer value. In the application, the option's value is always the integer value of the enumeration value.
[in]min_occurMinimum number of occurences of this option on the command line.
[in]max_occurMaximum number of occurences. 0 means default : 1 for an option, unlimited for a parameters.
[in]optionalWhen true, the option's value is optional.
A reference to this instance.

◆ option() [3/4]

template<class NUMTYPE , typename INT1 = int64_t, typename INT2 = int64_t, typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value &&std::is_integral< INT1 >::value &&std::is_integral< INT2 >::value, int >::type = 0>
Args & ts::Args::option ( const UChar name,
UChar  short_name = 0,
size_t  min_occur = 0,
size_t  max_occur = 0,
INT1  min_value = std::numeric_limits<INT2>::min(),
INT2  max_value = std::numeric_limits<INT1>::max(),
bool  optional = false 

Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of AbstractNumber.

This method is typically invoked in the constructor of a subclass of Args.

Template Parameters
NUMTYPEA subclass of AbstractNumber.
[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]short_nameOptional one letter short name.
[in]min_occurMinimum number of occurences of this option on the command line.
[in]max_occurMaximum number of occurences. 0 means default : 1 for an option, unlimited for a parameters.
[in]min_valueMinimum value. Use an integer value, not a NUMTYPE value.
[in]max_valueMaximum value. Use an integer value, not a NUMTYPE value
[in]optionalWhen true, the option's value is optional.
A reference to this instance.

◆ option() [4/4]

template<class DURATION , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< typename DURATION::rep >::value, int >::type = 0>
Args & ts::Args::option ( const UChar name,
UChar  short_name = 0,
size_t  min_occur = 0,
size_t  max_occur = 0,
int64_t  min_value = 0,
int64_t  max_value = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(),
bool  optional = false 

Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of std::chrono::duration.

This method is typically invoked in the constructor of a subclass of Args.

Template Parameters
DURATIONAn instance of std::chrono::duration.
[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]short_nameOptional one letter short name.
[in]min_occurMinimum number of occurences of this option on the command line.
[in]max_occurMaximum number of occurences. 0 means default : 1 for an option, unlimited for a parameters.
[in]min_valueMinimum value. Use an integer value, not a DURATION value.
[in]max_valueMaximum value. Use an integer value, not a DURATION value.
[in]optionalWhen true, the option's value is optional.
A reference to this instance.

◆ help() [1/2]

Args & ts::Args::help ( const UChar name,
const UString syntax,
const UString text 

Add the help text of an existing option.

[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]syntaxString to display for the option value instead of the default "value". For instance: "address:port" "'string'".
[in]textHelp text. Unformatted, line breaks will be added automatically.
A reference to this instance.

◆ help() [2/2]

Args & ts::Args::help ( const UChar name,
const UString text 

Add the help text of an existing option.

[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]textHelp text. Unformatted, line breaks will be added automatically.
A reference to this instance.

◆ optionNames()

UString ts::Args::optionNames ( const UChar name,
const UString separator = u", " 
) const

When an option has an Enumeration type, get a list of all valid names.

[in]nameLong name of option. 0 or "" means a parameter, not an option.
[in]separatorThe separator to be used between values, a comma by default.
A comma-separated list of all possible names.
See also

◆ copyOptions()

Args & ts::Args::copyOptions ( const Args other,
const bool  replace = false 

Copy all option definitions from another Args object into this one.

This method is typically invoked in the constructor of a subclass to import all option definitions of another instance.

[in]otherAnother instance from which to get the options.
[in]replaceIf true, override duplicated options which were already declared in this object. If false (the default), duplicated options are ignored.
A reference to this object.

◆ setDescription()

virtual void ts::Args::setDescription ( const UString description)

Set the description of the command.

[in]descriptionA short one-line description, e.g. "Wonderful File Copier".

◆ setSyntax()

virtual void ts::Args::setSyntax ( const UString syntax)

Set the syntax of the command.

[in]syntaxA short one-line syntax summary, e.g. "[options] filename ...".

Reimplemented in ts::ArgsWithPlugins.

◆ setIntro()

virtual void ts::Args::setIntro ( const UString intro)

Set the introduction or preamble text for help description.

[in]introIntroduction text.

◆ setTail()

virtual void ts::Args::setTail ( const UString tail)

Set the conclusion or tailing text for help description.

[in]tailTailing text.

◆ setFlags()

virtual void ts::Args::setFlags ( int  flags)

Set the option flags of the command.

[in]flagsDefine various options, a combination of or'ed values from Flags.

◆ getDescription()

const UString & ts::Args::getDescription ( ) const

Get the description of the command.

A short one-line description of the command.

◆ getSyntax()

const UString & ts::Args::getSyntax ( ) const

Get the syntax of the command.

A short one-line syntax summary of the command.

◆ getFlags()

int ts::Args::getFlags ( ) const

Get the option flags of the command.

A combination of or'ed values from Flags.

◆ getHelpText()

virtual UString ts::Args::getHelpText ( HelpFormat  format,
size_t  line_width = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH 
) const

Get a formatted help text.

[in]formatRequested format of the help text.
[in]line_widthMaximum width of text lines.
The formatted help text.

Reimplemented in ts::ArgsWithPlugins.

◆ setAppName()

void ts::Args::setAppName ( const UString name)

Set the initial application name (will be overwritten at next command analysis).

[in]nameApplication name string.

◆ setShell()

void ts::Args::setShell ( const UString shell)

Set the "shell" string.

The shell string is an optional prefix for the syntax line as displayed by the --help predefined option. The shell name is displayed before the application name.

[in]shellShell name string.

◆ getShell()

const UString & ts::Args::getShell ( ) const

Get the "shell" string.

The shell name string.
See also

◆ analyze() [1/3]

virtual bool ts::Args::analyze ( const UString command,
bool  processRedirections = true 

Load command arguments and analyze them.

Normally, in case of error or if --help or --version is specified, the application is automatically terminated. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

[in]commandFull command line, with application name and parameters. Parameters are separated with spaces. Special characters and spaces must be escaped or quoted in the parameters.
[in]processRedirectionsIf true (the default), process command line arguments redirection. All lines with the form '@filename' are replaced by the content of filename.
By default, always return true or the application is automatically terminated in case of error. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

Reimplemented in ts::ArgsWithPlugins.

◆ analyze() [2/3]

virtual bool ts::Args::analyze ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
bool  processRedirections = true 

Load command arguments and analyze them.

Normally, in case of error or if --help or --version is specified, the application is automatically terminated. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

[in]argcNumber of arguments from command line.
[in]argvArguments from command line. The application name is in argv[0]. The subsequent elements contain the arguments.
[in]processRedirectionsIf true (the default), process command line arguments redirection. All lines with the form '@filename' are replaced by the content of filename.
By default, always return true or the application is automatically terminated in case of error. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

Reimplemented in ts::ArgsWithPlugins.

◆ analyze() [3/3]

virtual bool ts::Args::analyze ( const UString app_name,
const UStringVector arguments,
bool  processRedirections = true 

Load command arguments and analyze them.

Normally, in case of error or if --help or --version is specified, the application is automatically terminated. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

[in]app_nameApplication name.
[in]argumentsArguments from command line.
[in]processRedirectionsIf true (the default), process command line arguments redirection. All lines with the form '@filename' are replaced by the content of filename.
By default, always return true or the application is automatically terminated in case of error. If some flags prevent the termination of the application, return true if the command is correct, false if the command is incorrect or --help or --version is specified.

Reimplemented in ts::ArgsWithPlugins.

◆ valid()

bool ts::Args::valid ( ) const

Check if options were correct during the last command line analysis.

True if the last analyze() completed successfully.

◆ appName()

UString ts::Args::appName ( ) const

Get the application name from the last command line analysis.

The application name from the last command line analysis.

◆ GetAppName()

static UString ts::Args::GetAppName ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Get the application name from a standard argc/argv pair.

[in]argcNumber of arguments from command line.
[in]argvArguments from command line.
The corresponding application name.

◆ getCommandArgs()

void ts::Args::getCommandArgs ( UStringVector args) const

Get the command line parameters from the last command line analysis.

[out]argsThe command parameters from the last command line analysis.

◆ commandLine()

UString ts::Args::commandLine ( ) const

Get the full command line from the last command line analysis.

The full command line from the last command line analysis. It contains the application name and arguments. Special characters are escaped or quoted.

◆ present()

bool ts::Args::present ( const UChar name = nullptr) const

Check if an option is present in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
True if the corresponding option or parameter is present on the command line, false otherwise.

◆ count()

size_t ts::Args::count ( const UChar name = nullptr) const

Check the number of occurences of an option in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
The number of occurences of the corresponding option or parameter in the command line.

◆ getValue() [1/3]

void ts::Args::getValue ( UString value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const UChar def_value = u"",
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA string receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe string to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ getValue() [2/3]

template<class NUMTYPE , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ts::AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value, int >::type N>
void ts::Args::getValue ( NUMTYPE &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const NUMTYPE &  def_value = NUMTYPE(0),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with an AbstractNumber type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

Template Parameters
NUMTYPEA subclass of AbstractNumber.
[out]valueA variable receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ getValue() [3/3]

template<class NUMTYPE , typename INT1 , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value &&std::is_integral< INT1 >::value, int >::type = 0>
void ts::Args::getValue ( NUMTYPE &  value,
const UChar name,
INT1  def_value,
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with an AbstractNumber type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

Template Parameters
NUMTYPEA subclass of AbstractNumber.
[out]valueA variable receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ value()

UString ts::Args::value ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const UChar def_value = u"",
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe string to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The value of the option or parameter.

◆ getOptionalValue()

void ts::Args::getOptionalValue ( std::optional< UString > &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
bool  clear_if_absent = false 
) const

Get the value of an option in the last analyzed command line, only if present.

[in,out]valueA std::optional string receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]clear_if_absentWhen the option is not present, the std::optional object is cleared (set to uninitialized) when clear_if_absent it true. Otherwise, it is left unmodified.

◆ getValues()

template<class CONTAINER , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ts::UString, typename CONTAINER::value_type >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getValues ( CONTAINER &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr 
) const

Get all occurences of an option in a container of strings.

Template Parameters
CONTAINERA container type of UString such as list, vector, etc.
[out]valuesA container of strings receiving all values of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.

◆ getPathValue()

void ts::Args::getPathValue ( fs::path &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const fs::path &  def_value = fs::path(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of a filesystem path option in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA path receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe path to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ getPathValues()

template<class CONTAINER , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< fs::path, typename CONTAINER::value_type >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getPathValues ( CONTAINER &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr 
) const

Get all occurences of a filesystem path option in a container of path.

Template Parameters
CONTAINERA container type of fs::path such as list, vector, etc.
[out]valuesA container of fs::path receiving all values of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.

◆ getIntValue()

template<typename INT , typename INT2 , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getIntValue ( INT value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const INT2  def_value = static_cast<INT2>(0),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with an integer type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer or enumeration type for the result.
[out]valueA variable receiving the integer value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ intValue()

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * >
INT ts::Args::intValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const INT  def_value = static_cast<INT>(0),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer or enumeration type for the result.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The integer value of the option or parameter.

◆ getOptionalIntValue()

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getOptionalIntValue ( std::optional< INT > &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
bool  clear_if_absent = false 
) const

Get the value of an integer option in the last analyzed command line, only if present.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer or enumeration type for the result.
[in,out]valueA std::optional integer receiving the value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]clear_if_absentWhen the option is not present, the std::optional object is cleared (set to uninitialized) when clear_if_absent it true. Otherwise, it is left unmodified.

◆ getIntValues() [1/4]

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getIntValues ( std::vector< INT > &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr 
) const

Get all occurences of an integer option in a vector of integers.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer or enumeration type for the result.
[out]valuesA container of integers receiving all values of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.

◆ getIntValues() [2/4]

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value||std::is_enum< INT >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getIntValues ( std::set< INT > &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr 
) const

Get all occurences of an integer option in a set of integers.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer or enumeration type for the result.
[out]valuesA container of integers receiving all values of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.

◆ getIntValues() [3/4]

template<std::size_t N>
void ts::Args::getIntValues ( std::bitset< N > &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr,
bool  defValue = false 
) const

Get all occurences of an option as a bitset of values.

[out]valuesA bitset receiving all values of the option or parameter. For each value of the option, the corresponding bit is set. Values which are out of range are ignored.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]defValueThe boolean to set in all values if the option or parameter is not present in the command line.

◆ getIntValues() [4/4]

template<std::size_t N>
void ts::Args::getIntValues ( CompactBitSet< N > &  values,
const UChar name = nullptr,
bool  defValue = false 
) const

Get all occurences of an option as a compact bitset of values.

[out]valuesA compact bitset receiving all values of the option or parameter. For each value of the option, the corresponding bit is set. Values which are out of range are ignored.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command, a fatal error is reported.
[in]defValueThe boolean to set in all values if the option or parameter is not present in the command line.

◆ bitMaskValue()

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value >::type * >
INT ts::Args::bitMaskValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const INT def_value = static_cast<INT>(0) 
) const

Get an OR'ed of all values of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.

This method is typically useful when the values of an option are taken from an Enumeration and each value is a bit mask. When specifying several values, the result of this method is a mask of all specified options.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer type for the result.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line.
The OR'ed values of the integer option.

◆ getBitMaskValue()

template<typename INT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< INT >::value >::type * >
void ts::Args::getBitMaskValue ( INT value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const INT def_value = static_cast<INT>(0) 
) const

Get an OR'ed of all values of an integer option in the last analyzed command line.

This method is typically useful when the values of an option are taken from an Enumeration and each value is a bit mask. When specifying several values, the result of this method is a mask of all specified options.

Template Parameters
INTAn integer type for the result.
[out]valueA variable receiving the OR'ed values of the integer option.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line.

◆ getChronoValue() [1/2]

template<class Rep1 , class Period1 , class Rep2 , class Period2 >
void ts::Args::getChronoValue ( cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 > &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const cn::duration< Rep2, Period2 > &  def_value = cn::duration<Rep1, Period1>::zero(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an std::chrono::duration option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with a std::chrono::duration type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

[out]valueA variable receiving the duration value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence. Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of std::chrono::duration.

◆ getChronoValue() [2/2]

template<class Rep , class Period >
void ts::Args::getChronoValue ( cn::duration< Rep, Period > &  value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an std::chrono::duration option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with a std::chrono::duration type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

[out]valueA variable receiving the duration value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence. Add the definition of an option, the value being an instance of std::chrono::duration.

◆ getTristateValue()

void ts::Args::getTristateValue ( Tristate value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of tristate option in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA variable receiving the tristate value of the option or parameter. The returned value is always one of the three valid Tristate values. When the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index, the returned value is Maybe. For options with optional values, if the the option is present without value, the returned value is TRUE.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ tristateValue()

Tristate ts::Args::tristateValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of tristate option in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The tristate value of the option or parameter. The returned value is always one of the three valid Tristate values. When the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index, the returned value is Maybe. For options with optional values, if the the option is present without value, the returned value is TRUE.

◆ getHexaValue()

void ts::Args::getHexaValue ( ByteBlock value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const ByteBlock def_value = ByteBlock(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an hexadecimal option in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA variable receiving the decoded binary value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe data to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ hexaValue()

ByteBlock ts::Args::hexaValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const ByteBlock def_value = ByteBlock(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an hexadecimal option in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe data to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The decoded binary value of the option or parameter.

◆ getIPValue()

void ts::Args::getIPValue ( IPv4Address value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const IPv4Address def_value = IPv4Address(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option as an IPv4 address in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA variable receiving the resolved IPv4 address value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe IPv4 address to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ ipValue()

IPv4Address ts::Args::ipValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const IPv4Address def_value = IPv4Address(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option as an IPv4 address in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe IPv4 address to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The resolved IPv4 address value of the option or parameter.

◆ getSocketValue()

void ts::Args::getSocketValue ( IPv4SocketAddress value,
const UChar name = nullptr,
const IPv4SocketAddress def_value = IPv4SocketAddress(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option as an IPv4 socket address in the last analyzed command line.

[out]valueA variable receiving the resolved IPv4 socket address value of the option or parameter.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe IPv4 address socket to return if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index. If the parameter is present but either address or port is missing, the missing part is copied from def_value.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.

◆ socketValue()

IPv4SocketAddress ts::Args::socketValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const IPv4SocketAddress def_value = IPv4SocketAddress(),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an option as an IPv4 socket address in the last analyzed command line.

[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe IPv4 socket address to return if the option or parameter If the parameter is present but either address or port is missing, the missing part is copied from def_value. is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The resolved IPv4 socket address value of the option or parameter.

◆ numValue()

template<class NUMTYPE , typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< ts::AbstractNumber, NUMTYPE >::value, int >::type N>
NUMTYPE ts::Args::numValue ( const UChar name = nullptr,
const NUMTYPE &  def_value = NUMTYPE(0),
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get the value of an AbstractNumber option in the last analyzed command line.

If the option has been declared with an AbstractNumber type in the syntax of the command, the validity of the supplied option value has been checked by the analyze() method. If analyze() did not fail, the option value is guaranteed to be in the declared range.

Template Parameters
NUMTYPEA subclass of AbstractNumber.
[in]nameThe full name of the option. If the parameter is a null pointer or an empty string, this specifies a parameter, not an option. If the specified option was not declared in the syntax of the command or declared as a non-string type, a fatal error is reported.
[in]def_valueThe value to return in value if the option or parameter is not present in the command line or with fewer occurences than index.
[in]indexThe occurence of the option to return. Zero designates the first occurence.
The value of the option or parameter.

◆ exitOnError()

void ts::Args::exitOnError ( bool  force = false)

Exit application when errors were reported in the last analyzed command line.

[in]forceIf true, ignore flag NO_EXIT_ON_ERROR and force application termination on error.

◆ processArgsRedirection()

bool ts::Args::processArgsRedirection ( UStringVector args)

Process argument redirection using '@' on a vector of strings.

[in,out]argsA vector of strings. All lines of the form '@filename' are replaced by the content of the given file. A double '@@' at the beginning of a line is replaced by a single '@' without reading a file.
True on success, false on error (non existent file for instance). Errors are reported though this object.

◆ writeLog()

virtual void ts::Args::writeLog ( int  severity,
const UString msg 

Actual message reporting method.

The method is called only when a message passed the severity filter. It is not necessary to recheck the maximum severity inside the method. By default, does nothing.

[in]severityMessage severity.
[in]msgMessage text.

Reimplemented from ts::Report.

◆ setMaxSeverity()

void ts::Report::setMaxSeverity ( int  level)

Set maximum severity level.

Messages with higher severities are not reported.

[in]levelSet report to that level.

◆ raiseMaxSeverity()

void ts::Report::raiseMaxSeverity ( int  level)

Raise maximum severity level.

The severity can only be increased (more verbose, more debug), never decreased.

[in]levelSet report at least to that level.

◆ maxSeverity()

int ts::Report::maxSeverity ( ) const

Get maximum severity level.

Current maximum debug level.

◆ gotErrors()

bool ts::Report::gotErrors ( ) const

Check if errors (or worse) were reported through this object.

Errors which were reported through delegated reports are ignored.

True if errors (or worse) were reported through this object.

◆ resetErrors()

void ts::Report::resetErrors ( )

Reset the error indicator.

See also

◆ setReportPrefix()

void ts::Report::setReportPrefix ( const UString prefix)

Set the prefix to display before each message.

[in]prefixThe prefix to prepend to all messages.

◆ reportPrefix()

UString ts::Report::reportPrefix ( ) const

Get the current prefix to display.

The current prefix to display.

◆ delegateReport()

Report * ts::Report::delegateReport ( Report report)

Delegate message logging to another report object.

[in]reportNew report object to which messages are delegated. Use nullptr to remove the delegation and return to normal logging.
Previous delegate report, return a null pointer if there was no previous delegate.

◆ debug() [1/5]

bool ts::Report::debug ( ) const

Check if debugging is active.

True if current reporting level is Debug or higher.

◆ debug() [2/5]

void ts::Report::debug ( const UChar msg)

Report a debug message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ debug() [3/5]

void ts::Report::debug ( const UString msg)

Report a debug message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ debug() [4/5]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::debug ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a debug message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ debug() [5/5]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::debug ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a debug message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ verbose() [1/5]

bool ts::Report::verbose ( ) const

Check if verbose reporting is active.

True if current reporting level is Verbose or higher.

◆ verbose() [2/5]

void ts::Report::verbose ( const UChar msg)

Report a verbose message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ verbose() [3/5]

void ts::Report::verbose ( const UString msg)

Report a verbose message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ verbose() [4/5]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::verbose ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a verbose message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ verbose() [5/5]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::verbose ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a verbose message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ log() [1/3]

void ts::Report::log ( int  severity,
const UString msg 

Report a message with an explicit severity.

[in]severityMessage severity.
[in]msgMessage line.

◆ log() [2/3]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::log ( int  severity,
const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a message with an explicit severity and a printf-like interface.

[in]severityMessage severity.
[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ log() [3/3]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::log ( int  severity,
const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a message with an explicit severity and a printf-like interface.

[in]severityMessage severity.
[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ fatal() [1/4]

void ts::Report::fatal ( const UChar msg)

Report a fatal error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ fatal() [2/4]

void ts::Report::fatal ( const UString msg)

Report a fatal error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ fatal() [3/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::fatal ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a fatal error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ fatal() [4/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::fatal ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a fatal error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ severe() [1/4]

void ts::Report::severe ( const UChar msg)

Report a severe error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ severe() [2/4]

void ts::Report::severe ( const UString msg)

Report a severe error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ severe() [3/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::severe ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a severe error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ severe() [4/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::severe ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a severe error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ error() [1/4]

void ts::Report::error ( const UChar msg)

Report an error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ error() [2/4]

void ts::Report::error ( const UString msg)

Report an error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ error() [3/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::error ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report an error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ error() [4/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::error ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report an error message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ warning() [1/4]

void ts::Report::warning ( const UChar msg)

Report a warning error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ warning() [2/4]

void ts::Report::warning ( const UString msg)

Report a warning error message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ warning() [3/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::warning ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a warning message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ warning() [4/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::warning ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report a warning message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ info() [1/4]

void ts::Report::info ( const UChar msg)

Report an informational message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ info() [2/4]

void ts::Report::info ( const UString msg)

Report an informational message.

[in]msgMessage line.

◆ info() [3/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::info ( const UChar fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report an informational message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

◆ info() [4/4]

template<class... Args>
void ts::Report::info ( const UString fmt,
Args &&...  args 

Report an informational message with a printf-like interface.

[in]fmtFormat string with embedded '%' sequences.
[in]argsList of arguments to substitute in the format string.
See also

Member Data Documentation


constexpr size_t ts::Args::UNLIMITED_COUNT = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()

Unlimited number of occurences.

To be used as value for parameter max_occur to indicate that there is no limit to the number of occurences of an option.

Warning: use only for max_occur (size_t ). Do not use for max_value (int64_t ) since size_t is uint64_t on 64-bit platforms.


const int64_t ts::Args::UNLIMITED_VALUE = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()

Unlimited value.

To be used as value for parameter @ max_value to indicate that there is no limit to the parameter integer value.

◆ HelpFormatEnum

const Enumeration ts::Args::HelpFormatEnum

Enumeration description of HelpFormat.

Typically used to implement the --help command line option.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: