TSDuck v3.40-4163
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 TSDuck librariesThere are two libraries in the TSDuck development environment
 The TSCore libraryGeneric C++ features
 The TSDuck libraryDigital Television features
 Core classesGeneric core classes
 C++ languageC++ language features and design patterns
 Operating systemPortable operating system layer
 File systemFile system and file path features (in addition to std::filesystem)
 Environment variablesSystem environment variables features
 Multi-threadingMulti-threading and synchronization features
 UnixUnix specific features
 WindowsWindows specific features
 NetworkingNetworking features
 Message loggingUnified message logging
 Data formatsHandling various data formats
 TLVRepresentation of Tag / Length / Value messages
 XMLRepresentation of XML documents
 JSONRepresentation of JSON documents
 CryptographyCryptographic algorithms
 Digital TVDigital television features
 MPEG Digital TV coreMPEG Digital TV core features
 MPEG tablesTables used in MPEG systems signalization
 MPEG descriptorsDescriptors used in MPEG systems signalization
 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)Classes for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
 Hardware supportSpecific hardware support (tuners, Dektec, HiDes, VATek)
 ApplicationApplication development
 ApplicationsApplication management tools
 Command lineCommand line applications
 PluginsTSDuck plugin development
 Other languagesApplication development not using C++
 Java bindingsUsing TSDuck from Java applications
 Python bindingsUsing TSDuck from Python applications