TSDuck v3.40-4163
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
ts::DuckContext Class Reference

TSDuck execution context containing current preferences. More...

#include <tsDuckContext.h>


class  SavedArgs
 An opaque class to save all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs(). More...

Public Member Functions

 DuckContext (Report *report=nullptr, std::ostream *output=nullptr)
PDS actualPDS (PDS pds) const
 The actual private data specifier to use.
void addDefaultREGID (REGID regid)
 Add a new id at the end of the list of default registration ids.
void addStandards (Standards mask)
 Add a list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.
CASID casId (CASID cas=CASID_NULL) const
 The actual CAS id to use.
const CharsetcharsetIn (const Charset *charset=nullptr) const
 Get the default input character set for strings from tables and descriptors.
const CharsetcharsetOut (const Charset *charset=nullptr) const
 Get the preferred output character set for strings to insert in tables and descriptors.
bool decode (UString &str, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) const
 Convert a signalization string into UTF-16 using the default input character set.
UString decoded (const uint8_t *data, size_t size) const
 Convert a signalization string into UTF-16 using the default input character set.
UString decodedWithByteLength (const uint8_t *&data, size_t &size) const
 Convert a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) into UTF-16 using the default input character set.
bool decodeWithByteLength (UString &str, const uint8_t *&data, size_t &size) const
 Convert a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) into UTF-16 using the default input character set.
UString defaultHFRegion () const
 Get the name of the default region for UVH and VHF band frequency layout.
void defineArgsForCAS (Args &args)
 Define default CAS command line options in an Args.
void defineArgsForCharset (Args &args)
 Define character set command line options in an Args.
void defineArgsForHFBand (Args &args)
 Define HF band command line options in an Args.
void defineArgsForPDS (Args &args)
 Define Private Data Specifier and Registration Id command line options in an Args.
void defineArgsForStandards (Args &args)
 Define contextual standards command line options in an Args.
void defineArgsForTimeReference (Args &args)
 Define time reference command line options in an Args.
size_t encode (uint8_t *&buffer, size_t &size, const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) const
 Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string using the preferred output character set.
ByteBlock encoded (const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) const
 Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string using the preferred output character set.
ByteBlock encodedWithByteLength (const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) const
 Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) using the preferred output character set.
size_t encodeWithByteLength (uint8_t *&buffer, size_t &size, const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) const
 Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) using the preferred output character set.
void flush ()
 Flush the text output.
const HFBandhfBand (const UString &name, bool silent_band=false) const
 Get the description of an HF band for the default region.
bool loadArgs (Args &args)
 Load the values of all previously defined arguments from command line.
std::ostream & out () const
 Get the current output stream to issue long text output.
bool redirectedOutput () const
 Check if output was redirected.
Reportreport () const
 Get the current report for log and error messages.
void reset ()
 Reset the TSDuck context to initial configuration.
void resetDefaultREGIDs ()
 Reset the list of default registration ids.
void resetStandards (Standards mask=Standards::NONE)
 Reset the list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.
void restoreArgs (const SavedArgs &args)
 Restore all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs() in another DuckContext.
void saveArgs (SavedArgs &args) const
 Save all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs().
void setDefaultCASId (CASID cas)
 Set the default CAS id to use.
void setDefaultCharsetIn (const Charset *charset)
 Set the default input character set for strings.
void setDefaultCharsetOut (const Charset *charset)
 Set the preferred output character set for strings.
void setDefaultHFRegion (const UString &region)
 Set the name of the default region for UVH and VHF band frequency layout.
void setDefaultPDS (PDS pds)
 Set the default private data specifier to use in the absence of explicit private_data_specifier_descriptor.
bool setOutput (const fs::path &fileName, bool override=true)
 Redirect the output stream to a file.
void setOutput (std::ostream *output, bool override=true)
 Redirect the output stream to a stream.
void setReport (Report *report)
 Set a new report for log and error messages.
bool setTimeReference (const UString &name)
 Set a non-standard time reference offset using a name.
void setTimeReferenceOffset (cn::milliseconds offset)
 Set a non-standard time reference offset.
void setUseLeapSeconds (bool on)
 Set the explicit inclusion of leap seconds where it is needed.
Standards standards () const
 Get the list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.
UString timeReferenceName () const
 Get the non-standard time reference offset as a string.
cn::milliseconds timeReferenceOffset () const
 Get the non-standard time reference offset.
const HFBanduhfBand () const
 Get the description of the UHF band for the default region.
void updateREGIDs (REGIDVector &regids) const
 Update a list of registration ids (typically from a descriptor list) with the default registration ids.
bool useLeapSeconds () const
 Check the explicit inclusion of leap seconds where it is needed.
const HFBandvhfBand () const
 Get the description of the VHF band for the default region.

Detailed Description

TSDuck execution context containing current preferences.

An instance of this class contains specific contextual information for the execution of TSDuck. This context contains either user's preferences and accumulated contextual information.

Context information include:

  • Report for log and error messages.
  • Text output stream.
  • Default character sets (input and output).
  • Default CAS id.
  • Default Private Data Specifier (PDS) for DVB private descriptors.
  • Accumulated standards from the signalization (MPEG, DVB, ATSC, etc.)
  • Default region for UHF and VHF frequency layout.

Support is included to define and analyze command line options which define values for the environment.

Unlike DuckConfigFile, this class is not a singleton. More than one context is allowed in the same process as long as the various instances of classes which use DuckContext use only one context at a time. For instance, inside a tsp or tsswitch process, each plugin can use its own context, using different preferences.

The class DuckContext is not thread-safe. It shall be used from one single thread or explicit synchronization is required.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DuckContext()

ts::DuckContext::DuckContext ( Report report = nullptr,
std::ostream *  output = nullptr 


[in]reportAddress of the report for log and error messages. If null, use the standard error.
[in]outputThe output stream to use, std::cout on null pointer.

Member Function Documentation

◆ report()

Report & ts::DuckContext::report ( ) const

Get the current report for log and error messages.

A reference to the current output report.

◆ setReport()

void ts::DuckContext::setReport ( Report report)

Set a new report for log and error messages.

[in]reportAddress of the report for log and error messages. If null, use the standard error.

◆ out()

std::ostream & ts::DuckContext::out ( ) const

Get the current output stream to issue long text output.

A reference to the output stream.

◆ setOutput() [1/2]

bool ts::DuckContext::setOutput ( const fs::path &  fileName,
bool  override = true 

Redirect the output stream to a file.

[in]fileNameThe file name to create. If empty or equal to "-", reset to std::cout.
[in]overrideIt true, the previous file is closed. If false and the output is already redirected outside std::cout, do nothing.
True on success, false on error.

◆ setOutput() [2/2]

void ts::DuckContext::setOutput ( std::ostream *  output,
bool  override = true 

Redirect the output stream to a stream.

[in]outputThe output stream to use, std::cout on null pointer.
[in]overrideIt true, the previous file is closed. If false and the output is already redirected outside std::cout, do nothing.

◆ redirectedOutput()

bool ts::DuckContext::redirectedOutput ( ) const

Check if output was redirected.

True if the current output is neither the initial one nor the standard output.

◆ charsetIn()

const Charset * ts::DuckContext::charsetIn ( const Charset charset = nullptr) const

Get the default input character set for strings from tables and descriptors.

The default is the DVB superset of ISO/IEC 6937 as defined in ETSI EN 300 468. Other defaults can be used in non-DVB contexts or when a DVB operator uses an incorrect signalization, assuming another default character set (usually from its own country).

[in]charsetAn optional specific character set to use instead of the default one.
The default input character set (never null).

◆ charsetOut()

const Charset * ts::DuckContext::charsetOut ( const Charset charset = nullptr) const

Get the preferred output character set for strings to insert in tables and descriptors.

[in]charsetAn optional specific character set to use instead of the default one.
The preferred output character set (never null).

◆ decode()

bool ts::DuckContext::decode ( UString str,
const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 
) const

Convert a signalization string into UTF-16 using the default input character set.

[out]strReturned decoded string.
[in]dataAddress of an encoded string.
[in]sizeSize in bytes of the encoded string.
True on success, false on error (truncated, unsupported format, etc.)
See also
ETSI EN 300 468, Annex A.

◆ decoded()

UString ts::DuckContext::decoded ( const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 
) const

Convert a signalization string into UTF-16 using the default input character set.

[in]dataAddress of a string in in binary representation (DVB or similar).
[in]sizeSize in bytes of the string.
The equivalent UTF-16 string. Stop on untranslatable character, if any.
See also
ETSI EN 300 468, Annex A.

◆ decodeWithByteLength()

bool ts::DuckContext::decodeWithByteLength ( UString str,
const uint8_t *&  data,
size_t &  size 
) const

Convert a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) into UTF-16 using the default input character set.

[out]strReturned decoded string.
[in,out]dataAddress of an encoded string. The address is updated to point after the decoded value.
[in,out]sizeSize of the buffer. Updated to remaining size.
True on success, false on error (truncated, unsupported format, etc.)
See also
ETSI EN 300 468, Annex A.

◆ decodedWithByteLength()

UString ts::DuckContext::decodedWithByteLength ( const uint8_t *&  data,
size_t &  size 
) const

Convert a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) into UTF-16 using the default input character set.

[in,out]dataAddress of a buffer containing a string to read. The first byte in the buffer is the length in bytes of the string. Upon return, buffer is updated to point after the end of the string.
[in,out]sizeSize in bytes of the buffer, which may be larger than the DVB string. Upon return, size is updated, decremented by the same amount buffer was incremented.
The equivalent UTF-16 string. Stop on untranslatable character, if any.
See also
ETSI EN 300 468, Annex A.

◆ encode()

size_t ts::DuckContext::encode ( uint8_t *&  buffer,
size_t &  size,
const UString str,
size_t  start = 0,
size_t  count = NPOS 
) const

Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string using the preferred output character set.

Stop either when this string is serialized or when the buffer is full, whichever comes first.

[in,out]bufferAddress of the buffer where the signalization string is written. The address is updated to point after the encoded value.
[in,out]sizeSize of the buffer. Updated to remaining size.
[in]strThe UTF-16 string to encode.
[in]startStarting offset to convert in this UTF-16 string.
[in]countMaximum number of characters to convert.
The number of serialized characters (which is usually not the same as the number of written bytes).

◆ encoded()

ByteBlock ts::DuckContext::encoded ( const UString str,
size_t  start = 0,
size_t  count = NPOS 
) const

Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string using the preferred output character set.

[in]strThe UTF-16 string to encode.
[in]startStarting offset to convert in this UTF-16 string.
[in]countMaximum number of characters to convert.
The DVB string.

◆ encodeWithByteLength()

size_t ts::DuckContext::encodeWithByteLength ( uint8_t *&  buffer,
size_t &  size,
const UString str,
size_t  start = 0,
size_t  count = NPOS 
) const

Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) using the preferred output character set.

Stop either when this string is serialized or when the buffer is full or when 255 bytes are written, whichever comes first.

[in,out]bufferAddress of the buffer where the DVB string is written. The first byte will receive the size in bytes of the DVB string. The address is updated to point after the encoded value.
[in,out]sizeSize of the buffer. Updated to remaining size.
[in]strThe UTF-16 string to encode.
[in]startStarting offset to convert in this UTF-16 string.
[in]countMaximum number of characters to convert.
The number of serialized characters (which is usually not the same as the number of written bytes).

◆ encodedWithByteLength()

ByteBlock ts::DuckContext::encodedWithByteLength ( const UString str,
size_t  start = 0,
size_t  count = NPOS 
) const

Encode an UTF-16 string into a signalization string (preceded by its one-byte length) using the preferred output character set.

[in]strThe UTF-16 string to encode.
[in]startStarting offset to convert in this UTF-16 string.
[in]countMaximum number of characters to convert.
The DVB string with the initial length byte.

◆ setDefaultCharsetIn()

void ts::DuckContext::setDefaultCharsetIn ( const Charset charset)

Set the default input character set for strings.

The default should be the DVB superset of ISO/IEC 6937 as defined in ETSI EN 300 468. Use another default in the context of an operator using an incorrect signalization, assuming another default character set (usually from its own country).

[in]charsetThe new default input character set or a null pointer to revert to the default.

◆ setDefaultCharsetOut()

void ts::DuckContext::setDefaultCharsetOut ( const Charset charset)

Set the preferred output character set for strings.

[in]charsetThe new preferred output character set or a null pointer to revert to the default.

◆ setDefaultCASId()

void ts::DuckContext::setDefaultCASId ( CASID  cas)

Set the default CAS id to use.

[in]casDefault CAS id to be used when the CAS is unknown.

◆ casId()

CASID ts::DuckContext::casId ( CASID  cas = CASID_NULL) const

The actual CAS id to use.

[in]casProposed CAS id. If equal to CASID_NULL, then another value can be returned.
The actual CAS id to use.

◆ setDefaultPDS()

void ts::DuckContext::setDefaultPDS ( PDS  pds)

Set the default private data specifier to use in the absence of explicit private_data_specifier_descriptor.

[in]pdsDefault PDS. Use zero to revert to no default.

◆ actualPDS()

PDS ts::DuckContext::actualPDS ( PDS  pds) const

The actual private data specifier to use.

[in]pdsCurrent PDS, typically from a private_data_specifier_descriptor.
The actual PDS to use.

◆ resetDefaultREGIDs()

void ts::DuckContext::resetDefaultREGIDs ( )

Reset the list of default registration ids.

All registration ids, including those coming from --default-registration options, are deleted.

◆ addDefaultREGID()

void ts::DuckContext::addDefaultREGID ( REGID  regid)

Add a new id at the end of the list of default registration ids.

[in]regidA registration id to add.

◆ updateREGIDs()

void ts::DuckContext::updateREGIDs ( REGIDVector regids) const

Update a list of registration ids (typically from a descriptor list) with the default registration ids.

The default registration ids mostly come from --default-registration options. They are inserted at the beginning of regids.

[in,out]regidsThe list of registration ids to update.

◆ standards()

Standards ts::DuckContext::standards ( ) const

Get the list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.

A bit mask of standards.

◆ addStandards()

void ts::DuckContext::addStandards ( Standards  mask)

Add a list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.

[in]maskA bit mask of standards.

◆ resetStandards()

void ts::DuckContext::resetStandards ( Standards  mask = Standards::NONE)

Reset the list of standards which are present in the transport stream or context.

[in]maskA bit mask of standards.

◆ setDefaultHFRegion()

void ts::DuckContext::setDefaultHFRegion ( const UString region)

Set the name of the default region for UVH and VHF band frequency layout.

[in]regionName of the region. Use an empty string to revert to the default.

◆ defaultHFRegion()

UString ts::DuckContext::defaultHFRegion ( ) const

Get the name of the default region for UVH and VHF band frequency layout.

Name of the default region.

◆ hfBand()

const HFBand * ts::DuckContext::hfBand ( const UString name,
bool  silent_band = false 
) const

Get the description of an HF band for the default region.

[in]nameName of the HF band to search (e.g. u"UHF", u"VHF", u"BS", u"CS").
[in]silent_bandIf true, do not report error message if the band is not found in the file. Other errors (HF band file not found, region not found) are still reported.
The description of the band for the default region. Never null.

◆ vhfBand()

const HFBand * ts::DuckContext::vhfBand ( ) const

Get the description of the VHF band for the default region.

The description of the VHF band for the default region. Never null.

◆ uhfBand()

const HFBand * ts::DuckContext::uhfBand ( ) const

Get the description of the UHF band for the default region.

The description of the UHF band for the default region. Never null.

◆ setTimeReferenceOffset()

void ts::DuckContext::setTimeReferenceOffset ( cn::milliseconds  offset)

Set a non-standard time reference offset.

In DVB SI, reference times are UTC. These SI can be reused in non-standard ways where the stored times use another reference. This is the case with ARIB and ABNT variants of ISDB which reuse TOT, TDT and EIT but with another local time reference.

[in]offsetOffset from UTC in milli-seconds. Can be positive or negative. The default offset is zero, meaning plain UTC time.

◆ setTimeReference()

bool ts::DuckContext::setTimeReference ( const UString name)

Set a non-standard time reference offset using a name.

[in]nameTime reference name. The non-standard time reference offset is computed from this name which can be "JST" or "UTC[[+|-]hh[:mm]]".
True on success, false if name is invalid.
See also

◆ timeReferenceOffset()

cn::milliseconds ts::DuckContext::timeReferenceOffset ( ) const

Get the non-standard time reference offset.

The offset from UTC in milli-seconds. Can be positive or negative.

◆ timeReferenceName()

UString ts::DuckContext::timeReferenceName ( ) const

Get the non-standard time reference offset as a string.

The offset from UTC as a string.

◆ setUseLeapSeconds()

void ts::DuckContext::setUseLeapSeconds ( bool  on)

Set the explicit inclusion of leap seconds where it is needed.

Currently, this applies to SCTE 35 splice_schedule() commands only.

[in]onTrue if leap seconds shall be explicitly included (the default), false to ignore leap seconds.

◆ useLeapSeconds()

bool ts::DuckContext::useLeapSeconds ( ) const

Check the explicit inclusion of leap seconds where it is needed.

True if leap seconds shall be explicitly included, false to ignore leap seconds.

◆ defineArgsForCharset()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForCharset ( Args args)

Define character set command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --default-charset, --europe. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ defineArgsForCAS()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForCAS ( Args args)

Define default CAS command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --default-cas-id and other CAS-specific options. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ defineArgsForPDS()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForPDS ( Args args)

Define Private Data Specifier and Registration Id command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --default-pds and --default-registration. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ defineArgsForStandards()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForStandards ( Args args)

Define contextual standards command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --atsc. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ defineArgsForHFBand()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForHFBand ( Args args)

Define HF band command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --hf-band-region. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ defineArgsForTimeReference()

void ts::DuckContext::defineArgsForTimeReference ( Args args)

Define time reference command line options in an Args.

Defined options: --time-reference. The context keeps track of defined options so that loadOptions() can parse the appropriate options.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments to update.

◆ loadArgs()

bool ts::DuckContext::loadArgs ( Args args)

Load the values of all previously defined arguments from command line.

Args error indicator is set in case of incorrect arguments.

[in,out]argsCommand line arguments.
True on success, false on error in argument line.

◆ saveArgs()

void ts::DuckContext::saveArgs ( SavedArgs args) const

Save all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs().

[out]argsSaved arguments.

◆ restoreArgs()

void ts::DuckContext::restoreArgs ( const SavedArgs args)

Restore all command line options, as loaded by loadArgs() in another DuckContext.

[in]argsSaved arguments to restore.

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