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TSDuck v3.40-4161
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
▼ src | |
▼ libtscore | |
► algo | |
tsAbstractOutputStream.h | Intermediate abstract class to help implementing std::ostream |
tsAlgorithm.h | Miscellaneous C++ algorithms supplementing the standard <algorithm> |
tsBoolPredicate.h | General-purpose boolean predicates |
tsFunctors.h | Miscellaneous C++ general-purpose functors |
tsMessagePriorityQueue.h | Template message queue for inter-thread communication with priority |
tsMessageQueue.h | Template message queue for inter-thread communication |
tsRingNode.h | Base class for objects being part of a ring |
tsSingleDataStatistics.h | Statistics over a single set of data (integer or floating point) |
tsUID.h | A function which generates 64-bit UID, unique integer |
tsWatchDog.h | General-purpose timeout watchdog |
tsWatchDogHandlerInterface.h | Expiration handler interface for general-purpose timeout watchdog |
► app | |
tsArgs.h | Command line arguments handling |
tsCommandLine.h | Command line interpreter |
tsCommandLineHandler.h | An interface which handles a command from a CommandLine instance |
tsConfigFile.h | Configuration files management |
tsConfigSection.h | Representation of a "configuration section" |
tsDuckConfigFile.h | A singleton which contains the TSDuck configuration file |
tsEditLine.h | Read input lines with bash-like line editing when possible |
tsGitHubRelease.h | Get information from GitHub about the releases of a project |
tsLibTSCoreVersion.h | Version of the libtscore library |
tsMain.h | Define a standard main() function with appropriate checks |
tsNames.h | Conversion between names and identifiers |
tsObject.h | General-purpose base class for polymophic objects |
tsObjectRepository.h | A global repository of general-purpose base class for polymophic objects |
tsVersionInfo.h | Information about version identification of TSDuck |
► cpp | |
tsAfterStandardHeaders.h | Technical header to include after including standard and system headers |
tsBeforeStandardHeaders.h | Technical header to include before including standard and system headers |
tsPlatform.h | Cross-platforms portable base definitions for the TSDuck project |
► crypto | |
tsAES128.h | AES-128 block cipher |
tsAES256.h | AES-256 block cipher |
tsBetterSystemRandomGenerator.h | Improved system-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
tsBlockCipher.h | Abstract interface of block ciphers |
tsBlockCipherAlertInterface.h | Interface to be notified when an alert is raised on a block cipher |
tsBlockCipherProperties.h | Properties of a block cipher |
tsCBC.h | Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode |
tsCRC32.h | Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections |
tsCryptoLibrary.h | Definitions for the system-specific cryptographic library |
tsCTR.h | Counter (CTR) chaining mode |
tsCTS1.h | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 1 |
tsCTS2.h | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 2 |
tsCTS3.h | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 3 |
tsCTS4.h | Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 4 |
tsDES.h | DES block cipher |
tsECB.h | Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode |
tsHash.h | Abstract base class for hash functions |
tsKeyTable.h | A basic and non-secure implementation of a symmetric key table |
tsRandomGenerator.h | Abstract base class for PRNG's (pseudo-random numbers generators) |
tsSHA1.h | SHA-1 hash |
tsSHA256.h | SHA-256 hash |
tsSHA512.h | SHA-512 hash |
tsSystemRandomGenerator.h | System-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
tsTDES.h | Triple-DES (EDE) block cipher |
tsXoshiro256ss.h | Xoshiro256** PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator) |
► json | |
tsjson.h | Simple and basic implementation of a JSON value |
tsjsonArray.h | Implementation of a JSON array |
tsjsonFalse.h | Implementation of a JSON false literal |
tsjsonNull.h | Implementation of a JSON null literal |
tsjsonNumber.h | Implementation of a JSON number |
tsjsonObject.h | Implementation of a JSON object |
tsjsonOutputArgs.h | Command line arguments for JSON reports |
tsjsonRunningDocument.h | Representation of a "running" JSON document which is displayed on the fly |
tsjsonString.h | Implementation of a JSON string |
tsjsonTrue.h | Implementation of a JSON true literal |
tsjsonValue.h | Abstract base class of a JSON value |
► network | |
tsAbstractNetworkAddress.h | Abstract base class for all network address and socket address classes |
tsIP.h | Include the multiple and messy system headers for IP networking |
tsIPAddress.h | Generic IP address class, IPv4 or IPv6 |
tsIPAddressMask.h | A combination of IP address and network mask or prefix |
tsIPPacket.h | Representation of a raw IPv4 or IPv6 packet |
tsIPProtocols.h | Definitions of protocols for IP networking |
tsIPSocketAddress.h | Generic socket address class (IPv4 or IPv6 address & port) |
tsIPUtils.h | Utilities for IP networking |
tsMACAddress.h | MAC address class |
tsNetworkInterface.h | Description of a network interface |
tsPcap.h | Definitions in pcap and pcapng files |
tsPcapFile.h | Pcap and pcapng file |
tsPcapFilter.h | Read a pcap or pcapng file with packet filtering |
tsPcapStream.h | Read a TCP/IP stream from a pcap or pcapng file |
tsSocket.h | Base class for TCP and UDP sockets |
tsTCPConnection.h | TCP connected socket, for data communication |
tsTCPServer.h | TCP Server |
tsTCPSocket.h | TCP Socket |
tsTelnetConnection.h | Implementation of a half-duplex line oriented telnet connection |
tsUDPReceiver.h | UDP datagram receiver with common command line options |
tsUDPReceiverArgs.h | Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver |
tsUDPReceiverArgsList.h | Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver |
tsUDPSocket.h | UDP Socket |
tsURL.h | Representation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) |
tsWebRequest.h | Perform a simple Web request (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) |
tsWebRequestArgs.h | Command line arguments for the class WebRequest |
► report | |
tsAsyncReport.h | Asynchronous message report |
tsAsyncReportArgs.h | Parameters and command line arguments for asynchronous log |
tsCerrReport.h | A singleton implementing Report on std::cerr without synchronization |
tsErrCodeReport.h | A proxy class to automatically report std::error_code errors |
tsNullReport.h | A singleton implementing Report which drops all messages |
tsReport.h | Base class for event reporting and monitoring |
tsReportBuffer.h | A subclass of ts::Report which logs messages in an internal buffer |
tsReportFile.h | A subclass of ts::Report which outputs messages in a text file |
tsSeverity.h | Message severity |
► system | |
► linux | |
tsSignalAllocator.h | Allocate POSIX real-time signal numbers (Linux-specific) |
► mac | |
tsMacPList.h | Reading macOS XML PList files |
► unix | |
tsSysCtl.h | Reading Unix sysctl(2) values |
► windows | |
tsComIds.h | Declare identifiers for Windows Common Object Model (COM) |
tsComPtr.h | Managed pointers for COM objects, auto-released (Windows-specific) |
tsWinUtils.h | Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM) |
tsAbortInterface.h | Abstract interface for abort polling |
tsAbstractReadStreamInterface.h | Abstract interface to read raw data from a stream |
tsAbstractWriteStreamInterface.h | Abstract interface to write raw data on a stream |
tsApplicationSharedLibrary.h | Application shared libraries |
tsCOM.h | Encapsulation of Windows Common Object Model (COM) |
tsConsoleState.h | Save and restore the state of the Windows console |
tsEnvironment.h | Accessing environment variables |
tsFatal.h | Handle some fatal situations |
tsFileNameGenerator.h | Generate file names based on counter or dates |
tsFileUtils.h | File utilities (file path, file properties, etc) |
tsForkPipe.h | Fork a process and create a pipe to its standard input |
tsInputRedirector.h | Input file redirector |
tsInterruptHandler.h | Abstract interface for handling user Ctrl-C interrupts |
tsOutputPager.h | Send output to a "pager" application such as "more" |
tsOutputRedirector.h | Output file redirector |
tsPagerArgs.h | Command line arguments for –pager or –no-pager |
tsPolledFile.h | Description of a polled file |
tsPollFiles.h | Poll for files |
tsPollFilesListener.h | Interface for classes listening for file modification |
tsRegistry.h | Windows Registry utilities |
tsResidentBuffer.h | Implementation of memory buffer locked in physical memory |
tsSharedLibrary.h | Shared library handling (.so on Linux, .dylib on macOS, .dll on Windows) |
tsSysInfo.h | A singleton holding information on the current operating system |
tsSystemMonitor.h | Monitoring thread for system resources used by the application |
tsSysUtils.h | Various system utilities |
tsThread.h | Declare the ts::Thread class |
tsThreadAttributes.h | Declare the ts::ThreadAttributes class |
tsTime.h | Declare the ts::Time class |
tsUserInterrupt.h | User interrupt handling (Ctrl+C) |
► text | |
tsExpressions.h | Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols |
tsGrid.h | Produces a report in a grid format with tables and sections |
tsTextFormatter.h | Format and print a text document |
tsTextParser.h | Simple text parser class |
tsTextTable.h | Produces a formatted table of text lines and columns |
tsTLVSyntax.h | Representation of a Tag, Length, Value (TVL) syntax |
► tlv | |
tstlv.h | Definitions for the TLV protocols |
tstlvAnalyzer.h | Analysis (deserialization) of TLV messages |
tstlvConnection.h | TCP connection using TLV messages |
tstlvLogger.h | A logger class for TLV messages |
tstlvMessage.h | Abstract base class for TLV messages |
tstlvMessageFactory.h | Factory class for TLV messages |
tstlvProtocol.h | A class which defines the syntax of a TLV protocol |
tstlvSerializer.h | Serialization of TLV messages |
► types | |
tsAbstractNumber.h | Abstract base class for different representations of "numbers" |
tsArgMix.h | Element of an argument list with mixed integer and string types |
tsBCD.h | Binary Coded Decimal utilities |
tsBuffer.h | General-purpose memory buffer with bit access |
tsByteBlock.h | Definition of a generic block of bytes |
tsByteSwap.h | Low-level platform-dependent byte swapping functions |
tsCompactBitSet.h | A compact version of std::bitset |
tsDisplayInterface.h | Abstract interface displaying an object |
tsEnumUtils.h | Some utilities on enumeration types |
tsException.h | Base class for all exceptions in TSDuck |
tsFixedPoint.h | Template representation of fixed-precision numbers |
tsFloatingPoint.h | Encapsulation of a floating-point type as an AbstractNumber |
tsFloatUtils.h | Some utilities on floating point types |
tsFraction.h | Template representation of fractional numbers |
tsInteger.h | Encapsulation of an integer type as an AbstractNumber |
tsIntegerMap.h | Generic map of integer to integer |
tsIntegerUtils.h | Some utilities on integers |
tsMemory.h | Utility routines for memory operations |
tsReplacement.h | Replacement policy in containers of data structures |
tsStringifyInterface.h | Abstract interface converting an object to UString |
tsUChar.h | Unicode characters |
tsUString.h | Unicode string |
► xml | |
tsxml.h | Forward declaration of XML classes |
tsxmlAttribute.h | Attribute of an XML element |
tsxmlComment.h | Comment in an XML document |
tsxmlDeclaration.h | Declaration in an XML document |
tsxmlDocument.h | Representation of an XML document |
tsxmlElement.h | Element in an XML document |
tsxmlJSONConverter.h | XML-to-JSON conversions |
tsxmlModelDocument.h | Representation of the model of an XML document |
tsxmlNode.h | Base class for all XML nodes |
tsxmlPatchDocument.h | Representation of an XML document which is used to patch another one |
tsxmlRunningDocument.h | Representation of a "running" XML document which is displayed on the fly |
tsxmlText.h | Text element in an XML document |
tsxmlTweaks.h | Global tweaks to manipulate XML documents |
tsxmlUnknown.h | Unknown element in an XML document |
► zip | |
tsZlib.h | Implementation of RFC 1951 data compression, a.k.a |
tsVersion.h | Version identification of TSDuck |
▼ libtsduck | |
► app | |
tsLibTSDuckVersion.h | Version of the libtsduck library |
► crypto | |
tsDVBCISSA.h | DVB-CISSA AES-based TS packet encryption |
tsDVBCSA2.h | DVB CSA-2 (Digital Video Broadcasting Common Scrambling Algorithm) |
tsDVS042.h | DVS 042 cipher block chaining mode |
tsIDSA.h | ATIS-0800006 AES-based TS packet encryption (ATIS-IDSA) |
tsSCTE52.h | ANSI/SCTE 52 DES-based TS packet encryption |
► dektec | |
tsDektecControl.h | A class implementing the tsdektec control utility |
tsDektecDeviceInfo.h | A simple encapsulation of Dektec device information |
tsDektecInputPlugin.h | Declare the ts::DektecInputPlugin class |
tsDektecOutputPlugin.h | Declare the ts::DektecOutputPlugin class |
tsDektecUtils.h | Some basic utilities for Dektec API, without direct reference to DTAPI |
► dtv | |
► analysis | |
tsContinuityAnalyzer.h | Continuity counters analysis and repair |
tsTSAnalyzer.h | A class which analyzes a complete transport stream |
tsTSAnalyzerOptions.h | Report options for the class TSAnalyzer |
tsTSAnalyzerReport.h | A subclass of TSAnalyzer with reporting capabilities |
► broadcast | |
► bsd | |
tsTunerDevice.h | Digital TV tuner physical device |
► linux | |
tsDTVProperties.h | Encapsulation of Linux DVB property lists |
tsTunerDevice.h | Digital TV tuner physical device |
tsTunerDeviceInfo.h | Information on Linux DVB tuner device |
► mac | |
tsTunerDevice.h | Digital TV tuner physical device |
► windows | |
tsDirectShow.h | Include the definitions for DirectShow (Windows media framework) |
tsDirectShowFilterCategory.h | Instanciate all DirectShow devices in a given category |
tsDirectShowGraph.h | An encapsulation of a DirectShow graph |
tsDirectShowNetworkType.h | Encapsulate a DirectShow network type and its properties |
tsDirectShowTest.h | Perform tests on DirectShow & BDA, Windows-specific |
tsDirectShowUtils.h | DirectShow & BDA utilities (Windows-specific) |
tsMediaTypeUtils.h | DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE utilities (Windows-specific) |
tsSinkFilter.h | DirectShow filter for DVB tuners capture (Windows-specific) |
tsTunerDevice.h | Digital TV tuner physical device |
tsTunerGraph.h | A specialization of a DirectShow graph for tuner reception |
tsBitrateDifferenceDVBT.h | A set of DVB-T tuners parameters with an bitrate offset |
tsChannelFile.h | XML files containing the description of TV channels and their networks |
tsDeliverySystem.h | Definition for transmission delivery systems |
tsHFBand.h | Definition of an HF frequency band (UHF, VHF) |
tsLegacyBandWidth.h | Handling of legacy definitions for terrestrial modulation bandwidths |
tsLNB.h | Description of a Low-Noise Block (LNB) converter in a satellite dish |
tsModulation.h | Definition for MPEG transport modulations |
tsModulationArgs.h | Modulation parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions |
tsSignalState.h | State of a modulated broadcast signal |
tsTSScanner.h | A class which scans the services of a transport stream |
tsTuner.h | Digital TV tuner |
tsTunerArgs.h | Parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions |
tsTunerBase.h | Base class for Digital TV tuners |
tsTunerEmulator.h | Digital TV tuner emulator |
► cas | |
tsCAS.h | Conditional Access Systems general definitions |
tsCASDate.h | Template representation of a CAS date |
tsCASMapper.h | This class maps PID's with CA system ids |
tsCASSelectionArgs.h | Command line arguments to select CAS |
tsPCSC.h | PC/SC smartcard API utilities |
tsPIDOperator.h | Association of a PID and an "operator" id (CAS-specific) |
tsTSScrambling.h | Transport stream scrambling using multiple algorithms |
► charset | |
tsARIBCharset.h | Declaration of class ARIBCharset |
tsCharset.h | Declaration of abstract class Charset |
tsDumpCharset.h | Declaration of class DumpCharset |
tsDVBCharset.h | Declaration of class DVBCharset |
tsDVBCharTable.h | Declaration of abstract class DVBCharTable |
tsDVBCharTableSingleByte.h | Declaration of class DVBCharTableSingleByte |
tsDVBCharTableUTF16.h | Declaration of class DVBCharTableUTF16 |
tsDVBCharTableUTF8.h | Declaration of class DVBCharTableUTF8 |
► codec | |
tsAbstractAudioVideoAttributes.h | Abstract base class for MPEG audio and video attributes |
tsAbstractAVCAccessUnit.h | Base class for AVC access units, aka NALunits |
tsAbstractHEVCAccessUnit.h | Base class for HEVC access units, aka NALunits |
tsAbstractVideoAccessUnit.h | Base class for video access units, aka NALunits |
tsAbstractVideoData.h | Base class for video data, either access units or structures |
tsAbstractVideoStructure.h | Base class for video sub-structures inside access units |
tsAbstractVVCAccessUnit.h | Base class for VVC (H.266) access units, aka NALunits |
tsAC3Attributes.h | AC-3 (DD) and Enhanced-AC-3 (DD+) audio attributes |
tsAccessUnitIterator.h | Iterator for common AVC/HEVC/VVC video access units |
tsAVC.h | Basic definitions for Advanced Video Coding (AVC, H.264) standard |
tsAVCAccessUnitDelimiter.h | Representation of an AVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
tsAVCAttributes.h | Video attributes for Advanced Video Coding |
tsAVCHRDParameters.h | AVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
tsAVCParser.h | Parser for Advanced Video Coding (AVC, ISO 14496-10, ITU H.264) data |
tsAVCSequenceParameterSet.h | Representation of an AVC sequence parameter set access unit |
tsAVCVUIParameters.h | AVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters |
tsCodecType.h | Known video, audio or data encoding formats |
tsHEVC.h | Basic definitions for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC, H.265) standard |
tsHEVCAccessUnitDelimiter.h | Representation of an HEVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
tsHEVCAttributes.h | Video attributes for HEVC / H.265 |
tsHEVCHRDParameters.h | HEVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters |
tsHEVCProfileTierLevel.h | HEVC profile, tier and level structure |
tsHEVCScalingListData.h | HEVC scaling list data structure |
tsHEVCSequenceParameterSet.h | Representation of an HEVC sequence parameter set access unit |
tsHEVCShortTermReferencePictureSetList.h | List of HEVC short-term reference picture sets |
tsHEVCVUIParameters.h | HEVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters |
tsMPEG2.h | Basic definitions for MPEG-2 video coding standard |
tsMPEG2AudioAttributes.h | Audio attributes for MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 |
tsMPEG2VideoAttributes.h | Video attributes for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 |
tsVVC.h | Basic definitions for Versatile Video Coding (VVC, H.266) standard |
tsVVCAccessUnitDelimiter.h | Representation of a VVC access unit delimiter (AUD) |
► demux | |
tsAbstractDemux.h | Abstract base class for all sorts of demux from TS packets |
tsAbstractPacketizer.h | Abstract superclass for packetizer classes (sections or PES packets) |
tsCyclingPacketizer.h | Cyclic packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets |
tsDemuxedData.h | Base class for all kinds of demuxed data |
tsFileNameRate.h | Decode file names / repetition rates command line arguments |
tsFileNameRateList.h | Specialized list of file names and an associated repetition rates |
tsInvalidSectionHandlerInterface.h | Abstract interface to receive invalid MPEG section from a SectionDemux |
tsOneShotPacketizer.h | Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets in one shot |
tsPacketizer.h | Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets |
tsSectionDemux.h | This class rebuilds MPEG tables and sections from TS packets |
tsSectionHandlerInterface.h | Abstract interface to receive MPEG Section from a SectionDemux |
tsSectionProviderInterface.h | Abstract interface for classes which provide MPEG sections into a Packetizer |
tsSignalizationDemux.h | General-purpose signalization demux |
tsSignalizationHandlerInterface.h | General-purpose signalization handler interface |
tsStandaloneTableDemux.h | A SectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler |
tsTableHandlerInterface.h | Table handler interface |
tsTimeTrackerDemux.h | Time stamp management per PID |
► descriptors | |
► aom | |
tsAV1VideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an AV1_video_descriptor |
► atsc | |
tsATSCAC3AudioStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC AC-3_audio_stream_descriptor |
tsATSCEAC3AudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC E-AC-3_audio_descriptor |
tsATSCStuffingDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC stuffing_descriptor |
tsATSCTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC time_shifted_service_descriptor |
tsCaptionServiceDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC caption_service_descriptor |
tsComponentNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC component_name_descriptor |
tsContentAdvisoryDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC content_advisory_descriptor |
tsDCCArrivingRequestDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC dcc_arriving_request_descriptor |
tsDCCDepartingRequestDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC dcc_departing_request_descriptor |
tsExtendedChannelNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC extended_channel_name_descriptor |
tsGenreDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC genre_descriptor |
tsRedistributionControlDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC redistribution_control_descriptor |
tsServiceLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ATSC service_location_descriptor |
► australia | |
tsAustraliaLogicalChannelDescriptor.h | Representation of a Free TV Australia logical_channel_descriptor |
► avs | |
tsAVS2AudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an AVS2_audio_descriptor |
tsAVS3AudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an AVS3_audio_descriptor |
tsAVS3VideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an AVS3_video_descriptor |
► dtg | |
tsDTGGuidanceDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG guidance_descriptor |
tsDTGHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor |
tsDTGLogicalChannelDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG logical_channel_descriptor |
tsDTGPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG preferred_name_identifier_descriptor |
tsDTGPreferredNameListDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG preferred_name_list_descriptor |
tsDTGServiceAttributeDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG service_attribute_descriptor |
tsDTGShortServiceNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTG short_service_name_descriptor |
► dvb | |
tsAACDescriptor.h | Representation of an AAC_descriptor |
tsAbstractDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Abstract base class for DVB delivery system descriptors |
tsAbstractLogicalChannelDescriptor.h | Abstract representation of a logical_channel_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
tsAbstractMultilingualDescriptor.h | Abstract base class for DVB descriptors with a multilingual name |
tsAbstractPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor.h | Abstract representation of a preferred_name_identifier_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
tsAbstractPreferredNameListDescriptor.h | Abstract representation of a preferred_name_list_descriptor for different private data specifiers |
tsAdaptationFieldDataDescriptor.h | Representation of a adaptation_field_data_descriptor |
tsAncillaryDataDescriptor.h | Representation of a ancillary_data_descriptor |
tsAnnouncementSupportDescriptor.h | Representation of a announcement_support_descriptor |
tsApplicationDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsApplicationIconsDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_icons_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsApplicationNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_name_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsApplicationRecordingDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_recording_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsApplicationSignallingDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_signalling_descriptor |
tsApplicationStorageDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_storage_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsApplicationUsageDescriptor.h | Representation of an application_usage_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsAudioPreselectionDescriptor.h | Representation of an audio_preselection_descriptor |
tsBouquetNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a bouquet_name_descriptor |
tsC2BundleDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a C2_bundle_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsC2DeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a C2_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsCableDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a cable_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsCAIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a CA_identifier_descriptor |
tsCellFrequencyLinkDescriptor.h | Representation of a cell_frequency_link_descriptor |
tsCellListDescriptor.h | Representation of a cell_list_descriptor |
tsCIAncillaryDataDescriptor.h | Representation of a CI_ancillary_data_descriptor |
tsComponentDescriptor.h | Representation of a component_descriptor |
tsContentDescriptor.h | Representation of a content_descriptor |
tsContentIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB-defined content_identifier_descriptor |
tsCountryAvailabilityDescriptor.h | Representation of a country_availability_descriptor |
tsCPCMDeliverySignallingDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB cpcm_delivery_signalling_descriptor |
tsCPDescriptor.h | Representation of a CP_descriptor |
tsCPIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a CP_identifier_descriptor |
tsDataBroadcastDescriptor.h | Representation of a data_broadcast_descriptor |
tsDataBroadcastIdDescriptor.h | Representation of a generic data_broadcast_id_descriptor |
tsDefaultAuthorityDescriptor.h | Representation of a default_authority_descriptor |
tsDIILocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a DII_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDSMCCCachingPriorityDescriptor.h | Representation of a caching_priority_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific) |
tsDSMCCCompressedModuleDescriptor.h | Representation of a group_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCCRC32Descriptor.h | Representation of a CRC32_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCEstDownloadTimeDescriptor.h | Representation of a est_download_time_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCGroupLinkDescriptor.h | Representation of a group_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCInfoDescriptor.h | Representation of a info_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCLabelDescriptor.h | Representation of a label_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific) |
tsDSMCCLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a location_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCModuleLinkDescriptor.h | Representation of a module_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a name_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCSSUModuleTypeDescriptor.h | Representation of a location_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSMCCSubgroupAssociationDescriptor.h | Representation of an subgroup_association_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific) |
tsDSMCCTypeDescriptor.h | Representation of a type_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific) |
tsDSNGDescriptor.h | Representation of a DSNG_descriptor |
tsDTSDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTS_descriptor |
tsDTSHDDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTS_HD_descriptor |
tsDTSNeuralDescriptor.h | Representation of a DTS_neural_descriptor |
tsDVBAC3Descriptor.h | Representation of a DVB AC-3_descriptor |
tsDVBAC4Descriptor.h | Representation of a DVB AC-4_descriptor |
tsDVBDTSUHDDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB DTS-UHD_descriptor |
tsDVBEnhancedAC3Descriptor.h | Representation of a DVB enhanced_AC-3_descriptor |
tsDVBHTMLApplicationBoundaryDescriptor.h | Representation of a dvb_html_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDVBHTMLApplicationDescriptor.h | Representation of a dvb_html_application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDVBHTMLApplicationLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a dvb_html_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDVBJApplicationDescriptor.h | Representation of a dvb_j_application_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDVBJApplicationLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a dvb_j_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsDVBServiceProminenceDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB service_prominence_descriptor |
tsDVBStuffingDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB stuffing_descriptor |
tsDVBTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB time_shifted_service_descriptor |
tsECMRepetitionRateDescriptor.h | Representation of an ECM_repetition_rate_descriptor |
tsExtendedEventDescriptor.h | Representation of an extended_event_descriptor |
tsExternalApplicationAuthorizationDescriptor.h | Representation of an external_application_authorization_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsFrequencyListDescriptor.h | Representation of a frequency_list_descriptor |
tsFTAContentManagementDescriptor.h | Representation of a FTA_content_management_descriptor |
tsGraphicsConstraintsDescriptor.h | Representation of a graphics_constraints_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsImageIconDescriptor.h | Representation of a image_icon_descriptor |
tsIPMACGenericStreamLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of an IP/MAC_generic_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsIPMACPlatformNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_name_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsIPMACPlatformProviderNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_provider_name_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsIPMACStreamLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of an IP/MAC_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsIPSignallingDescriptor.h | Representation of an ip_signalling_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsISPAccessModeDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISP_access_mode_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsLinkageDescriptor.h | Representation of a generic linkage_descriptor |
tsLocalTimeOffsetDescriptor.h | Representation of a local_time_offset_descriptor |
tsMessageDescriptor.h | Representation of a message_descriptor |
tsMosaicDescriptor.h | Representation of a mosaic_descriptor |
tsMultilingualBouquetNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a multilingual_bouquet_name_descriptor |
tsMultilingualComponentDescriptor.h | Representation of a multilingual_component_descriptor |
tsMultilingualNetworkNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a multilingual_network_name_descriptor |
tsMultilingualServiceNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a multilingual_service_name_descriptor |
tsNetworkChangeNotifyDescriptor.h | Representation of a network_change_notify_descriptor |
tsNetworkNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a network_name_descriptor |
tsNVODReferenceDescriptor.h | Representation of a NVOD_reference_descriptor |
tsParentalRatingDescriptor.h | Representation of an parental_rating_descriptor |
tsPartialTransportStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of a partial_transport_stream_descriptor |
tsPDCDescriptor.h | Representation of a PDC_descriptor |
tsPrefetchDescriptor.h | Representation of a prefetch_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsPrivateDataSpecifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a private_data_specifier_descriptor |
tsProtectionMessageDescriptor.h | Representation of a protection_message_descriptor |
tsRARoverDVBstreamDescriptor.h | Representation of a RAR_over_DVB_stream_descriptor |
tsRARoverIPDescriptor.h | Representation of a RAR_over_IP_descriptor |
tsRelatedContentDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB-defined related_content_descriptor |
tsRNTScanDescriptor.h | Representation of a RAR_over_IP_descriptor |
tsS2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of an S2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsS2XSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of an S2X_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsS2Xv2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of an S2Xv2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a satellite_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsSchedulingDescriptor.h | Representation of an scheduling_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsScramblingDescriptor.h | Representation of a scrambling_descriptor |
tsServiceAvailabilityDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_availability_descriptor |
tsServiceDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_descriptor |
tsServiceIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_identifier_descriptor |
tsServiceListDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_list_descriptor |
tsServiceMoveDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_move_descriptor |
tsServiceRelocatedDescriptor.h | Representation of a service_relocated_descriptor |
tsSHDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a SH_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsShortEventDescriptor.h | Representation of an short_event_descriptor |
tsShortSmoothingBufferDescriptor.h | Representation of a short_smoothing_buffer_descriptor |
tsSimpleApplicationBoundaryDescriptor.h | Representation of a simple_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsSimpleApplicationLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a simple_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsSSUDataBroadcastIdDescriptor.h | Representation of a data_broadcast_id_descriptor for SSU |
tsSSUEnhancedMessageDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_enhanced_message_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsSSUEventNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_event_name_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsSSULinkageDescriptor.h | Representation of a linkage_descriptor for SSU |
tsSSULocationDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_location_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsSSUMessageDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_message_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsSSUSubgroupAssociationDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_subgroup_association_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsSSUURIDescriptor.h | Representation of an SSU_uri_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsStreamIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a stream_identifier_descriptor |
tsSubtitlingDescriptor.h | Representation of a subtitling_descriptor |
tsSupplementaryAudioDescriptor.h | Representation of a supplementary_audio_descriptor |
tsT2DeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a T2_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsT2MIDescriptor.h | Representation of a T2MI_descriptor |
tsTargetIPAddressDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IP_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
tsTargetIPSlashDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IP_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsTargetIPSourceSlashDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IP_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsTargetIPv6AddressDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IPv6_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
tsTargetIPv6SlashDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IPv6_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsTargetIPv6SourceSlashDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_IPv6_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsTargetMACAddressDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_MAC_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
tsTargetMACAddressRangeDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_MAC_address_range_descriptor (INT specific) |
tsTargetRegionDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_region_descriptor |
tsTargetRegionNameDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_region_name_descriptor |
tsTargetSerialNumberDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_serial_number_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
tsTargetSmartcardDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_smartcard_descriptor (INT/UNT specific) |
tsTelephoneDescriptor.h | Representation of a telephone_descriptor |
tsTeletextDescriptor.h | Representation of a teletext_descriptor |
tsTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of a terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsTimeShiftedEventDescriptor.h | Representation of a time_shifted_event_descriptor |
tsTimeSliceFECIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a time_slice_fec_identifier_descriptor |
tsTransportProtocolDescriptor.h | Representation of a transport_protocol_descriptor (AIT specific) |
tsTransportStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of a transport_stream_descriptor |
tsTTMLSubtitlingDescriptor.h | Representation of a TTML_subtitling_descriptor |
tsTVAIdDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB-defined TVA_id_descriptor |
tsUpdateDescriptor.h | Representation of an update_descriptor (UNT specific) |
tsURILinkageDescriptor.h | Representation of a URI_linkage_descriptor |
tsVBIDataDescriptor.h | Representation of a VBI_data_descriptor |
tsVBITeletextDescriptor.h | Representation of a VBI_teletext_descriptor |
tsVideoDepthRangeDescriptor.h | Representation of a video_depth_range_descriptor |
tsVVCSubpicturesDescriptor.h | Representation of a DVB VVC_subpictures_descriptor |
tsXAITLocationDescriptor.h | Representation of a xait_location_descriptor |
tsXAITPIDDescriptor.h | Representation of a xait_pid_descriptor |
► eacem | |
tsEacemHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor.h | Representation of an EACEM HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor |
tsEacemLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor.h | Representation of an EACEM logical_channel_number_descriptor |
tsEacemPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_identifier_descriptor |
tsEacemPreferredNameListDescriptor.h | Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_list_descriptor |
tsEacemStreamIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of an eacem_stream_identifier_descriptor |
► eutelsat | |
tsEutelsatChannelNumberDescriptor.h | Representation of an Eutelsat_channel_number_descriptor |
► isdb | |
tsAbstractDownloadContentDescriptor.h | Base class for ISDB download content descriptors |
tsAreaBroadcastingInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB area_broadcasting_information_descriptor |
tsAudioComponentDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB audio_component_descriptor |
tsBasicLocalEventDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB basic_local_event_descriptor |
tsBoardInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB board_information_descriptor |
tsBroadcasterNameDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB broadcaster_name_descriptor |
tsCAContractInfoDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB CA_contract_info_descriptor |
tsCAEMMTSDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB CA_EMM_TS_descriptor |
tsCarouselCompatibleCompositeDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB carousel_compatible_composite_descriptor |
tsCAServiceDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB CA_service_descriptor |
tsConditionalPlaybackDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB conditional_playback_descriptor |
tsContentAvailabilityDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB content_availability_descriptor |
tsDataComponentDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB data_component_descriptor |
tsDataContentDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB data_content_descriptor |
tsDigitalCopyControlDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB digital_copy_control_descriptor |
tsDownloadContentDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB download_content_descriptor |
tsEmergencyInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB emergency_information_descriptor |
tsEventGroupDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB event_group_descriptor |
tsExtendedBroadcasterDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB extended_broadcaster_descriptor |
tsHierarchicalTransmissionDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB hierarchical_transmission_descriptor |
tsHybridInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB hybrid_information_descriptor |
tsISDBAccessControlDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB access_control_descriptor |
tsISDBComponentGroupDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB component_group_descriptor |
tsISDBConnectedTransmissionDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB connected_transmission_descriptor |
tsISDBHyperlinkDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB hyperlink_descriptor |
tsISDBLDTLinkageDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB LDT_linkage_descriptor |
tsISDBNetworkIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB network_identifier_descriptor |
tsISDBTargetRegionDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB target_region_descriptor |
tsISDBTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor |
tsLogoTransmissionDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB logo_transmission_descriptor |
tsNetworkDownloadContentDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB network_download_content_descriptor |
tsNodeRelationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB node_relation_descriptor |
tsPartialReceptionDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB partial_reception_descriptor |
tsPartialTSTimeDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB partialTS_time_descriptor |
tsReferenceDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB reference_descriptor |
tsSeriesDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB series_descriptor |
tsServiceGroupDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB service_group_descriptor |
tsShortNodeInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB short_node_information_descriptor |
tsSIParameterDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB SI_parameter_descriptor |
tsSIPrimeTSDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB SI_prime_TS_descriptor |
tsSTCReferenceDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB STC_reference_descriptor |
tsSystemManagementDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB system_management_descriptor |
tsTSInformationDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB TS_information_descriptor |
tsVideoDecodeControlDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISDB video_decode_control_descriptor |
► mpeg | |
tsAFExtensionsDescriptor.h | Representation of an af_extensions_descriptor |
tsAssociationTagDescriptor.h | Representation of an association_tag_descriptor |
tsAudioStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an audio_stream_descriptor |
tsAuxiliaryVideoStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor |
tsAVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor.h | Representation of an AVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
tsAVCVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an AVC_video_descriptor |
tsCADescriptor.h | Representation of a generic CA_descriptor |
tsCarouselIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a carousel_identifier_descriptor |
tsContentLabellingDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined content_labelling_descriptor |
tsCopyrightDescriptor.h | Representation of a copyright_descriptor |
tsDataStreamAlignmentDescriptor.h | Representation of a data_stream_alignment_descriptor |
tsDeferredAssociationTagsDescriptor.h | Representation of a deferred_association_tags_descriptor |
tsEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor.h | Representation of an EVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
tsEVCVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an EVC_video_descriptor |
tsExternalESIdDescriptor.h | Representation of an external_ES_ID_descriptor |
tsFMCDescriptor.h | Representation of a FMC_descriptor |
tsGreenExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined green_extension_descriptor |
tsHEVCHierarchyExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor |
tsHEVCOperationPointDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_operation_point_descriptor |
tsHEVCSubregionDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_subregion_descriptor |
tsHEVCTileSubstreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_tile_substream_descriptor |
tsHEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
tsHEVCVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor |
tsHierarchyDescriptor.h | Representation of a hierarchy_descriptor |
tsIBPDescriptor.h | Representation of a IBP_descriptor |
tsIODDescriptor.h | Representation of an IOD_descriptor |
tsISO639LanguageDescriptor.h | Representation of an ISO_639_language_descriptor |
tsJ2KVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of a J2K_video_descriptor |
tsJPEGXSVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an JPEG_XS_video_descriptor |
tsLCEVCLinkageDescriptor.h | Representation of an LCEVC_linkage_descriptor |
tsLCEVCVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an LCEVC_video_descriptor |
tsM4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor.h | Representation of an B4MuxBufferSize_descriptor |
tsM4MuxTimingDescriptor.h | Representation of a m4mux_timing_descriptor |
tsMasteringDisplayMetadata.h | Representation of an Mastering Display Meta |
tsMaximumBitrateDescriptor.h | Representation of a maximum_bitrate_descriptor |
tsMediaServiceKindDescriptor.h | Representation of an Media_service_kind_descriptor |
tsMetadataDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_descriptor |
tsMetadataPointerDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_pointer_descriptor |
tsMetadataSTDDescriptor.h | Representation of a metadata_STD_descriptor |
tsMPEG2AACAudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG2_AAC_audio_descriptor |
tsMPEG2StereoscopicVideoFormatDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG2_stereoscopic_video_format_descriptor |
tsMPEG4AudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG4_audio_descriptor |
tsMPEG4AudioExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of a MPEG4_audio_extension_descriptor |
tsMPEG4TextDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-4 Text Descriptor |
tsMPEG4VideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG4_video_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioCommandDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_command_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioConfigDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_config_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioDRCLoudnessDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_drc_loudness_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioMultiStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_multi_stream_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioSceneDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_scene_descriptor |
tsMPEGH3DAudioTextLabelDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-H_3dAudio_descriptor |
tsMultiplexBufferDescriptor.h | Representation of a multiplex_buffer_descriptor |
tsMultiplexBufferUtilizationDescriptor.h | Representation of a multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor |
tsMuxcodeDescriptor.h | Representation of an MuxCode_descriptor |
tsMVCExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of an MVC_extension_descriptor |
tsMVCOperationPointDescriptor.h | Representation of an MVC_operation_point_descriptor |
tsNPTEndpointDescriptor.h | Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_endpoint_descriptor |
tsNPTReferenceDescriptor.h | Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_reference_descriptor |
tsPrivateDataIndicatorDescriptor.h | Representation of a private_data_indicator_descriptor |
tsQualityExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of a quality_extension_descriptor |
tsRegistrationDescriptor.h | Representation of a registration_descriptor |
tsSLDescriptor.h | Representation of an SL_descriptor |
tsSmoothingBufferDescriptor.h | Representation of a smoothing_buffer_descriptor |
tsSTDDescriptor.h | Representation of an STD_descriptor |
tsStereoscopicProgramInfoDescriptor.h | Representation of a stereoscopic_program_info_descriptor |
tsStereoscopicVideoInfoDescriptor.h | Representation of a stereoscopic_video_info_descriptor |
tsStreamEventDescriptor.h | Representation of a DSM-CC stream_event_descriptor |
tsStreamModeDescriptor.h | Representation of a DSM-CC stream_mode_descriptor |
tsSVCExtensionDescriptor.h | Representation of an SVC_extension_descriptor |
tsSystemClockDescriptor.h | Representation of an system_clock_descriptor |
tsTargetBackgroundGridDescriptor.h | Representation of a target_background_grid_descriptor |
tsTransportProfileDescriptor.h | Representation of a transport_profile_descriptor |
tsVideoStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an video_stream_descriptor |
tsVideoWindowDescriptor.h | Representation of a video_window_descriptor |
tsVirtualSegmentationDescriptor.h | Representation of an MPEG-defined virtual_segmentation_descriptor |
tsVVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor.h | Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor |
tsVVCVideoDescriptor.h | Representation of an VVC_video_descriptor |
► nordig | |
tsNorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV1.h | Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V1) |
tsNorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV2.h | Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V2) |
► scte | |
tsCueIdentifierDescriptor.h | Representation of a cue_identifier_descriptor (SCTE 35) |
tsEASAudioFileDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_audio_file_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
tsEASInbandDetailsChannelDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_details_channel_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
tsEASInbandExceptionChannelsDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_exception_channels_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
tsEASMetadataDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 164 EAS_metadata_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table) |
tsSpliceAvailDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 avail_descriptor (SIT specific) |
tsSpliceDTMFDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 DTMF_descriptor (SIT specific) |
tsSpliceSegmentationDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 segmentation_descriptor (SIT specific) |
tsSpliceTimeDescriptor.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 time_descriptor (SIT specific) |
► sky | |
tsSkyLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor.h | Representation of a sky_logical_channel_number_descriptor |
► uwa | |
tsUWAVideoStreamDescriptor.h | Representation of an CUVV_video_stream_descriptor |
tsAbstractDescriptor.h | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
► dvbsimulcrypt | |
tsDuckProtocol.h | TSDuck internal messages, based on DVB SimulCrypt head-end TLV messages |
tsECMGClient.h | ECM generator client |
tsECMGClientArgs.h | Command line arguments for the class ECMGClient |
tsECMGClientHandlerInterface.h | Interface to be notified of asynchronous ECM generation using ECMGClient |
tsECMGSCS.h | DVB SimulCrypt ECMG <=> SCS protocol |
tsEMMGClient.h | EMM generator client |
tsEMMGMUX.h | DVB SimulCrypt EMMG/PDG <=> MUX protocol |
tsSimulCryptDate.h | Representation of a date in DVB SimulCrypt protocols (ETSI TS 103 197) |
tstlvChannelMessage.h | Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on channels |
tstlvStreamMessage.h | Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on streams |
► encap | |
tsPacketDecapsulation.h | An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets decapsulation from a PID |
tsPacketEncapsulation.h | An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets encapsulation in a PID |
► epg | |
tsEITGenerator.h | Generate and insert EIT sections based on an EPG content |
tsEITOptions.h | EIT generation options |
tsEITProcessor.h | Perform various transformations on an EIT PID |
tsEITRepetitionProfile.h | EIT sections repetition profile |
► mpe | |
tsMPEDemux.h | This class analyzes MPE from TS packets |
tsMPEHandlerInterface.h | MPE demux handler interface |
tsMPEPacket.h | Representation of a packet for MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) |
► pes | |
tsPES.h | Common definitions for MPEG PES (Packetized Elementary Stream) layer |
tsPESDemux.h | This class extracts PES packets from TS packets |
tsPESHandlerInterface.h | Abstract interface to be notified of PES packets using a PESDemux |
tsPESOneShotPacketizer.h | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in one shot |
tsPESPacket.h | Representation of MPEG PES packets |
tsPESPacketizer.h | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in "pull" mode |
tsPESProviderInterface.h | Abstract interface for classes which provides PES packets into a Packetizer |
tsPESStreamPacketizer.h | Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in "push" mode |
► signalization | |
tsAbstractDefinedByStandards.h | Abstract base class for objects which are defined by standards |
tsAbstractSignalization.h | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables and descriptors |
tsApplicationIdentifier.h | Representation of an Application Identifier |
tsATSC.h | Generic ATSC definitions |
tsATSCMultipleString.h | Representation of an ATSC multiple_string_structure |
tsAudioLanguageOptions.h | Options to update the language of an audio stream in a PMT |
tsBinaryTable.h | Representation of MPEG PSI/SI tables in binary form (ie |
tsDescriptor.h | Representation of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
tsDescriptorContext.h | A class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
tsDescriptorList.h | List of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
tsDID.h | MPEG PSI/SI descriptors identifiers |
tsDVB.h | Generic DVB definitions |
tsEDID.h | "Extended Descriptor Id", a synthetic value for identifying descriptors |
tsISDB.h | Generic ISDB definitions |
tsISDBTInformation.h | ISDB-T Information block in a TS packet trailer (204-byte packet) |
tsISDBTInformationPacket.h | ISDB-T Information Packet (IIP) |
tsLogicalChannelNumbers.h | A multi-standard storage of Logical Channel Numbers (LCN) |
tsMJD.h | Modified Julian Date (MJD) utilities |
tsPDS.h | DVB-registered private data specifier (PDS) values |
tsPSI.h | Common definitions for MPEG PSI (Program Specific Information) layer |
tsPSIBuffer.h | A specialized subclass of ts::Buffer for PSI serialization |
tsPSILogger.h | This class logs sections and tables |
tsPSIMerger.h | Merge the PSI/SI tables from two TS |
tsPSIRepository.h | A repository for known PSI/SI tables and descriptors |
tsREGID.h | Registration id in MPEG-defined registration_descriptor |
tsSCTE35.h | Common definitions for ANSI / SCTE 35 standard (splice information for ads insertion) |
tsSection.h | Representation of MPEG PSI/SI sections |
tsSectionContext.h | A base class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI sections |
tsSectionFile.h | Binary or XML files containing PSI/SI sections and tables |
tsSectionFileArgs.h | Command line arguments for section file processing |
tsSectionFormat.h | Definition of the storage formats for PSI/SI sections and tables |
tsService.h | Describe a DVB or ATSC service |
tsServiceDiscovery.h | Discover and describe a DVB service |
tsServiceIdTriplet.h | Full identification of a DVB service (aka "DVB triplet") |
tsSpliceInsert.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceInsert command |
tsSpliceSchedule.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceSchedule command |
tsStreamType.h | Stream type values, as used in the PMT |
tsTablePatchXML.h | Implementation of on-the-fly table patching using XML |
tsTablesDisplay.h | Display PSI/SI tables |
tsTablesLogger.h | This class logs sections and tables |
tsTablesLoggerFilter.h | The default section filter for TablesLogger |
tsTablesLoggerFilterInterface.h | An interface which is used to filter sections in TablesLogger |
tsTablesLoggerFilterRepository.h | The repository of section filters for TablesLogger |
tsTablesPtr.h | Forward declarations for MPEG PSI/SI types |
tsTID.h | MPEG PSI/SI table identifiers |
tsTransportStreamId.h | Full identification of a DVB transport stream |
tsXDID.h | "eXtension Descriptor Id" for extended descriptors |
tsXTID.h | "Extended Table Id", a synthetic value for identifying tables |
► standards | |
tsDuckContext.h | TSDuck execution context containing current preferences |
tsOUI.h | Common definitions for IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) |
tsStandards.h | Definition of the various DTV standards which are used in TSDuck |
► t2mi | |
tsT2MI.h | Common definitions for T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) |
tsT2MIDemux.h | This class analyzes T2-MI from TS packets |
tsT2MIHandlerInterface.h | T2-MI demux handler interface |
tsT2MIPacket.h | Representation of DVB T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) packets |
► tables | |
► atsc | |
tsATSCEIT.h | Representation of an ATSC Event Information Table (EIT) |
tsCVCT.h | Representation of an ATSC Cable Virtual Channel Table (CVCT) |
tsDCCSCT.h | Representation of an ATSC DCC Selection Code Table (DCCSCT) |
tsDCCT.h | Representation of an ATSC DCC Directed Channel Change Table (DCCT) |
tsETT.h | Representation of an ATSC Extended Text Table (ETT) |
tsMGT.h | Representation of an ATSC Master Guide Table (MGT) |
tsRRT.h | Representation of an ATSC Rating Region Table (RRT) |
tsSTT.h | Representation of an ATSC System Time Table (STT) |
tsTVCT.h | Representation of an ATSC Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table (TVCT) |
tsVCT.h | Base class for ATSC Virtual Channel Table (VCT) |
► dvb | |
tsAIT.h | Representation of an Application Information Table (AIT) |
tsBAT.h | Representation of a Bouquet Association Table (BAT) |
tsCIT.h | Representation of a DVB Content Identifier Table (CIT) |
tsDiscontinuityInformationTable.h | Representation of a Discontinuity Information Table (DIT) |
tsEIT.h | Representation of a DVB Event Information Table (EIT) |
tsINT.h | Representation of an IP/MAC Notification Table (INT) |
tsNIT.h | Representation of a Network Information Table (NIT) |
tsRCT.h | Representation of a Related Content Table (RCT) |
tsRNT.h | Representation of a DVB Resolution provider Notification Table (RNT) |
tsRST.h | Representation of a Running Status Table (RST) |
tsSAT.h | Representation of a Satellite Access Table (SAT) |
tsSDT.h | Representation of a Service Description Table (SDT) |
tsSelectionInformationTable.h | Representation of a Selection Information Table |
tsTDT.h | Representation of a Time & Date Table (TDT) |
tsTOT.h | Representation of a Time Offset Table (TOT) |
tsUNT.h | Representation of an Update Notification Table (UNT) |
► isdb | |
tsBIT.h | Representation of an ISDB Broadcaster Information Table (BIT) |
tsCDT.h | Representation of an ISDB Common Data Table (CDT) |
tsDCT.h | Representation of an ISDB Download Control Table (DCT) |
tsDLT.h | Representation of an ISDB DownLoad Table (DLT) |
tsERT.h | Representation of an ISDB Event Relation Table (ERT) |
tsITT.h | Representation of an ISDB Index Transmission information Table (ITT) |
tsLDT.h | Representation of an ISDB Linked Description Table (LDT) |
tsLIT.h | Representation of an ISDB Local event Information Table (LIT) |
tsNBIT.h | Representation of an ISDB Network Board Information Table (NBIT) |
tsPCAT.h | Representation of an ISDB Partial Content Announcement Table (PCAT) |
tsSDTT.h | Representation of an ISDB Software Download Trigger Table (SDTT) |
► mpeg | |
tsCAT.h | Representation of a Conditional Access Table (CAT) |
tsDSMCCDownloadDataMessage.h | Representation of an DSM-CC Download Data Block Table (DSMCCDownloadDataMessage) |
tsDSMCCStreamDescriptorsTable.h | Representation of a DSM-CC Stream Descriptors table |
tsDSMCCUserToNetworkMessage.h | Representation of an DSM-CC User-to-Network Message Table (DownloadServerInitiate, DownloadInfoIndication) |
tsPAT.h | Representation of a Program Association Table (PAT) |
tsPMT.h | Representation of a Program Map Table (PMT) |
tsTSDT.h | Representation of a Transport Stream Description Table (TSDT) |
► scte | |
tsCableEmergencyAlertTable.h | Representation of an SCTE 18 Cable Emergency Alert Table |
tsSpliceInformationTable.h | Representation of an SCTE 35 Splice Information Table |
tsAbstractDescriptorsTable.h | Base class for MPEG tables containing only a list of descriptors |
tsAbstractLongTable.h | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables with long sections |
tsAbstractTable.h | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables |
tsAbstractTransportListTable.h | Abstract base class for tables containing a list of transport stream descriptions |
► teletext | |
tsSubRipGenerator.h | Generate subtitles in SubRip format (aka SRT) |
tsTeletext.h | Common definitions for Teletext PES packets |
tsTeletextCharset.h | Implementation of a Teletext character set |
tsTeletextDemux.h | Extract Teletext subtitles from TS packets |
tsTeletextFrame.h | Description of one Teletext frame |
tsTeletextHandlerInterface.h | Interface to be notified of Teletext messages using a Teletext demux |
► timing | |
tsBitRateRegulator.h | Regulate execution speed based on a bitrate |
tsPacketInsertionController.h | Control the insertion points of TS packets in a stream |
tsPCRAnalyzer.h | PCR statistics analysis |
tsPCRMerger.h | Adjust PCR clocks when a TS is merged into a larger one |
tsPCRRegulator.h | Regulate execution speed based on PCR's in one reference PID |
tsTimeShiftBuffer.h | A TS packet buffer for time shift |
tsTSSpeedMetrics.h | Evaluate metrics on TS processing speed |
► transport | |
tsBitRate.h | Implementation of bitrates in bits/second |
tsTimeSource.h | Sources of time information for transport streams |
tsTS.h | Common definitions for MPEG Transport Stream layer |
tsTSDatagramOutput.h | Send TS packets over datagrams (UDP, SRT, RIST, etc.) |
tsTSDatagramOutputHandlerInterface.h | Generic datagram handler interface |
tsTSDumpArgs.h | Command line arguments for transport stream packets dump |
tsTSFile.h | Transport stream file |
tsTSFileInputArgs.h | Transport stream file input with command-line arguments |
tsTSFileInputBuffered.h | Transport stream file input with seekable buffer |
tsTSFileOutputArgs.h | Transport stream file output with command-line arguments |
tsTSFileOutputResync.h | A specialized form of transport stream output file with resynchronized PID and continuity counters |
tsTSForkPipe.h | A subclass of ts::ForkPipe which exchanges TS packets on the pipe |
tsTSFuzzing.h | Transport stream packets fuzzing |
tsTSFuzzingArgs.h | Command line arguments for transport stream packets fuzzing |
tsTSPacket.h | Basic definition of an MPEG-2 transport packet |
tsTSPacketFormat.h | Transport stream packet / file formats |
tsTSPacketMetadata.h | Metadata of an MPEG-2 transport packet for tsp plugins |
tsTSPacketQueue.h | Transport stream packet queue for inter-thread communication |
tsTSPacketStream.h | Read/write TS packets on a stream |
tsTSPacketWindow.h | A view over a window of a buffer of TS packets |
► hides | |
tsHiDesDevice.h | An encapsulation of a HiDes modulator device |
tsHiDesDeviceInfo.h | Information about a HiDes modulator device |
► hls | |
tshls.h | Global declarations for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) classes |
tshlsAltPlayList.h | Description of an alternative rendition playlist inside an HLS master playlist |
tshlsMediaElement.h | Description of a media "element" inside an HLS playlist |
tshlsMediaPlayList.h | Description of a media playlist inside an HLS master playlist |
tshlsMediaSegment.h | Description of a media segment in an HLS playlist |
tshlsPlayList.h | HLS playlist |
tshlsTagAttributes.h | Attributes of a tag in an HLS playlist |
► network | |
tsRIST.h | Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) definitions |
tsSRTSocket.h | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Socket |
► plugins | |
► apps | |
tsInputSwitcher.h | Implementation of the input plugin switcher (command tsswitch) |
tsInputSwitcherArgs.h | Transport stream input switcher command-line options |
tsLatencyMonitor.h | Implementation of the latency monitor (command tslatencymonitor) |
tsLatencyMonitorArgs.h | Transport stream latency monitor command-line options |
tsMuxer.h | Implementation of the TS multiplexer (command tsmux) |
tsMuxerArgs.h | Transport stream multiplexer command-line options |
tsTSPControlCommand.h | Definition of TSP control commands syntax |
tsTSProcessor.h | Core of the TSP Transport Stream Processor |
tsTSProcessorArgs.h | Transport stream processor command-line options |
► infra | |
tsArgsWithPlugins.h | Command line arguments for commands with plugins |
tsDuckExtensionRepository.h | TSDusk extensions repository |
tsPluginEventContext.h | Context of a plugin event |
tsPluginEventData.h | General-purpose plugin event data referencing binary data |
tsPluginEventHandlerInterface.h | Abstract interface to receive events from a plugin |
tsPluginEventHandlerRegistry.h | Registry of plugin event handlers |
tsPluginOptions.h | Command-line options for one plugin |
tsPluginRepository.h | TSP plugin repository |
tsPluginThread.h | Base class for threads executing a tsp plugin |
tsTSP.h | TSP callback for plugins |
► plugins | |
tsAbstractDatagramInputPlugin.h | Abstract base class for input plugins receiving real-time datagrams |
tsAbstractDescrambler.h | Abstract base class for DVB descrambler plugins |
tsAbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin.h | Declare the ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin class |
tsAbstractHTTPInputPlugin.h | Abstract base class for HTTP-based input plugins |
tsAbstractTablePlugin.h | Abstract base class for plugins which process one table (PAT, CAT, etc.) |
tsDebugPlugin.h | Debug packet processor plugin for tsp, display various traces |
tsDropOutputPlugin.h | Drop output plugin for tsp |
tsFileInputPlugin.h | File input plugin for tsp |
tsFileOutputPlugin.h | File output plugin for tsp |
tsFilePacketPlugin.h | File packet processor plugin for tsp |
tsForkInputPlugin.h | File input plugin for tsp |
tsForkOutputPlugin.h | File output plugin for tsp |
tsForkPacketPlugin.h | File packet processor plugin for tsp |
tshlsInputPlugin.h | HLS input plugin for tsp |
tshlsOutputPlugin.h | HLS output plugin for tsp |
tsHTTPInputPlugin.h | HTTP input plugin for tsp |
tsHTTPOutputPlugin.h | HTTP output plugin for tsp |
tsInputPlugin.h | Definition of the API of a tsp input plugin |
tsIPInputPlugin.h | IP input plugin for tsp |
tsIPOutputPlugin.h | IP output plugin for tsp |
tsIPPacketPlugin.h | IP packet processor plugin for tsp |
tsMemoryInputPlugin.h | Memory input plugin for tsp |
tsMemoryOutputPlugin.h | Memory output plugin for tsp |
tsNullInputPlugin.h | Null packet input plugin for tsp |
tsOutputPlugin.h | Definition of the API of a tsp output plugin |
tsPlugin.h | Definition of the API of a tsp plugin |
tsProcessorPlugin.h | Definition of the API of a tsp packet processing plugin |
tsPSIPlugin.h | Display PSI/SI information plugin for tsp |
tsPushInputPlugin.h | Abstract superclass for input tsp plugins working in push mode |
tsRISTInputPlugin.h | Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) input plugin for tsp |
tsRISTOutputPlugin.h | Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) output plugin for tsp |
tsSkipPlugin.h | Skip packet processor plugin for tsp |
tsSRTInputPlugin.h | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) input plugin for tsp |
tsSRTOutputPlugin.h | Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) output plugin for tsp |
tsTablesPlugin.h | Collect selected PSI/SI tables plugin for tsp |
tsTeletextPlugin.h | Extract Teletext subtitles plugin for tsp |
► vatek | |
tsVatekControl.h | A class implementing the tsvatek control utility |
tsVatekOutputPlugin.h | Declare the ts::VatekOutputPlugin class |
tsVatekUtils.h | Some basic utilities for VATek devices |