TSDuck  v3.39-3902
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
ts::Expressions Class Reference

Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols. More...

Public Member Functions

 Expressions (Report &report, int debug_level=Severity::Debug, const UString &debug_prefix=UString())
 Constructor. More...
bool define (const UString &symbol, const UString &context=UString())
 Define a symbol in the internal repository. More...
bool error () const
 Check if errors occured (invalid symbols, invalid expressions). More...
bool evaluate (const UString &expression, const UString &context=UString())
 Evaluate a boolean expression using symbols. More...
bool isDefined (const UString &symbol) const
 Check if a symbol is defined in the internal repository. More...
bool isValidSymbolName (const UString &symbol, const UString &context=UString())
 Check if a string is valid symbol name and report an error if not. More...
void resetError ()
 Reset the error indicator. More...
size_t symbolCount () const
 Get the number of defined symbols. More...
bool undefine (const UString &symbol, const UString &context=UString())
 Undefine a symbol from the internal repository. More...
void undefineAll ()
 Undefine all symbols, clear the symbol database.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsValidSymbolName (const UString &symbol)
 Check if a string is valid symbol name. More...

Detailed Description

Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols.

Symbols are words starting with a letter and made of alphanumerical characters and underscores. Symbol names are case sensitive. Symbols can be defined and undefined in an internal repository of the Expressions object.

Boolean expressions are evaluated based on the definition of symbols. A symbol evaluates to true when it is defined and false when it is not. The unary operator '!' is the negation. The binary operators '&&' and '||' can be used. Parentheses can be used to group sub-expressions.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Expressions()

ts::Expressions::Expressions ( Report report,
int  debug_level = Severity::Debug,
const UString debug_prefix = UString() 


[in,out]reportWhere to report errors.
[in]debug_levelSeverity level for debug messages.
[in]debug_prefixPrefix string for debug messages.

Member Function Documentation

◆ define()

bool ts::Expressions::define ( const UString symbol,
const UString context = UString() 

Define a symbol in the internal repository.

[in]symbolThe symbol to add in the internal repository.
[in]contextOptional context of the symbol, for error message only.
True if symbol is valid, false if it is not. A message is reported in error.

◆ undefine()

bool ts::Expressions::undefine ( const UString symbol,
const UString context = UString() 

Undefine a symbol from the internal repository.

[in]symbolThe symbol to remove from the internal repository.
[in]contextOptional context of the symbol, for error message only.
True if symbol is valid, false if it is not. A message is reported in error. Undefining a non-existent symbol is not an error, the function returns true.

◆ symbolCount()

size_t ts::Expressions::symbolCount ( ) const

Get the number of defined symbols.

The number of defined symbols.

◆ isDefined()

bool ts::Expressions::isDefined ( const UString symbol) const

Check if a symbol is defined in the internal repository.

[in]symbolThe symbol to check.
True if symbol is defined, false if it is not.

◆ isValidSymbolName()

bool ts::Expressions::isValidSymbolName ( const UString symbol,
const UString context = UString() 

Check if a string is valid symbol name and report an error if not.

[in]symbolThe symbol to check.
[in]contextOptional context of the symbol, for error message only.
True if symbol is valid, false if it is not. A message is reported in error.

◆ IsValidSymbolName()

static bool ts::Expressions::IsValidSymbolName ( const UString symbol)

Check if a string is valid symbol name.

[in]symbolThe name to check.
True if symbol is a valid name, false if it is not.

◆ evaluate()

bool ts::Expressions::evaluate ( const UString expression,
const UString context = UString() 

Evaluate a boolean expression using symbols.

[in]expressionThe expression to evaluate.
[in]contextOptional context of the symbol, for error message only.
The boolean result of expression. In case of error, a message is reported and false is returned.

◆ error()

bool ts::Expressions::error ( ) const

Check if errors occured (invalid symbols, invalid expressions).

True if some error occurred.
See also

◆ resetError()

void ts::Expressions::resetError ( )

Reset the error indicator.

See also

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