TSDuck v3.39-3896
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
ts::ATSCMultipleString Class Reference

Representation of an ATSC multiple_string_structure. More...

#include <tsATSCMultipleString.h>

Public Member Functions

 ATSCMultipleString ()=default
 Default constructor.
 ATSCMultipleString (const UString &language, const UString &text)
 Constructor with one string.
void add (const UString &language, const UString &text)
 Add a new string.
bool append (size_t index, const UString &text)
 Append text to an existing string.
void clear ()
 Clear all strings.
bool deserialize (DuckContext &duck, const uint8_t *&buffer, size_t &buffer_size, size_t mss_size=NPOS, bool ignore_empty=false)
 Deserialize a binary multiple_string_structure.
bool empty () const
 Check if this instance has strings.
bool fromXML (DuckContext &duck, const xml::Element *elem)
 Decode an XML structure and assign the result to this instance.
bool fromXML (DuckContext &duck, const xml::Element *parent, const UString &name, bool required)
 Decode an XML structure and assign the result to this instance.
bool hasLanguage (const UString &language) const
 Check if a given language is present.
UString language (size_t index=0) const
 Get the language of the specified string (first string by default).
bool lengthDeserialize (DuckContext &duck, const uint8_t *&buffer, size_t &buffer_size, size_t length_bytes=1)
 Deserialize a binary multiple_string_structure with a leading length field.
size_t lengthSerialize (DuckContext &duck, ByteBlock &data, size_t length_bytes=1) const
 Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure and append to a byte block with a leading length field.
size_t lengthSerialize (DuckContext &duck, uint8_t *&data, size_t &size, size_t length_bytes=1) const
 Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure with a leading length field.
void reserve (size_t count)
 Allocate the appropriate memory for a target number of strings.
void resize (size_t count)
 Set the number of strings in this instance.
size_t searchLanguage (const UString &language) const
 Search the first string with a given language.
size_t serialize (DuckContext &duck, ByteBlock &data, size_t max_size=NPOS, bool ignore_empty=false) const
 Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure and append to a byte block.
size_t serialize (DuckContext &duck, uint8_t *&data, size_t &size, size_t max_size=NPOS, bool ignore_empty=false) const
 Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure.
bool set (size_t index, const UString &language, const UString &text)
 Set the value of an existing string.
size_t size () const
 Get the number of strings in this instance.
UString text (const UString &language=UString()) const
 Get the concatenation of all texts of the specified language.
UString text (size_t index) const
 Get the text of the specified string.
xml::ElementtoXML (DuckContext &duck, xml::Element *parent, const UString &name, bool ignore_empty) const
 Convert to an XML structure.

Static Public Member Functions

static void Display (TablesDisplay &display, const UString &title, const UString &margin, const uint8_t *&buffer, size_t &buffer_size, size_t mss_size=NPOS)
 A static method to display a binary multiple_string_structure.

Detailed Description

Representation of an ATSC multiple_string_structure.

An ATSC multiple_string_structure is a set of strings. Each string has a language code and a compression mode. In this implementation, we only support non-compressed text.

See also
ATSC A/65, section 6.10.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ATSCMultipleString()

ts::ATSCMultipleString::ATSCMultipleString ( const UString language,
const UString text 

Constructor with one string.

[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code.
[in]textText string.

Member Function Documentation

◆ empty()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::empty ( ) const

Check if this instance has strings.

True if there is no string in this instance.

◆ size()

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::size ( ) const

Get the number of strings in this instance.

The number of strings in this instance.

◆ resize()

void ts::ATSCMultipleString::resize ( size_t  count)

Set the number of strings in this instance.

[in]countThe new number of strings. Either truncate current list of strings or create additional empty strings.

◆ reserve()

void ts::ATSCMultipleString::reserve ( size_t  count)

Allocate the appropriate memory for a target number of strings.

The actual number of strings in unchanged.

[in]countThe target number of strings.

◆ language()

UString ts::ATSCMultipleString::language ( size_t  index = 0) const

Get the language of the specified string (first string by default).

[in]indexString index.
The 3-character ISO-639 language code for the specified (or first) string. Empty string if the string does not exist.

◆ text() [1/2]

UString ts::ATSCMultipleString::text ( const UString language = UString()) const

Get the concatenation of all texts of the specified language.

[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code. If empty, use the language code of the first string.
The concatenation of all texts of the specified language.

◆ text() [2/2]

UString ts::ATSCMultipleString::text ( size_t  index) const

Get the text of the specified string.

[in]indexString index.
The text for the specified string. Empty string if the string does not exist.

◆ searchLanguage()

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::searchLanguage ( const UString language) const

Search the first string with a given language.

[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code.
The index of the first string with the specified language or NPOS if not found.

◆ hasLanguage()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::hasLanguage ( const UString language) const

Check if a given language is present.

[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code.
True if the language is present.

◆ add()

void ts::ATSCMultipleString::add ( const UString language,
const UString text 

Add a new string.

[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code.
[in]textText string.

◆ set()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::set ( size_t  index,
const UString language,
const UString text 

Set the value of an existing string.

[in]indexString index.
[in]language3-character ISO-639 language code.
[in]textText string.
True if the string was set, false if index is out of range.

◆ append()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::append ( size_t  index,
const UString text 

Append text to an existing string.

[in]indexString index.
[in]textText string to append.
True if the string was updated, false if index is out of range.

◆ toXML()

xml::Element * ts::ATSCMultipleString::toXML ( DuckContext duck,
xml::Element parent,
const UString name,
bool  ignore_empty 
) const

Convert to an XML structure.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]parentParent XML node.
[in]nameName of the XML node to create.
[in]ignore_emptyDo not insert the node if the structure is empty.
The created XML element or nullptr on error or empty and ignore_empty is true.

An ATSC multiple_string_structure can be represented as an XML element with a predefined structure. The name is application-dependent. The XML structure is the following:

<string language="char3" text="string"/>
<string language="char3" text="string"/>
bool set(size_t index, const UString &language, const UString &text)
Set the value of an existing string.
UString language(size_t index=0) const
Get the language of the specified string (first string by default).
UString text(const UString &language=UString()) const
Get the concatenation of all texts of the specified language.

◆ fromXML() [1/2]

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::fromXML ( DuckContext duck,
const xml::Element elem 

Decode an XML structure and assign the result to this instance.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in]elemXML node to decode as an ATSC multiple_string_structure.
True on success, false on invalid XLM structure.
See also

◆ fromXML() [2/2]

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::fromXML ( DuckContext duck,
const xml::Element parent,
const UString name,
bool  required 

Decode an XML structure and assign the result to this instance.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in]parentParent XML node.
[in]nameName of the child XML node to decode as an ATSC multiple_string_structure.
[in]requiredWhen true, the name node shall be present. When false, if the node if not present, simply clear this object.
True on success, false on invalid XLM structure.
See also

◆ serialize() [1/2]

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::serialize ( DuckContext duck,
uint8_t *&  data,
size_t size,
size_t  max_size = NPOS,
bool  ignore_empty = false 
) const

Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]dataAddress of the buffer where to serialize the structure. On return, it is updated to point after the structure.
[in,out]sizeSize in bytes of the buffer. On return, it is updated to the remaining size in the buffer.
[in]max_sizeMax size to serialize, possibly lower than the buffer size.
[in]ignore_emptyIf true and the multiple_string_structure is empty, do nothing.
The number of serialized bytes.

◆ serialize() [2/2]

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::serialize ( DuckContext duck,
ByteBlock data,
size_t  max_size = NPOS,
bool  ignore_empty = false 
) const

Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure and append to a byte block.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]dataByte block where to serialize the structure. The structure is added at the end.
[in]max_sizeMax size to serialize.
[in]ignore_emptyIf true and the multiple_string_structure is empty, do nothing.
The number of serialized bytes.

◆ lengthSerialize() [1/2]

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::lengthSerialize ( DuckContext duck,
uint8_t *&  data,
size_t size,
size_t  length_bytes = 1 
) const

Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure with a leading length field.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]dataAddress of the buffer where to serialize the structure. On return, it is updated to point after the structure.
[in,out]sizeSize in bytes of the buffer. On return, it is updated to the remaining size in the buffer.
[in]length_bytesSize in bytes of the leading length field (1 byte by default).
The number of serialized bytes.

◆ lengthSerialize() [2/2]

size_t ts::ATSCMultipleString::lengthSerialize ( DuckContext duck,
ByteBlock data,
size_t  length_bytes = 1 
) const

Serialize a binary multiple_string_structure and append to a byte block with a leading length field.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]dataByte block where to serialize the structure. The structure is added at the end.
[in]length_bytesSize in bytes of the leading length field (1 byte by default).
The number of serialized bytes.

◆ deserialize()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::deserialize ( DuckContext duck,
const uint8_t *&  buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t  mss_size = NPOS,
bool  ignore_empty = false 

Deserialize a binary multiple_string_structure.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]bufferAddress of the structure to deserialize. On return, it is updated to point after the structure.
[in,out]buffer_sizeSize in bytes of the data buffer. On return, it is updated to the remaining size in the buffer.
[in]mss_sizeSize of the multiple_string_structure to deserialize, possibly lower than the buffer size. If lower than buffer_size, adjust data and buffer_size to skip mss_size bytes.
[in]ignore_emptyIf true and the size is zero, then this is a valid empty multiple_string_structure.
True if the structure was successfully deserialized.

◆ lengthDeserialize()

bool ts::ATSCMultipleString::lengthDeserialize ( DuckContext duck,
const uint8_t *&  buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t  length_bytes = 1 

Deserialize a binary multiple_string_structure with a leading length field.

[in,out]duckTSDuck execution context.
[in,out]bufferAddress of the structure to deserialize. On return, it is updated to point after the structure.
[in,out]buffer_sizeSize in bytes of the data buffer. On return, it is updated to the remaining size in the buffer.
[in]length_bytesSize in bytes of the leading length field (1 byte by default).
True if the structure was successfully deserialized.

◆ Display()

static void ts::ATSCMultipleString::Display ( TablesDisplay display,
const UString title,
const UString margin,
const uint8_t *&  buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t  mss_size = NPOS 

A static method to display a binary multiple_string_structure.

[in,out]displayDisplay engine.
[in]titleLeading title to display. Can be empty.
[in]marginLeft margin content.
[in,out]bufferAddress of the binary structure to display. On return, it is updated to point after the structure.
[in,out]buffer_sizeSize in bytes of the data buffer. On return, it is updated to the remaining size in the buffer.
[in]mss_sizeSize of the multiple_string_structure to deserialize, possibly lower than the buffer size. If lower than buffer_size, adjust data and buffer_size to skip mss_size bytes.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: