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TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
Generic C++ features. More...
Files | |
file | tsAfterStandardHeaders.h |
Technical header to include after including standard and system headers. | |
file | tsBCD.h |
Binary Coded Decimal utilities. | |
file | tsBeforeStandardHeaders.h |
Technical header to include before including standard and system headers. | |
file | tsComIds.h |
Declare identifiers for Windows Common Object Model (COM). | |
file | tsEnumUtils.h |
Some utilities on enumeration types. | |
file | tsFileUtils.h |
File utilities (file path, file properties, etc). | |
file | tsFloatUtils.h |
Some utilities on floating point types. | |
file | tsIntegerUtils.h |
Some utilities on integers. | |
file | tsIP.h |
Include the multiple and messy system headers for IP networking. | |
file | tsIPProtocols.h |
Definitions of protocols for IP networking. | |
file | tsIPUtils.h |
Utilities for IP networking. | |
file | tsMemory.h |
Utility routines for memory operations. | |
file | tsPlatform.h |
Cross-platforms portable base definitions for the TSDuck project. | |
file | tsSysCtl.h |
Reading Unix sysctl(2) values. | |
file | tsSysUtils.h |
Various system utilities. | |
file | tsUChar.h |
Unicode characters. | |
file | tsWinUtils.h |
Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM). | |
file | tsxml.h |
Forward declaration of XML classes. | |
Classes | |
class | ts::AbortInterface |
An interface to check for abort. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractNetworkAddress |
Abstract base class for all network address and socket address classes. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractNumber |
Abstract base class for different representations of "numbers". More... | |
class | ts::AbstractOutputStream |
Intermediate abstract class to help implementing std::ostream . More... | |
class | ts::AbstractReadStreamInterface |
Abstract interface to read raw data from a stream. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractWriteStreamInterface |
Abstract interface to write raw data on a stream. More... | |
class | ts::AES128 |
AES-128 block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::AES256 |
AES-256 block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Analyzer |
Analysis (deserialization) of TLV messages. More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationSharedLibrary |
Representation of an application shared library. More... | |
class | ts::ArgMix |
Base class for elements of an argument list with mixed types. More... | |
class | ts::ArgMixIn |
Define an element of an argument list with mixed integer and string input types. More... | |
class | ts::ArgMixOut |
Define an element of an argument list with integer output types of mixed sizes. More... | |
class | ts::Args |
An encapsulation of command line syntax and analysis. More... | |
class | ts::json::Array |
Implementation of a JSON array. More... | |
class | ts::AsyncReport |
Asynchronous message report. More... | |
class | ts::AsyncReportArgs |
Parameters and command line arguments for asynchronous log. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Attribute |
Attribute of an XML element. More... | |
class | ts::BetterSystemRandomGenerator |
Improved system-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More... | |
class | ts::BlockCipher |
Base class for all block ciphers. More... | |
class | ts::BlockCipherAlertInterface |
Interface for classes which need to be notified when an alert is raised on a block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::BlockCipherProperties |
Properties of a block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::Buffer |
General-purpose memory buffer with bit access. More... | |
class | ts::ByteBlock |
Definition of a generic block of bytes. More... | |
class | ts::CBC< CIPHER > |
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. More... | |
class | ts::CerrReport |
A singleton implementing Report on std::cerr without synchronization. More... | |
class | ts::COM |
A class to encapsulate the initialization of Windows COM. More... | |
class | ts::CommandLine |
A basic command line interpreter. More... | |
class | ts::CommandLineHandler |
An interface which handles a command from a CommandLine instance. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Comment |
Comment in an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::CompactBitSet< BITS > |
A compact version of std::bitset. More... | |
class | ts::ComPtr< COMCLASS > |
Managed pointers for COM objects, auto-released (Windows-specific). More... | |
class | ts::ConfigFile |
Representation of a configuration file. More... | |
class | ts::ConfigSection |
Representation of a "configuration section". More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Connection< SAFETY > |
TCP connection using TLV messages. More... | |
class | ts::ConsoleState |
A class to save and restore the state of the Windows console. More... | |
class | ts::CRC32 |
Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections. More... | |
class | ts::CTR< CIPHER > |
Counter (CTR) chaining mode. More... | |
class | ts::CTS1< CIPHER > |
Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 1. More... | |
class | ts::CTS2< CIPHER > |
Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 2. More... | |
class | ts::CTS3< CIPHER > |
Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 3. More... | |
class | ts::CTS4< CIPHER > |
Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 4. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Declaration |
Declaration in an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::DES |
DES block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::DeserializationInternalError |
Exception raised by deserialization of messages. More... | |
class | ts::DisplayInterface |
An interface to be implemented by classes supporting display to a standard text stream. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Document |
Representation of an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::DuckConfigFile |
A singleton which contains the TSDuck configuration file. More... | |
class | ts::ECB< CIPHER > |
Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode. More... | |
class | ts::EditLine |
Read input lines with bash-like line editing when possible. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Element |
Structured element in an XML document. More... | |
struct | ts::EnableBitMaskOperators< T > |
This traits is used to enable bitmask operators on an enumeration type. More... | |
class | ts::ErrCodeReport |
A proxy class to automatically report std::error_code errors. More... | |
class | ts::Exception |
Base class for all exceptions in TSDuck. More... | |
class | ts::Expressions |
Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols. More... | |
class | ts::json::False |
Implementation of a JSON false literal. More... | |
class | ts::FileNameGenerator |
Generate file names based on counter or dates and time. More... | |
class | ts::FixedPoint< INT_T, PREC > |
Template representation of fixed-precision numbers. More... | |
class | ts::FloatingPoint< FLOAT_T, PREC > |
Encapsulation of a double floating-point as an AbstractNumber. More... | |
class | ts::ForkPipe |
Fork a process and create an optional pipe to its standard input. More... | |
class | ts::Fraction< INT_T > |
Template representation of fractional numbers. More... | |
class | ts::GitHubRelease |
This class holds information from GitHub about a release of a project. More... | |
class | ts::Grid |
This class produces a report in a grid format with tables and sections. More... | |
class | ts::Hash |
Base class for all hash functions. More... | |
class | ts::ImplementationError |
Implementation error. More... | |
class | ts::InputRedirector |
A class to redirect an input stream. More... | |
class | ts::Integer< INT_T > |
Encapsulation of an integer type as an AbstractNumber. More... | |
Generic map of integers, indexed by integer. More... | |
class | ts::InterruptHandler |
An interface to be implemented by a class to handle user Ctrl-C interrupt. More... | |
class | ts::IPAddress |
A generic representation of an IP address, IPv4 or IPv6. More... | |
class | ts::IPAddressMask |
A combination of IP address and network mask or prefix. More... | |
class | ts::IPPacket |
Representation of a raw IPv4 or IPv6 packet. More... | |
class | ts::IPSocketAddress |
Generic socket address class (IPv4 or IPv6 address & port). More... | |
class | ts::xml::JSONConverter |
XML-to-JSON converter. More... | |
class | ts::KeyTable |
Definition of a basic and non-secure implementation of a symmetric key table. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Logger |
A logger class for TLV messages. More... | |
class | ts::MACAddress |
A basic representation of a MAC address. More... | |
class | ts::MacPList |
This class implements a macOS XML PList file. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Message |
Abstract base class for TLV messages. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::MessageFactory |
Factory class for TLV messages. More... | |
class | ts::MessagePriorityQueue< MSG, COMPARE > |
Template message queue for inter-thread communication with priority. More... | |
class | ts::MessageQueue< MSG > |
Template message queue for inter-thread communication. More... | |
class | ts::xml::ModelDocument |
Representation of the model of an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::Names |
Representation of a set of translations between names for identifiers. More... | |
class | ts::NetworkInterface |
Description of a network interface. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Node |
Base class for all XML objects in a document. More... | |
class | ts::json::Null |
Implementation of a JSON null literal. More... | |
class | ts::null_mutex |
A null_mutex class which can be used to replace std::mutex or std::recursive_mutex . More... | |
class | ts::NullReport |
A singleton implementing Report which drops all messages. More... | |
class | ts::json::Number |
Implementation of a JSON number. More... | |
class | ts::Object |
General-purpose base class for polymophic objects. More... | |
class | ts::json::Object |
Implementation of a JSON object. More... | |
class | ts::ObjectRepository |
A global repository of general-purpose base class for polymophic objects. More... | |
class | ts::json::OutputArgs |
Command line arguments for JSON reports (--json , --json-line , --json-udp , --json-tcp ). More... | |
class | ts::OutputPager |
Send application output to a "pager" application such as "more" or "less". More... | |
class | ts::OutputRedirector |
A class to redirect an output stream. More... | |
class | ts::PagerArgs |
Command line arguments for --pager or --no-pager . More... | |
class | ts::xml::PatchDocument |
Representation of an XML document which is used to patch another XML document. More... | |
class | ts::PcapFile |
Read a pcap or pcapng capture file format. More... | |
class | ts::PcapFilter |
Read a pcap or pcapng file with packet filtering. More... | |
class | ts::PcapStream |
Read a TCP/IP session from a pcap or pcapng file. More... | |
class | ts::PolledFile |
Description of a polled file. More... | |
class | ts::PollFiles |
A class to poll files for modifications. More... | |
class | ts::PollFilesListener |
Interface for classes listening for file modification. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Protocol |
The class ts::tlv::Protocol defines the syntax of a TLV protocol. More... | |
class | ts::RandomGenerator |
Abstract base class for PRNG's (pseudo-random numbers generators). More... | |
class | ts::Registry |
A class to encapsulate the access to the Windows registry. More... | |
class | ts::Report |
Base class for message reporting and monitoring. More... | |
class | ts::ReportBuffer< SAFETY > |
A subclass of ts::Report which logs all messages in an internal buffer. More... | |
class | ts::ReportFile< SAFETY > |
A subclass of ts::Report which outputs messages in a text file. More... | |
class | ts::ResidentBuffer< T > |
Implementation of memory buffer locked in physical memory. More... | |
class | ts::RingNode |
Base class for objects being part of a ring, ie. More... | |
class | ts::json::RunningDocument |
Representation of a "running" JSON document which is displayed on the fly. More... | |
class | ts::xml::RunningDocument |
Representation of a "running" XML document which is displayed on the fly. More... | |
class | ts::tlv::Serializer |
Serialization of TLV messages. More... | |
struct | ts::Severity |
Message severity. More... | |
class | ts::SHA1 |
SHA-1 hash. More... | |
class | ts::SHA256 |
SHA-256 hash. More... | |
class | ts::SHA512 |
SHA-512 hash. More... | |
class | ts::SharedLibrary |
Shared library handling (.so on Linux, .dylib on macOS, .dll on Windows). More... | |
class | ts::SignalAllocator |
Allocate POSIX real-time signal numbers (Linux-specific). More... | |
class | ts::SingleDataStatistics< NUMBER, DEFAULT_FLOAT, class > |
Statistics over a single set of data (integer or floating point). More... | |
struct | ts::smaller_unsigned< BITS > |
Define the smaller unsigned integer type with at least a given number of bits. More... | |
class | ts::Socket |
Base class for TCP and UDP sockets. More... | |
struct | ts::static_power10< INT, POW > |
Static values of power of 10. More... | |
class | ts::json::String |
Implementation of a JSON string. More... | |
class | ts::StringifyInterface |
An interface to be implemented by classes supporting a conversion to UString. More... | |
class | ts::SysInfo |
A singleton holding information on the current operating system. More... | |
class | ts::SystemMonitor |
Monitoring thread for system resources used by the application. More... | |
class | ts::SystemRandomGenerator |
System-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More... | |
class | ts::TCPConnection |
Base class for a TCP/IP session. More... | |
class | ts::TCPServer |
Implementation of a TCP/IP server. More... | |
class | ts::TCPSocket |
Base class for TCP/IP sockets. More... | |
class | ts::TDES |
Triple-DES block cipher. More... | |
class | ts::TelnetConnection |
Implementation of a half-duplex line oriented telnet connection. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Text |
Text element in an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::TextFormatter |
Format and print a text document using various output types and indentation. More... | |
class | ts::TextParser |
A support class for applications which parse various text formats. More... | |
class | ts::TextTable |
This class produces a formatted table of text lines and columns. More... | |
class | ts::Thread |
Base class for threads. More... | |
class | ts::ThreadAttributes |
Set of attributes for a thread object (ts::Thread). More... | |
class | ts::Time |
The Time class implements a basic representation of time. More... | |
class | ts::TLVSyntax |
Representation of a Tag, Length, Value (TVL) syntax. More... | |
class | ts::json::True |
Implementation of a JSON true literal. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Tweaks |
Global tweaks to manipulate, parse and format XML documents. More... | |
class | ts::UDPReceiver |
UDP datagram receiver with common command line options. More... | |
class | ts::UDPReceiverArgs |
Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver. More... | |
class | ts::UDPReceiverArgsList |
Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver. More... | |
class | ts::UDPSocket |
UDP Socket. More... | |
class | ts::xml::Unknown |
Unknown element in an XML document. More... | |
class | ts::URL |
Representation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). More... | |
class | ts::UserInterrupt |
An instance of this class handles the Ctrl+C user interrupt. More... | |
class | ts::UString |
An implementation of UTF-16 strings. More... | |
class | ts::json::Value |
Abstract base class of a JSON value. More... | |
class | ts::VersionInfo |
Information about version identification of TSDuck. More... | |
class | ts::VLANId |
A structure which describes a VLAN identification. More... | |
class | ts::VLANIdStack |
A stack of VLAN identifiers, from outer to inner VLAN. More... | |
class | ts::WatchDog |
General-purpose timeout watchdog. More... | |
class | ts::WatchDogHandlerInterface |
Expiration handler interface for general-purpose timeout watchdog. More... | |
class | ts::WebRequest |
Perform a simple Web request (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP). More... | |
class | ts::WebRequestArgs |
Command line arguments for the class WebRequest. More... | |
class | ts::Xoshiro256ss |
Xoshiro256** PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More... | |
class | ts::Zlib |
Implementation of RFC 1951 data compression, a.k.a. More... | |
Generic C++ features.