TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
The TSCore library

Generic C++ features. More...

Collaboration diagram for The TSCore library:


file  tsAfterStandardHeaders.h
 Technical header to include after including standard and system headers.
file  tsBCD.h
 Binary Coded Decimal utilities.
file  tsBeforeStandardHeaders.h
 Technical header to include before including standard and system headers.
file  tsComIds.h
 Declare identifiers for Windows Common Object Model (COM).
file  tsEnumUtils.h
 Some utilities on enumeration types.
file  tsFileUtils.h
 File utilities (file path, file properties, etc).
file  tsFloatUtils.h
 Some utilities on floating point types.
file  tsIntegerUtils.h
 Some utilities on integers.
file  tsIP.h
 Include the multiple and messy system headers for IP networking.
file  tsIPProtocols.h
 Definitions of protocols for IP networking.
file  tsIPUtils.h
 Utilities for IP networking.
file  tsMemory.h
 Utility routines for memory operations.
file  tsPlatform.h
 Cross-platforms portable base definitions for the TSDuck project.
file  tsSysCtl.h
 Reading Unix sysctl(2) values.
file  tsSysUtils.h
 Various system utilities.
file  tsUChar.h
 Unicode characters.
file  tsWinUtils.h
 Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM).
file  tsxml.h
 Forward declaration of XML classes.


class  ts::AbortInterface
 An interface to check for abort. More...
class  ts::AbstractNetworkAddress
 Abstract base class for all network address and socket address classes. More...
class  ts::AbstractNumber
 Abstract base class for different representations of "numbers". More...
class  ts::AbstractOutputStream
 Intermediate abstract class to help implementing std::ostream. More...
class  ts::AbstractReadStreamInterface
 Abstract interface to read raw data from a stream. More...
class  ts::AbstractWriteStreamInterface
 Abstract interface to write raw data on a stream. More...
class  ts::AES128
 AES-128 block cipher. More...
class  ts::AES256
 AES-256 block cipher. More...
class  ts::tlv::Analyzer
 Analysis (deserialization) of TLV messages. More...
class  ts::ApplicationSharedLibrary
 Representation of an application shared library. More...
class  ts::ArgMix
 Base class for elements of an argument list with mixed types. More...
class  ts::ArgMixIn
 Define an element of an argument list with mixed integer and string input types. More...
class  ts::ArgMixOut
 Define an element of an argument list with integer output types of mixed sizes. More...
class  ts::Args
 An encapsulation of command line syntax and analysis. More...
class  ts::json::Array
 Implementation of a JSON array. More...
class  ts::AsyncReport
 Asynchronous message report. More...
class  ts::AsyncReportArgs
 Parameters and command line arguments for asynchronous log. More...
class  ts::xml::Attribute
 Attribute of an XML element. More...
class  ts::BetterSystemRandomGenerator
 Improved system-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More...
class  ts::BlockCipher
 Base class for all block ciphers. More...
class  ts::BlockCipherAlertInterface
 Interface for classes which need to be notified when an alert is raised on a block cipher. More...
class  ts::BlockCipherProperties
 Properties of a block cipher. More...
class  ts::Buffer
 General-purpose memory buffer with bit access. More...
class  ts::ByteBlock
 Definition of a generic block of bytes. More...
class  ts::CBC< CIPHER >
 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. More...
class  ts::CerrReport
 A singleton implementing Report on std::cerr without synchronization. More...
class  ts::COM
 A class to encapsulate the initialization of Windows COM. More...
class  ts::CommandLine
 A basic command line interpreter. More...
class  ts::CommandLineHandler
 An interface which handles a command from a CommandLine instance. More...
class  ts::xml::Comment
 Comment in an XML document. More...
class  ts::CompactBitSet< BITS >
 A compact version of std::bitset. More...
class  ts::ComPtr< COMCLASS >
 Managed pointers for COM objects, auto-released (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::ConfigFile
 Representation of a configuration file. More...
class  ts::ConfigSection
 Representation of a "configuration section". More...
class  ts::tlv::Connection< SAFETY >
 TCP connection using TLV messages. More...
class  ts::ConsoleState
 A class to save and restore the state of the Windows console. More...
class  ts::CRC32
 Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections. More...
class  ts::CTR< CIPHER >
 Counter (CTR) chaining mode. More...
class  ts::CTS1< CIPHER >
 Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 1. More...
class  ts::CTS2< CIPHER >
 Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 2. More...
class  ts::CTS3< CIPHER >
 Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 3. More...
class  ts::CTS4< CIPHER >
 Cipher text Stealing (CTS) mode, alternative 4. More...
class  ts::xml::Declaration
 Declaration in an XML document. More...
class  ts::DES
 DES block cipher. More...
class  ts::tlv::DeserializationInternalError
 Exception raised by deserialization of messages. More...
class  ts::DisplayInterface
 An interface to be implemented by classes supporting display to a standard text stream. More...
class  ts::xml::Document
 Representation of an XML document. More...
class  ts::DuckConfigFile
 A singleton which contains the TSDuck configuration file. More...
class  ts::ECB< CIPHER >
 Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode. More...
class  ts::EditLine
 Read input lines with bash-like line editing when possible. More...
class  ts::xml::Element
 Structured element in an XML document. More...
struct  ts::EnableBitMaskOperators< T >
 This traits is used to enable bitmask operators on an enumeration type. More...
class  ts::ErrCodeReport
 A proxy class to automatically report std::error_code errors. More...
class  ts::Exception
 Base class for all exceptions in TSDuck. More...
class  ts::Expressions
 Expression resolver based on the definition of symbols. More...
class  ts::json::False
 Implementation of a JSON false literal. More...
class  ts::FileNameGenerator
 Generate file names based on counter or dates and time. More...
class  ts::FixedPoint< INT_T, PREC >
 Template representation of fixed-precision numbers. More...
class  ts::FloatingPoint< FLOAT_T, PREC >
 Encapsulation of a double floating-point as an AbstractNumber. More...
class  ts::ForkPipe
 Fork a process and create an optional pipe to its standard input. More...
class  ts::Fraction< INT_T >
 Template representation of fractional numbers. More...
class  ts::GitHubRelease
 This class holds information from GitHub about a release of a project. More...
class  ts::Grid
 This class produces a report in a grid format with tables and sections. More...
class  ts::Hash
 Base class for all hash functions. More...
class  ts::ImplementationError
 Implementation error. More...
class  ts::InputRedirector
 A class to redirect an input stream. More...
class  ts::Integer< INT_T >
 Encapsulation of an integer type as an AbstractNumber. More...
 Generic map of integers, indexed by integer. More...
class  ts::InterruptHandler
 An interface to be implemented by a class to handle user Ctrl-C interrupt. More...
class  ts::IPAddress
 A generic representation of an IP address, IPv4 or IPv6. More...
class  ts::IPAddressMask
 A combination of IP address and network mask or prefix. More...
class  ts::IPPacket
 Representation of a raw IPv4 or IPv6 packet. More...
class  ts::IPSocketAddress
 Generic socket address class (IPv4 or IPv6 address & port). More...
class  ts::xml::JSONConverter
 XML-to-JSON converter. More...
class  ts::KeyTable
 Definition of a basic and non-secure implementation of a symmetric key table. More...
class  ts::tlv::Logger
 A logger class for TLV messages. More...
class  ts::MACAddress
 A basic representation of a MAC address. More...
class  ts::MacPList
 This class implements a macOS XML PList file. More...
class  ts::tlv::Message
 Abstract base class for TLV messages. More...
class  ts::tlv::MessageFactory
 Factory class for TLV messages. More...
class  ts::MessagePriorityQueue< MSG, COMPARE >
 Template message queue for inter-thread communication with priority. More...
class  ts::MessageQueue< MSG >
 Template message queue for inter-thread communication. More...
class  ts::xml::ModelDocument
 Representation of the model of an XML document. More...
class  ts::Names
 Representation of a set of translations between names for identifiers. More...
class  ts::NetworkInterface
 Description of a network interface. More...
class  ts::xml::Node
 Base class for all XML objects in a document. More...
class  ts::json::Null
 Implementation of a JSON null literal. More...
class  ts::null_mutex
 A null_mutex class which can be used to replace std::mutex or std::recursive_mutex. More...
class  ts::NullReport
 A singleton implementing Report which drops all messages. More...
class  ts::json::Number
 Implementation of a JSON number. More...
class  ts::Object
 General-purpose base class for polymophic objects. More...
class  ts::json::Object
 Implementation of a JSON object. More...
class  ts::ObjectRepository
 A global repository of general-purpose base class for polymophic objects. More...
class  ts::json::OutputArgs
 Command line arguments for JSON reports (--json, --json-line, --json-udp, --json-tcp). More...
class  ts::OutputPager
 Send application output to a "pager" application such as "more" or "less". More...
class  ts::OutputRedirector
 A class to redirect an output stream. More...
class  ts::PagerArgs
 Command line arguments for --pager or --no-pager. More...
class  ts::xml::PatchDocument
 Representation of an XML document which is used to patch another XML document. More...
class  ts::PcapFile
 Read a pcap or pcapng capture file format. More...
class  ts::PcapFilter
 Read a pcap or pcapng file with packet filtering. More...
class  ts::PcapStream
 Read a TCP/IP session from a pcap or pcapng file. More...
class  ts::PolledFile
 Description of a polled file. More...
class  ts::PollFiles
 A class to poll files for modifications. More...
class  ts::PollFilesListener
 Interface for classes listening for file modification. More...
class  ts::tlv::Protocol
 The class ts::tlv::Protocol defines the syntax of a TLV protocol. More...
class  ts::RandomGenerator
 Abstract base class for PRNG's (pseudo-random numbers generators). More...
class  ts::Registry
 A class to encapsulate the access to the Windows registry. More...
class  ts::Report
 Base class for message reporting and monitoring. More...
class  ts::ReportBuffer< SAFETY >
 A subclass of ts::Report which logs all messages in an internal buffer. More...
class  ts::ReportFile< SAFETY >
 A subclass of ts::Report which outputs messages in a text file. More...
class  ts::ResidentBuffer< T >
 Implementation of memory buffer locked in physical memory. More...
class  ts::RingNode
 Base class for objects being part of a ring, ie. More...
class  ts::json::RunningDocument
 Representation of a "running" JSON document which is displayed on the fly. More...
class  ts::xml::RunningDocument
 Representation of a "running" XML document which is displayed on the fly. More...
class  ts::tlv::Serializer
 Serialization of TLV messages. More...
struct  ts::Severity
 Message severity. More...
class  ts::SHA1
 SHA-1 hash. More...
class  ts::SHA256
 SHA-256 hash. More...
class  ts::SHA512
 SHA-512 hash. More...
class  ts::SharedLibrary
 Shared library handling (.so on Linux, .dylib on macOS, .dll on Windows). More...
class  ts::SignalAllocator
 Allocate POSIX real-time signal numbers (Linux-specific). More...
class  ts::SingleDataStatistics< NUMBER, DEFAULT_FLOAT, class >
 Statistics over a single set of data (integer or floating point). More...
struct  ts::smaller_unsigned< BITS >
 Define the smaller unsigned integer type with at least a given number of bits. More...
class  ts::Socket
 Base class for TCP and UDP sockets. More...
struct  ts::static_power10< INT, POW >
 Static values of power of 10. More...
class  ts::json::String
 Implementation of a JSON string. More...
class  ts::StringifyInterface
 An interface to be implemented by classes supporting a conversion to UString. More...
class  ts::SysInfo
 A singleton holding information on the current operating system. More...
class  ts::SystemMonitor
 Monitoring thread for system resources used by the application. More...
class  ts::SystemRandomGenerator
 System-provided PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More...
class  ts::TCPConnection
 Base class for a TCP/IP session. More...
class  ts::TCPServer
 Implementation of a TCP/IP server. More...
class  ts::TCPSocket
 Base class for TCP/IP sockets. More...
class  ts::TDES
 Triple-DES block cipher. More...
class  ts::TelnetConnection
 Implementation of a half-duplex line oriented telnet connection. More...
class  ts::xml::Text
 Text element in an XML document. More...
class  ts::TextFormatter
 Format and print a text document using various output types and indentation. More...
class  ts::TextParser
 A support class for applications which parse various text formats. More...
class  ts::TextTable
 This class produces a formatted table of text lines and columns. More...
class  ts::Thread
 Base class for threads. More...
class  ts::ThreadAttributes
 Set of attributes for a thread object (ts::Thread). More...
class  ts::Time
 The Time class implements a basic representation of time. More...
class  ts::TLVSyntax
 Representation of a Tag, Length, Value (TVL) syntax. More...
class  ts::json::True
 Implementation of a JSON true literal. More...
class  ts::xml::Tweaks
 Global tweaks to manipulate, parse and format XML documents. More...
class  ts::UDPReceiver
 UDP datagram receiver with common command line options. More...
class  ts::UDPReceiverArgs
 Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver. More...
class  ts::UDPReceiverArgsList
 Command line arguments for the class UDPReceiver. More...
class  ts::UDPSocket
 UDP Socket. More...
class  ts::xml::Unknown
 Unknown element in an XML document. More...
class  ts::URL
 Representation of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). More...
class  ts::UserInterrupt
 An instance of this class handles the Ctrl+C user interrupt. More...
class  ts::UString
 An implementation of UTF-16 strings. More...
class  ts::json::Value
 Abstract base class of a JSON value. More...
class  ts::VersionInfo
 Information about version identification of TSDuck. More...
class  ts::VLANId
 A structure which describes a VLAN identification. More...
class  ts::VLANIdStack
 A stack of VLAN identifiers, from outer to inner VLAN. More...
class  ts::WatchDog
 General-purpose timeout watchdog. More...
class  ts::WatchDogHandlerInterface
 Expiration handler interface for general-purpose timeout watchdog. More...
class  ts::WebRequest
 Perform a simple Web request (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP). More...
class  ts::WebRequestArgs
 Command line arguments for the class WebRequest. More...
class  ts::Xoshiro256ss
 Xoshiro256** PRNG (pseudo-random numbers generator). More...
class  ts::Zlib
 Implementation of RFC 1951 data compression, a.k.a. More...

Detailed Description

Generic C++ features.