TSDuck v3.40-4113
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
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tsWinUtils.h File Reference

Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM). More...


namespace  ts
 TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions.


UString ts::CanonicalGUID (const ::GUID &guid)
 Get a "canonical" version of a GUID (Windows-specific).
UString ts::CanonicalGUID (const UString &guid)
 Get a "canonical" version of a GUID string (Windows-specific).
bool ts::ComExpose (::IUnknown *object, const ::IID &iid)
 Check if a COM object exposes an interface (Windows-specific).
UString ts::ComMessage (::HRESULT status)
 Format the message for a COM status (Windows-specific).
bool ts::ComSuccess (::HRESULT status, const UChar *message, Report &report)
 Check a COM status (Windows-specific).
bool ts::ComSuccess (::HRESULT status, const UString &message, Report &report)
 Check a COM status (Windows-specific).
UString ts::FormatGUID (const ::GUID &guid, bool with_braces=true)
 Format a GUID as string (Windows-specific).
::HANDLE ts::GetHandleFromObject (::IUnknown *obj, Report &report)
 Get the handle of a COM object (Windows-specific).
UString ts::GetStringPropertyBag (::IMoniker *moniker, const ::OLECHAR *property_name, Report &report)
 Get a string property from the "property bag" of a COM object (Windows-specific).
UString ts::NameGUID (const ::GUID &guid)
 Format a GUID as string and resolve a few known names (Windows-specific).
UString ts::ToString (const ::BSTR s)
 Convert a Windows string to Unicode string (Windows-specific).
UString ts::ToString (const ::VARIANT &s)
 Convert a COM string to Unicode string (Windows-specific).
UString ts::ToString (const ::WCHAR *s)
 Convert a Windows string to Unicode string (Windows-specific).
bool ts::WinCreateElevatedProcess (const UString &exeName, bool synchronous, Report &report)
 Start an application with elevated privileges (Windows-specific).
UString ts::WinDeviceName (::HANDLE handle)
 Get the device or file name from a Windows handle (Windows-specific).
UString ts::WinErrorMessage (::DWORD code, const UString &moduleName=UString(), ::DWORD minModuleCode=std::numeric_limits<::DWORD >::min(), ::DWORD maxModuleCode=std::numeric_limits<::DWORD >::max())
 Format a Windows error message (Windows-specific).

Detailed Description

Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM).