TSDuck v3.40-4163
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches

Unicode characters. More...


namespace  ts
 TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions.


using ts::UChar = char16_t
 UTF-16 character.


enum  : uint32_t {
  ts::CCHAR_LETTER = 0x0001 ,
  ts::CCHAR_DIGIT = 0x0002 ,
  ts::CCHAR_HEXA = 0x0004 ,
  ts::CCHAR_LATIN = 0x0008 ,
  ts::CCHAR_GREEK = 0x0010 ,
  ts::CCHAR_HEBREW = 0x0020 ,
  ts::CCHAR_ARABIC = 0x0040 ,
  ts::CCHAR_THAI = 0x0080 ,
  ts::CCHAR_CYRILLIC = 0x0100 ,
  ts::CCHAR_CDIACRIT = 0x0200 ,
  ts::CCHAR_SPACE = 0x0400 ,
  ts::CCHAR_PRINT = 0x0800
 Characteristics of a character. More...
enum  ts::CaseSensitivity {
 Case sensitivity used on string operations. More...


bool ts::DecomposePrecombined (UChar c, UChar &letter, UChar &mark)
 Decompose a precombined character into its base letter and non-spacing diacritical mark.
UChar ts::FromHTML (const UString &entity)
 Convert the body on an HTML entity into a character.
char32_t ts::FromSurrogatePair (UChar lead, UChar trail)
 Build a 32-bit Unicode code point from a surrogate pair.
bool ts::IsAccented (UChar c)
 Check if a character contains an accent.
bool ts::IsAlpha (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a letter.
bool ts::IsAlphaNum (UChar c)
 Check if a character is alphanumerical.
bool ts::IsCombiningDiacritical (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a combining diacritical character.
bool ts::IsDigit (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a decimal digit.
bool ts::IsHexa (UChar c)
 Check if a character is an hexadecimal digit.
bool ts::IsLeadingSurrogate (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a "leading surrogate" value.
bool ts::IsLower (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a lower case letter.
bool ts::IsPrintable (UChar c)
 Check if a character is printable according to the current C locale.
bool ts::IsSpace (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a space.
bool ts::IsTrailingSurrogate (UChar c)
 Check if a character is a "trailing surrogate" value.
bool ts::IsUpper (UChar c)
 Check if a character is an upper case letter.
UChar ts::LeadingSurrogate (char32_t cp)
 Compute the first part of the surrogate pair of a 32-bit Unicode code point (which needs a surrogate pair).
bool ts::Match (UChar c1, UChar c2, CaseSensitivity cs)
 Check two characters match, case sensitive or insensitive.
bool ts::NeedSurrogate (char32_t cp)
 Check if a 32-bit Unicode code point needs a surrogate pair in UTF-16 representation.
UChar ts::Precombined (UChar letter, UChar mark)
 Build a precombined character from its base letter and non-spacing diacritical mark.
UString ts::RemoveAccent (UChar c)
 Remove all forms of accent or composition from a character.
int ts::ToDigit (UChar c, int base=10, int defaultValue=-1)
 Convert a character representing a multi-base integer digit into the corresponding integer value.
UString ts::ToHTML (UChar c)
 Convert a character into its corresponding HTML sequence.
UChar ts::ToLower (UChar c)
 Convert a character to lowercase.
UChar ts::ToUpper (UChar c)
 Convert a character to uppercase.
UChar ts::TrailingSurrogate (char32_t cp)
 Compute the second part of the surrogate pair of a 32-bit Unicode code point (which needs a surrogate pair).
uint32_t ts::UCharacteristics (UChar c)
 Get the characteristics of a character.


static constexpr UChar ts::ACKNOWLEDGE = UChar(0x0006)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ACUTE_ACCENT = UChar(0x00B4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ALEF_SYMBOL = UChar(0x2135)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ALMOST_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2248)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::AMPERSAND = UChar(0x0026)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ANGLE = UChar(0x2220)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::APOSTROPHE = UChar(0x0027)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::APPROXIMATELY_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2245)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_COMMA = UChar(0x060C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_DAMMA = UChar(0x064F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_DAMMATAN = UChar(0x064C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_FATHA = UChar(0x064E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_FATHATAN = UChar(0x064B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_KASRA = UChar(0x0650)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_KASRATAN = UChar(0x064D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_AIN = UChar(0x0639)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ALEF = UChar(0x0627)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ALEF_MAKSURA = UChar(0x0649)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ALEF_WITH_HAMZA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0623)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ALEF_WITH_HAMZA_BELOW = UChar(0x0625)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ALEF_WITH_MADDA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0622)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_BEH = UChar(0x0628)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_DAD = UChar(0x0636)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_DAL = UChar(0x062F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_FEH = UChar(0x0641)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_GHAIN = UChar(0x063A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_HAH = UChar(0x062D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_HAMZA = UChar(0x0621)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_HEH = UChar(0x0647)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_JEEM = UChar(0x062C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_KAF = UChar(0x0643)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_KHAH = UChar(0x062E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_LAM = UChar(0x0644)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_MEEM = UChar(0x0645)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_NOON = UChar(0x0646)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_QAF = UChar(0x0642)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_REH = UChar(0x0631)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_SAD = UChar(0x0635)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_SEEN = UChar(0x0633)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_SHEEN = UChar(0x0634)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_TAH = UChar(0x0637)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_TEH = UChar(0x062A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_TEH_MARBUTA = UChar(0x0629)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_THAL = UChar(0x0630)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_THEH = UChar(0x062B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_WAW = UChar(0x0648)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_WAW_WITH_HAMZA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0624)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_YEH = UChar(0x064A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_YEH_WITH_HAMZA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0626)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ZAH = UChar(0x0638)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_LETTER_ZAIN = UChar(0x0632)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_QUESTION_MARK = UChar(0x061F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_SEMICOLON = UChar(0x061B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_SHADDA = UChar(0x0651)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_SUKUN = UChar(0x0652)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ARABIC_TATWEEL = UChar(0x0640)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ASTERISK = UChar(0x002A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ASTERISK_OPERATOR = UChar(0x2217)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BACKSPACE = UChar(0x0008)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BELL = UChar(0x0007)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACK_CLUB_SUIT = UChar(0x2663)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACK_DIAMOND_SUIT = UChar(0x2666)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACK_HEART_SUIT = UChar(0x2665)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACK_SPADE_SUIT = UChar(0x2660)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACKLETTER_CAPITAL_I = UChar(0x2111)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BLACKLETTER_CAPITAL_R = UChar(0x211C)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BREVE = UChar(0x02D8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BROKEN_BAR = UChar(0x00A6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BULLET = UChar(0x2022)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::BYTE_ORDER_MARK = UChar(0xFEFF)
static constexpr UChar ts::CANCEL = UChar(0x0018)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CARON = UChar(0x02C7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CARRIAGE_RETURN = UChar(0x000D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CEDILLA = UChar(0x00B8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CENT_SIGN = UChar(0x00A2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CHAR_DELETE = UChar(0x007F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CHAR_INFINITY = UChar(0x221E)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CHAR_NULL = UChar(0x0000)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CIRCLED_PLUS = UChar(0x2295)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CIRCLED_TIMES = UChar(0x2297)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT = UChar(0x005E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COLON = UChar(0x003A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ACUTE_ACCENT = UChar(0x0301)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ACUTE_ACCENT_BELOW = UChar(0x0317)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ACUTE_TONE_MARK = UChar(0x0341)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ALMOST_EQUAL_TO_ABOVE = UChar(0x034C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ASTERISK_BELOW = UChar(0x0359)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_BREVE = UChar(0x0306)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_BREVE_BELOW = UChar(0x032E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_BRIDGE_ABOVE = UChar(0x0346)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_BRIDGE_BELOW = UChar(0x032A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CANDRABINDU = UChar(0x0310)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CARON = UChar(0x030C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CARON_BELOW = UChar(0x032C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0327)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT = UChar(0x0302)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT_BELOW = UChar(0x032D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_COMMA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0313)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_COMMA_ABOVE_RIGHT = UChar(0x0315)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_COMMA_BELOW = UChar(0x0326)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x0308)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DIAERESIS_BELOW = UChar(0x0324)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0307)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOT_ABOVE_RIGHT = UChar(0x0358)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOT_BELOW = UChar(0x0323)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_ACUTE_ACCENT = UChar(0x030B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_BREVE = UChar(0x035D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_BREVE_BELOW = UChar(0x035C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_GRAVE_ACCENT = UChar(0x030F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_INVERTED_BREVE = UChar(0x0361)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_LOW_LINE = UChar(0x0333)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_MACRON = UChar(0x035E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_MACRON_BELOW = UChar(0x035F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_OVERLINE = UChar(0x033F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_RIGHTWARDS_ARROW_BELOW = UChar(0x0362)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_RING_BELOW = UChar(0x035A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_TILDE = UChar(0x0360)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_LINE_ABOVE = UChar(0x030E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOUBLE_VERTICAL_LINE_BELOW = UChar(0x0348)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_DOWN_TACK_BELOW = UChar(0x031E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_EQUALS_SIGN_BELOW = UChar(0x0347)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_FERMATA = UChar(0x0352)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GRAPHEME_JOINER = UChar(0x034F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GRAVE_ACCENT = UChar(0x0300)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GRAVE_ACCENT_BELOW = UChar(0x0316)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GRAVE_TONE_MARK = UChar(0x0340)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GREEK_DIALYTIKA_TONOS = UChar(0x0344)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GREEK_KORONIS = UChar(0x0343)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GREEK_PERISPOMENI = UChar(0x0342)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_GREEK_YPOGEGRAMMENI = UChar(0x0345)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_HOMOTHETIC_ABOVE = UChar(0x034B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_HOOK_ABOVE = UChar(0x0309)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_HORN = UChar(0x031B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_INVERTED_BREVE = UChar(0x0311)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_INVERTED_BREVE_BELOW = UChar(0x032F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_INVERTED_BRIDGE_BELOW = UChar(0x033A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_INVERTED_DOUBLE_ARCH_BELOW = UChar(0x032B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A = UChar(0x0363)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C = UChar(0x0368)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_D = UChar(0x0369)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E = UChar(0x0364)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_H = UChar(0x036A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I = UChar(0x0365)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_M = UChar(0x036B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O = UChar(0x0366)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_R = UChar(0x036C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T = UChar(0x036D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U = UChar(0x0367)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_V = UChar(0x036E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_X = UChar(0x036F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_ANGLE_ABOVE = UChar(0x031A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_ANGLE_BELOW = UChar(0x0349)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_ARROWHEAD_BELOW = UChar(0x0354)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_HALF_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x0351)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_HALF_RING_BELOW = UChar(0x031C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW_BELOW = UChar(0x034D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LEFT_TACK_BELOW = UChar(0x0318)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LONG_SOLIDUS_OVERLAY = UChar(0x0338)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LONG_STROKE_OVERLAY = UChar(0x0336)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_LOW_LINE = UChar(0x0332)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_MACRON = UChar(0x0304)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_MACRON_BELOW = UChar(0x0331)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_MINUS_SIGN_BELOW = UChar(0x0320)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_NOT_TILDE_ABOVE = UChar(0x034A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_OGONEK = UChar(0x0328)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_OVERLINE = UChar(0x0305)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_PALATALIZED_HOOK_BELOW = UChar(0x0321)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_PLUS_SIGN_BELOW = UChar(0x031F)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RETROFLEX_HOOK_BELOW = UChar(0x0322)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_REVERSED_COMMA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0314)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RIGHT_ARROWHEAD_ABOVE = UChar(0x0350)
 Combining diacritical character.
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RIGHT_ARROWHEAD_BELOW = UChar(0x0355)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RIGHT_HALF_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x0357)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RIGHT_HALF_RING_BELOW = UChar(0x0339)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RIGHT_TACK_BELOW = UChar(0x0319)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x030A)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_RING_BELOW = UChar(0x0325)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_SEAGULL_BELOW = UChar(0x033C)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_SHORT_SOLIDUS_OVERLAY = UChar(0x0337)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_SHORT_STROKE_OVERLAY = UChar(0x0335)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_SQUARE_BELOW = UChar(0x033B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_TILDE = UChar(0x0303)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_TILDE_BELOW = UChar(0x0330)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_TILDE_OVERLAY = UChar(0x0334)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_TURNED_COMMA_ABOVE = UChar(0x0312)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_UP_TACK_BELOW = UChar(0x031D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_UPWARDS_ARROW_BELOW = UChar(0x034E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_VERTICAL_LINE_ABOVE = UChar(0x030D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_VERTICAL_LINE_BELOW = UChar(0x0329)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_VERTICAL_TILDE = UChar(0x033E)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_X_ABOVE = UChar(0x033D)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_X_BELOW = UChar(0x0353)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMBINING_ZIGZAG_ABOVE = UChar(0x035B)
 Combining diacritical character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMMA = UChar(0x002C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COMMERCIAL_AT = UChar(0x0040)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CONTAINS_AS_MEMBER = UChar(0x220B)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::COPYRIGHT_SIGN = UChar(0x00A9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CURRENCY_SIGN = UChar(0x00A4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_A = UChar(0x0410)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_BE = UChar(0x0411)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_CHE = UChar(0x0427)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_DE = UChar(0x0414)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_DJE = UChar(0x0402)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_DZE = UChar(0x0405)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_DZHE = UChar(0x040F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_E = UChar(0x042D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_EF = UChar(0x0424)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_EL = UChar(0x041B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_EM = UChar(0x041C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_EN = UChar(0x041D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_ER = UChar(0x0420)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_ES = UChar(0x0421)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_GHE = UChar(0x0413)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_GJE = UChar(0x0403)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_HA = UChar(0x0425)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_HARD_SIGN = UChar(0x042A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_I = UChar(0x0418)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_IE = UChar(0x0415)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_IO = UChar(0x0401)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_JE = UChar(0x0408)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_KA = UChar(0x041A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_KJE = UChar(0x040C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_LJE = UChar(0x0409)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_NJE = UChar(0x040A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_O = UChar(0x041E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_PE = UChar(0x041F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_SHA = UChar(0x0428)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_SHCHA = UChar(0x0429)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_SHORT_I = UChar(0x0419)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_SHORT_U = UChar(0x040E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_SOFT_SIGN = UChar(0x042C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_TE = UChar(0x0422)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_TSE = UChar(0x0426)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_TSHE = UChar(0x040B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_U = UChar(0x0423)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_UKRAINIAN_IE = UChar(0x0404)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_VE = UChar(0x0412)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_YA = UChar(0x042F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_YERU = UChar(0x042B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_YI = UChar(0x0407)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_YU = UChar(0x042E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_ZE = UChar(0x0417)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_CAPITAL_LETTER_ZHE = UChar(0x0416)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_A = UChar(0x0430)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_BE = UChar(0x0431)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_CHE = UChar(0x0447)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_DE = UChar(0x0434)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_DJE = UChar(0x0452)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_DZE = UChar(0x0455)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_DZHE = UChar(0x045F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_E = UChar(0x044D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_EF = UChar(0x0444)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_EL = UChar(0x043B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_EM = UChar(0x043C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_EN = UChar(0x043D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_ER = UChar(0x0440)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_ES = UChar(0x0441)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_GHE = UChar(0x0433)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_GJE = UChar(0x0453)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_HA = UChar(0x0445)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_HARD_SIGN = UChar(0x044A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_I = UChar(0x0438)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_IE = UChar(0x0435)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_IO = UChar(0x0451)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_JE = UChar(0x0458)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_KA = UChar(0x043A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_KJE = UChar(0x045C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_LJE = UChar(0x0459)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_NJE = UChar(0x045A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_O = UChar(0x043E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_PE = UChar(0x043F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_SHA = UChar(0x0448)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_SHCHA = UChar(0x0449)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_SHORT_I = UChar(0x0439)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_SHORT_U = UChar(0x045E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_SOFT_SIGN = UChar(0x044C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_TE = UChar(0x0442)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_TSE = UChar(0x0446)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_TSHE = UChar(0x045B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_U = UChar(0x0443)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_UKRAINIAN_IE = UChar(0x0454)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_VE = UChar(0x0432)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_YA = UChar(0x044F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_YERU = UChar(0x044B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_YI = UChar(0x0457)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_YU = UChar(0x044E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_ZE = UChar(0x0437)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::CYRILLIC_SMALL_LETTER_ZHE = UChar(0x0436)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DAGGER = UChar(0x2020)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DATA_LINK_ESCAPE = UChar(0x0010)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DEGREE_SIGN = UChar(0x00B0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DEVICE_CONTROL_FOUR = UChar(0x0014)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DEVICE_CONTROL_ONE = UChar(0x0011)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DEVICE_CONTROL_THREE = UChar(0x0013)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DEVICE_CONTROL_TWO = UChar(0x0012)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00A8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_EIGHT = UChar(0x0038)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_FIVE = UChar(0x0035)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_FOUR = UChar(0x0034)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_NINE = UChar(0x0039)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_ONE = UChar(0x0031)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_SEVEN = UChar(0x0037)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_SIX = UChar(0x0036)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_THREE = UChar(0x0033)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_TWO = UChar(0x0032)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIGIT_ZERO = UChar(0x0030)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DIVISION_SIGN = UChar(0x00F7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOLLAR_SIGN = UChar(0x0024)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x02D9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOT_OPERATOR = UChar(0x22C5)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOUBLE_ACUTE_ACCENT = UChar(0x02DD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOUBLE_DAGGER = UChar(0x2021)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOUBLE_LOW_9_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x201E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOUBLE_LOW_LINE = UChar(0x2017)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOUBLE_PRIME = UChar(0x2033)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOWNWARDS_ARROW = UChar(0x2193)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOWNWARDS_ARROW_WITH_CORNER_LEFTWARDS = UChar(0x21B5)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DOWNWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = UChar(0x21D3)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::DRACHMA_SIGN = UChar(0x20AF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ELEMENT_OF = UChar(0x2208)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EM_DASH = UChar(0x2014)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EM_SPACE = UChar(0x2003)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EMPTY_SET = UChar(0x2205)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EN_DASH = UChar(0x2013)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EN_SPACE = UChar(0x2002)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::END_OF_MEDIUM = UChar(0x0019)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::END_OF_TEXT = UChar(0x0003)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::END_OF_TRANSMISSION = UChar(0x0004)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::END_OF_TRANSMISSION_BLOCK = UChar(0x0017)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ENQUIRY = UChar(0x0005)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EQUALS_SIGN = UChar(0x003D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ESCAPE = UChar(0x001B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EURO_SIGN = UChar(0x20AC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::EXCLAMATION_MARK = UChar(0x0021)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FEMININE_ORDINAL_INDICATOR = UChar(0x00AA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FILE_SEPARATOR = UChar(0x001C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FOR_ALL = UChar(0x2200)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FORM_FEED = UChar(0x000C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FRACTION_SLASH = UChar(0x2044)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::FULL_STOP = UChar(0x002E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GRAVE_ACCENT = UChar(0x0060)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2265)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREATER_THAN_SIGN = UChar(0x003E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_ALPHA = UChar(0x0391)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_ALPHA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x0386)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_BETA = UChar(0x0392)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_CHI = UChar(0x03A7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_DELTA = UChar(0x0394)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_EPSILON = UChar(0x0395)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_EPSILON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x0388)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_ETA = UChar(0x0397)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_ETA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x0389)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_GAMMA = UChar(0x0393)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_IOTA = UChar(0x0399)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_IOTA_WITH_DIALYTIKA = UChar(0x03AA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_IOTA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x038A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_KAPPA = UChar(0x039A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_LAMDA = UChar(0x039B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_MU = UChar(0x039C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_NU = UChar(0x039D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_OMEGA = UChar(0x03A9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_OMEGA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x038F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_OMICRON = UChar(0x039F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_OMICRON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x038C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_PHI = UChar(0x03A6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_PI = UChar(0x03A0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_PSI = UChar(0x03A8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_RHO = UChar(0x03A1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_SIGMA = UChar(0x03A3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_TAU = UChar(0x03A4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_THETA = UChar(0x0398)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_UPSILON = UChar(0x03A5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_UPSILON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x038E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_XI = UChar(0x039E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_CAPITAL_LETTER_ZETA = UChar(0x0396)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_DIALYTIKA_TONOS = UChar(0x0385)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_PI_SYMBOL = UChar(0x03D6)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_ALPHA = UChar(0x03B1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_ALPHA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03AC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_BETA = UChar(0x03B2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_CHI = UChar(0x03C7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_DELTA = UChar(0x03B4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_EPSILON = UChar(0x03B5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_EPSILON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03AD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_ETA = UChar(0x03B7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_ETA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03AE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_FINAL_SIGMA = UChar(0x03C2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_GAMMA = UChar(0x03B3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_IOTA = UChar(0x03B9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_IOTA_WITH_DIALYTIKA = UChar(0x03CA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_IOTA_WITH_DIALYTIKA_AND_TONOS = UChar(0x0390)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_IOTA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03AF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_KAPPA = UChar(0x03BA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_LAMDA = UChar(0x03BB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_MU = UChar(0x03BC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_NU = UChar(0x03BD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_OMEGA = UChar(0x03C9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_OMEGA_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03CE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_OMICRON = UChar(0x03BF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_OMICRON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03CC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_PHI = UChar(0x03C6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_PI = UChar(0x03C0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_PSI = UChar(0x03C8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_RHO = UChar(0x03C1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_SIGMA = UChar(0x03C3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_TAU = UChar(0x03C4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_THETA = UChar(0x03B8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_THETA_SYMBOL = UChar(0x03D1)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_UPSILON = UChar(0x03C5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_UPSILON_WITH_DIALYTIKA = UChar(0x03CB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_UPSILON_WITH_TONOS = UChar(0x03CD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_XI = UChar(0x03BE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_SMALL_LETTER_ZETA = UChar(0x03B6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_TONOS = UChar(0x0384)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_UPSILON_WITH_HOOK_SYMBOL = UChar(0x03D2)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GREEK_YPOGEGRAMMENI = UChar(0x037A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::GROUP_SEPARATOR = UChar(0x001D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_ALEF = UChar(0x05D0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_AYIN = UChar(0x05E2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_BET = UChar(0x05D1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_DALET = UChar(0x05D3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_FINAL_KAF = UChar(0x05DA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_FINAL_MEM = UChar(0x05DD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_FINAL_NUN = UChar(0x05DF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_FINAL_PE = UChar(0x05E3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_FINAL_TSADI = UChar(0x05E5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_GIMEL = UChar(0x05D2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_HE = UChar(0x05D4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_HET = UChar(0x05D7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_KAF = UChar(0x05DB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_LAMED = UChar(0x05DC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_MEM = UChar(0x05DE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_NUN = UChar(0x05E0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_PE = UChar(0x05E4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_QOF = UChar(0x05E7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_RESH = UChar(0x05E8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_SAMEKH = UChar(0x05E1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_SHIN = UChar(0x05E9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_TAV = UChar(0x05EA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_TET = UChar(0x05D8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_TSADI = UChar(0x05E6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_VAV = UChar(0x05D5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_YOD = UChar(0x05D9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HEBREW_LETTER_ZAYIN = UChar(0x05D6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HORIZONTAL_BAR = UChar(0x2015)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS = UChar(0x2026)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HORIZONTAL_TABULATION = UChar(0x0009)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::HYPHEN_MINUS = UChar(0x002D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::IDENTICAL_TO = UChar(0x2261)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::IDEOGRAPHIC_SPACE = UChar(0x3000)
 CJK character for space.
static constexpr UChar ts::INTEGRAL = UChar(0x222B)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::INTERSECTION = UChar(0x2229)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK = UChar(0x00A1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::INVERTED_QUESTION_MARK = UChar(0x00BF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A = UChar(0x0041)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00C1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x0102)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00C2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00C4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00C0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x0100)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0104)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x00C5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_A_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00C3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_AE = UChar(0x00C6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_B = UChar(0x0042)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_B_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E02)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C = UChar(0x0043)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0106)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x010C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x00C7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0108)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_C_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x010A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_D = UChar(0x0044)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_D_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x010E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_D_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E0A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_D_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0110)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E = UChar(0x0045)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00C9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x011A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00CA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00CB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0116)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00C8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x0112)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_E_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0118)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_ENG = UChar(0x014A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_ETH = UChar(0x00D0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_F = UChar(0x0046)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_F_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E1E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_G = UChar(0x0047)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_G_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x011E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_G_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0122)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_G_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x011C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_G_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0120)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_H = UChar(0x0048)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_H_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0124)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_H_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0126)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I = UChar(0x0049)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00CD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00CE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00CF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0130)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00CC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x012A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x012E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_I_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x0128)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_J = UChar(0x004A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_J_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0134)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_K = UChar(0x004B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_K_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0136)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_L = UChar(0x004C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_L_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0139)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_L_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x013D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_L_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x013B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_L_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0141)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_M = UChar(0x004D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_M_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E40)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_N = UChar(0x004E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_N_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0143)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_N_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0147)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_N_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0145)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_N_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00D1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O = UChar(0x004F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00D3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00D4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00D6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_DOUBLE_ACUTE = UChar(0x0150)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00D2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x014C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x00D8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_O_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00D5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_P = UChar(0x0050)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_P_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E56)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Q = UChar(0x0051)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_R = UChar(0x0052)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_R_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0154)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_R_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0158)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_R_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0156)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S = UChar(0x0053)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x015A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0160)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x015E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x015C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_COMMA_BELOW = UChar(0x0218)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_S_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E60)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T = UChar(0x0054)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0164)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0162)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T_WITH_COMMA_BELOW = UChar(0x021A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E6A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_T_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0166)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_THORN = UChar(0x00DE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U = UChar(0x0055)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00DA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x016C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00DB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00DC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_DOUBLE_ACUTE = UChar(0x0170)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00D9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x016A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0172)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x016E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_U_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x0168)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_V = UChar(0x0056)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_W = UChar(0x0057)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_W_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x1E82)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_W_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0174)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_W_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x1E84)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_W_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x1E80)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_X = UChar(0x0058)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Y = UChar(0x0059)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Y_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00DD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Y_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0176)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Y_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x0178)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Y_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x1EF2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Z = UChar(0x005A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Z_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0179)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Z_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x017D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LETTER_Z_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x017B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_CAPITAL_LIGATURE_OE = UChar(0x0152)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_F_WITH_HOOK = UChar(0x0192)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A = UChar(0x0061)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00E1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x0103)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00E2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00E4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00E0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x0101)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0105)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x00E5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_A_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00E3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_AE = UChar(0x00E6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_B = UChar(0x0062)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_B_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E03)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C = UChar(0x0063)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0107)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x010D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x00E7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0109)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_C_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x010B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_D = UChar(0x0064)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_D_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x010F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_D_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E0B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_D_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0111)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_DOTLESS_I = UChar(0x0131)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E = UChar(0x0065)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00E9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x011B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00EA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00EB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0117)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00E8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x0113)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_E_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0119)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_ENG = UChar(0x014B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_ETH = UChar(0x00F0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_F = UChar(0x0066)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_F_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E1F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_G = UChar(0x0067)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_G_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x011F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_G_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0123)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_G_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x011D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_G_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x0121)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_H = UChar(0x0068)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_H_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0125)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_H_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0127)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I = UChar(0x0069)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00ED)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00EE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00EF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00EC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x012B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x012F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_I_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x0129)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_J = UChar(0x006A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_J_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0135)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_K = UChar(0x006B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_K_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0137)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_KRA = UChar(0x0138)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_L = UChar(0x006C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_L_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x013A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_L_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x013E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_L_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x013C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_L_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0142)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_M = UChar(0x006D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_M_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E41)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_N = UChar(0x006E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_N_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0144)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_N_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0148)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_N_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0146)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_N_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00F1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O = UChar(0x006F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00F3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00F4)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00F6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_DOUBLE_ACUTE = UChar(0x0151)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00F2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x014D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x00F8)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_O_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x00F5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_P = UChar(0x0070)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_P_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E57)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Q = UChar(0x0071)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_R = UChar(0x0072)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_R_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x0155)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_R_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0159)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_R_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0157)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S = UChar(0x0073)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x015B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0161)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x015F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x015D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_COMMA_BELOW = UChar(0x0219)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_S_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E61)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_SHARP_S = UChar(0x00DF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T = UChar(0x0074)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x0165)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T_WITH_CEDILLA = UChar(0x0163)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T_WITH_COMMA_BELOW = UChar(0x021B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x1E6B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_T_WITH_STROKE = UChar(0x0167)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_THORN = UChar(0x00FE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U = UChar(0x0075)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00FA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_BREVE = UChar(0x016D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x00FB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00FC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_DOUBLE_ACUTE = UChar(0x0171)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x00F9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_MACRON = UChar(0x016B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_OGONEK = UChar(0x0173)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_RING_ABOVE = UChar(0x016F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_U_WITH_TILDE = UChar(0x0169)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_V = UChar(0x0076)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_W = UChar(0x0077)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_W_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x1E83)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_W_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0175)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_W_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x1E85)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_W_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x1E81)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_X = UChar(0x0078)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Y = UChar(0x0079)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Y_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x00FD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Y_WITH_CIRCUMFLEX = UChar(0x0177)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Y_WITH_DIAERESIS = UChar(0x00FF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Y_WITH_GRAVE = UChar(0x1EF3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Z = UChar(0x007A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Z_WITH_ACUTE = UChar(0x017A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Z_WITH_CARON = UChar(0x017E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LETTER_Z_WITH_DOT_ABOVE = UChar(0x017C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LATIN_SMALL_LIGATURE_OE = UChar(0x0153)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_CEILING = UChar(0x2308)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = UChar(0x007B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x201C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_FLOOR = UChar(0x230A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_PARENTHESIS = UChar(0x0028)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET = UChar(0x2329)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_POINTING_DOUBLE_ANGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x00AB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_RIGHT_ARROW = UChar(0x2194)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_RIGHT_DOUBLE_ARROW = UChar(0x21D4)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x2018)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET = UChar(0x005B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK = UChar(0x200E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFTWARDS_ARROW = UChar(0x2190)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LEFTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = UChar(0x21D0)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2264)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LESS_THAN_SIGN = UChar(0x003C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LINE_FEED = UChar(0x000A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LOGICAL_AND = UChar(0x2227)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LOGICAL_OR = UChar(0x2228)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LOW_LINE = UChar(0x005F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::LOZENGE = UChar(0x25CA)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MACRON = UChar(0x00AF)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MASCULINE_ORDINAL_INDICATOR = UChar(0x00BA)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MICRO_SIGN = UChar(0x00B5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MIDDLE_DOT = UChar(0x00B7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MINUS_SIGN = UChar(0x2212)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MODIFIER_LETTER_CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT = UChar(0x02C6)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::MULTIPLICATION_SIGN = UChar(0x00D7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::N_ARY_PRODUCT = UChar(0x220F)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::N_ARY_SUMATION = UChar(0x2211)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NABLA = UChar(0x2207)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NEGATIVE_ACKNOWLEDGE = UChar(0x0015)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NO_BREAK_SPACE = UChar(0x00A0)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NOT_A_SUBSET_OF = UChar(0x2284)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NOT_AN_ELEMENT_OF = UChar(0x2209)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NOT_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2260)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NOT_SIGN = UChar(0x00AC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NUMBER_SIGN = UChar(0x0023)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::NUMERO_SIGN = UChar(0x2116)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::OGONEK = UChar(0x02DB)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::OVERLINE = UChar(0x203E)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PARTIAL_DIFFERENTIAL = UChar(0x2202)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PER_MILLE_SIGN = UChar(0x2030)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PERCENT_SIGN = UChar(0x0025)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PILCROW_SIGN = UChar(0x00B6)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PLUS_MINUS_SIGN = UChar(0x00B1)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PLUS_SIGN = UChar(0x002B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::POUND_SIGN = UChar(0x00A3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PRIME = UChar(0x2032)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::PROPORTIONAL_TO = UChar(0x221D)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::QUESTION_MARK = UChar(0x003F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x0022)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RECORD_SEPARATOR = UChar(0x001E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::REGISTERED_SIGN = UChar(0x00AE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::REVERSE_SOLIDUS = UChar(0x005C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_CEILING = UChar(0x2309)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = UChar(0x007D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_DOUBLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x201D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_FLOOR = UChar(0x230B)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = UChar(0x0029)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_POINTING_ANGLE_BRACKET = UChar(0x232A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x2019)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = UChar(0x005D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHT_TO_LEFT_MARK = UChar(0x200F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHTWARDS_ARROW = UChar(0x2192)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::RIGHTWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = UChar(0x21D2)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SCRIPT_CAPITAL_P = UChar(0x2118)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SECTION_SIGN = UChar(0x00A7)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SEMICOLON = UChar(0x003B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SHIFT_IN = UChar(0x000F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SHIFT_OUT = UChar(0x000E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SINGLE_LEFT_POINTING_ANGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x2039)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SINGLE_LOW_9_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x201A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SINGLE_RIGHT_POINTING_ANGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = UChar(0x203A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SMALL_TILDE = UChar(0x02DC)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SOFT_HYPHEN = UChar(0x00AD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SOLIDUS = UChar(0x002F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SPACE = UChar(0x0020)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SQUARE_ROOT = UChar(0x221A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::START_OF_HEADING = UChar(0x0001)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::START_OF_TEXT = UChar(0x0002)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUBSET_OF = UChar(0x2282)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUBSET_OF_OR_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2286)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUBSTITUTE = UChar(0x001A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUPERSCRIPT_ONE = UChar(0x00B9)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUPERSCRIPT_THREE = UChar(0x00B3)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUPERSCRIPT_TWO = UChar(0x00B2)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUPERSET_OF = UChar(0x2283)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SUPERSET_OF_OR_EQUAL_TO = UChar(0x2287)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SWAPPED_BYTE_ORDER_MARK = UChar(0xFFFE)
 UTF-16 BOM in wrong byte order, not a character.
static constexpr UChar ts::SYNCHRONOUS_IDLE = UChar(0x0016)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_ANGKHANKHU = UChar(0x0E5A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_BO_BAIMAI = UChar(0x0E1A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_CHO_CHAN = UChar(0x0E08)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_CHO_CHANG = UChar(0x0E0A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_CHO_CHING = UChar(0x0E09)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_CHO_CHOE = UChar(0x0E0C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_DO_CHADA = UChar(0x0E0E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_DO_DEK = UChar(0x0E14)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_FO_FA = UChar(0x0E1D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_FO_FAN = UChar(0x0E1F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_FONGMAN = UChar(0x0E4F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_HO_HIP = UChar(0x0E2B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_HO_NOKHUK = UChar(0x0E2E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHO_KHAI = UChar(0x0E02)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHO_KHON = UChar(0x0E05)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHO_KHUAT = UChar(0x0E03)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHO_KHWAI = UChar(0x0E04)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHO_RAKHANG = UChar(0x0E06)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KHOMUT = UChar(0x0E5B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_KO_KAI = UChar(0x0E01)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_LAKKHANGYAO = UChar(0x0E45)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_LO_CHULA = UChar(0x0E2C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_LO_LING = UChar(0x0E25)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_LU = UChar(0x0E26)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAI_CHATTAWA = UChar(0x0E4B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAI_EK = UChar(0x0E48)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAI_HAN_AKAT = UChar(0x0E31)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAI_THO = UChar(0x0E49)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAI_TRI = UChar(0x0E4A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAITAIKHU = UChar(0x0E47)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MAIYAMOK = UChar(0x0E46)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_MO_MA = UChar(0x0E21)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_NGO_NGU = UChar(0x0E07)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_NIKHAHIT = UChar(0x0E4D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_NO_NEN = UChar(0x0E13)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_NO_NU = UChar(0x0E19)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_O_ANG = UChar(0x0E2D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PAIYANNOI = UChar(0x0E2F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PHINTHU = UChar(0x0E3A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PHO_PHAN = UChar(0x0E1E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PHO_PHUNG = UChar(0x0E1C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PHO_SAMPHAO = UChar(0x0E20)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_PO_PLA = UChar(0x0E1B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_RO_RUA = UChar(0x0E23)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_RU = UChar(0x0E24)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_A = UChar(0x0E30)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_AA = UChar(0x0E32)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_AE = UChar(0x0E41)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_AI_MAIMALAI = UChar(0x0E44)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_AI_MAIMUAN = UChar(0x0E43)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_AM = UChar(0x0E33)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_E = UChar(0x0E40)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_I = UChar(0x0E34)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_II = UChar(0x0E35)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_O = UChar(0x0E42)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_U = UChar(0x0E38)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_UE = UChar(0x0E36)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_UEE = UChar(0x0E37)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SARA_UU = UChar(0x0E39)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SO_RUSI = UChar(0x0E29)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SO_SALA = UChar(0x0E28)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SO_SO = UChar(0x0E0B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_SO_SUA = UChar(0x0E2A)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THANTHAKHAT = UChar(0x0E4C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_NANGMONTHO = UChar(0x0E11)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_PHUTHAO = UChar(0x0E12)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_THAHAN = UChar(0x0E17)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_THAN = UChar(0x0E10)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_THONG = UChar(0x0E18)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_THO_THUNG = UChar(0x0E16)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_TO_PATAK = UChar(0x0E0F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_TO_TAO = UChar(0x0E15)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_WO_WAEN = UChar(0x0E27)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_YAMAKKAN = UChar(0x0E4E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_YO_YAK = UChar(0x0E22)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CHARACTER_YO_YING = UChar(0x0E0D)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_CURRENCY_SYMBOL_BAHT = UChar(0x0E3F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_EIGHT = UChar(0x0E58)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_FIVE = UChar(0x0E55)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_FOUR = UChar(0x0E54)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_NINE = UChar(0x0E59)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_ONE = UChar(0x0E51)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_SEVEN = UChar(0x0E57)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_SIX = UChar(0x0E56)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_THREE = UChar(0x0E53)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_TWO = UChar(0x0E52)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THAI_DIGIT_ZERO = UChar(0x0E50)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THERE_EXISTS = UChar(0x2203)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THEREFORE = UChar(0x2234)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::THIN_SPACE = UChar(0x2009)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::TILDE = UChar(0x007E)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::TILDE_OPERATOR = UChar(0x223C)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::TRADE_MARK_SIGN = UChar(0x2122)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::UNION = UChar(0x222A)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::UNIT_SEPARATOR = UChar(0x001F)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::UP_TACK = UChar(0x22A5)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::UPWARDS_ARROW = UChar(0x2191)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::UPWARDS_DOUBLE_ARROW = UChar(0x21D1)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::VERTICAL_LINE = UChar(0x007C)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::VERTICAL_TABULATION = UChar(0x000B)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::VULGAR_FRACTION_ONE_HALF = UChar(0x00BD)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::VULGAR_FRACTION_ONE_QUARTER = UChar(0x00BC)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::VULGAR_FRACTION_THREE_QUARTERS = UChar(0x00BE)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::WORD_JOINER = UChar(0x2060)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::YEN_SIGN = UChar(0x00A5)
 ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER = UChar(0x200D)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ZERO_WIDTH_NON_JOINER = UChar(0x200C)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.
static constexpr UChar ts::ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = UChar(0x200B)
 Non-ISO-8859 Unicode character.

Detailed Description

Unicode characters.