TSDuck v3.39-3896
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
tsFileUtils.h File Reference

File utilities (file path, file properties, etc). More...


namespace  ts
 TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions.


UString ts::AbsoluteFilePath (const UString &path, const UString &base=UString())
 Build the absolute form of a file path.
UString ts::BaseName (const UString &path, const UString &suffix=UString())
 Return the base file name of a file path ("dir/foo.bar" => "foo.bar").
UString ts::CleanupFilePath (const UString &path)
 Cleanup a file path.
UString ts::DirectoryName (const UString &path)
 Return the directory name of a file path ("dir/foo.bar" => "dir").
template<class CONTAINER >
bool ts::ExpandWildcard (CONTAINER &container, const UString &pattern)
 Get all files matching a specified wildcard pattern.
template<class CONTAINER >
bool ts::ExpandWildcardAndAppend (CONTAINER &container, const UString &pattern)
 Get all files matching a specified wildcard pattern and append them into a container.
Time ts::GetFileModificationTimeLocal (const UString &path)
 Get the local time of the last modification of a file.
Time ts::GetFileModificationTimeUTC (const UString &path)
 Get the UTC time of the last modification of a file.
bool ts::IsAbsoluteFilePath (const UString &path)
 Check if a file path is absolute (starting at a root of a file system).
UString ts::RelativeFilePath (const UString &path, const UString &base=UString(), CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity=FILE_SYSTEM_CASE_SENSITVITY, bool portableSlashes=false)
 Build a relative form of a file path, relative to a base directory.
UString ts::SearchConfigurationFile (const UString &fileName)
 Search a configuration file.
UString ts::SearchExecutableFile (const UString &fileName, const UString &pathName=PATH_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)
 Search an executable file.
template<class CONTAINER >
bool ts::SearchWildcard (CONTAINER &container, const UString &root, const UString &pattern, size_t max_levels=64, bool skip_symlinks=true)
 Search all files matching a specified wildcard pattern in a directory tree.
template<class CONTAINER >
bool ts::SearchWildcardAndAppend (CONTAINER &container, const UString &root, const UString &pattern, size_t max_levels=64, bool skip_symlinks=true)
 Search all files matching a specified wildcard pattern in a directory tree and append them into a container.
fs::path ts::TempFile (const UString &suffix=u".tmp")
 Return the name of a unique temporary file.
UString ts::UserConfigurationFileName (const UString &fileName, const UString &winFileName=UString())
 Build the name of a user-specific configuration file.
fs::path ts::UserHomeDirectory ()
 Get the current user's home directory.
UString ts::VernacularFilePath (const UString &path)
 Return a "vernacular" version of a file path.


constexpr const UCharts::DEFAULT_CSV_SEPARATOR = u","
 Default separator in CSV (comma-separated values) format.
constexpr const UCharts::EXECUTABLE_FILE_SUFFIX = platform - specific(".exe", "")
 Executable file suffix.
constexpr CaseSensitivity ts::FILE_SYSTEM_CASE_SENSITVITY = platform-specific
 Case-sensitivity of the names in the file system.
constexpr const UCharts::SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX = platform - specific(".dll", ".so", ".dylib")
 File name extension of shared library file names (".so" on Linux, '.dylib" on macOS, ".dll" on Windows).

Detailed Description

File utilities (file path, file properties, etc).