TSDuck v3.40-4165
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
tsTSPacketFormat.h File Reference

Transport stream packet / file formats. More...


namespace  ts
 TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions.


enum class  ts::TSPacketFormat {
  ts::TS ,
  ts::M2TS ,
  ts::RS204 ,
 Transport stream file formats. More...


void ts::DefineTSPacketFormatInputOption (Args &args, UChar short_name=0, const UChar *name=u"format")
 Add the definition of a --format option for TS packet format in input files.
void ts::DefineTSPacketFormatOutputOption (Args &args, UChar short_name=0, const UChar *name=u"format")
 Add the definition of a --format option for TS packet format in output files.
TSPacketFormat ts::LoadTSPacketFormatInputOption (const Args &args, const UChar *name=u"format")
 Get the value of a --format option for TS packet format in input files.
TSPacketFormat ts::LoadTSPacketFormatOutputOption (const Args &args, const UChar *name=u"format")
 Get the value of a --format option for TS packet format in output files.
const Namests::TSPacketFormatEnum ()
 Enumeration description of ts::TSPacketFormat.
const Namests::TSPacketFormatInputEnum ()
 Enumeration description of ts::TSPacketFormat as input file option.
const Namests::TSPacketFormatOutputEnum ()
 Enumeration description of ts::TSPacketFormat as output file option.

Detailed Description

Transport stream packet / file formats.