TSDuck v3.39-3896
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
tsTablesPtr.h File Reference

Forward declarations for MPEG PSI/SI types. More...


namespace  ts
 TSDuck namespace, containing all TSDuck classes and functions.


#define DeclareDisplayDescriptor()
 Define a DisplayDescriptor static function.
#define DeclareDisplaySection()
 Define a DisplaySection static function.
#define DeclareLogSection()
 Define a LogSection static function.


using ts::AbstractDescriptorPtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractDescriptor >
 Safe pointer for AbstractDescriptor (not thread-safe).
using ts::AbstractDescriptorPtrVector = std::vector< AbstractDescriptorPtr >
 Vector of AbstractDescriptor pointers.
using ts::AbstractTablePtr = std::shared_ptr< AbstractTable >
 Safe pointer for AbstractTable (not thread-safe)
using ts::AbstractTablePtrVector = std::vector< AbstractTablePtr >
 Vector of BinaryTable pointers.
using ts::BinaryTablePtr = std::shared_ptr< BinaryTable >
 Safe pointer for BinaryTable (not thread-safe)
using ts::BinaryTablePtrVector = std::vector< BinaryTablePtr >
 Vector of BinaryTable pointers.
using ts::DescriptorPtr = std::shared_ptr< Descriptor >
 Safe pointer for Descriptor (not thread-safe)
using ts::DescriptorPtrVector = std::vector< DescriptorPtr >
 Vector of Descriptor pointers Use class DescriptorList for advanced features.
using ts::DisplayCADescriptorFunction = void(*)(TablesDisplay &display, PSIBuffer &private_part, const UString &margin, TID tid)
 Profile of a function to display the private part of a CA_descriptor.
using ts::DisplayDescriptorFunction = void(*)(TablesDisplay &display, PSIBuffer &payload, const UString &margin, DID did, TID tid, PDS pds)
 Profile of a function to display a descriptor.
using ts::DisplaySectionFunction = void(*)(TablesDisplay &display, const Section &section, PSIBuffer &payload, const UString &margin)
 Profile of a function to display a section.
using ts::LogSectionFunction = UString(*)(const Section &section, size_t max_bytes)
 Profile of a function to display a brief overview ("log") of a section on one line.
using ts::SectionPtr = std::shared_ptr< Section >
 Safe pointer for Section (not thread-safe).
using ts::SectionPtrVector = std::vector< SectionPtr >
 Vector of Section pointers.

Detailed Description

Forward declarations for MPEG PSI/SI types.

Useful to avoid interdependencies of header files.