TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
The TSDuck library

Digital Television features. More...

Collaboration diagram for The TSDuck library:


file  tsATSC.h
 Generic ATSC definitions.
file  tsAVC.h
 Basic definitions for Advanced Video Coding (AVC, H.264) standard.
file  tsCodecType.h
 Known video, audio or data encoding formats.
file  tsDektecUtils.h
 Some basic utilities for Dektec API, without direct reference to DTAPI.
file  tsDeliverySystem.h
 Definition for transmission delivery systems.
file  tsDID.h
 MPEG PSI/SI descriptors identifiers.
file  tsDirectShow.h
 Include the definitions for DirectShow (Windows media framework).
file  tsDirectShowUtils.h
 DirectShow & BDA utilities (Windows-specific).
file  tsDuckProtocol.h
 TSDuck internal messages, based on DVB SimulCrypt head-end TLV messages.
file  tsDVB.h
 Generic DVB definitions.
file  tsECMGSCS.h
 DVB SimulCrypt ECMG <=> SCS protocol.
file  tsEMMGMUX.h
 DVB SimulCrypt EMMG/PDG <=> MUX protocol.
file  tsHEVC.h
 Basic definitions for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC, H.265) standard.
file  tsISDB.h
 Generic ISDB definitions.
file  tsLegacyBandWidth.h
 Handling of legacy definitions for terrestrial modulation bandwidths.
file  tsMediaTypeUtils.h
 DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE utilities (Windows-specific).
file  tsMJD.h
 Modified Julian Date (MJD) utilities.
file  tsModulation.h
 Definition for MPEG transport modulations.
file  tsMPEG2.h
 Basic definitions for MPEG-2 video coding standard.
file  tsOUI.h
 Common definitions for IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
file  tsPCSC.h
 PC/SC smartcard API utilities.
file  tsPDS.h
 DVB-registered private data specifier (PDS) values.
file  tsPES.h
 Common definitions for MPEG PES (Packetized Elementary Stream) layer.
file  tsPSI.h
 Common definitions for MPEG PSI (Program Specific Information) layer.
file  tsREGID.h
 Registration id in MPEG-defined registration_descriptor.
file  tsStreamType.h
 Stream type values, as used in the PMT.
file  tsT2MI.h
 Common definitions for T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface).
file  tsTeletext.h
 Common definitions for Teletext PES packets.
file  tsTID.h
 MPEG PSI/SI table identifiers.
file  tsTS.h
 Common definitions for MPEG Transport Stream layer.
file  tsVatekUtils.h
 Some basic utilities for VATek devices.
file  tsVVC.h
 Basic definitions for Versatile Video Coding (VVC, H.266) standard.


class  ts::AACDescriptor
 Representation of an AAC_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AbstractAudioVideoAttributes
 Abstract base class for MPEG audio and video attributes. More...
class  ts::AbstractAVCAccessUnit
 Base class for AVC access units, aka NALunits. More...
class  ts::AbstractDatagramInputPlugin
 Abstract base class for input plugins receiving real-time datagrams. More...
class  ts::AbstractDefinedByStandards
 Abstract base class for objects which are defined by standards. More...
class  ts::AbstractDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Abstract base class for DVB delivery system descriptors. More...
class  ts::AbstractDemux
 Abstract base class for all sorts of demux from TS packets. More...
class  ts::AbstractDescrambler
 Abstract base class for DVB descrambler plugins. More...
class  ts::AbstractDescriptor
 Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors. More...
class  ts::AbstractDescriptorsTable
 Base class for MPEG tables containing only a list of descriptors (eg. More...
class  ts::AbstractDownloadContentDescriptor
 Base class for ISDB download content descriptors. More...
class  ts::AbstractDuplicateRemapPlugin
 Abstract base class for the plugins duplicate and remap. More...
class  ts::AbstractHEVCAccessUnit
 Base class for HEVC access units, aka NALunits. More...
class  ts::AbstractHTTPInputPlugin
 Abstract base class for HTTP-based input plugins. More...
class  ts::AbstractLogicalChannelDescriptor
 Abstract representation of a logical_channel_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More...
class  ts::AbstractLongTable
 Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables with long sections. More...
class  ts::AbstractMultilingualDescriptor
 Abstract base class for DVB descriptors with a multilingual name. More...
class  ts::AbstractPacketizer
 Abstract superclass for packetizer classes (sections or PES packets). More...
class  ts::AbstractPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor
 Abstract representation of a preferred_name_identifier_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More...
class  ts::AbstractPreferredNameListDescriptor
 Abstract representation of a preferred_name_list_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More...
class  ts::AbstractSignalization
 Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables and descriptors. More...
class  ts::AbstractTable
 Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables. More...
class  ts::AbstractTablePlugin
 Abstract base class for plugins which process one type of table (PAT, CAT, etc.) More...
class  ts::AbstractTransportListTable
 Abstract base class for tables containing a list of transport stream descriptions. More...
class  ts::AbstractVideoAccessUnit
 Base class for video access units, aka NALunits. More...
class  ts::AbstractVideoData
 Abstract base class for AVC data, either access units or structures. More...
class  ts::AbstractVideoStructure
 Base class for sub-structures inside video access units. More...
class  ts::AbstractVVCAccessUnit
 Base class for VVC (H.266) access units, aka NALunits. More...
class  ts::AC3Attributes
 AC-3 (DD) and Enhanced-AC-3 (DD+) audio attributes. More...
class  ts::AccessUnitIterator
 Iterator for common AVC/HEVC/VVC video access units. More...
class  ts::AdaptationFieldDataDescriptor
 Representation of a adaptation_field_data_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AFExtensionsDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined af_extensions_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AIT
 Representation of an Application Information Table (AIT) More...
class  ts::hls::AltPlayList
 Description of an alternative rendition media playlist inside an HLS master playlist. More...
class  ts::AncillaryDataDescriptor
 Representation of a ancillary_data_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AnnouncementSupportDescriptor
 Representation of a announcement_support_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ApplicationDescriptor
 Representation of an application_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ApplicationIconsDescriptor
 Representation of an application_icons_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ApplicationIdentifier
 Representation of an Application Identifier. More...
class  ts::ApplicationNameDescriptor
 Representation of an application_name_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ApplicationRecordingDescriptor
 Representation of an application_recording_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ApplicationSignallingDescriptor
 Representation of an application_signalling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ApplicationStorageDescriptor
 Representation of an application_storage_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ApplicationUsageDescriptor
 Representation of an application_usage_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::AreaBroadcastingInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB area_broadcasting_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ArgsWithPlugins
 Command line arguments for commands with plugins. More...
class  ts::ARIBCharset
 Definition of the ARIB STD-B24 character set (ISDB Japan). More...
class  ts::AssociationTagDescriptor
 Representation of an association_tag_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ATSCAC3AudioStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC AC-3_audio_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ATSCEAC3AudioDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC E-AC-3_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ATSCEIT
 Representation of an ATSC Event Information Table (ATSC EIT). More...
class  ts::ATSCMultipleString
 Representation of an ATSC multiple_string_structure. More...
class  ts::ATSCStuffingDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC stuffing_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ATSCTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC time_shifted_service_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AudioComponentDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB audio_component_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AudioLanguageOptions
 Options to update the language of an audio stream in a PMT. More...
class  ts::AudioPreselectionDescriptor
 Representation of an audio_preselection_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AudioStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an audio_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AustraliaLogicalChannelDescriptor
 Representation of a Free TV Australia logical_channel_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AuxiliaryVideoStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AV1VideoDescriptor
 Representation of an AV1_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AVCAccessUnitDelimiter
 Representation of an AVC access unit delimiter (AUD). More...
class  ts::AVCAttributes
 Video attributes for Advanced Video Coding. More...
class  ts::AVCHRDParameters
 AVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters. More...
class  ts::AVCParser
 Parser for Advanced Video Coding data. More...
class  ts::AVCSequenceParameterSet
 Representation of an AVC sequence parameter set access unit. More...
class  ts::AVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor
 Representation of an AVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AVCVideoDescriptor
 Representation of an AVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AVCVUIParameters
 AVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters. More...
class  ts::AVS2AudioDescriptor
 Representation of an AVS2_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AVS3AudioDescriptor
 Representation of an AVS3_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::AVS3VideoDescriptor
 Representation of an AVS3_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::BasicLocalEventDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB basic_local_event_descriptor. More...
class  ts::BAT
 Representation of a Bouquet Association Table (BAT). More...
class  ts::BinaryTable
 Representation of MPEG PSI/SI tables in binary form (ie. More...
class  ts::BIT
 Representation of an ISDB Broadcaster Information Table (BIT). More...
class  ts::BitrateDifferenceDVBT
 A variant of DVB-T tuners parameters with an offset between a target bitrate and their theoretical bitrate. More...
class  ts::BitRateRegulator
 Regulate execution speed based on a bitrate. More...
class  ts::BoardInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB board_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::BouquetNameDescriptor
 Representation of a bouquet_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::BroadcasterNameDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB broadcaster_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::C2BundleDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a C2_bundle_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::C2DeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a C2_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CableDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a cable_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CableEmergencyAlertTable
 Representation of an SCTE 18 Cable Emergency Alert Table. More...
class  ts::CAContractInfoDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB CA_contract_info_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CADescriptor
 Representation of a generic CA_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CAEMMTSDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB CA_EMM_TS_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CAIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a CA_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CaptionServiceDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC caption_service_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CarouselCompatibleCompositeDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB carousel_compatible_composite_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CarouselIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a carousel_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CASDate< YEARBASE >
 Template representation of a CAS date. More...
class  ts::CAServiceDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB CA_service_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CASMapper
 This class maps PID's with CA system ids. More...
class  ts::CASSelectionArgs
 Command line arguments to select Conditional Access Systems. More...
class  ts::CAT
 Representation of a Conditional Access Table (CAT). More...
class  ts::CDT
 Representation of an ISDB Common Data Table (CDT). More...
class  ts::CellFrequencyLinkDescriptor
 Representation of a cell_frequency_link_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CellListDescriptor
 Representation of a cell_list_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ChannelFile
 An XML file containing the description of TV channels and their networks. More...
class  ts::tlv::ChannelMessage
 Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on channels. More...
class  ts::Charset
 Definition of a character set for PSI/SI encoding. More...
class  ts::CIAncillaryDataDescriptor
 Representation of a CI_ancillary_data_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CIT
 Representation of DVB Content Identifier Table (CIT). More...
class  ts::ComponentDescriptor
 Representation of a component_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ComponentNameDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC component_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ConditionalPlaybackDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB conditional_playback_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContentAdvisoryDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC content_advisory_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContentAvailabilityDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB content_availability_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContentDescriptor
 Representation of a content_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContentIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB-defined content_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContentLabellingDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined content_labelling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ContinuityAnalyzer
 Continuity counters analysis and repair. More...
class  ts::CopyrightDescriptor
 Representation of an copyright_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CountryAvailabilityDescriptor
 Representation of a country_availability_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CPCMDeliverySignallingDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB cpcm_delivery_signalling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CPDescriptor
 Representation of a CP_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CPIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a CP_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::CueIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a cue_identifier_descriptor (SCTE 35). More...
class  ts::CVCT
 Representation of an ATSC Cable Virtual Channel Table (CVCT) More...
class  ts::CyclingPacketizer
 Cyclic packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets. More...
class  ts::DataBroadcastDescriptor
 Representation of a data_broadcast_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DataBroadcastIdDescriptor
 Representation of a generic data_broadcast_id_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DataComponentDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB data_component_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DataContentDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB data_content_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DataStreamAlignmentDescriptor
 Representation of a data_stream_alignment_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DCCArrivingRequestDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC dcc_arriving_request_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DCCDepartingRequestDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC dcc_departing_request_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DCCSCT
 Representation of an ATSC Directed Channel Change Selection Code Table (DCCSCT). More...
class  ts::DCCT
 Representation of an ATSC Directed Channel Change Table (DCCT). More...
class  ts::DCT
 Representation of an ISDB Download Control Table (DCT). More...
class  ts::DebugPlugin
 Debug packet processor plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::DefaultAuthorityDescriptor
 Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DeferredAssociationTagsDescriptor
 Representation of a deferred_association_tags_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DektecControl
 A class implementing the tsdektec control utility. More...
class  ts::DektecDeviceInfo
 A simple encapsulation of Dektec device information. More...
class  ts::DektecInputPlugin
 Dektec input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::DektecOutputPlugin
 Dektec output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::DemuxedData
 Base class for all kinds of demuxed data. More...
class  ts::Descriptor
 Representation of a MPEG PSI/SI descriptors in binary format. More...
class  ts::DescriptorContext
 A class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors. More...
class  ts::DescriptorList
 List of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors. More...
class  ts::DigitalCopyControlDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB digital_copy_control_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DIILocationDescriptor
 Representation of a DII_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowFilterCategory
 A class which instanciates all DirectShow devices in a given category (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowGraph
 An encapsulation of a DirectShow graph (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowNetworkType
 A class which encapsulates a DirectShow network type and its properties (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowTest
 A class to perform various tests on DirectShow and BDA (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DiscontinuityInformationTable
 Representation of a Discontinuity Information Table (DIT) More...
class  ts::DLT
 Representation of an ISDB DownLoad Table (DLT). More...
class  ts::DownloadContentDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB download_content_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DropOutputPlugin
 Drop output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::DSMCCCachingPriorityDescriptor
 Representation of a caching_priority_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCCompressedModuleDescriptor
 Representation of a compressed_module_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCCRC32Descriptor
 Representation of a CRC32_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCDownloadDataMessage
 Representation of an DSM-CC Download Data Message Table (DSMCCDownloadDataMessage) More...
class  ts::DSMCCEstDownloadTimeDescriptor
 Representation of a est_download_time_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCGroupLinkDescriptor
 Representation of a group_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCInfoDescriptor
 Representation of a info_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCLabelDescriptor
 Representation of a label_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DSMCCLocationDescriptor
 Representation of a location_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCModuleLinkDescriptor
 Representation of a module_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCNameDescriptor
 Representation of a name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DSMCCSSUModuleTypeDescriptor
 Representation of a SSU_module_type_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCStreamDescriptorsTable
 Representation of a DSM-CC Stream Descriptors table. More...
class  ts::DSMCCSubgroupAssociationDescriptor
 Representation of a subgroup_association_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More...
class  ts::DSMCCTypeDescriptor
 Representation of a type_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DSMCCUserToNetworkMessage
 Representation of an DSM-CC User-to-Network Message Table (DownloadServerInitiate, DownloadInfoIndication) More...
class  ts::DSNGDescriptor
 Representation of a DSNG_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGGuidanceDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG guidance_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGLogicalChannelDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG logical_channel_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG preferred_name_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGPreferredNameListDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG preferred_name_list_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGServiceAttributeDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG service_attribute_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTGShortServiceNameDescriptor
 Representation of a DTG short_service_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTSDescriptor
 Representation of a DTS_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTSHDDescriptor
 Representation of a DTS_HD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTSNeuralDescriptor
 Representation of a DTS_neural_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DTVProperties
 Encapsulation of Linux DVB property lists. More...
class  ts::DuckContext
 TSDuck execution context containing current preferences. More...
class  ts::DuckExtensionRepository
 A repository of TSDuck extensions. More...
class  ts::DumpCharset
 Definition of the fake character set to dump string binary data. More...
class  ts::DVBAC3Descriptor
 Representation of a DVB AC-3_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBAC4Descriptor
 Representation of a DVB AC-4_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBCharset
 Definition of the generic DVB character sets. More...
class  ts::DVBCharTable
 Definition of a character set for DVB encoding. More...
class  ts::DVBCharTableSingleByte
 Definition of a DVB character set using a single byte per character. More...
class  ts::DVBCharTableUTF16
 Definition of the UTF-8 DVB character set. More...
class  ts::DVBCharTableUTF8
 Definition of the UTF-8 DVB character set. More...
class  ts::DVBCISSA
 DVB-CISSA AES-based TS packet encryption. More...
class  ts::DVBCSA2
 DVB CSA-2 (Digital Video Broadcasting Common Scrambling Algorithm). More...
class  ts::DVBDTSUHDDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB DTS-UHD descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBEnhancedAC3Descriptor
 Representation of a DVB enhanced_AC-3_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBHTMLApplicationBoundaryDescriptor
 Representation of a dvb_html_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DVBHTMLApplicationDescriptor
 Representation of a dvb_html_application_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DVBHTMLApplicationLocationDescriptor
 Representation of a dvb_html_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DVBJApplicationDescriptor
 Representation of a dvb_j_application_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DVBJApplicationLocationDescriptor
 Representation of a dvb_j_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::DVBServiceProminenceDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB service_prominence_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBStuffingDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB stuffing_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVBTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB time_shifted_service_descriptor. More...
class  ts::DVS042< CIPHER >
 DVS 042 cipher block chaining mode. More...
class  ts::EacemHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor
 Representation of an EACEM-defined HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EacemLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor
 Representation of an EACEM-defined logical_channel_number_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EacemPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EacemPreferredNameListDescriptor
 Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_list_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EacemStreamIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of an eacem_stream_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EASAudioFileDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_audio_file_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More...
class  ts::EASInbandDetailsChannelDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_details_channel_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More...
class  ts::EASInbandExceptionChannelsDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_exception_channels_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More...
class  ts::EASMetadataDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 164 EAS_metadata_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More...
class  ts::ECMGClient
 A DVB-ECMG client which acts as a DVB-SCS. More...
class  ts::ECMGClientArgs
 Command line arguments for the class ECMGClient. More...
class  ts::ECMGClientHandlerInterface
 Interface for classes which need to be notified of asynchronous ECM generation using ECMGClient. More...
class  ts::ECMRepetitionRateDescriptor
 Representation of an ECM_repetition_rate_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EDID
 Extended MPEG descriptor id. More...
class  ts::EIT
 Representation of a DVB Event Information Table (EIT). More...
class  ts::EITGenerator
 Generate and insert EIT sections based on an EPG content. More...
class  ts::EITProcessor
 Perform various transformations on an EIT PID. More...
class  ts::EITRepetitionProfile
 EIT sections repetition profile. More...
class  ts::EmergencyInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB emergency_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EMMGClient
 A DVB-EMMG client which connects to any MUX to inject data. More...
class  ts::ERT
 Representation of an ISDB Event Relation Table (ERT). More...
class  ts::ETT
 Representation of an ATSC Extended Text Table (ETT) More...
class  ts::EutelsatChannelNumberDescriptor
 Representation of an Eutelsat_channel_number_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor
 Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EVCVideoDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::EventGroupDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB event_group_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ExtendedBroadcasterDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB extended_broadcaster_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ExtendedChannelNameDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC extended_channel_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ExtendedEventDescriptor
 Representation of a extended_event_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ExternalApplicationAuthorizationDescriptor
 Representation of an external_application_authorization_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ExternalESIdDescriptor
 Representation of an external_ES_ID_descriptor. More...
class  ts::FileInputPlugin
 File input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::FileNameRate
 Representation of a file name and an associated repetition rate. More...
class  ts::FileNameRateList
 Specialized list of file names and an associated repetition rates. More...
class  ts::FileOutputPlugin
 File output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::FilePacketPlugin
 File packet processor plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::FMCDescriptor
 Representation of a FMC_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ForkInputPlugin
 File input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::ForkOutputPlugin
 File output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::ForkPacketPlugin
 File packet processor plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::FrequencyListDescriptor
 Representation of a frequency_list_descriptor. More...
class  ts::FTAContentManagementDescriptor
 Representation of a FTA_content_management_descriptor. More...
class  ts::GenreDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC genre_descriptor. More...
class  ts::GraphicsConstraintsDescriptor
 Representation of a graphics_constraints_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::GreenExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined green_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCAccessUnitDelimiter
 Representation of an HEVC access unit delimiter (AUD). More...
class  ts::HEVCAttributes
 Video attributes for HEVC / H.265. More...
class  ts::HEVCHierarchyExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCHRDParameters
 HEVC HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) parameters. More...
class  ts::HEVCOperationPointDescriptor
 Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCProfileTierLevel
 HEVC profile, tier and level structure. More...
class  ts::HEVCScalingListData
 HEVC scaling list data structure. More...
class  ts::HEVCSequenceParameterSet
 Representation of an HEVC sequence parameter set access unit. More...
class  ts::HEVCShortTermReferencePictureSetList
 List of HEVC short-term reference picture sets. More...
class  ts::HEVCSubregionDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_subregion_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCTileSubstreamDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_tile_substream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCVideoDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HEVCVUIParameters
 HEVC VUI (Video Usability Information) parameters. More...
class  ts::HFBand
 Definition of an HF frequency band (UHF, VHF). More...
class  ts::HiDesDevice
 Encapsulation of a HiDes modulator device. More...
class  ts::HiDesDeviceInfo
 Information about a HiDes modulator device. More...
class  ts::HierarchicalTransmissionDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB hierarchical_transmission_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HierarchyDescriptor
 Representation of a hierarchy_descriptor. More...
class  ts::HTTPInputPlugin
 HTTP input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::HTTPOutputPlugin
 HTTP output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::HybridInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB hybrid_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::IBPDescriptor
 Representation of a IBP_descriptor. More...
class  ts::IDSA
 ATIS-0800006 AES-based TS packet encryption (ATIS-IDSA). More...
class  ts::ImageIconDescriptor
 Representation of a image_icon_descriptor. More...
class  ts::InputPlugin
 Input tsp plugin interface. More...
class  ts::hls::InputPlugin
 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::InputSwitcher
 Implementation of the input plugin switcher. More...
class  ts::InputSwitcherArgs
 Transport stream input switcher command-line options. More...
class  ts::INT
 Representation of an IP/MAC Notification Table (INT). More...
class  ts::InvalidSectionHandlerInterface
 Abstract interface to receive an invalid MPEG section from a SectionDemux. More...
class  ts::IODDescriptor
 Representation of an IOD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::IPInputPlugin
 IP input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::IPMACGenericStreamLocationDescriptor
 Representation of an IP/MAC_generic_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::IPMACPlatformNameDescriptor
 Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_name_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::IPMACPlatformProviderNameDescriptor
 Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_provider_name_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::IPMACStreamLocationDescriptor
 Representation of an IP/MAC_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::IPOutputPlugin
 IP output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::IPPacketPlugin
 IP output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::IPSignallingDescriptor
 Representation of an ip_signalling_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::ISDBAccessControlDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB access_control_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBComponentGroupDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB Lcomponent_group_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBConnectedTransmissionDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB connected_transmission_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBHyperlinkDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB hyperlink_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBLDTLinkageDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB LDT_linkage_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBNetworkIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB network_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBTargetRegionDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB target_region_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISDBTInformation
 ISDB-T Information block in a TS packet trailer (204-byte packet). More...
class  ts::ISDBTInformationPacket
 ISDB-T Information Packet (IIP). More...
class  ts::ISO639LanguageDescriptor
 Representation of an ISO_639_language_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ISPAccessModeDescriptor
 Representation of an ISP_access_mode_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::ITT
 Representation of an ISDB Index Transmission information Table (ITT). More...
class  ts::J2KVideoDescriptor
 Representation of a J2K_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::JPEGXSVideoDescriptor
 Representation of an JPEG_XS_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::LatencyMonitor
 Implementation of the latency monitor This class is used by the tslatencymonitor utility. More...
class  ts::LatencyMonitorArgs
 Transport stream latency monitor command-line options. More...
class  ts::LCEVCLinkageDescriptor
 Representation of an LCEVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::LCEVCVideoDescriptor
 Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::LDT
 Representation of an ISDB Linked Description Table (LDT). More...
class  ts::LinkageDescriptor
 Representation of a generic linkage_descriptor. More...
class  ts::LIT
 Representation of an ISDB Local event Information Table (LIT). More...
class  ts::LNB
 Description of a Low-Noise Block (LNB) converter in a satellite dish. More...
class  ts::LocalTimeOffsetDescriptor
 Representation of a local_time_offset_descriptor. More...
class  ts::LogicalChannelNumbers
 A multi-standard storage of Logical Channel Numbers (LCN). More...
class  ts::LogoTransmissionDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB logo_transmission_descriptor. More...
class  ts::M4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor
 Representation of an M4 Mux Buffer Size descriptor. More...
class  ts::M4MuxTimingDescriptor
 Representation of a m4mux_timing_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MaximumBitrateDescriptor
 Representation of a maximum_bitrate_descriptor. More...
class  ts::hls::MediaElement
 Description of a media "element" (sub-playlist or segment) inside an HLS playlist. More...
class  ts::hls::MediaPlayList
 Description of a media playlist inside an HLS master playlist. More...
class  ts::hls::MediaSegment
 Description of a media segment in an HLS playlist. More...
class  ts::MediaServiceKindDescriptor
 Representation of an Media_service_kind_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MemoryInputPlugin
 Memory input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::MemoryOutputPlugin
 Memory output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::MessageDescriptor
 Representation of a message_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MetadataDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MetadataPointerDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_pointer_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MetadataSTDDescriptor
 Representation of a metadata_STD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MGT
 Representation of an ATSC Master Guide Table (MGT) More...
class  ts::ModulationArgs
 Modulation parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions. More...
class  ts::MosaicDescriptor
 Representation of a mosaic_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEDemux
 This class extracts MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) datagrams from TS packets. More...
class  ts::MPEG2AACAudioDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG2_AAC_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEG2AudioAttributes
 Audio attributes for MPEG-1 / MPEG-2 audio. More...
class  ts::MPEG2StereoscopicVideoFormatDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG2_stereoscopic_video_format_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEG2VideoAttributes
 Video attributes for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. More...
class  ts::MPEG4AudioDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG4_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEG4AudioExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of a MPEG4_audio_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEG4TextDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-4 Text Descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEG4VideoDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG4_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioCommandDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_command_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioConfigDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_config_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioDRCLoudnessDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_drc_loudness_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioMultiStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_multi_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioSceneDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_scene_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEGH3DAudioTextLabelDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-H_3dAudio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MPEHandlerInterface
 MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) demux handler interface. More...
class  ts::MPEPacket
 Representation of a packet for MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation). More...
class  ts::MultilingualBouquetNameDescriptor
 Representation of a multilingual_bouquet_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MultilingualComponentDescriptor
 Representation of a multilingual_component_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MultilingualNetworkNameDescriptor
 Representation of a multilingual_network_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MultilingualServiceNameDescriptor
 Representation of a multilingual_service_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MultiplexBufferDescriptor
 Representation of a multiplex_buffer_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MultiplexBufferUtilizationDescriptor
 Representation of an multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MuxCodeDescriptor
 Representation of an MuxCode descriptor. More...
class  ts::Muxer
 Implementation of the TS multiplexer. More...
class  ts::MuxerArgs
 Transport stream multiplexer command-line options. More...
class  ts::MVCExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of an MVC_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::MVCOperationPointDescriptor
 Representation of an MVC_operation_point_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NBIT
 Representation of an ISDB Network Board Information Table (NBIT). More...
class  ts::NetworkChangeNotifyDescriptor
 Representation of a network_change_notify_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NetworkDownloadContentDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB network_download_content_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NetworkNameDescriptor
 Representation of a network_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NIT
 Representation of a Network Information Table (NIT) More...
class  ts::NodeRelationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB node_relation_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV1
 Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V1). More...
class  ts::NorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV2
 Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V2). More...
class  ts::NPTEndpointDescriptor
 Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_endpoint_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NPTReferenceDescriptor
 Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_reference_descriptor. More...
class  ts::NullInputPlugin
 Null packet input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::NVODReferenceDescriptor
 Representation of a NVOD_reference_descriptor. More...
class  ts::OneShotPacketizer
 Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets in one shot. More...
class  ts::OutputPlugin
 Output tsp plugin interface. More...
class  ts::hls::OutputPlugin
 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::PacketDecapsulation
 An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets decapsulation from a PID. More...
class  ts::PacketEncapsulation
 An efficient TSDuck-specific TS packets encapsulation in a PID. More...
class  ts::PacketInsertionController
 Control the insertion points of TS packets in a stream based on various criteria. More...
class  ts::Packetizer
 Packetization of MPEG sections into Transport Stream packets. More...
class  ts::ParentalRatingDescriptor
 Representation of an parental_rating_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PartialReceptionDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB partial_reception_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PartialTransportStreamDescriptor
 Representation of a partial_transport_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PartialTSTimeDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB partialTS_time_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PAT
 Representation of a Program Association Table (PAT). More...
class  ts::PCAT
 Representation of an ISDB Partial Content Announcement Table (PCAT). More...
class  ts::PCRAnalyzer
 PCR statistics analysis. More...
class  ts::PCRMerger
 Adjust PCR clocks when a TS is merged into a larger one. More...
class  ts::PCRRegulator
 Regulate execution speed based on PCR's in one reference PID. More...
class  ts::PDCDescriptor
 Representation of a PDC_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PESDemux
 This class extracts PES packets from TS packets. More...
class  ts::PESHandlerInterface
 Abstract interface to be notified of PES packets using a PESDemux. More...
class  ts::PESOneShotPacketizer
 Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in one shot. More...
class  ts::PESPacket
 Representation of MPEG PES packets. More...
class  ts::PESPacketizer
 Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets. More...
class  ts::PESProviderInterface
 Abstract interface for classes which provide PES packets into a Packetizer. More...
class  ts::PESStreamPacketizer
 Packetization of PES data into Transport Stream packets in "push" mode. More...
struct  ts::PIDOperator
 Association of a PID and an operator id (CAS-specific). More...
class  ts::hls::PlayList
 Playlist for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). More...
class  ts::Plugin
 Base class of all tsp plugins. More...
class  ts::PluginEventContext
 Context of a plugin event. More...
class  ts::PluginEventData
 General-purpose plugin event data referencing binary data to exchange with applications. More...
class  ts::PluginEventHandlerInterface
 Abstract interface to receive events from a plugin. More...
class  ts::PluginEventHandlerRegistry
 Registry of plugin event handlers. More...
class  ts::PluginOptions
 Command-line options for one plugin. More...
class  ts::PluginRepository
 A repository of TSP plugins, either statically or dynamically linked. More...
class  ts::PluginThread
 Base class for threads executing a tsp plugin. More...
class  ts::PMT
 Representation of a Program Map Table (PMT). More...
class  ts::PrefetchDescriptor
 Representation of a prefetch_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::PrivateDataIndicatorDescriptor
 Representation of a private_data_indicator_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PrivateDataSpecifierDescriptor
 Representation of a private_data_specifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ProcessorPlugin
 Packet processing tsp plugin interface. More...
class  ts::ProtectionMessageDescriptor
 Representation of a protection_message_descriptor. More...
class  ts::PSIBuffer
 A specialized subclass of ts::Buffer for PSI serialization. More...
class  ts::PSILogger
 This class logs sections and tables. More...
class  ts::PSIMerger
 This class merges PSI/SI tables from two TS, replacing TS packets. More...
class  ts::PSIPlugin
 Display PSI/SI information plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::PSIRepository
 A repository for known PSI/SI tables and descriptors. More...
class  ts::PushInputPlugin
 Abstract superclass for input tsp plugins working in push mode. More...
class  ts::QualityExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RARoverDVBstreamDescriptor
 Representation of an RAR_over_DVB_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RARoverIPDescriptor
 Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RCT
 Representation of a Related Content Table (RCT) More...
class  ts::RedistributionControlDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC redistribution_control_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ReferenceDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB reference_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RegistrationDescriptor
 Representation of a registration_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RelatedContentDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB-defined related_content_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RISTInputPlugin
 Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::RISTOutputPlugin
 Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::RNT
 Representation of a DVB Resolution provider Notification Table (RNT). More...
class  ts::RNTScanDescriptor
 Representation of an RNT_scan_descriptor. More...
class  ts::RRT
 Representation of an ATSC Rating Region Table (RRT). More...
class  ts::RST
 Representation of a Running Status Table (RST). More...
class  ts::S2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of an S2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::S2XSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of an S2X_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::S2Xv2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of an S2Xv2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SAT
 Representation of a Satellite Access Table (SAT). More...
class  ts::SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SchedulingDescriptor
 Representation of an scheduling_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::ScramblingDescriptor
 Representation of a scrambling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SCTE52_2003
 ANSI/SCTE 52 2003 DES-based TS packet encryption. More...
class  ts::SCTE52_2008
 ANSI/SCTE 52 2008 DES-based TS packet encryption. More...
class  ts::SDT
 Representation of a Service Description Table (SDT). More...
class  ts::SDTT
 Representation of an ISDB Software Download Trigger Table (SDTT). More...
class  ts::Section
 Representation of MPEG PSI/SI sections. More...
class  ts::SectionContext
 A base class to lookup the context of MPEG PSI/SI sections. More...
class  ts::SectionDemux
 This class rebuilds MPEG tables and sections from TS packets. More...
class  ts::SectionFile
 A binary or XML file containing PSI/SI sections and tables. More...
class  ts::SectionFileArgs
 Command line arguments for section file processing. More...
class  ts::SectionHandlerInterface
 Abstract interface to receive MPEG Section from a SectionDemux. More...
class  ts::SectionProviderInterface
 Abstract interface for classes which provide MPEG sections into a Packetizer. More...
class  ts::SelectionInformationTable
 Representation of a Selection Information Table. More...
class  ts::SeriesDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB series_descriptor. More...
class  ts::Service
 Describe a DVB or ATSC service. More...
class  ts::ServiceAvailabilityDescriptor
 Representation of a service_availability_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceDescriptor
 Representation of a service_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceDiscovery
 Discover and describe a DVB service. More...
class  ts::ServiceGroupDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB service_group_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a service_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceIdTriplet
 Full identification of a DVB service (aka "DVB triplet"). More...
class  ts::ServiceListDescriptor
 Representation of a service_list_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceLocationDescriptor
 Representation of an ATSC service_location_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceMoveDescriptor
 Representation of a service_move_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ServiceRelocatedDescriptor
 Representation of a service_relocated_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SHDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a SH_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ShortEventDescriptor
 Representation of an short_event_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ShortNodeInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB short_node_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::ShortSmoothingBufferDescriptor
 Representation of a short_smoothing_buffer_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SignalizationDemux
 General-purpose signalization demux. More...
class  ts::SignalizationHandlerInterface
 General-purpose signalization handler interface. More...
class  ts::SignalState
 State of a modulated broadcast signal. More...
class  ts::SimpleApplicationBoundaryDescriptor
 Representation of a simple_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::SimpleApplicationLocationDescriptor
 Representation of a simple_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::SimulCryptDate
 Representation of a date in DVB SimulCrypt protocols (ETSI TS 103 197). More...
class  ts::SinkEnumMediaTypes
 SinkEnumMediaTypes, enumerator returned by ::IPin::EnumMediaTypes (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkEnumPins
 SinkEnumPins, enumerator returned by ::IBaseFilter::EnumPins (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkFilter
 The DirectShow sink filter (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkPin
 SinkPin, input pin for SinkFilter (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SIParameterDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB SI_parameter_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SIPrimeTSDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB SI_prime_TS_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SkipPlugin
 Skip packet processor plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::SkyLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor
 Representation of a sky_logical_channel_number_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SLDescriptor
 Representation of an SL_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SmoothingBufferDescriptor
 Representation of a smoothing_buffer_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SpliceAudioDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 35 audio_descriptor (SIT specific). More...
class  ts::SpliceAvailDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 35 avail_descriptor (SIT specific). More...
class  ts::SpliceDTMFDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 35 DTMF_descriptor (SIT specific). More...
class  ts::SpliceInformationTable
 Representation of an SCTE 35 Splice Information Table. More...
class  ts::SpliceInsert
 Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceInsert command. More...
class  ts::SplicePrivateCommand
 Representation of an SCTE 35 private_command() structure. More...
class  ts::SpliceSchedule
 Representation of an SCTE 35 SpliceSchedule command. More...
class  ts::SpliceSegmentationDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 35 segmentation_descriptor (SIT specific). More...
class  ts::SpliceTime
 Representation of an SCTE 35 splice_time() structure. More...
class  ts::SpliceTimeDescriptor
 Representation of an SCTE 35 time_descriptor (SIT specific). More...
class  ts::SRTInputPlugin
 Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) input plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::SRTOutputPlugin
 Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::SRTSocket
 Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Socket. More...
class  ts::SSUDataBroadcastIdDescriptor
 Representation of a data_broadcast_id_descriptor for system software update. More...
class  ts::SSUEnhancedMessageDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_enhanced_message_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::SSUEventNameDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_event_name_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::SSULinkageDescriptor
 Representation of a linkage_descriptor for system software update. More...
class  ts::SSULocationDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_location_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::SSUMessageDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_message_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::SSUSubgroupAssociationDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_subgroup_association_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::SSUURIDescriptor
 Representation of an SSU_uri_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::StandaloneTableDemux
 A SectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler. More...
class  ts::STCReferenceDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB STC_reference_descriptor. More...
class  ts::STDDescriptor
 Representation of an STD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::StereoscopicProgramInfoDescriptor
 Representation of a stereoscopic_program_info_descriptor. More...
class  ts::StereoscopicVideoInfoDescriptor
 Representation of a stereoscopic_video_info_descriptor. More...
class  ts::StreamEventDescriptor
 Representation of a DSM-CC stream_event_descriptor. More...
class  ts::StreamIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a stream_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::tlv::StreamMessage
 Base class for DVB SimulCrypt TLV messages operating on streams. More...
class  ts::StreamModeDescriptor
 Representation of a DSM-CC stream_mode_descriptor. More...
class  ts::STT
 Representation of an ATSC System Time Table (STT) More...
class  ts::SubRipGenerator
 Generate subtitles in SubRip format (aka SRT). More...
class  ts::SubtitlingDescriptor
 Representation of a subtitling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SupplementaryAudioDescriptor
 Representation of a supplementary_audio_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SVCExtensionDescriptor
 Representation of an SVC_extension_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SystemClockDescriptor
 Representation of an system_clock_descriptor. More...
class  ts::SystemManagementDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB system_management_descriptor. More...
class  ts::T2DeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a T2_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::T2MIDemux
 This class analyzes T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) from TS packets. More...
class  ts::T2MIDescriptor
 Representation of a T2MI_descriptor. More...
class  ts::T2MIHandlerInterface
 T2-MI demux handler interface. More...
class  ts::T2MIPacket
 Representation of a DVB T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) packet. More...
class  ts::TableHandlerInterface
 Table handler interface. More...
class  ts::TablePatchXML
 Implementation of on-the-fly table patching using XML. More...
class  ts::TablesDisplay
 A class to display PSI/SI tables. More...
class  ts::TablesLogger
 This class logs sections and tables. More...
class  ts::TablesLoggerFilter
 The default section filter for TablesLogger. More...
class  ts::TablesLoggerFilterInterface
 An interface which is used to filter sections in TablesLogger. More...
class  ts::TablesLoggerFilterRepository
 The repository of section filters for TablesLogger. More...
class  ts::TablesPlugin
 Collect selected PSI/SI tables plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::hls::TagAttributes
 Attributes of a tag in an HLS playlist. More...
class  ts::TargetBackgroundGridDescriptor
 Representation of a target_background_grid_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TargetIPAddressDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IP_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetIPSlashDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IP_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetIPSourceSlashDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IP_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetIPv6AddressDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IPv6_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetIPv6SlashDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IPv6_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetIPv6SourceSlashDescriptor
 Representation of a target_IPv6_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetMACAddressDescriptor
 Representation of a target_MAC_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetMACAddressRangeDescriptor
 Representation of a target_MAC_address_range_descriptor (INT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetRegionDescriptor
 Representation of a target_region_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TargetRegionNameDescriptor
 Representation of a target_region_name_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TargetSerialNumberDescriptor
 Representation of a target_serial_number_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More...
class  ts::TargetSmartcardDescriptor
 Representation of a target_smartcard_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More...
class  ts::TDT
 Representation of a Time & Date Table (TDT) More...
class  ts::TelephoneDescriptor
 Representation of a telephone_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TeletextCharset
 Implementation of a Teletext character set. More...
class  ts::TeletextDemux
 This class extracts Teletext subtitles from TS packets. More...
class  ts::TeletextDescriptor
 Representation of a teletext_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TeletextFrame
 Description of one Teletext frame. More...
class  ts::TeletextHandlerInterface
 Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of Teletext messages using a Teletext demux. More...
class  ts::TeletextPlugin
 Extract Teletext subtitles plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::TerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor
 Representation of a terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TimeShiftBuffer
 A TS packet buffer for time shift. More...
class  ts::TimeShiftedEventDescriptor
 Representation of a time_shifted_event_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TimeSliceFECIdentifierDescriptor
 Representation of a time_slice_fec_identifier_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TimeTrackerDemux
 A demux which tracks time stamps per PID. More...
class  ts::TOT
 Representation of a Time Offset Table (TOT) More...
class  ts::TransportProfileDescriptor
 Representation of a transport_profile_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TransportProtocolDescriptor
 Representation of a transport_protocol_descriptor (AIT specific). More...
class  ts::TransportStreamDescriptor
 Representation of a transport_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TransportStreamId
 Full identification of a DVB transport stream. More...
class  ts::TSAnalyzer
 A class which analyzes a complete transport stream. More...
class  ts::TSAnalyzerOptions
 Report options for the class TSAnalyzer. More...
class  ts::TSAnalyzerReport
 A subclass of TSAnalyzer with reporting capabilities. More...
class  ts::TSDatagramOutput
 Send TS packets over datagrams (UDP, SRT, RIST, etc.) More...
class  ts::TSDatagramOutputHandlerInterface
 Generic datagram handler interface. More...
class  ts::TSDT
 Representation of a Transport Stream Description Table (TSDT) More...
class  ts::TSDumpArgs
 Command line arguments for transport stream packets dump. More...
class  ts::TSFile
 Transport stream file, input and/or output. More...
class  ts::TSFileInputArgs
 Transport stream file input with command-line arguments. More...
class  ts::TSFileInputBuffered
 Transport stream file input with a seekable buffer. More...
class  ts::TSFileOutputArgs
 Transport stream file output with command-line arguments. More...
class  ts::TSFileOutputResync
 A specialized form of transport stream output file with resynchronized PID and continuity counters. More...
class  ts::TSForkPipe
 A subclass of ts::ForkPipe which exchanges TS packets on the pipe. More...
class  ts::TSFuzzing
 Transport stream packets fuzzing. More...
class  ts::TSFuzzingArgs
 Command line arguments for transport stream packets fuzzing. More...
class  ts::TSInformationDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB TS_information_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TSP
 TSP callback for plugins. More...
class  ts::TSPacket
 Basic definition of an MPEG-2 transport packet. More...
class  ts::TSPacketMetadata
 Metadata of an MPEG-2 transport packet for tsp plugins. More...
class  ts::TSPacketQueue
 Transport stream packet queue for inter-thread communication. More...
class  ts::TSPacketStream
 Read/write TS packets on a stream. More...
class  ts::TSPacketWindow
 A view over a window of a buffer of TS packets. More...
class  ts::TSPControlCommand
 Definition of TSP control commands syntax. More...
class  ts::TSProcessor
 Core of the TSP Transport Stream Processor. More...
class  ts::TSProcessorArgs
 Transport stream processor options and their command line options. More...
class  ts::TSScanner
 A class which scans the services of a transport stream. More...
class  ts::TSScrambling
 Transport stream scrambling using multiple algorithms. More...
class  ts::TSSpeedMetrics
 TS processing speed metrics evaluation. More...
class  ts::TTMLSubtitlingDescriptor
 Representation of a TTML_subtitling_descriptor. More...
class  ts::Tuner
 General-purpose implementation of a digital TV tuner. More...
class  ts::TunerArgs
 Parameters for tuners and their command-line definitions. More...
class  ts::TunerBase
 Base class for Digital TV tuners. More...
class  ts::TunerDevice
 Digital TV tuner physical device. More...
class  ts::TunerDeviceInfo
 Information on Linux DVB tuner device. More...
class  ts::TunerEmulator
 Digital TV tuner emulator. More...
class  ts::TunerGraph
 A specialization of a DirectShow graph for tuner reception (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::TVAIdDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB-defined TVA_id_descriptor. More...
class  ts::TVCT
 Representation of an ATSC Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table (TVCT) More...
class  ts::UNT
 Representation of an Update Notification Table (INT). More...
class  ts::UpdateDescriptor
 Representation of an update_descriptor (UNT specific). More...
class  ts::URILinkageDescriptor
 Representation of a URI_linkage_descriptor. More...
class  ts::UWAVideoStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an CUVV_video_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VatekControl
 A class implementing the tsvatek control utility. More...
class  ts::VatekOutputPlugin
 Vatek output plugin for tsp. More...
class  ts::VBIDataDescriptor
 Representation of a VBI_data_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VBITeletextDescriptor
 Representation of a VBI_teletext_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VCT
 Base class for ATSC Virtual Channel Table (VCT). More...
class  ts::VideoDecodeControlDescriptor
 Representation of an ISDB video_decode_control_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VideoDepthRangeDescriptor
 Representation of a video_depth_range_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VideoStreamDescriptor
 Representation of an video_stream_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VideoWindowDescriptor
 Representation of a video_window_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VirtualSegmentationDescriptor
 Representation of an MPEG-defined virtual_segmentation_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VVCAccessUnitDelimiter
 Representation of a VVC access unit delimiter (AUD). More...
class  ts::VVCSubpicturesDescriptor
 Representation of a DVB VVC_subpictures_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor
 Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More...
class  ts::VVCVideoDescriptor
 Representation of a VVC_video_descriptor. More...
class  ts::XAITLocationDescriptor
 Representation of a xait_location_descriptor. More...
class  ts::XAITPIDDescriptor
 Representation of a xait_pid_descriptor. More...
class  ts::XDID
 eXtension Descriptor Id. More...
class  ts::XTID
 Extended MPEG table id. More...

Detailed Description

Digital Television features.