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TSDuck v3.40-4161
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
Descriptors used in MPEG systems signalization. More...
Classes | |
class | ts::AACDescriptor |
Representation of an AAC_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Abstract base class for DVB delivery system descriptors. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractDescriptor |
Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractDownloadContentDescriptor |
Base class for ISDB download content descriptors. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractLogicalChannelDescriptor |
Abstract representation of a logical_channel_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractMultilingualDescriptor |
Abstract base class for DVB descriptors with a multilingual name. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor |
Abstract representation of a preferred_name_identifier_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More... | |
class | ts::AbstractPreferredNameListDescriptor |
Abstract representation of a preferred_name_list_descriptor for different private data specifiers. More... | |
class | ts::AdaptationFieldDataDescriptor |
Representation of a adaptation_field_data_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AFExtensionsDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined af_extensions_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AncillaryDataDescriptor |
Representation of a ancillary_data_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AnnouncementSupportDescriptor |
Representation of a announcement_support_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationDescriptor |
Representation of an application_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationIconsDescriptor |
Representation of an application_icons_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationNameDescriptor |
Representation of an application_name_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationRecordingDescriptor |
Representation of an application_recording_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationSignallingDescriptor |
Representation of an application_signalling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationStorageDescriptor |
Representation of an application_storage_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ApplicationUsageDescriptor |
Representation of an application_usage_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::AreaBroadcastingInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB area_broadcasting_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AssociationTagDescriptor |
Representation of an association_tag_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ATSCAC3AudioStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC AC-3_audio_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ATSCEAC3AudioDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC E-AC-3_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ATSCStuffingDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC stuffing_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ATSCTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC time_shifted_service_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AudioComponentDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB audio_component_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AudioPreselectionDescriptor |
Representation of an audio_preselection_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AudioStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an audio_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AustraliaLogicalChannelDescriptor |
Representation of a Free TV Australia logical_channel_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AuxiliaryVideoStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AV1VideoDescriptor |
Representation of an AV1_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor |
Representation of an AVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AVCVideoDescriptor |
Representation of an AVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AVS2AudioDescriptor |
Representation of an AVS2_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AVS3AudioDescriptor |
Representation of an AVS3_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::AVS3VideoDescriptor |
Representation of an AVS3_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::BasicLocalEventDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB basic_local_event_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::BoardInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB board_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::BouquetNameDescriptor |
Representation of a bouquet_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::BroadcasterNameDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB broadcaster_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::C2BundleDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a C2_bundle_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::C2DeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a C2_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CableDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a cable_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CAContractInfoDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB CA_contract_info_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CADescriptor |
Representation of a generic CA_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CAEMMTSDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB CA_EMM_TS_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CAIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a CA_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CaptionServiceDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC caption_service_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CarouselCompatibleCompositeDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB carousel_compatible_composite_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CarouselIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a carousel_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CAServiceDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB CA_service_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CellFrequencyLinkDescriptor |
Representation of a cell_frequency_link_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CellListDescriptor |
Representation of a cell_list_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CIAncillaryDataDescriptor |
Representation of a CI_ancillary_data_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ComponentDescriptor |
Representation of a component_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ComponentNameDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC component_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ConditionalPlaybackDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB conditional_playback_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ContentAdvisoryDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC content_advisory_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ContentAvailabilityDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB content_availability_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ContentDescriptor |
Representation of a content_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ContentIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB-defined content_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ContentLabellingDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined content_labelling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CopyrightDescriptor |
Representation of an copyright_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CountryAvailabilityDescriptor |
Representation of a country_availability_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CPCMDeliverySignallingDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB cpcm_delivery_signalling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CPDescriptor |
Representation of a CP_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CPIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a CP_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::CueIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a cue_identifier_descriptor (SCTE 35). More... | |
class | ts::DataBroadcastDescriptor |
Representation of a data_broadcast_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DataBroadcastIdDescriptor |
Representation of a generic data_broadcast_id_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DataComponentDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB data_component_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DataContentDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB data_content_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DataStreamAlignmentDescriptor |
Representation of a data_stream_alignment_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DCCArrivingRequestDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC dcc_arriving_request_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DCCDepartingRequestDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC dcc_departing_request_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DefaultAuthorityDescriptor |
Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DeferredAssociationTagsDescriptor |
Representation of a deferred_association_tags_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DigitalCopyControlDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB digital_copy_control_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DIILocationDescriptor |
Representation of a DII_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DownloadContentDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB download_content_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCCachingPriorityDescriptor |
Representation of a caching_priority_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCCompressedModuleDescriptor |
Representation of a compressed_module_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCCRC32Descriptor |
Representation of a CRC32_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCEstDownloadTimeDescriptor |
Representation of a est_download_time_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCGroupLinkDescriptor |
Representation of a group_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCInfoDescriptor |
Representation of a info_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCLabelDescriptor |
Representation of a label_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCLocationDescriptor |
Representation of a location_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI/DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCModuleLinkDescriptor |
Representation of a module_link_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCNameDescriptor |
Representation of a name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCSSUModuleTypeDescriptor |
Representation of a SSU_module_type_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DII specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCSubgroupAssociationDescriptor |
Representation of a subgroup_association_descriptor (DSM-CC U-N Message DSI specific). More... | |
class | ts::DSMCCTypeDescriptor |
Representation of a type_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DSNGDescriptor |
Representation of a DSNG_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGGuidanceDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG guidance_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGLogicalChannelDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG logical_channel_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG preferred_name_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGPreferredNameListDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG preferred_name_list_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGServiceAttributeDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG service_attribute_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTGShortServiceNameDescriptor |
Representation of a DTG short_service_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTSDescriptor |
Representation of a DTS_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTSHDDescriptor |
Representation of a DTS_HD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DTSNeuralDescriptor |
Representation of a DTS_neural_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBAC3Descriptor |
Representation of a DVB AC-3_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBAC4Descriptor |
Representation of a DVB AC-4_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBDTSUHDDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB DTS-UHD descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBEnhancedAC3Descriptor |
Representation of a DVB enhanced_AC-3_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBHTMLApplicationBoundaryDescriptor |
Representation of a dvb_html_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DVBHTMLApplicationDescriptor |
Representation of a dvb_html_application_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DVBHTMLApplicationLocationDescriptor |
Representation of a dvb_html_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DVBJApplicationDescriptor |
Representation of a dvb_j_application_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DVBJApplicationLocationDescriptor |
Representation of a dvb_j_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::DVBServiceProminenceDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB service_prominence_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBStuffingDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB stuffing_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::DVBTimeShiftedServiceDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB time_shifted_service_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EacemHDSimulcastLogicalChannelDescriptor |
Representation of an EACEM-defined HD_simulcast_logical_channel_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EacemLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor |
Representation of an EACEM-defined logical_channel_number_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EacemPreferredNameIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EacemPreferredNameListDescriptor |
Representation of an eacem_preferred_name_list_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EacemStreamIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of an eacem_stream_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EASAudioFileDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_audio_file_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More... | |
class | ts::EASInbandDetailsChannelDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_details_channel_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More... | |
class | ts::EASInbandExceptionChannelsDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 18 EAS_inband_exception_channels_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More... | |
class | ts::EASMetadataDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 164 EAS_metadata_descriptor (specific to a Cable Emergency Alert Table). More... | |
class | ts::ECMRepetitionRateDescriptor |
Representation of an ECM_repetition_rate_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EmergencyInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB emergency_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EutelsatChannelNumberDescriptor |
Representation of an Eutelsat_channel_number_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor |
Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EVCVideoDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::EventGroupDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB event_group_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ExtendedBroadcasterDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB extended_broadcaster_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ExtendedChannelNameDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC extended_channel_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ExtendedEventDescriptor |
Representation of a extended_event_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ExternalApplicationAuthorizationDescriptor |
Representation of an external_application_authorization_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ExternalESIdDescriptor |
Representation of an external_ES_ID_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::FMCDescriptor |
Representation of a FMC_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::FrequencyListDescriptor |
Representation of a frequency_list_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::FTAContentManagementDescriptor |
Representation of a FTA_content_management_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::GenreDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC genre_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::GraphicsConstraintsDescriptor |
Representation of a graphics_constraints_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::GreenExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined green_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCHierarchyExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCOperationPointDescriptor |
Representation of an Auxiliary_video_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCSubregionDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_subregion_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCTileSubstreamDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_tile_substream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HEVCVideoDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HierarchicalTransmissionDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB hierarchical_transmission_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HierarchyDescriptor |
Representation of a hierarchy_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::HybridInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB hybrid_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::IBPDescriptor |
Representation of a IBP_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ImageIconDescriptor |
Representation of a image_icon_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::IODDescriptor |
Representation of an IOD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::IPMACGenericStreamLocationDescriptor |
Representation of an IP/MAC_generic_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::IPMACPlatformNameDescriptor |
Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_name_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::IPMACPlatformProviderNameDescriptor |
Representation of an IP/MAC_platform_provider_name_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::IPMACStreamLocationDescriptor |
Representation of an IP/MAC_stream_location_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::IPSignallingDescriptor |
Representation of an ip_signalling_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ISDBAccessControlDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB access_control_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBComponentGroupDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB Lcomponent_group_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBConnectedTransmissionDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB connected_transmission_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBHyperlinkDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB hyperlink_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBLDTLinkageDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB LDT_linkage_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBNetworkIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB network_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBTargetRegionDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB target_region_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISDBTerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISO639LanguageDescriptor |
Representation of an ISO_639_language_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ISPAccessModeDescriptor |
Representation of an ISP_access_mode_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::J2KVideoDescriptor |
Representation of a J2K_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::JPEGXSVideoDescriptor |
Representation of an JPEG_XS_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::LCEVCLinkageDescriptor |
Representation of an LCEVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::LCEVCVideoDescriptor |
Representation of an HEVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::LinkageDescriptor |
Representation of a generic linkage_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::LocalTimeOffsetDescriptor |
Representation of a local_time_offset_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::LogoTransmissionDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB logo_transmission_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::M4MuxBufferSizeDescriptor |
Representation of an M4 Mux Buffer Size descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::M4MuxTimingDescriptor |
Representation of a m4mux_timing_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MaximumBitrateDescriptor |
Representation of a maximum_bitrate_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MediaServiceKindDescriptor |
Representation of an Media_service_kind_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MessageDescriptor |
Representation of a message_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MetadataDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MetadataPointerDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined metadata_pointer_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MetadataSTDDescriptor |
Representation of a metadata_STD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MosaicDescriptor |
Representation of a mosaic_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG2AACAudioDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG2_AAC_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG2StereoscopicVideoFormatDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG2_stereoscopic_video_format_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG4AudioDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG4_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG4AudioExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of a MPEG4_audio_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG4TextDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-4 Text Descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEG4VideoDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG4_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioCommandDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_command_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioConfigDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_config_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioDRCLoudnessDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEGH_3D_audio_drc_loudness_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioMultiStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_multi_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioSceneDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined MPEGH_3D_audio_scene_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MPEGH3DAudioTextLabelDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-H_3dAudio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultilingualBouquetNameDescriptor |
Representation of a multilingual_bouquet_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultilingualComponentDescriptor |
Representation of a multilingual_component_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultilingualNetworkNameDescriptor |
Representation of a multilingual_network_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultilingualServiceNameDescriptor |
Representation of a multilingual_service_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultiplexBufferDescriptor |
Representation of a multiplex_buffer_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MultiplexBufferUtilizationDescriptor |
Representation of an multiplex_buffer_utilization_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MuxCodeDescriptor |
Representation of an MuxCode descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MVCExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of an MVC_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::MVCOperationPointDescriptor |
Representation of an MVC_operation_point_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NetworkChangeNotifyDescriptor |
Representation of a network_change_notify_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NetworkDownloadContentDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB network_download_content_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NetworkNameDescriptor |
Representation of a network_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NodeRelationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB node_relation_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV1 |
Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V1). More... | |
class | ts::NorDigLogicalChannelDescriptorV2 |
Representation of a NorDig logical_channel_descriptor (V2). More... | |
class | ts::NPTEndpointDescriptor |
Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_endpoint_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NPTReferenceDescriptor |
Representation of a DSM-CC NPT_reference_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::NVODReferenceDescriptor |
Representation of a NVOD_reference_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ParentalRatingDescriptor |
Representation of an parental_rating_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PartialReceptionDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB partial_reception_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PartialTransportStreamDescriptor |
Representation of a partial_transport_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PartialTSTimeDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB partialTS_time_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PDCDescriptor |
Representation of a PDC_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PrefetchDescriptor |
Representation of a prefetch_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::PrivateDataIndicatorDescriptor |
Representation of a private_data_indicator_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::PrivateDataSpecifierDescriptor |
Representation of a private_data_specifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ProtectionMessageDescriptor |
Representation of a protection_message_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::QualityExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined HEVC_hierarchy_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RARoverDVBstreamDescriptor |
Representation of an RAR_over_DVB_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RARoverIPDescriptor |
Representation of an RAR_over_IP_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RedistributionControlDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC redistribution_control_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ReferenceDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB reference_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RegistrationDescriptor |
Representation of a registration_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RelatedContentDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB-defined related_content_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::RNTScanDescriptor |
Representation of an RNT_scan_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::S2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of an S2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::S2XSatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of an S2X_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::S2Xv2SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of an S2Xv2_satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a satellite_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SchedulingDescriptor |
Representation of an scheduling_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::ScramblingDescriptor |
Representation of a scrambling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SeriesDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB series_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceAvailabilityDescriptor |
Representation of a service_availability_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceDescriptor |
Representation of a service_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceGroupDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB service_group_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a service_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceListDescriptor |
Representation of a service_list_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceLocationDescriptor |
Representation of an ATSC service_location_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceMoveDescriptor |
Representation of a service_move_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ServiceRelocatedDescriptor |
Representation of a service_relocated_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SHDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a SH_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ShortEventDescriptor |
Representation of an short_event_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ShortNodeInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB short_node_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::ShortSmoothingBufferDescriptor |
Representation of a short_smoothing_buffer_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SimpleApplicationBoundaryDescriptor |
Representation of a simple_application_boundary_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SimpleApplicationLocationDescriptor |
Representation of a simple_application_location_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SIParameterDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB SI_parameter_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SIPrimeTSDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB SI_prime_TS_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SkyLogicalChannelNumberDescriptor |
Representation of a sky_logical_channel_number_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SLDescriptor |
Representation of an SL_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SmoothingBufferDescriptor |
Representation of a smoothing_buffer_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SpliceAvailDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 35 avail_descriptor (SIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SpliceDTMFDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 35 DTMF_descriptor (SIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SpliceSegmentationDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 35 segmentation_descriptor (SIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SpliceTimeDescriptor |
Representation of an SCTE 35 time_descriptor (SIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSUDataBroadcastIdDescriptor |
Representation of a data_broadcast_id_descriptor for system software update. More... | |
class | ts::SSUEnhancedMessageDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_enhanced_message_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSUEventNameDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_event_name_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSULinkageDescriptor |
Representation of a linkage_descriptor for system software update. More... | |
class | ts::SSULocationDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_location_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSUMessageDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_message_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSUSubgroupAssociationDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_subgroup_association_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::SSUURIDescriptor |
Representation of an SSU_uri_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::STCReferenceDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB STC_reference_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::STDDescriptor |
Representation of an STD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::StereoscopicProgramInfoDescriptor |
Representation of a stereoscopic_program_info_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::StereoscopicVideoInfoDescriptor |
Representation of a stereoscopic_video_info_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::StreamEventDescriptor |
Representation of a DSM-CC stream_event_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::StreamIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a stream_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::StreamModeDescriptor |
Representation of a DSM-CC stream_mode_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SubtitlingDescriptor |
Representation of a subtitling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SupplementaryAudioDescriptor |
Representation of a supplementary_audio_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SVCExtensionDescriptor |
Representation of an SVC_extension_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SystemClockDescriptor |
Representation of an system_clock_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::SystemManagementDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB system_management_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::T2DeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a T2_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::T2MIDescriptor |
Representation of a T2MI_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TargetBackgroundGridDescriptor |
Representation of a target_background_grid_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPAddressDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IP_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPSlashDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IP_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPSourceSlashDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IP_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPv6AddressDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IPv6_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPv6SlashDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IPv6_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetIPv6SourceSlashDescriptor |
Representation of a target_IPv6_source_slash_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetMACAddressDescriptor |
Representation of a target_MAC_address_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetMACAddressRangeDescriptor |
Representation of a target_MAC_address_range_descriptor (INT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetRegionDescriptor |
Representation of a target_region_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TargetRegionNameDescriptor |
Representation of a target_region_name_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TargetSerialNumberDescriptor |
Representation of a target_serial_number_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TargetSmartcardDescriptor |
Representation of a target_smartcard_descriptor (INT/UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TelephoneDescriptor |
Representation of a telephone_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TeletextDescriptor |
Representation of a teletext_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor |
Representation of a terrestrial_delivery_system_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TimeShiftedEventDescriptor |
Representation of a time_shifted_event_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TimeSliceFECIdentifierDescriptor |
Representation of a time_slice_fec_identifier_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TransportProfileDescriptor |
Representation of a transport_profile_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TransportProtocolDescriptor |
Representation of a transport_protocol_descriptor (AIT specific). More... | |
class | ts::TransportStreamDescriptor |
Representation of a transport_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TSInformationDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB TS_information_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TTMLSubtitlingDescriptor |
Representation of a TTML_subtitling_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::TVAIdDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB-defined TVA_id_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::UpdateDescriptor |
Representation of an update_descriptor (UNT specific). More... | |
class | ts::URILinkageDescriptor |
Representation of a URI_linkage_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::UWAVideoStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an CUVV_video_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VBIDataDescriptor |
Representation of a VBI_data_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VBITeletextDescriptor |
Representation of a VBI_teletext_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VideoDecodeControlDescriptor |
Representation of an ISDB video_decode_control_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VideoDepthRangeDescriptor |
Representation of a video_depth_range_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VideoStreamDescriptor |
Representation of an video_stream_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VideoWindowDescriptor |
Representation of a video_window_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VirtualSegmentationDescriptor |
Representation of an MPEG-defined virtual_segmentation_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VVCSubpicturesDescriptor |
Representation of a DVB VVC_subpictures_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VVCTimingAndHRDDescriptor |
Representation of an VVC_timing_and_HRD_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::VVCVideoDescriptor |
Representation of a VVC_video_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::XAITLocationDescriptor |
Representation of a xait_location_descriptor. More... | |
class | ts::XAITPIDDescriptor |
Representation of a xait_pid_descriptor. More... | |
Descriptors used in MPEG systems signalization.