TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches

Windows specific features. More...

Collaboration diagram for Windows:


file  tsComIds.h
 Declare identifiers for Windows Common Object Model (COM).
file  tsDirectShow.h
 Include the definitions for DirectShow (Windows media framework).
file  tsDirectShowUtils.h
 DirectShow & BDA utilities (Windows-specific).
file  tsMediaTypeUtils.h
 DirectShow AM_MEDIA_TYPE utilities (Windows-specific).
file  tsWinUtils.h
 Utilities for Windows and Common Object Model (COM).


class  ts::COM
 A class to encapsulate the initialization of Windows COM. More...
class  ts::ComPtr< COMCLASS >
 Managed pointers for COM objects, auto-released (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::ConsoleState
 A class to save and restore the state of the Windows console. More...
class  ts::DirectShowFilterCategory
 A class which instanciates all DirectShow devices in a given category (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowGraph
 An encapsulation of a DirectShow graph (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowNetworkType
 A class which encapsulates a DirectShow network type and its properties (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::DirectShowTest
 A class to perform various tests on DirectShow and BDA (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::Registry
 A class to encapsulate the access to the Windows registry. More...
class  ts::SinkEnumMediaTypes
 SinkEnumMediaTypes, enumerator returned by ::IPin::EnumMediaTypes (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkEnumPins
 SinkEnumPins, enumerator returned by ::IBaseFilter::EnumPins (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkFilter
 The DirectShow sink filter (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::SinkPin
 SinkPin, input pin for SinkFilter (Windows-specific). More...
class  ts::TunerGraph
 A specialization of a DirectShow graph for tuner reception (Windows-specific). More...


 Attribute to declare a class or function from tscore.dll on Windows.
 Attribute to declare a class or function from tsduck.dll on Windows.

Detailed Description

Windows specific features.

Macro Definition Documentation



Attribute to declare a class or function from tscore.dll on Windows.

When building tscore.dll on Windows, define _TSCOREDLL_IMPL in the project options. When building a project which references tscore.dll, define _TSCOREDLL_USE. All API located inside tscore.dll shall be prefixed by TSCOREDLL in headers. This prefix exports the API when building the DLL and imports the API when used in an application.

See also



Attribute to declare a class or function from tsduck.dll on Windows.

When building tsduck.dll on Windows, define _TSDUCKDLL_IMPL in the project options. When building a project which references tsduck.dll, define _TSDUCKDLL_USE. All API located inside tsduck.dll shall be prefixed by TSDUCKDLL in headers. This prefix exports the API when building the DLL and imports the API when used in an application.

See also