aes | Experimental AES scrambling of TS packets |
analyze | Analyze the structure of a transport stream |
bat | Perform various transformations on the BAT |
bitrate_monitor | Monitor bitrate for TS or a given set of PID's |
boostpid | Boost the bitrate of a PID, stealing stuffing packets |
cat | Perform various transformations on the CAT |
clear | Extract clear (non scrambled) sequences of a transport stream |
continuity | Check or fix continuity counters on TS packets |
count | Count TS packets per PID |
craft | Craft specific low-level transformations on packets |
cutoff | Set labels on TS packets upon reception of UDP messages |
datainject | DVB SimulCrypt data injector using EMMG/PDG <=> MUX protocol |
debug | Debug traces |
decap | Decapsulate TS packets from a PID produced by encap plugin |
descrambler | Generic DVB descrambler |
dump | Dump transport stream packets |
duplicate | Duplicate PID's, reusing null packets |
eit | Analyze EIT sections |
eitinject | Generate and inject EIT's in a transport stream |
encap | Encapsulate packets from several PID's into one single PID |
feed | Extract an encapsulated TS from an outer feed TS |
file | Write packets to a file and pass them to next plugin |
filter | Filter TS packets according to various conditions |
fork | Fork a process and send TS packets to its standard input |
fuzz | Introduce random errors in the transport stream |
history | Report a history of major events on the transport stream |
inject | Inject tables and sections in a TS |
ip | Send TS packets using UDP/IP, multicast or unicast, and pass them to next plugin |
limit | Limit the global bitrate by dropping packets |
merge | Merge TS packets coming from the standard output of a command |
mpe | Extract MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) datagrams |
mpeinject | Inject an incoming UDP stream into MPE (Multi-Protocol Encapsulation) |
mux | Insert TS packets in a transport stream |
nit | Perform various transformations on the NIT |
nitscan | Analyze the NIT and output a list of tuning information |
pat | Perform various transformations on the PAT |
pattern | Replace packet payload with a binary pattern on selected PID's |
pcradjust | Adjust PCR's according to a constant bitrate |
pcrbitrate | Permanently recompute bitrate based on PCR analysis |
pcrcopy | Copy and synchronize PCR's from one PID to another |
pcredit | Edit PCR, PTS and DTS values in various ways |
pcrextract | Extracts PCR, OPCR, PTS, DTS from TS packet for analysis |
pcrverify | Verify PCR's from TS packets |
pes | Analyze PES packets |
pidshift | Shift one or more PID's forward in the transport stream |
pmt | Perform various transformations on the PMT |
psi | Extract PSI Information |
psimerge | Merge PSI/SI from mixed streams |
reduce | Reduce the TS bitrate by removing stuffing packets |
regulate | Regulate the TS packets flow based on PCR or bitrate |
remap | Generic PID remapper |
rmorphan | Remove orphan (unreferenced) PID's |
rmsplice | Remove ads insertions from a program using SCTE 35 splice information |
scrambler | DVB scrambler |
sdt | Perform various transformations on the SDT |
sections | Remove, keep or merge sections from various PID's |
sifilter | Extract PID's containing the specified PSI/SI |
skip | Skip leading TS packets of a stream |
slice | Pass or drop packets based on packet numbers |
spliceinject | Inject SCTE 35 splice commands in a transport stream |
splicemonitor | Monitor SCTE 35 splice information |
stats | Report various statistics on PID's and labels |
stuffanalyze | Analyze the level of stuffing in tables |
svremove | Remove a service |
svrename | Rename a service, assign a new service name and/or new service id |
svresync | Resynchronize the clock of a service based on another service |
t2mi | Extract T2-MI (DVB-T2 Modulator Interface) packets |
tables | Collect PSI/SI Tables |
teletext | Extract Teletext subtitles in SRT format |
time | Schedule packets pass or drop, based on time |
timeref | Update TDT and TOT with a new time reference |
timeshift | Delay transmission by a fixed amount of packets |
trigger | Trigger actions on selected TS packets |
tsrename | Rename a transport stream |
until | Copy packets until one of the specified conditions is met |
zap | Zap on one or more services, remove all other services |