![]() |
TSDuck v3.40-4161
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for ts::PSIPlugin, including all inherited members.
analyze(const UString &command, bool processRedirections=true) | ts::Args | virtual |
analyze(int argc, char *argv[], bool processRedirections=true) | ts::Args | virtual |
analyze(const UString &app_name, const UStringVector &arguments, bool processRedirections=true) | ts::Args | virtual |
ANUMBER enum value | ts::Args | |
appName() const | ts::Args | inline |
Args(const UString &description=UString(), const UString &syntax=UString(), int flags=0) | ts::Args | |
ArgType enum name | ts::Args | |
bitMaskValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT &def_value=static_cast< INT >(0)) const | ts::Args | |
CHRONO enum value | ts::Args | |
commandLine() const | ts::Args | |
copyOptions(const Args &other, const bool replace=false) | ts::Args | |
count(const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
debug() const | ts::Report | inline |
debug(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
debug(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
debug(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
debug(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH | ts::Args | static |
DEFAULT_STACK_USAGE | ts::Plugin | static |
delegateReport(Report *report) | ts::Report | |
DIRECTORY enum value | ts::Args | |
duck | ts::Plugin | protected |
error(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
error(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
error(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
error(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
exitOnError(bool force=false) | ts::Args | |
fatal(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
fatal(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
fatal(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
fatal(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
FILENAME enum value | ts::Args | |
Flags enum name | ts::Args | |
GATHER_PARAMETERS enum value | ts::Args | |
GetAppName(int argc, char *argv[]) | ts::Args | static |
getBitMaskValue(INT &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT &def_value=static_cast< INT >(0)) const | ts::Args | |
getBitrate() | ts::Plugin | virtual |
getBitrateConfidence() | ts::Plugin | virtual |
getChronoValue(cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const cn::duration< Rep2, Period2 > &def_value=cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 >::zero(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getChronoValue(cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | inline |
getCommandArgs(UStringVector &args) const | ts::Args | inline |
getDescription() const | ts::Args | inline |
getFlags() const | ts::Args | inline |
getHelpText(HelpFormat format, size_t line_width=DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH) const | ts::Args | virtual |
getHexaValue(ByteBlock &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const ByteBlock &def_value=ByteBlock(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getIntValue(INT &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT2 def_value=static_cast< INT2 >(0), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getIntValues(std::vector< INT > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
getIntValues(std::set< INT > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
getIntValues(std::bitset< N > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool defValue=false) const | ts::Args | |
getIntValues(CompactBitSet< N > &values, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool defValue=false) const | ts::Args | |
getIPValue(IPAddress &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPAddress &def_value=IPAddress(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getOnlyExceptLabelOption(TSPacketLabelSet &only, TSPacketLabelSet &except) const | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
getOptionalIntValue(std::optional< INT > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool clear_if_absent=false) const | ts::Args | |
getOptionalValue(std::optional< UString > &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, bool clear_if_absent=false) const | ts::Args | |
getOptions() override | ts::PSIPlugin | virtual |
getPacketWindowSize() | ts::ProcessorPlugin | virtual |
getPathValue(fs::path &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const fs::path &def_value=fs::path(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getPathValues(CONTAINER &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
getShell() const | ts::Args | inline |
getSocketValue(IPSocketAddress &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPSocketAddress &def_value=IPSocketAddress(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getSyntax() const | ts::Args | inline |
getTristateValue(Tristate &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getValue(UString &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const UChar *def_value=u"", size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getValue(NUMTYPE &value, const UChar *name=nullptr, const NUMTYPE &def_value=NUMTYPE(0), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
getValue(NUMTYPE &value, const UChar *name, INT1 def_value, size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | inline |
getValues(CONTAINER &values, const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
gotErrors() const | ts::Report | inline |
handlePacketTimeout() | ts::Plugin | virtual |
help(const UChar *name, const UString &syntax, const UString &text) | ts::Args | |
help(const UChar *name, const UString &text) | ts::Args | inline |
HELP_DESCRIPTION enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_FULL enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_NAME enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_ON_THIS enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_OPTIONS enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_SYNTAX enum value | ts::Args | |
HELP_USAGE enum value | ts::Args | |
HelpFormat enum name | ts::Args | |
HelpFormatEnum() | ts::Args | static |
HEXADATA enum value | ts::Args | |
hexaValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const ByteBlock &def_value=ByteBlock(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
info(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
info(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
info(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
info(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
INT16 enum value | ts::Args | |
INT32 enum value | ts::Args | |
INT64 enum value | ts::Args | |
INT8 enum value | ts::Args | |
INTEGER enum value | ts::Args | |
intValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const INT def_value=static_cast< INT >(0), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
invalidate() | ts::Args | inline |
IPADDR enum value | ts::Args | |
IPSOCKADDR enum value | ts::Args | |
IPSOCKADDR_OA enum value | ts::Args | |
IPSOCKADDR_OAP enum value | ts::Args | |
IPSOCKADDR_OP enum value | ts::Args | |
ipValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPAddress &def_value=IPAddress(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
isRealTime() | ts::Plugin | virtual |
log(int severity, const UString &msg) | ts::Report | |
log(int severity, const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
log(int severity, const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
maxSeverity() const | ts::Report | inline |
NO_CONFIG_FILE enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_DEBUG enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_ERROR_DISPLAY enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_EXIT_ON_ERROR enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_EXIT_ON_HELP enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_EXIT_ON_VERSION enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_HELP enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_VERBOSE enum value | ts::Args | |
NO_VERSION enum value | ts::Args | |
NONE enum value | ts::Args | |
numValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const NUMTYPE &def_value=NUMTYPE(0), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
option(const UChar *name=nullptr, UChar short_name=0, ArgType type=NONE, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, int64_t min_value=0, int64_t max_value=0, bool optional=false, size_t decimals=0) | ts::Args | inline |
option(const UChar *name, UChar short_name, const Names &enumeration, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, bool optional=false) | ts::Args | inline |
option(const UChar *name, UChar short_name=0, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, INT1 min_value=std::numeric_limits< INT2 >::min(), INT2 max_value=std::numeric_limits< INT1 >::max(), bool optional=false) | ts::Args | inline |
option(const UChar *name, UChar short_name=0, size_t min_occur=0, size_t max_occur=0, int64_t min_value=0, int64_t max_value=std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max(), bool optional=false) | ts::Args | inline |
optionNames(const UChar *name, const UString &separator=u", ") const | ts::Args | |
PIDVAL enum value | ts::Args | |
Plugin(TSP *to_tsp, const UString &description=UString(), const UString &syntax=UString()) | ts::Plugin | protected |
POSITIVE enum value | ts::Args | |
present(const UChar *name=nullptr) const | ts::Args | |
processArgsRedirection(UStringVector &args) | ts::Args | |
ProcessorPlugin(TSP *tsp_, const UString &description=UString(), const UString &syntax=UString()) | ts::ProcessorPlugin | protected |
processPacket(TSPacket &, TSPacketMetadata &) override | ts::PSIPlugin | virtual |
processPacketWindow(TSPacketWindow &win) | ts::ProcessorPlugin | virtual |
PSIPlugin(TSP *tsp) | ts::PSIPlugin | |
raiseMaxSeverity(int level) | ts::Report | |
Report()=default | ts::Report | |
Report(int max_severity, const UString &prefix=UString(), Report *report=nullptr) | ts::Report | |
reportPrefix() const | ts::Report | inline |
resetContext(const DuckContext::SavedArgs &state) | ts::Plugin | |
resetErrors() | ts::Report | inline |
setAppName(const UString &name) | ts::Args | inline |
setDescription(const UString &description) | ts::Args | virtual |
setFlags(int flags) | ts::Args | virtual |
setIntro(const UString &intro) | ts::Args | virtual |
setMaxSeverity(int level) | ts::Report | |
setReportPrefix(const UString &prefix) | ts::Report | inline |
setShell(const UString &shell) | ts::Args | inline |
setSyntax(const UString &syntax) | ts::Args | virtual |
setTail(const UString &tail) | ts::Args | virtual |
severe(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
severe(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
severe(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
severe(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
socketValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, const IPSocketAddress &def_value=IPSocketAddress(), size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
stackUsage() const | ts::Plugin | virtual |
start() override | ts::PSIPlugin | virtual |
Status enum name | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
StatusNames() | ts::ProcessorPlugin | static |
stop() override | ts::PSIPlugin | virtual |
STRING enum value | ts::Args | |
TRISTATE enum value | ts::Args | |
tristateValue(const UChar *name=nullptr, size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
tsp | ts::Plugin | protected |
TSP_DROP enum value | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
TSP_END enum value | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
TSP_NULL enum value | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
TSP_OK enum value | ts::ProcessorPlugin | |
type() const override | ts::ProcessorPlugin | virtual |
UINT16 enum value | ts::Args | |
UINT32 enum value | ts::Args | |
UINT63 enum value | ts::Args | |
UINT8 enum value | ts::Args | |
UNLIMITED_COUNT | ts::Args | static |
UNLIMITED_VALUE | ts::Args | static |
UNSIGNED enum value | ts::Args | |
valid() const | ts::Args | inline |
value(const UChar *name=nullptr, const UChar *def_value=u"", size_t index=0) const | ts::Args | |
verbose() const | ts::Report | inline |
verbose(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
verbose(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
verbose(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
verbose(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
warning(const UChar *msg) | ts::Report | inline |
warning(const UString &msg) | ts::Report | inline |
warning(const UChar *fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
warning(const UString &fmt, Args &&... args) | ts::Report | inline |
writeLog(int severity, const UString &message) override | ts::Args | protectedvirtual |
~Report() | ts::Report | virtual |