TSDuck v3.38-3707
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
No Matches
Developing TSDuck extensions

Applications or TSP plugins can be developed on their own. But it is also possible to develop fully integrated extensions to TSDuck.

An extension not only adds new plugins and commands, it can also augment the features of standard TSDuck commands and plugins. An extension can also be packaged as a binary installer which can be deployed on top of an existing installation of TSDuck.

The possible features of a TSDuck extensions are:

  • Handling third-party tables and descriptors. The new tables and descriptors can be manipulated in XML, analyzed and displayed with the standard TSDuck tools.
  • Handling third-party Conditional Access Systems, based on a range of CA_system_id values. The ECM's, EMM's and private parts of the CA_descriptor are correctly analyzed and displayed with the standard TSDuck tools.
  • Adding filtering capabilities based on specific or private conditions on sections for command tstables and plugin tables.
  • Additional plugins for tsp.
  • Additional command-line utilities.

A complete example of a TSDuck extension is provided in the TSDuck source tree. This example also provides scripts to build standard installers (.exe on Windows, .rpm and .deb on Linux). The generated packages install the extension on top of a matching version of TSDuck.

Files in an extension

A TSDuck extension typically contains the following types of files:

  • Additional utilities. They are executable files without predefined naming. They are installed in the same directory as the TSDuck commands.
  • Additional tsp plugins. They are dynamic libraries named tsplugin_XXX.so, .dylib or .dll. The plugins are loaded by tsp when invoked by their names XXX.
  • Extension dynamic libraries named tslibext_XXX.so, .dylib or .dll. All shareable libraries named tslibext_XXX in the same directory as the TSDuck binaries or in the path TSPLUGINS_PATH are automatically loaded when any TSDuck command is invoked (in fact any time the TSDuck library tsduck.dll or libtsduck.so or .dylib is used). Such libraries typically install hooks into the core of TSDuck to handle third-party signalization.
  • XML files describing the XML models for third-party signalization (tables and descriptors). There is no mandatory naming template for those files but tslibext_XXX.xml is recommended. These XML files must be registered by the extension dynamic library (details below).
  • Name files describing third party identifiers (table ids, descriptor tags, CA system id, stream types, etc.) These files are used by TSDuck to better identify the various entities. There is no mandatory naming template for those files but tslibext_XXX.names is recommended. These files must be registered by the extension dynamic library (details below).

The extension dynamic library

All shareable libraries named tslibext_XXX.so, .dylib or .dll are automatically loaded by any TSDuck command or plugin. The initialization of the library is responsible for registering various hooks which implement the additional features.

Identification of the extension

This is an optional but recommended step. One C++ module inside the tslibext_XXX library shall invoke macro TS_REGISTER_EXTENSION as illustrated below:

TS_REGISTER_EXTENSION(u"foo", // extension name
u"Sample foo extension", // short description
{u"foot", u"foobar"}, // list of provided plugins for tsp
{u"footool", u"foocmd"}); // list of provided command-line tools

Using this declaration, the extension is identified and listed using the command tsversion --extensions.

Without the declaration, the extension is loaded and functional but it is not identified.

Providing an XML model file for additional tables and descriptors

To analyze input XML files containing tables, TSDuck uses an XML model to validate the syntax of the input XML file. There is a predefined large XML file which describes all supported tables and descriptors.

An extension may provide additional smaller XML files which describe the new tables or descriptors. See the sample extension for more details. The XML files shall be installed in the same directory as the rest of the extension (and TSDuck in general).

For each additional XML file, there must be one C++ module inside the tslibext_XXX library which invokes the macro TS_REGISTER_XML_FILE as illustrated below:


Providing a names files for additional identifiers

The usage rules and conventions are identical to the XML file above. The declaration macro for each names file is TS_REGISTER_NAMES_FILE as illustrated below:


Here is an example, from the sample "foo" extension, which defines additional names for a table, a descriptor and a range of CA_system_id.

0xF0 = FOOT
0xE8 = Foo
0xF001-0xF008 = FooCAS

Providing support for additional tables

If your environment defines a third-party table which is unsupported or unknown in TSDuck, you can implement it in your extension library.

First, define the C++ class implementing the table:

class FooTable : public ts::AbstractLongTable { ... };

In the implementation of the table, register hooks for the various features you support. In this example, we register a C++ class for FooTable:

TS_REGISTER_TABLE(FooTable, // C++ class name
{0xF0}, // table id 0xF0
ts::Standards::NONE, // not defined in any standard
u"FOOT", // XML name is <FOOT>

The last argument to TS_REGISTER_TABLE is a static method of the class which displays the content of a section of this table type.

The XML model for the table is included in the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FOOT version="uint5, default=0" current="bool, default=true" foo_id="uint16, required" name="string, optional">
<_any in="_descriptors"/>

for the following binary layout:

table_id 8 bits = 0xF0
section_syntax_indicator 1 bit = '1'
reserved 3 bits
section_length 12 bits
foo_id 16 bits
reserved 2 bits
version_number 5 bits
current_next_indicator 1 bit
section_number 8 bits
last_section_number 8 bits
name_length 8 bits
name_char 8 bits
reserved_future_use 4 bits
descriptors_length 12 bits
for (i=0;i<N;i++){

Providing support for additional descriptors

Similarly, it is possible to implement a third-party descriptor as follow:

class FooDescriptor : public ts::AbstractDescriptor { ... };

In the implementation of the descriptor, we register hooks for the various features. Since this is a non-DVB descriptor with descriptor tag 0xE8, greater than 0x80, we must set the private data specifier to zero in the ts::EDID ("extended descriptor id").

TS_REGISTER_DESCRIPTOR(FooDescriptor, // C++ class name
ts::EDID::Private(0xE8, 0), // "extended" descriptor id
u"foo_descriptor", // XML name is <foo_descriptor>

The last argument to TS_REGISTER_DESCRIPTOR is a static method of the class which displays the content of a descriptor.

The XML model for the descriptor is included in the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foo_descriptor name="string, required"/>

for the following binary layout:

descriptor_tag 8 bits = 0xE8
descriptor_length 8 bits
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
name_char 8 bits

Implementing advanced section filtering capabilities

The command tstables (and its plugin counterpart tables) can process vast amounts of tables. To extract specific tables or sections, the command provides filtering options such as --pid, --tid or --tid-ext.

For specific sections, it is possible to define additional filtering options to the tstables command.

The extension library shall provide a C++ class implementing ts::TablesLoggerFilterInterface. The sample "foo" extension provide an option --foo-id which selects instances of FooTable containing specific values for some "foo_id" field.

class FooFilter: public ts::TablesLoggerFilterInterface { ... };

See the documentation of ts::TablesLoggerFilterInterface for more details.

In the implementation of the class, we register it as a section filter for tstables:


Providing support for additional Conditional Access Systems

If you work with a specific Conditional Access System, you probably manipulate confidential information that cannot be published in an open-source tool such as TSDuck. The solution is to develop a private closed-source extension.

In the extension library, you may register functions to display the structure of the ECM's, EMM's or private part of the CA_descriptor. The registration is based on a range of CA_system_id (here the constants CASID_FOO_MIN and CASID_FOO_MAX).

// Display a FooCAS ECM on the output stream.
// Compatible with ts::DisplaySectionFunction profile.
void DisplayFooCASECM(ts::TablesDisplay& display, const ts::Section& section, int indent);
// Display a FooCAS EMM on the output stream.
// Compatible with ts::DisplaySectionFunction profile.
void DisplayFooCASEMM(ts::TablesDisplay& display, const ts::Section& section, int indent);
// Display the payload of a FooCAS ECM on the output stream as a one-line "log" message.
// Compatible with ts::LogSectionFunction profile.
ts::UString LogFooCASECM(const ts::Section& section, size_t max_bytes);
// Display the payload of a FooCAS EMM on the output stream as a one-line "log" message.
// Compatible with ts::LogSectionFunction profile.
ts::UString LogFooCASEMM(const ts::Section& section, size_t max_bytes);
// Display the private part of a FooCAS CA_descriptor on the output stream.
// Compatible with ts::DisplayCADescriptorFunction profile.
void DisplayFooCASCADescriptor(ts::TablesDisplay& display, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, int indent, ts::TID tid);

See the documentation for ts::DisplaySectionFunction, ts::LogSectionFunction and ts::DisplayCADescriptorFunction.

To register the display handlers in TSDuck:

ts::Standards::NONE, // not defined in any standard
DisplayFooCASECM, // display function
LogFooCASECM, // one-line log function
{}, // no predefined PID
CASID_FOO_MIN, // range of CA_system_id
ts::Standards::NONE, // not defined in any standard
DisplayFooCASEMM, // display function
LogFooCASEMM, // one-line log function
{}, // no predefined PID
CASID_FOO_MIN, // range of CA_system_id

Building cross-platform binary installers for an extension

See the sample "foo" extension in the TSDuck source tree.

Scripts are provided to build .exe installers on Windows, .rpm and .deb packages on Linux.