=============================================================================== | TRANSPORT STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Transport Stream Id: ........ 225 (0x00E1) | Services: .............. 8 | | Bytes: ....................... 450,285,568 | PID's: Total: ......... 31 | | TS packets: .................... 2,395,136 | Clear: ......... 31 | | With invalid sync: .................. 0 | Scrambled: ...... 0 | | With transport error: ............... 0 | With PCR's: ..... 8 | | Suspect and ignored: ................ 0 | Unreferenced: ... 0 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Transport stream bitrate, based on ....... 188 bytes/pkt 204 bytes/pkt | | User-specified: ......................... 29,999,171 b/s 32,552,292 b/s | | Estimated based on PCR's: ............... 29,999,173 b/s 32,552,294 b/s | | Selected reference bitrate: ............. 29,999,173 b/s 32,552,294 b/s | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Broadcast time: ................................... 120 sec (2 min 0 sec) | | First TDT UTC time stamp: ........................... 2023/11/10 14:13:56 | | Last TDT UTC time stamp: ............................ 2023/11/10 14:15:41 | | First TOT local time stamp: ..................................... Unknown | | Last TOT local time stamp: ...................................... Unknown | | TOT country code: .............................................. Unknown | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Srv Id Service Name Access Bitrate | | 0x0046 4Fun Kids .................................... C 2,018,097 b/s | | 0x0047 Polsat HD .................................... C 3,879,030 b/s | | 0x0048 Nowa TV HD ................................... C 3,706,071 b/s | | 0x004B TV Republika ................................. C 1,907,326 b/s | | 0x004F TV Okazje HD ................................. C 3,657,449 b/s | | 0x0054 StarsTV HD ................................... C 3,805,683 b/s | | 0x0057 TV Regionalna ................................ C 1,968,297 b/s | | 0x005A EWTN ......................................... C 3,706,034 b/s | | | | Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled | | Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | SERVICES ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | Global PID's | | TS packets: 427,239, PID's: 7 (clear: 7, scrambled: 0) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total Global PID's ................................. C 5,351,185 b/s | | Subt. Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) .............. C 39,654 b/s | | 0x0000 PAT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x0010 NIT (Network: 0x0D58 (3416) BCAST) ........... C 1,503 b/s | | 0x0011 SDT/BAT ...................................... C 3,006 b/s | | 0x0012 EIT .......................................... C 24,061 b/s | | 0x0014 TDT/TOT ...................................... C 100 b/s | | 0x0015 Network Synchronization ...................... C 3,469 b/s | | 0x1FFF Stuffing ..................................... C 5,311,531 b/s | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0046 (70), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: 4Fun Kids, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 161,125, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x01EA (490), PCR PID: 0x01EB (491) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 2,018,097 b/s | | 0x01EA PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x01EB HEVC video (1024x576, main 10 profile, level C 1,739,027 b/s | | 0x01EC MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 256 kb/s, C 271,555 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0047 (71), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: Polsat HD, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 309,702, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x0033 (51), PCR PID: 0x0034 (52) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 3,879,030 b/s | | 0x0033 PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x0034 HEVC video (1920x1080, main 10 profile, level C 3,599,972 b/s | | 0x0035 MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 256 kb/s, C 271,543 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0048 (72), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: Nowa TV HD, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 295,893, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x0030 (48), PCR PID: 0x0031 (49) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 3,706,071 b/s | | 0x0030 PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x0031 HEVC video (1920x1080, main 10 profile, level C 3,500,085 b/s | | 0x0032 MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, C 198,472 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x004B (75), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: TV Republika, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 152,281, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x01E0 (480), PCR PID: 0x01E1 (481) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 1,907,326 b/s | | 0x01E0 PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x01E1 HEVC video (1024x576, main 10 profile, level C 1,764,027 b/s | | 0x01E2 MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 128 kb/s, C 135,784 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x004F (79), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: TV Okazje HD, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 292,011, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x003C (60), PCR PID: 0x003D (61) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 3,657,449 b/s | | 0x003C PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x003D HEVC video (1280x720, main 10 profile, level C 3,451,488 b/s | | 0x003E MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, C 198,447 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0054 (84), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: StarsTV HD, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 303,846, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x0039 (57), PCR PID: 0x003A (58) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 3,805,683 b/s | | 0x0039 PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x003A HEVC video (1920x1080, main 10 profile, level C 3,463,950 b/s | | 0x003B MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 320 kb/s, C 334,218 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x0057 (87), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: TV Regionalna, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 157,149, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x003F (63), PCR PID: 0x0040 (64) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 1,968,297 b/s | | 0x003F PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x0040 HEVC video (720x576, main 10 profile, level 3 C 1,824,998 b/s | | 0x00DD MPEG-1 Audio (und, Audio layer II, 128 kb/s, C 135,784 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | |=============================================================================| | Service: 0x005A (90), TS: 0x00E1 (225), Original Netw: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Service name: EWTN, provider: BCAST | | Service type: 0x1F (HEVC digital television service) | | TS packets: 295,890, PID's: 3 (clear: 3, scrambled: 0) | | PMT PID: 0x0036 (54), PCR PID: 0x0037 (55) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PID Usage Access Bitrate | | Total HEVC digital television service .............. C 3,706,034 b/s | | 0x0036 PMT .......................................... C 7,515 b/s | | 0x0037 HEVC video (1280x720, main 10 profile, level C 3,500,085 b/s | | 0x0038 MPEG-1 Audio (pol, Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, C 198,434 b/s | | (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared) | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | PIDS ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0000 (0) PAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0010 (16) NIT | | Network: 0x0D58 (3416) BCAST | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 1,503 b/s Packets: ........... 120 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 120 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0011 (17) SDT/BAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 3,006 b/s Packets: ........... 240 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 120 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0012 (18) EIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: .... 24,061 b/s Packets: ......... 1,921 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ... 1,921 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0014 (20) TDT/TOT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ....... 100 b/s Packets: ............. 8 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ....... 8 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0015 (21) Network Synchronization | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 3,469 b/s Packets: ........... 277 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 277 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0030 (48) PMT | | Service: 0x0048 (72) Nowa TV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0031 (49) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1920x1080, main 10 profile, level 4.0, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x0048 (72) Nowa TV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,500,085 b/s Packets: ....... 279,447 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,963 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,167 b/s Packets: ...... 3,005 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,003 PTS: ............. 3,005 DTS: .......... 3,005 | | from . 1,595,004,867,772 from ..... 5,316,767,456 from .. 5,316,756,656 | | to ... 1,598,246,488,678 to ....... 5,327,589,056 to .... 5,327,571,056 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0032 (50) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x0048 (72) Nowa TV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 198,472 b/s Packets: ........ 15,846 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,316,700,766 | | to ....... 5,327,496,446 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0033 (51) PMT | | Service: 0x0047 (71) Polsat HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0034 (52) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1920x1080, main 10 profile, level 4.0, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x0047 (71) Polsat HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,599,972 b/s Packets: ....... 287,422 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,963 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,171 b/s Packets: ...... 2,994 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,002 PTS: ............. 2,994 DTS: .......... 2,994 | | from . 1,594,923,597,076 from ..... 5,316,486,656 from .. 5,316,486,656 | | to ... 1,598,164,401,319 to ....... 5,327,283,056 to .... 5,327,261,456 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0035 (53) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 256 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x0047 (71) Polsat HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 271,543 b/s Packets: ........ 21,680 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 833 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 833 | | from ..... 5,316,438,596 | | to ....... 5,327,221,316 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0036 (54) PMT | | Service: 0x005A (90) EWTN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0037 (55) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1280x720, main 10 profile, level 3.1, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x005A (90) EWTN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,500,085 b/s Packets: ....... 279,447 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,916 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,173 b/s Packets: ...... 3,000 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,002 PTS: ............. 3,000 DTS: .......... 3,000 | | from . 1,594,816,409,812 from ..... 5,316,137,456 from .. 5,316,115,856 | | to ... 1,598,057,220,577 to ....... 5,326,919,456 to .... 5,326,912,256 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0038 (56) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x005A (90) EWTN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 198,434 b/s Packets: ........ 15,843 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 833 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 833 | | from ..... 5,316,081,384 | | to ....... 5,326,864,104 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0039 (57) PMT | | Service: 0x0054 (84) StarsTV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003A (58) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1920x1080, main 10 profile, level 4.0, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x0054 (84) StarsTV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,463,950 b/s Packets: ....... 276,562 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,977 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,174 b/s Packets: ...... 3,011 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,003 PTS: ............. 3,011 DTS: .......... 3,011 | | from . 1,595,378,270,555 from ..... 5,318,005,856 from .. 5,317,984,256 | | to ... 1,598,619,889,313 to ....... 5,328,841,856 to .... 5,328,820,256 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003B (59) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 320 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x0054 (84) StarsTV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 334,218 b/s Packets: ........ 26,684 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,317,953,116 | | to ....... 5,328,748,796 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003C (60) PMT | | Service: 0x004F (79) TV Okazje HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003D (61) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1280x720, main 10 profile, level 3.1, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x004F (79) TV Okazje HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 3,451,488 b/s Packets: ....... 275,567 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,966 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,167 b/s Packets: ...... 3,014 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,002 PTS: ............. 3,014 DTS: .......... 3,014 | | from . 1,595,429,588,046 from ..... 5,318,149,856 from .. 5,318,139,056 | | to ... 1,598,670,383,179 to ....... 5,328,993,056 to .... 5,328,985,856 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003E (62) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 192 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x004F (79) TV Okazje HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 198,447 b/s Packets: ........ 15,844 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,318,123,126 | | to ....... 5,328,918,806 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003F (63) PMT | | Service: 0x0057 (87) TV Regionalna | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0040 (64) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 720x576, main 10 profile, level 3.0, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x0057 (87) TV Regionalna | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 1,824,998 b/s Packets: ....... 145,708 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,923 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,173 b/s Packets: ...... 3,003 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,003 PTS: ............. 3,003 DTS: .......... 3,003 | | from . 1,595,383,403,713 from ..... 5,318,031,056 from .. 5,318,031,056 | | to ... 1,598,625,038,827 to ....... 5,328,859,856 to .... 5,328,838,256 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x00DD (221) MPEG-1 Audio (und) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 128 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, dual channel | | Service: 0x0057 (87) TV Regionalna | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 135,784 b/s Packets: ........ 10,841 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,317,965,959 | | to ....... 5,328,761,639 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01E0 (480) PMT | | Service: 0x004B (75) TV Republika | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01E1 (481) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1024x576, main 10 profile, level 3.1, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x004B (75) TV Republika | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 1,764,027 b/s Packets: ....... 140,840 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,917 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,185 b/s Packets: ...... 3,000 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,002 PTS: ............. 3,000 DTS: .......... 3,000 | | from . 1,595,034,841,371 from ..... 5,316,861,056 from .. 5,316,850,256 | | to ... 1,598,275,649,456 to ....... 5,327,668,256 to .... 5,327,646,656 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01E2 (482) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 128 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x004B (75) TV Republika | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 135,784 b/s Packets: ........ 10,841 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 833 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,316,796,886 | | to ....... 5,327,592,566 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01EA (490) PMT | | Service: 0x0046 (70) 4Fun Kids | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ..... 7,515 b/s Packets: ........... 600 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ..... 600 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01EB (491) HEVC video | | PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0) | | 1024x576, main 10 profile, level 3.1, 4:2:0 | | Service: 0x0046 (70) 4Fun Kids | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 1,739,027 b/s Packets: ....... 138,844 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ........ 6,919 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | TSrate: . 29,999,169 b/s Packets: ...... 3,000 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PCR: ............. 4,003 PTS: ............. 3,000 DTS: .......... 3,000 | | from . 1,595,191,715,966 from ..... 5,317,397,456 from .. 5,317,390,256 | | to ... 1,598,433,337,983 to ....... 5,328,190,256 to .... 5,328,186,656 | | Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............... 0 Leaps: ............ 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01EC (492) MPEG-1 Audio (pol) | | PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0) | | Audio layer II, 256 kb/s, @48,000 Hz, stereo | | Service: 0x0046 (70) 4Fun Kids | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Single Service PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: ... 271,555 b/s Packets: ........ 21,681 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: .......... 834 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 PES: | | Packets: ........ 834 | | Inv.Start: ........ 0 | | Clock values range: | | PTS: ............... 834 | | from ..... 5,317,331,036 | | to ....... 5,328,126,716 | | Leaps: ............... 0 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x1FFF (8191) Stuffing | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Global PID Transport: Discontinuities: | | Bitrate: . 5,311,531 b/s Packets: ....... 424,073 Expected: ......... 0 | | Access: .......... Clear Adapt.F.: ............ 0 Unexpect: ......... 0 | | Duplicated: .......... 0 Sections: | | Unit start: ....... 0 | =============================================================================== =============================================================================== | TABLES & SECTIONS ANALYSIS REPORT | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0000 (0) PAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x00 (0, PAT), TID ext: 0x00E1 (225) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 600 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 600 | | Max repet.: ..... 201 ms Version: ............ 1 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0010 (16) NIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x40 (64, NIT Actual), TID ext: 0x0D58 (3416) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 120 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0011 (17) SDT/BAT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x42 (66, SDT Actual), TID ext: 0x00E1 (225) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 120 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ........... 13 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0012 (18) EIT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x0046 (70) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x0047 (71) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x0048 (72) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x004B (75) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 241 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1000 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x004F (79) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x0054 (84) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1004 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x0057 (87) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1001 ms Version: ............ 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x4E (78, EIT p/f Actual), TID ext: 0x005A (90) | | Repetition: .... 1000 ms Section cnt: ...... 240 | | Min repet.: .... 1000 ms Table cnt: ........ 120 | | Max repet.: .... 1004 ms Version: ............ 1 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0014 (20) TDT/TOT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x70 (112, TDT) | | Repetition: ... 15000 ms Section cnt: ........ 8 | | Min repet.: ... 15000 ms | | Max repet.: ... 15000 ms | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0015 (21) Network Synchronization | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x00 (0, PAT) | | Repetition: ..... 432 ms Section cnt: ...... 278 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ..... 435 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x04 (4, ISO/IEC 14496 Scene DT) | | Repetition: ..... 434 ms Section cnt: ...... 277 | | Min repet.: ..... 433 ms | | Max repet.: ..... 435 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x12 (18, unknown) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x16 (22, unknown) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x1A (26, unknown) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x5B (91, EIT schedule Actual) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x5F (95, EIT schedule Actual) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x71 (113, RST) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x75 (117, Container) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x79 (121, Resolution Provider Notification) | | Repetition: ....... 0 ms Section cnt: ........ 1 | | Min repet.: ....... 0 ms | | Max repet.: ....... 0 ms | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0030 (48) PMT | | Service: 0x0048 (72) Nowa TV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x0048 (72) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 2 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0033 (51) PMT | | Service: 0x0047 (71) Polsat HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x0047 (71) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 6 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0036 (54) PMT | | Service: 0x005A (90) EWTN | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x005A (90) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 2 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x0039 (57) PMT | | Service: 0x0054 (84) StarsTV HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x0054 (84) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ........... 29 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003C (60) PMT | | Service: 0x004F (79) TV Okazje HD | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x004F (79) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 4 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x003F (63) PMT | | Service: 0x0057 (87) TV Regionalna | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x0057 (87) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 207 ms Version: ........... 19 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01E0 (480) PMT | | Service: 0x004B (75) TV Republika | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x004B (75) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 2 | |=============================================================================| | PID: 0x01EA (490) PMT | | Service: 0x0046 (70) 4Fun Kids | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x0046 (70) | | Repetition: ..... 200 ms Section cnt: ...... 599 | | Min repet.: ..... 200 ms Table cnt: ........ 599 | | Max repet.: ..... 204 ms Version: ............ 2 | ===============================================================================