* PAT, TID 0 (0x00), PID 0 (0x0000) Version: 0, sections: 1, total size: 52 bytes - Section 0: TS id: 1072 (0x0430) Program: 1072 (0x0430) PID: 256 (0x0100) Program: 1078 (0x0436) PID: 262 (0x0106) Program: 1073 (0x0431) PID: 257 (0x0101) Program: 1074 (0x0432) PID: 258 (0x0102) Program: 1075 (0x0433) PID: 259 (0x0103) Program: 1076 (0x0434) PID: 260 (0x0104) Program: 1077 (0x0435) PID: 261 (0x0105) Program: 1079 (0x0437) PID: 263 (0x0107) Program: 1080 (0x0438) PID: 264 (0x0108) Program: 1081 (0x0439) PID: 265 (0x0109) * NIT Actual, TID 64 (0x40), PID 16 (0x0010) Version: 10, sections: 1, total size: 139 bytes - Section 0: Network Id: 12829 (0x321D) Network information: - Descriptor 0: Network Name (0x40, 64), 22 bytes Name: "Nine Network Australia" Transport Stream Id: 1072 (0x0430), Original Network Id: 4114 (0x1012) - Descriptor 0: Terrestrial Delivery System (0x5A, 90), 11 bytes Centre frequency: 191,625,000 Hz, Bandwidth: 7 MHz Priority: high, Time slicing: unused, MPE-FEC: unused Constellation pattern: 64-QAM Hierarchy: non-hierarchical, native interleaver Code rate: high prio: 3/4, low prio: 3/4 Guard interval: 1/16 OFDM transmission mode: 8k, other frequencies: no - Descriptor 1: Service List (0x41, 65), 30 bytes Service id: 1072 (0x0430), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1073 (0x0431), Type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) Service id: 1074 (0x0432), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1075 (0x0433), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1076 (0x0434), Type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) Service id: 1077 (0x0435), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1078 (0x0436), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1079 (0x0437), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1080 (0x0438), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service id: 1081 (0x0439), Type: 0x01 (Digital television service) - Descriptor 2: Private Data Specifier (0x5F, 95), 4 bytes Specifier: 0x00003200 (Australian Terrestrial Television Networks) - Descriptor 3: Free TV Australia Logical Channel (0x83, 131), 40 bytes Service Id: 1072 (0x0430), Visible: 1, Channel number: 9 Service Id: 1073 (0x0431), Visible: 1, Channel number: 90 Service Id: 1077 (0x0435), Visible: 1, Channel number: 91 Service Id: 1078 (0x0436), Visible: 1, Channel number: 92 Service Id: 1074 (0x0432), Visible: 1, Channel number: 93 Service Id: 1075 (0x0433), Visible: 1, Channel number: 94 Service Id: 1076 (0x0434), Visible: 1, Channel number: 95 Service Id: 1080 (0x0438), Visible: 1, Channel number: 96 Service Id: 1081 (0x0439), Visible: 1, Channel number: 97 Service Id: 1079 (0x0437), Visible: 1, Channel number: 99 * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 256 (0x0100) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1072 (0x0430), PCR PID: 135 (0x0087) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 519 (0x0207) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 720 (0x02D0) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00000290 (656), 262,400 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 583 (0x0247) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 262 (0x0106) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1078 (0x0436), PCR PID: 128 (0x0080) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 512 (0x0200) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 710 (0x02C6) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000001EC (492), 196,800 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 576 (0x0240) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 257 (0x0101) Version: 5, sections: 1, total size: 88 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1073 (0x0431), PCR PID: 129 (0x0081) Program information: - Descriptor 0: Registration (0x05, 5), 4 bytes Format identifier: 0x43554549 ("CUEI") Elementary stream: type 0x1B (AVC video), PID: 513 (0x0201) - Descriptor 0: AVC Video (0x28, 40), 4 bytes Profile IDC: 100, level IDC: 40 Constraint set0: false, set1: false, set2: false, set3: false, set4: false, set5: false AVC compatible flags: 0x00 Still pictures: false, 24-hour pictures: false Frame packing SEI not present: true - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000061A8 (25000), 10,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 650 (0x028A) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: AC-3 (0x6A, 106), 2 bytes AC-3 coding version: 8 (0x08) - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000004FB (1275), 510,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 577 (0x0241) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 258 (0x0102) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1074 (0x0432), PCR PID: 133 (0x0085) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 517 (0x0205) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 700 (0x02BC) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000001EC (492), 196,800 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 581 (0x0245) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 259 (0x0103) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1075 (0x0433), PCR PID: 136 (0x0088) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 520 (0x0208) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 730 (0x02DA) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00000290 (656), 262,400 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 578 (0x0242) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 260 (0x0104) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 82 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1076 (0x0434), PCR PID: 137 (0x0089) Elementary stream: type 0x1B (AVC video), PID: 521 (0x0209) - Descriptor 0: AVC Video (0x28, 40), 4 bytes Profile IDC: 100, level IDC: 40 Constraint set0: false, set1: false, set2: false, set3: false, set4: false, set5: false AVC compatible flags: 0x00 Still pictures: false, 24-hour pictures: false Frame packing SEI not present: true - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000061A8 (25000), 10,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 740 (0x02E4) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: AC-3 (0x6A, 106), 2 bytes AC-3 coding version: 8 (0x08) - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00000457 (1111), 444,400 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 570 (0x023A) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 261 (0x0105) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1077 (0x0435), PCR PID: 135 (0x0087) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 519 (0x0207) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 720 (0x02D0) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00000290 (656), 262,400 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 583 (0x0247) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 263 (0x0107) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1079 (0x0437), PCR PID: 133 (0x0085) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 517 (0x0205) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 700 (0x02BC) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000001EC (492), 196,800 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 581 (0x0245) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 264 (0x0108) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 80 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1080 (0x0438), PCR PID: 138 (0x008A) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 522 (0x020A) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 750 (0x02EE) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000001EC (492), 196,800 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x06 (MPEG-2 PES private data), PID: 579 (0x0243) - Descriptor 0: Teletext (0x56, 86), 5 bytes Language: eng, Type: 2 (0x02) Type: Teletext subtitles Magazine: 0, page: 1, full page: 801 Elementary stream: type 0x05 (MPEG-2 Private sections), PID: 801 (0x0321) - Descriptor 0: Application Signalling (0x6F, 111), 3 bytes Application type: 16 (0x0010), AIT Version: 1 (0x01) Elementary stream: type 0x0C (DSM-CC Stream Descriptors), PID: 803 (0x0323) - Descriptor 0: Stream Identifier (0x52, 82), 1 bytes Component tag: 103 (0x67) * PMT, TID 2 (0x02), PID 265 (0x0109) Version: 2, sections: 1, total size: 50 bytes - Section 0: Program: 1081 (0x0439), PCR PID: 139 (0x008B) Elementary stream: type 0x02 (MPEG-2 Video), PID: 523 (0x020B) - Descriptor 0: Video Stream (0x02, 2), 3 bytes Multiple frame rate: false, frame rate: 0x03 (25 fps) MPEG-1 only: false, constained parameter: true, still picture: false Profile and level: 0x48 (72) Chroma format: 0x01 (4:2:0) Frame rate extension: false - Descriptor 1: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x00003A98 (15000), 6,000,000 bits/second Elementary stream: type 0x03 (MPEG-1 Audio), PID: 760 (0x02F8) - Descriptor 0: ISO-639 Language (0x0A, 10), 4 bytes Language: eng, Type: 0x00 (undefined) - Descriptor 1: Audio Stream (0x03, 3), 1 bytes Free format: false, variable rate: false ID: 0, layer: 2 - Descriptor 2: Maximum Bitrate (0x0E, 14), 3 bytes Maximum bitrate: 0x000001EC (492), 196,800 bits/second * SDT Actual, TID 66 (0x42), PID 17 (0x0011) Version: 7, sections: 1, total size: 659 bytes - Section 0: Transport Stream Id: 1072 (0x0430) Original Network Id: 4114 (0x1012) Service Id: 1072 (0x0430), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 44 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "Channel 9 Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1073 (0x0431), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 38 bytes Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) Service: "9HD Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1074 (0x0432), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 39 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "9Go! Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1075 (0x0433), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 40 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "9Life Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1076 (0x0434), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 41 bytes Service type: 0x19 (Advanced codec HD digital television service) Service: "9GemHD Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1077 (0x0435), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 44 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "Channel 9 Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1078 (0x0436), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 39 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "9Gem Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1079 (0x0437), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 39 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "9Go! Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" Service Id: 1080 (0x0438), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 40 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "9Rush Melbourne", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au Service Id: 1081 (0x0439), EITs: yes, EITp/f: yes, CA mode: free Running status: running - Descriptor 0: Service (0x48, 72), 30 bytes Service type: 0x01 (Digital television service) Service: "Extra", Provider: "Nine Network Australia" - Descriptor 1: Default Authority (0x73, 115), 18 bytes 0000: 63 72 69 64 3A 2F 2F 6E 69 6E 65 2E 63 6F crid://nine.co 000E: 6D 2E 61 75 m.au