![]() |
TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for ts::xml::Element, including all inherited members.
addElement(const UString &childName) | ts::xml::Element | |
addHexaText(const void *data, size_t size, bool onlyNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
addHexaText(const ByteBlock &data, bool onlyNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
addHexaTextChild(const UString &name, const void *data, size_t size, bool onlyNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
addHexaTextChild(const UString &name, const ByteBlock &data, bool onlyNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
addText(const UString &text, bool onlyNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
attribute(const UString &attributeName, bool silent=false) const | ts::xml::Element | |
childrenCount() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
clear() override | ts::xml::Element | virtual |
clone() const override | ts::xml::Element | virtual |
debug() const | ts::xml::Node | |
deleteAttribute(const UString &name) | ts::xml::Element | |
depth() const | ts::xml::Node | |
document() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
document() | ts::xml::Node | |
Element(Report &report=(ts::NullReport::Instance()), size_t line=0, CaseSensitivity attributeCase=CASE_INSENSITIVE) | ts::xml::Element | explicit |
Element(Node *parent, const UString &name, CaseSensitivity attributeCase=CASE_INSENSITIVE, bool last=true) | ts::xml::Element | |
Element(const Element &other) | ts::xml::Element | |
findFirstChild(const UString &name, bool silent=false) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
findFirstChild(const UString &name, bool silent=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
firstChild() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
firstChild() | ts::xml::Node | inline |
firstChildElement() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
firstChildElement() | ts::xml::Node | |
getAttribute(UString &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const UString &defValue=UString(), size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getAttributes(std::map< UString, UString > &attr) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getAttributesCount() const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
getAttributesNames(UStringList &names) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getAttributesNamesInModificationOrder(UStringList &names) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getBoolAttribute(bool &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, bool defValue=false) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getChildren(ElementVector &children, const UString &name, size_t minCount=0, size_t maxCount=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getChronoAttribute(cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const cn::duration< Rep, Period > &defValue=cn::duration< Rep, Period >::zero(), const cn::duration< Rep, Period > &minValue=cn::duration< Rep, Period >::min(), const cn::duration< Rep, Period > &maxValue=cn::duration< Rep, Period >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getConditionalIntAttribute(std::optional< INT > &value, const UString &name, bool condition, INT1 minValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::min(), INT2 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getDateAttribute(Time &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const Time &defValue=Time()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getDateTimeAttribute(Time &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const Time &defValue=Time()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getEnumAttribute(INT &value, const Names &definition, const UString &name, bool required=false, INT1 defValue=INT(0)) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getEnumAttribute(std::optional< INT > &value, const Names &definition, const UString &name, bool required=false, INT1 defValue=INT(0)) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
getFloatAttribute(FLT &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, FLT1 defValue=static_cast< FLT >(0.0), FLT2 minValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::lowest(), FLT3 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getHexaText(ByteBlock &data, size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getHexaTextChild(ByteBlock &data, const UString &name, bool required=false, size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getIntAttribute(INT &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, INT1 defValue=static_cast< INT >(0), INT2 minValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::min(), INT3 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getIntAttribute(std::optional< INT > &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, INT1 defValue=static_cast< INT >(0), INT2 minValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::min(), INT3 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
getIPAttribute(IPAddress &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const IPAddress &defValue=IPAddress()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getMACAttribute(MACAddress &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const MACAddress &defValue=MACAddress()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalAttribute(std::optional< UString > &value, const UString &name, size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalBoolAttribute(std::optional< bool > &value, const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalDateAttribute(std::optional< Time > &value, const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalDateTimeAttribute(std::optional< Time > &value, const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalEnumAttribute(std::optional< INT > &value, const Names &definition, const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalFloatAttribute(std::optional< FLT > &value, const UString &name, FLT1 minValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::lowest(), FLT2 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalIntAttribute(std::optional< INT > &value, const UString &name, INT1 minValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::min(), INT2 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< typename ts::underlying_type< INT >::type >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getOptionalTimeAttribute(std::optional< cn::duration< Rep, Period > > &value, const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getText(UString &data, bool trim=false, size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getTextChild(UString &data, const UString &name, bool trim=false, bool required=false, const UString &defValue=UString(), size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getTimeAttribute(cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value, const UString &name, bool required=false) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
getTimeAttribute(cn::duration< Rep1, Period1 > &value, const UString &name, bool required, const cn::duration< Rep2, Period2 > &defValue) const | ts::xml::Element | |
getVariableAttribute(std::optional< UString > &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, const UString &defValue=UString(), size_t minSize=0, size_t maxSize=UNLIMITED) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
getVariableFloatAttribute(std::optional< FLT > &value, const UString &name, bool required=false, FLT1 defValue=static_cast< FLT >(0), FLT2 minValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::lowest(), FLT3 maxValue=std::numeric_limits< FLT >::max()) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
hasAttribute(const UString &attributeName) const | ts::xml::Element | |
hasAttribute(const UString &attributeName, const UString &value, bool similar=false) const | ts::xml::Element | |
hasChildElement(const UString &name) const | ts::xml::Element | |
hasChildren() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
haveSameName(const Element *other) const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
identifyNextNode(TextParser &parser) | ts::xml::Node | protected |
lastChild() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
lastChild() | ts::xml::Node | inline |
lineNumber() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
merge(Element *other, MergeAttributes attrOptions=MergeAttributes::ADD) | ts::xml::Element | |
move(Node *newSibling, bool before) | ts::xml::Node | |
moveAfter(Node *newSibling) | ts::xml::Node | inline |
moveBefore(Node *newSibling) | ts::xml::Node | inline |
name() const | ts::xml::Element | inline |
nextSibling() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
nextSibling() | ts::xml::Node | |
nextSiblingElement() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
nextSiblingElement() | ts::xml::Node | |
Node(Report &report, size_t line=0) | ts::xml::Node | explicitprotected |
Node(const Node &other) | ts::xml::Node | protected |
Node(Node *parent, const UString &value=UString(), bool last=true) | ts::xml::Node | explicitprotected |
oneLiner() const | ts::xml::Node | virtual |
parent() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
parent() | ts::xml::Node | inline |
parentName() const | ts::xml::Element | |
parseChildren(TextParser &parser) | ts::xml::Node | protectedvirtual |
parseNode(TextParser &parser, const Node *parent) override | ts::xml::Element | protectedvirtual |
preserveSpace() const | ts::xml::Node | |
previousSibling() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
previousSibling() | ts::xml::Node | |
previousSiblingElement() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
previousSiblingElement() | ts::xml::Node | |
print(TextFormatter &output, bool keepNodeOpen=false) const override | ts::xml::Element | virtual |
printClose(TextFormatter &output, size_t levels=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max()) const override | ts::xml::Element | virtual |
removeComments(bool recurse) | ts::xml::Node | |
reparent(Node *newParent, bool last=true) | ts::xml::Node | |
report() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
ringAlone() const | ts::RingNode | inline |
ringInsertAfter(RingNode *o) | ts::RingNode | |
ringInsertBefore(RingNode *o) | ts::RingNode | |
ringNext() | ts::RingNode | inline |
ringNext() const | ts::RingNode | inline |
RingNode()=default | ts::RingNode | |
ringPrevious() | ts::RingNode | inline |
ringPrevious() const | ts::RingNode | inline |
ringRemove() | ts::RingNode | |
ringSize() const | ts::RingNode | |
ringSwap(RingNode *o) | ts::RingNode | |
setAttribute(const UString &name, const UString &value, bool onlyIfNotEmpty=false) | ts::xml::Element | |
setBoolAttribute(const UString &name, bool value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setChronoAttribute(const UString &name, cn::duration< Rep, Period > value, bool hexa=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setDateAttribute(const UString &name, const Time &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setDateTimeAttribute(const UString &name, const Time &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setEnumAttribute(const Names &definition, const UString &name, INT value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setFloatAttribute(const UString &name, FLT value, size_t width=0, size_t precision=6, bool force_sign=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setIntAttribute(const UString &name, INT value, bool hexa=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setIPAttribute(const UString &name, const IPAddress &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setMACAttribute(const UString &name, const MACAddress &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< UString > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalBoolAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< bool > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalDateAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< Time > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalDateTimeAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< Time > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalEnumAttribute(const Names &definition, const UString &name, const std::optional< INT > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalFloatAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< FLT > &value, size_t width=0, size_t precision=6, bool force_sign=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalIntAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< INT > &value, bool hexa=false) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setOptionalTimeAttribute(const UString &name, const std::optional< cn::duration< Rep, Period > > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setPreserveSpace(bool on) | ts::xml::Node | inlineprotected |
setTimeAttribute(const UString &name, const cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value) | ts::xml::Element | inline |
setValue(const UString &value) | ts::xml::Node | inline |
sort(const UString &name=UString()) | ts::xml::Element | |
stickyOutput() const | ts::xml::Node | virtual |
text(bool trim=false) const | ts::xml::Element | |
tweaks() const | ts::xml::Node | virtual |
typeName() const override | ts::xml::Element | virtual |
value() const | ts::xml::Node | inline |
~Node() override | ts::xml::Node | virtual |
~RingNode() | ts::RingNode | virtual |