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TSDuck v3.41-4175
MPEG Transport Stream Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for ts::Buffer, including all inherited members.
backBits(size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
backBytes(size_t bytes) | ts::Buffer | |
Buffer(size_t size=DEFAULT_SIZE) | ts::Buffer | |
Buffer(void *data, size_t size, bool read_only=false) | ts::Buffer | |
Buffer(const void *data, size_t size) | ts::Buffer | |
Buffer(const Buffer &other) | ts::Buffer | |
Buffer(Buffer &&other) | ts::Buffer | |
canRead() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
canReadBits(size_t bits) const | ts::Buffer | inline |
canReadBytes(size_t bytes) const | ts::Buffer | inline |
canWrite() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
canWriteBits(size_t bits) const | ts::Buffer | inline |
canWriteBytes(size_t bytes) const | ts::Buffer | inline |
capacity() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
clearError() | ts::Buffer | inline |
clearReadError() | ts::Buffer | inline |
clearUserError() | ts::Buffer | inline |
clearWriteError() | ts::Buffer | inline |
currentReadAddress() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
currentReadBitOffset() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
currentReadByteOffset() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
currentWriteAddress() const | ts::Buffer | inlineprotected |
currentWriteBitOffset() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
currentWriteByteOffset() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
data() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
DEFAULT_SIZE | ts::Buffer | static |
dropState(size_t level=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
endOfRead() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
endOfWrite() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
error() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
externalMemory() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
getBCD(size_t bcd_count) | ts::Buffer | |
getBCD(INT &value, size_t bcd_count) | ts::Buffer | |
getBit() | ts::Buffer | |
getBits(size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
getBits(INT &value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getBits(std::optional< INT > &value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
getBits(cn::duration< Rep, Period > &value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
getBool() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getBytes(uint8_t *buffer, size_t bytes) | ts::Buffer | |
getBytes(size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
getBytes(ByteBlock &bb, size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
getBytesAppend(ByteBlock &bb, size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
getFloat32() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getFloat64() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt16() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt24() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt32() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt40() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt48() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt64() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getInt8() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt16() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt24() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt32() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt40() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt48() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt64() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUInt8() | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF16(UString &result, size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF16(size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF16WithLength(UString &result, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF16WithLength(size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF8(UString &result, size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF8(size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF8WithLength(UString &result, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
getUTF8WithLength(size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
internalMemory() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
isBigEndian() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
isLittleEndian() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
isNativeEndian() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
isValid() const | ts::Buffer | |
MINIMUM_SIZE | ts::Buffer | static |
operator=(const Buffer &other) | ts::Buffer | |
operator=(Buffer &&other) | ts::Buffer | |
popState(size_t level=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
pushedLevels() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
pushReadSize(size_t size) | ts::Buffer | |
pushReadSizeFromLength(size_t length_bits) | ts::Buffer | |
pushState() | ts::Buffer | |
pushWriteSequenceWithLeadingLength(size_t length_bits) | ts::Buffer | |
pushWriteSize(size_t size) | ts::Buffer | |
putBCD(INT value, size_t bcd_count) | ts::Buffer | |
putBit(uint8_t bit) | ts::Buffer | |
putBits(INT value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
putBits(const std::optional< INT > &value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putBits(cn::duration< Rep, Period > value, size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putBytes(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t bytes) | ts::Buffer | |
putBytes(const ByteBlock &bb, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
putFixedUTF16(const UString &str, size_t size, uint16_t pad=0, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putFixedUTF8(const UString &str, size_t size, uint8_t pad=0, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putFloat32(ieee_float32_t f) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putFloat64(ieee_float64_t f) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt16(int16_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt24(int32_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt32(int32_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt40(int64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt48(int64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt64(int64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putInt8(int8_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putPartialUTF16(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putPartialUTF16WithLength(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putPartialUTF8(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putPartialUTF8WithLength(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putReserved(size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
putReservedZero(size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt16(uint16_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt24(uint32_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt32(uint32_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt40(uint64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt48(uint64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt64(uint64_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUInt8(uint8_t i) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUTF16(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUTF16WithLength(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUTF8(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | inline |
putUTF8WithLength(const UString &str, size_t start=0, size_t count=NPOS, size_t length_bits=8) | ts::Buffer | inline |
readError() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
readIsByteAligned() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
readOnly() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
readRealignByte() | ts::Buffer | |
readSeek(size_t byte, size_t bit=0) | ts::Buffer | |
remainingReadBits() const | ts::Buffer | |
remainingReadBytes() const | ts::Buffer | |
remainingWriteBits() const | ts::Buffer | |
remainingWriteBytes() const | ts::Buffer | |
reservedBitsError() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
reservedBitsErrorString(size_t base_offset=0, const UString &margin=UString()) | ts::Buffer | inline |
ReservedBitsErrorString(std::vector< size_t > &errors, size_t base_offset=0, const UString &margin=UString()) | ts::Buffer | static |
reset(size_t size) | ts::Buffer | |
reset(void *data, size_t size, bool read_only=false) | ts::Buffer | |
reset(const void *data, size_t size) | ts::Buffer | |
resize(size_t size, bool reallocate) | ts::Buffer | |
setBigEndian() | ts::Buffer | inline |
setLittleEndian() | ts::Buffer | inline |
setNativeEndian() | ts::Buffer | inline |
setReadError() | ts::Buffer | inlineprotected |
setUserError() | ts::Buffer | inline |
setWriteError() | ts::Buffer | inlineprotected |
size() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
skipBits(size_t bits) | ts::Buffer | |
skipBytes(size_t bytes) | ts::Buffer | |
skipReservedBits(size_t bits, int expected=1) | ts::Buffer | |
swapState() | ts::Buffer | |
switchEndian() | ts::Buffer | inline |
tryGetASCII(UString &result, size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
tryGetASCII(size_t bytes=NPOS) | ts::Buffer | |
userError() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
writeError() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
writeIsByteAligned() const | ts::Buffer | inline |
writeRealignByte(int stuffing=0) | ts::Buffer | |
writeSeek(size_t byte, size_t bit=0) | ts::Buffer | |
writeSeek(size_t byte, size_t bit, uint8_t stuffing) | ts::Buffer | |
~Buffer() | ts::Buffer |